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Announcement No. 43 [2015] of the People's Bank of China—Administrative Measures for the Online Payment Business of Non-Banking Payment Institutions [Effective]
中国人民银行公告(2015)第43号――非银行支付机构网络支付业务管理办法 [现行有效]
Announcement of the People's Bank of China 


(No. 43 [2015]) (〔2015〕第43号)

For purposes of regulating the online payment business of non-banking payment institutions, preventing payment risks, and protecting the parties' lawful rights and interests, the People's Bank of China (“PBC”) has developed the Administrative Measures for the Online Payment Business of Non-Banking Payment Institutions, which are hereby issued for implementation. 为规范非银行支付机构网络支付业务,防范支付风险,保护当事人合法权益,中国人民银行制定了《非银行支付机构网络支付业务管理办法》,现予发布实施。
People's Bank of China 中国人民银行
December 28, 2015 2015年12月28日
Annex: 附件:
Administrative Measures for the Online Payment Business of Non-Banking Payment Institutions 非银行支付机构网络支付业务管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For purposes of regulating the online payment business of non-banking payment institutions (hereinafter referred to as “payment institutions”), preventing payment risks, and protecting the parties' lawful rights and interests, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, the Measures for the Administration of Payment Services Provided by Non-Financial Institutions (Order No. 2 [2010], PBC) and other provisions.   第一条 为规范非银行支付机构(以下简称支付机构)网络支付业务,防范支付风险,保护当事人合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《非金融机构支付服务管理办法》(中国人民银行令〔2010〕第2号发布)等规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the provision of online payment services by payment institutions.   第二条 支付机构从事网络支付业务,适用本办法。
For the purpose of these Measures, “payment institutions” means non-banking financial institutions that have obtained a Payment Business Permit in accordance with the law and are approved to provide online payment services such as Internet payment, mobile phone payment, landline phone payment, and digital TV payment. 本办法所称支付机构是指依法取得《支付业务许可证》,获准办理互联网支付、移动电话支付、固定电话支付、数字电视支付等网络支付业务的非银行机构。
For the purpose of these Measures, “online payment business” means that the payee or payer sends long-distance payment orders through computers, mobile terminals and other electronic equipment by relying on the public network information system, the payer's electronic equipment is not connected to the payee's specific exclusive equipment, and the payment institution provides monetary transfer services for the payer and payee. 本办法所称网络支付业务,是指收款人或付款人通过计算机、移动终端等电子设备,依托公共网络信息系统远程发起支付指令,且付款人电子设备不与收款人特定专属设备交互,由支付机构为收付款人提供货币资金转移服务的活动。
For the purpose of these Measures, “specific exclusive equipment of the payee” means the electronic equipment exclusively used for receipts in trading, connected to the business payment system of payment institutions in the course of trading and participates in the generation, transport and handling of payment orders. 本办法所称收款人特定专属设备,是指专门用于交易收款,在交易过程中与支付机构业务系统交互并参与生成、传输、处理支付指令的电子设备。
Article 3 Payment institutions shall, for purposes of providing small, rapid and convenient payment services or even micro payment services so as to serve the development of e-commerce and the society, provide online payment services for payment accounts based on clients' bank accounts or according to the provisions of these Measures.   第三条 支付机构应当遵循主要服务电子商务发展和为社会提供小额、快捷、便民小微支付服务的宗旨,基于客户的银行账户或者按照本办法规定为客户开立支付账户提供网络支付服务。
For the purpose of these Measures, “payment accounts” means electronic books opened by payment institutions that have obtained an Internet payment business permit for clients based on their true wishes, for purposes of recording the balance of prepaid trading funds, serving as the basis for clients to send payment orders, and reflecting detailed trading information. 本办法所称支付账户,是指获得互联网支付业务许可的支付机构,根据客户的真实意愿为其开立的,用于记录预付交易资金余额、客户凭以发起支付指令、反映交易明细信息的电子簿记。
No overdraft shall be made under payment accounts, and such accounts shall not be lent, leased or sold, and shall not be used to conduct or assist any other persons in conducting illegal activities. 支付账户不得透支,不得出借、出租、出售,不得利用支付账户从事或者协助他人从事非法活动。
