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Measures for the Import and Export of Gold and Gold Products [Revised]
黄金及黄金制品进出口管理办法 [已被修订]
Order of the People's Bank of China and the General Administration of Customs 


(No. 1 [2015]) (〔2015〕第1号)

In accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licenses for the Administrative Examination and Approval Items Really Necessary to Be Retained, the Measures for the Import and Export of Gold and Gold Products, as formulated by the People's Bank of China (“PBC”) and the General Administration of Customs (“GAC”), are hereby issued and shall take effect on April 1, 2015. 根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《中华人民共和国海关法》和《国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》,中国人民银行、海关总署制定了《黄金及黄金制品进出口管理办法》,现予发布,自2015年4月1日起施行。
President of the People's Bank of China, Zhou Xiaochuan 人民银行行长 周小川
Director of the State Administration of Customs, Yu Guangzhou 海关总署署长 于广洲
March 4, 2015 2015年3月4日
Measures for the Import and Export of Gold and Gold Products 



Article 1 To regulate the import and export of gold and gold products and strengthen the regulation of the import and export of gold and gold products, the present Measures are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licenses for the Administrative Examination and Approval Items Really Necessary to Be Retained.   第一条 为了规范黄金及黄金制品进出口行为,加强黄金及黄金制品进出口管理,根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《中华人民共和国海关法》和《国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》等法律法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purpose of these Measures, gold means gold unwrought and gold products mean semi-finished gold and finished products of gold.   第二条 本办法所称黄金是指未锻造金,黄金制品是指半制成金和金制成品等。
Article 3 The PBC, as the authority in charge of the import and export of gold and gold products, implements a permit system for the import and export of gold and gold products.   第三条 中国人民银行是黄金及黄金制品进出口主管部门,对黄金及黄金制品进出口实行准许证制度。
The PBC, based on the needs of national macroeconomic regulation and control, may conduct restrictive approval for the import and export volume of gold and gold products. 中国人民银行根据国家宏观经济调控需求,可以对黄金及黄金制品进出口的数量进行限制性审批。
For the import and export customs clearance of gold and gold products as included in the Catalogue for the Regulation of the Import and Export of Gold and Gold Products, the Import and Export License of the People's Bank of China for Gold and Gold Products (Annex 1) issued by the PBC or a PBC branch shall be submitted to the Customs. 列入《黄金及黄金制品进出口管理目录》的黄金及黄金制品进口或出口通关时,应当向海关提交中国人民银行及其分支机构签发的《中国人民银行黄金及黄金制品进出口准许证》(附1)。
The PBC shall, in conjunction with the GAC, formulate, adjust, and issue the Catalogue for the Regulation of the Import and Export of Gold and Gold Products. 中国人民银行会同海关总署制定、调整并公布《黄金及黄金制品进出口管理商品目录》。
Article 4 A legal person or another organization importing and exporting gold and gold products by the following trade modes shall obtain an Import and Export License of the People's Bank of China for Gold and Gold Products in accordance with these Measures:   第四条 法人、其他组织以下列贸易方式进出口黄金及黄金制品的,应当按照本办法办理《中国人民银行黄金及黄金制品进出口准许证》:
(1) General trade; (一)一般贸易;
(2) Processing trade for the domestic market and gold products exported under processing trade with gold raw materials purchased within the territory of China; and (二)加工贸易转内销及境内购置黄金原料以加工贸易方式出口黄金制品的;
(3) Import and export between areas under special customs supervision or supervised bonded places and overseas areas. (三)海关特殊监管区域、保税监管场所与境内区外之间进出口的。
An individual, a legal person or any other organization donating imported gold and gold products for public interest undertakings shall obtain an Import and Export License of the People's Bank of China for Gold and Gold Products in accordance with these Measures. 个人、法人或者其他组织因公益事业捐赠进口黄金及黄金制品的,应当按照本办法办理《中国人民银行黄金及黄金制品进出口准许证》。
The provisions on the administration of individuals entering and leaving China with gold and gold products shall be formulated by the PBC in conjunction with the GAC. 个人携带黄金及黄金制品进出境的管理规定,由中国人民银行会同海关总署制定。
