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Electronic Signature Law of the People's Republic of China | | 中华人民共和国电子签名法 |
(Adopted at the 11th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on August 28, 2004, and amended in accordance with the Decision on Amending the Six Laws Including the Electric Power Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 14th Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress on April 24, 2015) | | (2004年8月28日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议通过 根据2015年4月24日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国电力法〉等六部法律的决定》修正) |
Contents | | 目录 |
Chapter I General Provisions | | 第一章 总则 |
Chapter II Data Message | | 第二章 数据电文 |
Chapter III Electronic Signature and Certification | | 第三章 电子签名与认证 |
Chapter IV Legal Liabilities | | 第四章 法律责任 |
Chapter V Supplementary Provisions | | 第五章 附则 |
Chapter I General Provisions | | 第一章 总则 |
Article 1 The present Law is formulated for the purpose of regulating the act of electronic signature, establishing the legal effect of electronic signature, and maintaining the lawful rights and interests of the relevant parties concerned. | | 第一条 为了规范电子签名行为,确立电子签名的法律效力,维护有关各方的合法权益,制定本法。 |
Article 2 The “Electronic Signature” as mentioned in the present Law shall refer to the data included and attached in data message in electronic form, for the use of identifying the identity of the signatory and showing that the signatory has recognized the contents therein. | | 第二条 本法所称电子签名,是指数据电文中以电子形式所含、所附用于识别签名人身份并表明签名人认可其中内容的数据。 |
The “Data Message” as mentioned in the present Law shall refer to the information created, sent, received or stored by such means as electron, optics, magnetism or the similar means. | | 本法所称数据电文,是指以电子、光学、磁或者类似手段生成、发送、接收或者储存的信息。 |
Article 3 The parties may stipulate to use or not to use electronic signature or data message in the contract or other documents and documentations in civil activities. | | 第三条 民事活动中的合同或者其他文件、单证等文书,当事人可以约定使用或者不使用电子签名、数据电文。 |
The legal effect of any document using electronic signature and data message as stipulated by the parties shall not be denied only because it takes the form of electronic signature and data message. | | 当事人约定使用电子签名、数据电文的文书,不得仅因为其采用电子签名、数据电文的形式而否定其法律效力。 |
The aforesaid provisions shall not be applicable to the following documents: | | 前款规定不适用下列文书: |
1. Documents concerning such personal relations as marriage, adoption and succession, etc.; | | (一)涉及婚姻、收养、继承等人身关系的; |
2. Documents concerning the transfer of such real estate rights and interests as land, and house, etc.; | | (二)涉及土地、房屋等不动产权益转让的; |
3. Documents concerning stopping water supply, heat supply, gas supply and power supply, and other public utility services; and | | (三)涉及停止供水、供热、供气、供电等公用事业服务的; |
4. Other circumstances under which the electronic documents are not applicable as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. | | (四)法律、行政法规规定的不适用电子文书的其他情形。 |
Chapter II Data Message | | 第二章 数据电文 |
Article 4 Any data message that can show the contents it specifies in material form, and may be picked up for reference and use at any time, shall be regarded as complying with the written form as prescribed by laws and regulations. | | 第四条 能够有形地表现所载内容,并可以随时调取查用的数据电文,视为符合法律、法规要求的书面形式。 |
Article 5 The data message meeting the following requirements shall be regarded as satisfying the requirements for the form of the original as prescribed by laws and regulations: | | 第五条 符合下列条件的数据电文,视为满足法律、法规规定的原件形式要求: |
1. Data message that is capable of effectively showing the contents it specifies and may be picked up for reference and use at any time; and | | (一)能够有效地表现所载内容并可供随时调取查用; |
2. Data message that is capable of unfailingly ensuring that the contents are complete and unaltered from the time when it finally comes into being. But the integrality of the data message will not be influenced by the adding of endorsement in the data message and the alteration of forms occurred during the course of data interchange, storage and display. | | (二)能够可靠地保证自最终形成时起,内容保持完整、未被更改。但是,在数据电文上增加背书以及数据交换、储存和显示过程中发生的形式变化不影响数据电文的完整性。 |