Article 4 Where payment institutions provide clients with online payment services based on bank cards, they shall implement the regulatory provisions on the bank card business and the industry standards on bank cards.   第四条 支付机构基于银行卡为客户提供网络支付服务的,应当执行银行卡业务相关监管规定和银行卡行业规范。
The expansion and management of franchised merchants, and business and risk management by payment institutions shall be governed by the Measures for the Administration of Bank Card Receipt Business (Announcement No. 9 [2013], PBC) and other relevant provisions. 支付机构对特约商户的拓展与管理、业务与风险管理应当执行《银行卡收单业务管理办法》(中国人民银行公告〔2013〕第9号公布)等相关规定。
Online payment services provided by payment institutions involving cross-border RMB settlement and foreign exchange payment shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the PBC and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. 支付机构网络支付服务涉及跨境人民币结算和外汇支付的,应当执行中国人民银行、国家外汇管理局相关规定。
Payment institutions shall, in accordance with the law, protect the parties' lawful rights and interests, abide by the provisions on anti-money laundering (“AML”) and combating financing of terrorism (“CFT”) and perform the AML and CFT obligation. 支付机构应当依法维护当事人合法权益,遵守反洗钱和反恐怖融资相关规定,履行反洗钱和反恐怖融资义务。
Article 5 Payment institutions shall accept categorized evaluation in accordance with the relevant provisions of the PBC, and implement corresponding categorized supervision measures.   第五条 支付机构依照中国人民银行有关规定接受分类评价,并执行相应的分类监管措施。
Chapter II Client Management 

第二章 客户管理

Article 6 A payment institution shall establish and improve its client identity recognition mechanisms under the principle of “knowing your clients.” If a payment institution opens payment accounts for clients, it shall conduct real-name system management of clients, register and take effective measures to validate clients' basic identity information, verify their valid identity certificates as required and retain the copies or photocopies of valid identity certificates, establish unique identification codes for clients, take sustainable identity recognition measures during the course of existence of business relations with clients, ensure the valid verification of clients' identities and their true wishes, and shall not open any anonymous or pseudonymous bank account.   第六条 支付机构应当遵循“了解你的客户”原则,建立健全客户身份识别机制。支付机构为客户开立支付账户的,应当对客户实行实名制管理,登记并采取有效措施验证客户身份基本信息,按规定核对有效身份证件并留存有效身份证件复印件或者影印件,建立客户唯一识别编码,并在与客户业务关系存续期间采取持续的身份识别措施,确保有效核实客户身份及其真实意愿,不得开立匿名、假名支付账户。
Article 7 A payment institution shall sign service agreements with clients to agree on the responsibilities, rights and obligations of both parties, which shall at least specify the business rules (including but not limited to business functions and workflow, identity recognition and trading verification methods, and fund settlement methods, among others), charging items and standards, service flow and rules for inquiry, error disputes and complaints, among others, measures of preventing and handling business risks and illegal activities, the division of liabilities for clients' losses and compensation rules, etc.   第七条 支付机构应当与客户签订服务协议,约定双方责任、权利和义务,至少明确业务规则(包括但不限于业务功能和流程、身份识别和交易验证方式、资金结算方式等),收费项目和标准,查询、差错争议及投诉等服务流程和规则,业务风险和非法活动防范及处置措施,客户损失责任划分和赔付规则等内容。
Where a payment institution opens a payment account for a client, it shall, in a conspicuous manner, inform the client in the service agreement, and take valid means to confirm that the client has been fully aware of and clearly understood the following content: “the balance of funds in the payment account is not equal to the client's bank deposits, and is not protected by the Deposit Insurance Regulation, and it is, in nature, the prepaid value owned and authorized by the client for custody by the payment institution. Although the monetary funds with prepaid value belong to the client, they are deposited in the bank in the name of the payment institution, instead of the client, and the fund transfer orders shall be issued by the payment institutions to the bank.” 支付机构为客户开立支付账户的,还应在服务协议中以显著方式告知客户,并采取有效方式确认客户充分知晓并清晰理解下列内容:“支付账户所记录的资金余额不同于客户本人的银行存款,不受《存款保险条例》保护,其实质为客户委托支付机构保管的、所有权归属于客户的预付价值。该预付价值对应的货币资金虽然属于客户,但不以客户本人名义存放在银行,而是以支付机构名义存放在银行,并且由支付机构向银行发起资金调拨指令。”
The payment institution shall ensure that the content of the agreement is clear and easy to understand, and remind, in a conspicuous manner, the client to pay attention to the matters with material relation of interest with him or her. 支付机构应当确保协议内容清晰、易懂,并以显著方式提示客户注意与其有重大利害关系的事项。
