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Reply of the Liaison Office of the Supreme People's Court on the Report on Requesting Allowing Apprentice Lawyers to Assist in the Handling of Case-Docketing Formalities [Effective]
最高人民法院联络工作办公室关于对《请求准予实习律师协助办理立案手续的报告》的答复意见 [现行有效]
Reply of the Liaison Office of the Supreme People's Court on the Report on Requesting Allowing Apprentice Lawyers to Assist in the Handling of Case-Docketing Formalities 


The Shenzhen Lawyers' Association: 深圳市律师协会:
Your Report on Requesting Allowing Apprentice Lawyers to Assist in the Handling of Case-Docketing Formalities has been received. Upon deliberation, the following reply is hereby made: 你会《关于请求准予实习律师协助办理立案手续的报告》收悉。经研究,答复如下:
In accordance with the provisions of existing procedure laws, before a lawsuit is filed, certain conditions shall be met, which include the eligibility of subjects in litigation, namely, they shall be the parties as prescribed in laws. Both the parties and their legal representatives may authorize agent ad litem. For civil litigation, Article 58 of the Civil Procedure Law provides that: “The following persons may serve as an agent ad litem: 从现行诉讼法规定看,起诉应当符合一定条件。其中包括诉讼主体适格,即应当是法律规定的当事人。当事人,法定代表人也可以委托诉讼代理人。以民事诉讼为例,《民事诉讼法》第五十八条规定:下列人员可以被委托为诉讼代理人:
(1) a lawyer or a basic-level legal service worker; (一)律师、基层法律服务工作者;
(2) a close relative or staff member of a party; and (二)当事人的近亲属或者工作人员;
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