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Notice of the Ministry of Commerce, the National Bureau of Statistics, and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issuing the Statistical Rules on Foreign Direct Investment (2015 Revision) [Expired]
商务部、国家统计局、国家外汇管理局关于印发《对外直接投资统计制度》的通知(2015修订) [失效]
Notice of the Ministry of Commerce, the National Bureau of Statistics, and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issuing the Statistical Rules on Foreign Direct Investment (2015 Revision) 


(No. 6 [2015] of the Ministry of Commerce) (商合函〔2015〕6号)

The competent commerce departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate state planning, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; the National Bureau of Statistics and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange; and other relevant enterprises and entities: 各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市及新疆生产建设兵团商务主管部门,统计局、外汇局,有关企业、单位:
According to Interim Measures for the Administration of Departmental Statistical Survey (Order No. 4 [1999] of the National Bureau of Statistics), the Ministry of Commerce, the National Bureau of Statistics, and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange have made amendments and supplements to the Statistical System of Foreign Direct Investment issued in December 2012 in light of the actualities and characteristics of foreign direct investment in China during the recent two years and in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment (the Fourth Edition, hereinafter referred to as the “Definition”) of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”). The main amendments are as follows: 根据《部门统计调查管理暂行办法》(国家统计局令1999年第4号)的规定,商务部、国家统计局、国家外汇管理局结合近两年我国对外投资的实际及特点,并按照经济合作与发展组织(OECD)《关于外国直接投资基准定义》(第四版,以下简称定义)的相关要求,对2012年12月印发的《对外直接投资统计制度》进行了修订和补充,主要调整内容如下:
I. The requirements on the names of statistical indicators have been specified. According to the requirements of the Definition, “capital stock,” “reinvestment with profits,” and “other investment” in the composition of foreign direct investment are replaced by “stock equity,” “reinvestment with earnings,” and “debt instrument”, respectively.   一、对统计指标名称进行了规范。按照定义要求,将对外直接投资构成中的“股本”调整为“股权”,“利润再投资”调整为“收益再投资”,“其他投资”调整为“债务工具”。
II. The Table of “Distribution of Investment and Income between Domestic Investors and Foreign Enterprises,” is divided into two tables: Table of “Flow and Inventory of Foreign Direct Investment” (Table FDIN3) and Table of “Income from Foreign Direct Investment” (Table FDIN5). The relevant indicators and contents of “income from foreign direct investment” are changed according to the Definition.   二、将“境内投资者与境外企业间投资、收益分配情况”表拆分为“对外直接投资流量、存量情况”表(FDIN3表)和“对外直接投资收入情况” 表(FDIN5表),并将“对外直接投资收入情况”中相关指标及内容根据定义进行了调整。
III. An annual statement of “Debt Instruments among Member Enterprises” (Table FDIN4) reflecting the debt instruments between domestic investors and overseas member enterprises is added.   三、增加反映境内投资者与境外成员企业间债务工具情况的“成员企业间债务工具情况”年报表(FDIN4表)。
IV. An annual statement of “Return Investment of Overseas Enterprises” reflecting the ultimate return investment of domestic investors in mainland enterprises through overseas enterprises (Table FDIN7) is added.   四、增加反映境内投资者通过境外企业最终返程投资到中国内地企业的“境外企业返程投资情况”年报表(FDIN7表)。
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