Article 8 A payment institution that has obtained an online payment business permit may open a payment account for a client upon his or her proactive application; and a payment institution that only obtains the mobile phone payment, landline phone payment or digital TV payment business permit shall not open payment accounts for clients.   第八条 获得互联网支付业务许可的支付机构,经客户主动提出申请,可为其开立支付账户;仅获得移动电话支付、固定电话支付、数字电视支付业务许可的支付机构,不得为客户开立支付账户。
The payment institution shall not open a payment account for any financial institution or any other institution that engages in financial businesses such as credit, financing, wealth management, guarantee, trust and currency exchange. 支付机构不得为金融机构,以及从事信贷、融资、理财、担保、信托、货币兑换等金融业务的其他机构开立支付账户。
Chapter III Business Management 

第三章 业务管理

Article 9 A payment institution shall not run, or run in any disguised form, any business such as securities, insurance, credit, financing, wealth management, guarantee, trust, currency exchange and cash deposit and withdrawal.   第九条 支付机构不得经营或者变相经营证券、保险、信贷、融资、理财、担保、信托、货币兑换、现金存取等业务。
Article 10 Where a payment institution sends a payment order to the bank where the client opens the account to withdraw funds from the client's bank account, the payment institution and the bank shall implement the following requirements:   第十条 支付机构向客户开户银行发送支付指令,扣划客户银行账户资金的,支付机构和银行应当执行下列要求:
(1) The payment institution shall, in advance or in the first transaction, independently recognize the client's identity and obtain the agreement-based authorization of the client and the bank respectively, which consents to its sending of payment order to the bank where the client opens the account and to the withdrawal of funds from the account. (一)支付机构应当事先或在首笔交易时自主识别客户身份并分别取得客户和银行的协议授权,同意其向客户的银行账户发起支付指令扣划资金;
(2) The bank shall, in advance or in the first transaction, independently recognize the client's identity and directly sign an authorization agreement with the client to expressly agree on the applicable scope of withdrawal and trading verification methods, set the limit of each transaction and accumulated transactions on a single day commensurate with the client's risk tolerance, and make an undertaking on unconditional assumption of advance compensation for the losses caused by the risks of such type of transactions in full amount. (二)银行应当事先或在首笔交易时自主识别客户身份并与客户直接签订授权协议,明确约定扣款适用范围和交易验证方式,设立与客户风险承受能力相匹配的单笔和单日累计交易限额,承诺无条件全额承担此类交易的风险损失先行赔付责任;
(3) The payment institution shall not verify transactions on behalf of the bank, except small-sum payment businesses of which the amount of each transaction is not more than 200 yuan, payment for public undertakings, payment of taxes and fees, credit card repayment and the payee's other fixed payment businesses occurring on a periodical basis, and the circumstances prescribed in Article 37. (三)除单笔金额不超过200元的小额支付业务,公共事业缴费、税费缴纳、信用卡还款等收款人固定并且定期发生的支付业务,以及符合第三十七条规定的情形以外,支付机构不得代替银行进行交易验证。
Article 11 A payment institution shall conduct correlation management of all payment accounts opened by a same client in the institution, and conduct categorized management of individual payment accounts according to the following requirements:   第十一条 支付机构应根据客户身份对同一客户在本机构开立的所有支付账户进行关联管理,并按照下列要求对个人支付账户进行分类管理:
(1) For an individual client that passes the verification of basic identity information in a non-face-to-face manner through at least one legal and safe external channel, and opens a payment account with the institution for the first time, the payment institution may open a Class-I payment account for him or her, the balance in the account may be used for consumption and account transfers only, and the accumulative amount of balance payment transactions shall not exceed 1,000 yuan as of the date when the account is opened (including account transfer from the payment account to the client's same-name bank account). (一)对于以非面对面方式通过至少一个合法安全的外部渠道进行身份基本信息验证,且为首次在本机构开立支付账户的个人客户,支付机构可以为其开立Ⅰ类支付账户,账户余额仅可用于消费和转账,余额付款交易自账户开立起累计不超过1000元(包括支付账户向客户本人同名银行账户转账);