Article 5 The import and export of the State gold reserves shall be handled by the PBC.   第五条 国家黄金储备进出口由中国人民银行办理。
The import and export of gold coins (including gold precious metal commemorative coins) shall be handled by institutions designated by the PBC. 金质铸币(包括金质贵金属纪念币)进出口由中国人民银行指定机构办理。
Article 6 The main market players with the qualifications for the import and export of gold shall assume the liability of balancing the supply and demand of material objects on the domestic gold market. Gold to be imported and exported shall be registered at a spot gold exchange approved by the State Council where the first trade shall be completed.   第六条 获得黄金进出口资格的市场主体应当承担平衡国内黄金市场实物供求的责任,进出口黄金应当在国务院批准的黄金现货交易所内登记,并完成初次交易。
Article 7 Applications for the import and export of gold and the import of gold products donated for public interest undertakings shall be accepted and approved by the PBC.   第七条 黄金进出口和公益事业捐赠黄金制品进口申请由中国人民银行受理和审批。
Applications for the import and export of gold products shall be accepted by the branches of the PBC at or above the prefecture level and approved by the Shanghai Head Office of the PBC, the branches and business management departments of the PBC, or the central sub-branches of the PBC in the capital cities of the provinces (autonomous regions), and the central sub-branch of the PBC in Shenzhen. 黄金制品进出口申请由中国人民银行地市级以上分支机构受理,中国人民银行上海总部,各分行、营业管理部、省会(首府)城市中心支行,深圳市中心支行审批。
Article 8 An applicant for the import and export of gold (except the import of gold for donation to public interest undertakings) shall have corporate status, have no record of violating laws and regulations within the recent two years, and satisfy one of the following conditions:   第八条 申请黄金进出口(除因公益事业捐赠进口黄金)的,应当具备法人资格,近2年内无相关违法违规行为,并且具备下列条件之一:
(1) It is a financial institution member or a market maker on a gold exchange approved by the State Council, with professionals of the gold business, a perfect gold business risk control system, and stable gold import and export channels, whose business carried out on the gold market complies with relevant policies or regulatory provisions, and whose spot trading of gold is active and the volume of transactions for its own account is among the highest in the two years before the application is filed. (一)是国务院批准的黄金交易所的金融机构会员或做市商,具备黄金业务专业人员、完善的黄金业务风险控制制度和稳定的黄金进出口渠道,所开展的黄金市场业务符合相关政策或管理规定,并且申请前两个年度黄金现货交易活跃、自营交易量排名前列;
(2) It is a comprehensive member of a gold exchange approved by the State Council, and a mining enterprise with annual gold production of 10 tons or more, pollutant emissions during the production process satisfying the environmental protection standards of the state, overseas gold mineral products investment scale exceeding 50 million USD, which has obtained mining rights of overseas gold mines or paragenetic and associated gold mines, which has formed mineral gold production capacity, whose business carried out complies with relevant policies or administration provisions, and whose spot trading of gold is active and volume of transactions for its own account is among the highest in the two years before the application is filed. (二)是国务院批准的黄金交易所的综合类会员,年矿产金10吨以上、其生产过程中的污染物排放达到国家环保标准,在境外黄金矿产投资规模达5000万美元以上,取得境外金矿或者共生、伴生金矿开采权,已形成矿产金生产能力,所开展的业务符合国内外相关政策或管理规定,申请前两个年度黄金现货交易活跃,自营交易量排名前列的矿产企业;
(3) It is a mining enterprise, with three consecutive years of domestic taxation records no less than 200 million yuan and investment in overseas nonferrous metals exceeding 100 million USD, which has obtained mining rights of an overseas gold mine or paragenetic and associated gold mine and is ready to produce gold, and whose business carried out complies with the relevant policies or regulatory provisions. (三)在国内有连续3年且每年不少于2亿元人民币的纳税记录,在境外有色金属投资1亿美元以上,取得境外金矿或共生、伴生金矿开采权,已形成矿产金生产能力,所开展的业务符合国内外相关政策或管理规定的矿产企业;
(4) It is a manufacturing enterprise that assumes the task of producing precious metal commemorative coins for the state. (四)承担国家贵金属纪念币生产任务进口黄金的生产企业;
(5) It is a gold importing and exporting refining enterprise which has become a certified brand on the international gold market. (五)为取得国际黄金市场品牌认证资格进出口黄金的精炼企业。

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