Article 6 Any data message that meets the following requirements shall be regarded as satisfying the requirements for document preservation as prescribed by laws and regulations: | | 第六条 符合下列条件的数据电文,视为满足法律、法规规定的文件保存要求: |
1. Being capable of effectively showing the contents it specifies and may be picked up for reference and use at any time; | | (一)能够有效地表现所载内容并可供随时调取查用; |
2. The format of the data message is the same as the format when it is created, sent or received, or the format is not the same but is able to accurately show the contents of original creation, sending, or receiving; and | | (二)数据电文的格式与其生成、发送或者接收时的格式相同,或者格式不相同但是能够准确表现原来生成、发送或者接收的内容; |
3. Being capable of identifying the addresser, addressee of the data message and the time for sending and receiving. | | (三)能够识别数据电文的发件人、收件人以及发送、接收的时间。 |
Article 7 No data message may be rejected for being used as evidence only because it is created, sent, received or stored by ways of electron, optics, magnetism, or the similar means. | | 第七条 数据电文不得仅因为其是以电子、光学、磁或者类似手段生成、发送、接收或者储存的而被拒绝作为证据使用。 |
Article 8 The following factors shall be taken into consideration when making examination on the truthfulness of any data message as evidence: | | 第八条 审查数据电文作为证据的真实性,应当考虑以下因素: |
1. The reliability of the methods for creation, storage or transmission of data message; | | (一)生成、储存或者传递数据电文方法的可靠性; |
2. The reliability of the methods for keeping the integrality of the contents; | | (二)保持内容完整性方法的可靠性; |
3. The reliability of the methods for identifying the addresser; and | | (三)用以鉴别发件人方法的可靠性; |
4. Other relevant factors. | | (四)其他相关因素。 |
Article 9 Under any of the following circumstances, the data message shall be regarded as being sent by the addresser: | | 第九条 数据电文有下列情形之一的,视为发件人发送: |
1. Being sent upon the authorization of the addresser; | | (一)经发件人授权发送的; |
2. Being sent automatically by the information system of the addresser; or | | (二)发件人的信息系统自动发送的; |
3. The addressee finds that the consequence complies, upon examination, with the validation on the data message according to the method approved by the addresser. | | (三)收件人按照发件人认可的方法对数据电文进行验证后结果相符的。 |
Unless there are different stipulations by the parties on the matters prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the stipulations shall be followed. | | 当事人对前款规定的事项另有约定的,从其约定。 |
Article 10 In case the receiving of any data message needs to be confirmed as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations or the stipulations of the parties, the receiving shall be confirmed. If an addresser has received any confirmation of the addressee on the receiving, the data message shall be regarded as having been received. | | 第十条 法律、行政法规规定或者当事人约定数据电文需要确认收讫的,应当确认收讫。发件人收到收件人的收讫确认时,数据电文视为已经收到。 |
Article 11 The time when any data message enters into a certain information system out of the control of the addresser shall be regarded as the time for sending the data message. | | 第十一条 数据电文进入发件人控制之外的某个信息系统的时间,视为该数据电文的发送时间。 |
In case an addressee has designated a given system to receive any data message, the time when the data message enters into the given system shall be regarded as the time for receiving the data message. If no given system is designated, the time when the data message enters into any system of the addressee for the first time shall be regarded as the time for receiving the data message. | | 收件人指定特定系统接收数据电文的,数据电文进入该特定系统的时间,视为该数据电文的接收时间;未指定特定系统的,数据电文进入收件人的任何系统的首次时间,视为该数据电文的接收时间。 |
In case the parties have different stipulations on the time for sending and receiving the data message, the stipulations shall be followed. | | 当事人对数据电文的发送时间、接收时间另有约定的,从其约定。 |
Article 12 The main business place of an addresser shall be the place for sending data message, the main business place of the addressee shall be the place for receiving data message. If there is no main business place, the habitual residence shall be the sending or receiving place. | | 第十二条 发件人的主营业地为数据电文的发送地点,收件人的主营业地为数据电文的接收地点。没有主营业地的,其经常居住地为发送或者接收地点。 |
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