(2) For an individual client whose identity is verified by the payment institution or by a partner authorized by the payment institution face to face, or whose basic identity information is subject to multiple cross-validation by at least three legal and safe external channels in a non-face-to-face manner, the payment institution may open a Class-II payment account for him or her, the balance in the account may only be used for consumption and account transfer, and the accumulative amount of balance payment transactions in all payment accounts during a year shall not exceed 100,000 yuan (excluding account transfers from the payment account to the client's same-name bank account). (二)对于支付机构自主或委托合作机构以面对面方式核实身份的个人客户,或以非面对面方式通过至少三个合法安全的外部渠道进行身份基本信息多重交叉验证的个人客户,支付机构可以为其开立Ⅱ类支付账户,账户余额仅可用于消费和转账,其所有支付账户的余额付款交易年累计不超过10万元(不包括支付账户向客户本人同名银行账户转账);
(3) For an individual client whose identity is verified by the payment institution or by a partner authorized by the payment institution face to face, or whose basic identity information is subject to multiple cross-validation by at least five legal and safe external channels in a non-face-to-face manner, the payment institution may open a Class-III payment account for him or her, the balance in the account may be used for consumption, account transfers, and the procurement of investment and wealth management and other financial products, and the accumulative amount of balance payment transactions in all payment accounts during a year shall not exceed 200,000 yuan (excluding account transfers from the payment account to the client's same-name bank account). (三)对于支付机构自主或委托合作机构以面对面方式核实身份的个人客户,或以非面对面方式通过至少五个合法安全的外部渠道进行身份基本信息多重交叉验证的个人客户,支付机构可以为其开立Ⅲ类支付账户,账户余额可以用于消费、转账以及购买投资理财等金融类产品,其所有支付账户的余额付款交易年累计不超过20万元(不包括支付账户向客户本人同名银行账户转账)。
The channels for the external verification of clients' basic identity information shall include but not be limited to the database of government departments, the information system of commercial banks, and commercial databases, among others. The verification of individual clients' basic identity information through commercial banks shall apply to Class-I bank accounts or credit cards. 客户身份基本信息外部验证渠道包括但不限于政府部门数据库、商业银行信息系统、商业化数据库等。其中,通过商业银行验证个人客户身份基本信息的,应为Ⅰ类银行账户或信用卡。
Article 12 Where a payment institution handles account transfers between a bank account and a payment account, the relevant bank account and payment account shall belong to the same client.   第十二条 支付机构办理银行账户与支付账户之间转账业务的,相关银行账户与支付账户应属于同一客户。
The payment institution shall, as agreed upon with clients, handle account transfers between payment accounts and clients' bank accounts in a timely manner, and shall not limit the number of account transfers from Class-II and Class-III payment accounts to clients' bank accounts. 支付机构应按照与客户的约定及时办理支付账户向客户本人银行账户转账业务,不得对Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类支付账户向客户本人银行账户转账设置限额。
Article 13 Where a payment institution handles account transfers from prepaid cards issued by it to payment accounts, it shall conduct separate management of balance of account transfer from prepaid cards to payment accounts in accordance with the Administrative Measures for the Prepaid Card Business of Payment Institutions (Announcement No. 12 [2012], PBC), and the balance may only be used for consumption, and cash-out or cash-out in any disguised form through account transfer, procurement of investment and wealth management and other financial products, and other forms are prohibited.   第十三条 支付机构为客户办理本机构发行的预付卡向支付账户转账的,应当按照《支付机构预付卡业务管理办法》(中国人民银行公告〔2012〕第 12号公布)相关规定对预付卡转账至支付账户的余额单独管理,仅限其用于消费,不得通过转账、购买投资理财等金融类产品等形式进行套现或者变相套现。
Article 14 A payment institution shall ensure that trading information is true, complete, trackable and consistent during the entire payment process, and shall not falsify or conceal any trading information. Trading information shall include but not be limited to:   第十四条 支付机构应当确保交易信息的真实性、完整性、可追溯性以及在支付全流程中的一致性,不得篡改或者隐匿交易信息。交易信息包括但不限于下列内容:
(1) trading channel, trading terminal or interface type, trading type, trading amount, trading time, and the name and code of the franchised merchant directly providing clients with goods or services, and the merchant category code set according to the standards of the state and the financial industry; (一)交易渠道、交易终端或接口类型、交易类型、交易金额、交易时间,以及直接向客户提供商品或者服务的特约商户名称、编码和按照国家与金融行业标准设置的商户类别码;
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