CIRCULAR OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND ECONOMIC COOPERATION ON PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTING THE MEASURES FOR ORGANIZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE IMPORT OF CRUDE OIL AND FINISHED OIL (Waijingmao Guanfa [1999] No. 96 February 13, 1999) Relevant ministries and commissions of the State Council, commissions (departments, bureaus) of foreign trade and economic cooperation of the various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under Central Planning, the Administration of Quota and License Affairs, foreign economic and trade enterprises under the administration of the Central Government: Measures for Organizing the implementation of the import of Crude Oil and Finished Oil are now printed and distributed to you. These Measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. Please comply with it accordingly. It is hereby notified.
| | 对外贸易经济合作部关于印发《原油、成品油进口组织实施办法》的通知 (〔1999〕外经贸管发第96号 1999年2月13日) 国务院有关部委,各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市外经贸委(厅、局),配额许可证事务局,中央管理的外经贸企业: 现将《原油、成品油进口组织实施办法》印发给你们,自发布之日起生效,请遵照执行。 特此通知。
| | 附件:如文
| | 附件: 原油、成品油进口组织实施办法
| | 第一章 总则
Article 1 With a view to ensuring the smooth carrying out of the work of import of crude oil and finished oil (catalog of crude oil and finished oil shall be seen in the attachment), strengthening and perfecting the macro-control of the import of crude oil and finished oil, establishing an open, fair, just and beneficial management mechanism of export and maintaining normal operation order of the import of crude oil and finished oil, the Measures are hereby formulated according to the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China, Provisional Regulations on License System of Import Goods, Provisional Measures on Operation and Management of Import Goods and other relevant regulations of the State Council on the management of the import of crude oil and finished oil.
| | 第一条 为保证原油、成品油(原油、成品油目录详见附件)进口工作的顺利开展,加强和完善对原油、成品油进口的宏观调控,建立公开、公平、公正、效益的进口管理机制,维护原油、成品油正常的进口经营秩序,根据《对外贸易法》、《进口货物许可制度暂行条例》、《进口商品经营管理暂行办法》和国务院对原油、成品油进口管理的有关规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the MOFTEC) is responsible for organising the implementation of the import of crude oil and finished oil and the vocational guidance, coordination and management on import agent enterprises.
| | 第二条 外经贸部负责原油、成品油进口的组织实施工作及对代理进口企业的业务指导和协调管理。
Article 3 The MOFTEC is responsible for adjusting the plan of the import of crude oil and finished oil. If the plan surpasses the national total import after the adjustment, the MOFTEC shall ask for the permission of the State Economic and Trade Commission.
| | 第三条 外经贸部负责对原油、成品油进口计划的调整。调整超过全国进口总量的,外经贸部将征得国家经贸委同意。
| | 第二章 代理进口企业
Article 4 The import agent enterprises called in the Measures refer to the enterprises with qualification to undertake self-operated or agent import of crude oil and finished oil according to relevant stipulations of State laws and regulations and the Measures.
| | 第四条 本办法所称代理进口企业,是指按照国家法律法规及本办法的有关规定,有资格从事自营或代理原油、成品油进口的企业。
Article 5 The MOFTEC shall carry out operation and management of the appraised and fixed companies on the import of crude oil and finished oil according to Provisional Measures on Operation and Management of Import Goods approved by the State Council. All enterprises that have not been appraised and fixed are not allowed to undertake the import of crude oil and finished oil. The general trade of crude oil and finished oil by import agent enterprises shall be examined and verified by the MOFTEC before being submitted to the State Council for approval. At present, there are four import agent enterprises which undertake general trade of crude oil and finished oil, such as China Chemicals Import and Export Corporation, China International Petroleum Chemicals Allied Corporation, China Petroleum Allied Corporation and Zhen Rong Company, Zhuhai (the subsidiary enterprises, branches and branch organizations are not included, the same as follows).
| | 第五条 外经贸部根据国务院批准的《进口商品经营管理暂行办法》对原油、成品油进口实行核定公司经营管理。未经核定的企业一律不得经营原油和成品油的进口业务。 原油、成品油一般贸易代理进口企业由外经贸部审核后报国务院批准。目前原油、成品油一般贸易代理进口企业共有四家,即中国化工进出口总公司、中国国际石化联合公司、中国联合石油公司和珠海振戎公司(均不含其子公司、分公司及分支机构,下同)。
Article 6 User enterprises and import agent enterprises which are listed in the plan of the import of crude oil and finished oil have a relation of entrustment and agency. User enterprises may entrust enterprises with right to operate import agency as agents on their own within the scope regulated by the Measures. As the same legal person, user enterprises and import agent enterprises may arrange production and import by themselves. If what is listed in Article 7 of the Measures or other illegal actions are found, the MOFTEC will implement dynamic management of the percentage of import agency as well as select the superior and eliminate the inferior according to relevant regulations.
| | 第六条 列入进口原油、成品油计划的用户企业和代理进口企业是委托与代理关系。用户企业在本办法规定的范围内可自行委托有代理进口经营权的企业代理进口。用户企业与代理进口企业为同一法人时,可自行安排生产进口。如出现本办法第七章列明的以及其他违规现象,外经贸部将按有关规定对进口代理比例进行动态管理,优胜劣汰。
| | 第三章 进口计划的下达
Article 7 Total import of the plan of crude oil and finished oil approved by the State Council shall be jointly transmitted to relevant departments of the State Council (hereinafter referred to as various departments), various enterprises under the management of the Central Government, various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities under the Central Government and cities under the Central Planing (hereinafter referred to as various local places) by State Economic and Trade Commission and the MOFTEC.
| | 第七条 根据国务院批准的原油、成品油进口计划总量,由国家经贸委会同外经贸部联合下达到国务院有关部门(以下简称“各部门”)、各中央管理企业和各省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市(以下简称“各地方”)。
Article 8 Various local competent authorities of foreign trade and economic cooperation shall consult with local economic and trade commissions in formulating secondary allocation plan timely according to the plan of placing an order on the import of crude oil and finished oil and the whole-year plan that are jointly transmitted by State Economic and Trade Commission and the MOFTEC, as well as the adjustment plan of chapter four the Measures transmitted by the MOFTEC. The secondary allocation shall be transmitted to relevant enterprises in local region and reported to the MOFTEC for keeping on record. ...... | | 第八条 各地方外经贸主管部门应及时根据国家经贸委和外经贸部联合下达的原油、成品油进口预订货计划和全年计划、以及本办法第四章外经贸部下达的调整计划,商地方经贸委制定二次分配计划,下达到本地区有关企业,并报外经贸部备案。 国务院有关部门应及时根据国家经贸委和外经贸部联合下达的原油、成品油进口预计货计划和全年计划、以及本办法第四章外经贸部下达的调整计划,制定二次分配计划,下达到本部门有关企业,并报外经贸部备案。 ...... |
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