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Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Assemblies, Processions and Demonstrations (2011Revision) [Effective]
中华人民共和国集会游行示威法实施条例(2011修订) [现行有效]
Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Assemblies, Processions and Demonstrations 


(Approved by the State Council on May 12, 1992, issued by Order No. 8 of the Ministry of Public Security on June 16, 1992, and revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Repealing and Amending Some Administrative Regulations (Order No. 588 of the State Council) on January 8, 2011) (1992年5月12日国务院批准 1992年6月16日公安部令第8号发布 根据2011年1月8日国务院令第588号《国务院关于废止和修改部分行政法规的决定》修订)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is developed in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Assemblies, Processions and Demonstrations (hereinafter referred to as the “Law on Assemblies, Processions and Demonstrations”).   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国集会游行示威法》(以下简称《集会游行示威法》),制定本条例。
Article 2 The people's governments at all levels shall safeguard citizens' exercise of their right to assembly, procession and demonstration in accordance with the law, maintain social stability and public order, and guarantee that the lawfully held assemblies, processions and demonstrations are not disturbed, broken into or disrupted by anybody by violence, coercion or any other illegal means.   第二条 各级人民政府应当依法保障公民行使集会、游行、示威的权利,维护社会安定和公共秩序,保障依法举行的集会、游行、示威不受任何人以暴力、胁迫或者其他非法手段进行扰乱、冲击和破坏。
Article 3 For the purpose of Article 2 of the Law on Assemblies, Processions and Demonstrations, “public places in the open air” means the outdoor public places accessibleto the generalpublic freely or with tickets, excluding the internal places in the open air administered by organs, groups, enterprises and public institutions; and “public roads” means the roads and waterways other than the internal special roads of organs, groups, enterprises and public institutions.   第三条 《集会游行示威法》二条所称露天公共场所是指公众可以自由出入的或者凭票可以进入的室外公共场所,不包括机关、团体、企业事业组织管理的内部露天场所;公共道路是指除机关、团体、企业事业组织内部的专用道路以外的道路和水路。
Article 4 Recreational and sports activities, normal religious activities and traditional folk events shall be administered by the people's governments at all levels or the relevant competent departments in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and other relevant provisions of the state.   第四条 文娱、体育活动,正常的宗教活动,传统的民间习俗活动,由各级人民政府或者有关主管部门依照有关的法律、法规和国家其他有关规定进行管理。
Article 5 For the purpose of Article 5 of the Law on Assemblies, Processions and Demonstrations, "weapons" means various guns, ammunition, and other instruments that may be used to inflict personal injuries; “controlled cutting tools” means daggers, three-squaretools, switchblades and other knivescontrolled in accordance with the law; and “explosives” means all explosives with explosive power and destructive property which can instantly cause personal casualties and property damage.   第五条 《集会游行示威法》五条所称武器是指各种枪支、弹药以及其他可用于伤害人身的器械;管制刀具是指匕首、三棱刀、弹簧刀以及其他依法管制的刀具;爆炸物是指具有爆发力和破坏性能,瞬间可以造成人员伤亡、物品毁损的一切爆炸物品。
No weapon, controlled cutting tool or explosive as listed in the preceding paragraph may be carried in an assembly, procession or demonstration nor be carried to the place where the assembly, procession or demonstration is held. 前款所列武器、管制刀具、爆炸物,在集会、游行、示威中不得携带,也不得运往集会、游行、示威的举行地。
Article 6 In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Law on Assemblies, Processions and Demonstrations,traffic and public order shall be maintained when an activity for which no application is required is held.   第六条 依照《集会游行示威法》七条第二款的规定,举行不需要申请的活动,应当维护交通秩序和社会秩序。
Article 7 An assembly, procession or demonstration shall be administered by the public security bureau or sub-bureau at the municipality, county or city where the assembly, procession or demonstration is held.   第七条 集会、游行、示威由举行地的市、县公安局、城市公安分局主管。
If the route of a procession or demonstration cuts through two or more districts or counties in the same municipality directly under the Central Government or directly under the jurisdiction of a province or an autonomous region or the same region where a local office of the people's government of the province or autonomous region is located, the public security bureau of the municipality or the public security division of the local office of the people's government of the province or autonomous region shall take charge of the procession or demonstration; where the route of a procession or demonstration passes across two or more municipalities directly under the jurisdiction of the same province or autonomous region within the administrative region of the province or autonomous region , the public security department of the local province or autonomous region shall take charge of the procession or demonstration; or where the route of a procession or demonstration cuts through two or more provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government, the Ministry of Public Security or, as authorized by the Ministry of Public Security, the public security organ of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall take charge of the procession or demonstration. 游行、示威路线在同一直辖市、省辖市、自治区辖市或者省、自治区人民政府派出机关所在地区经过两个以上区、县的,由该市公安局或者省、自治区人民政府派出机关的公安处主管;在同一省、自治区行政区域内经过两个以上省辖市、自治区辖市或者省、自治区人民政府派出机关所在地区的,由所在省、自治区公安厅主管;经过两个以上省、自治区、直辖市的,由公安部主管,或者由公安部授权的省、自治区、直辖市公安机关主管。
Chapter II Application and Permission for Assemblies, Processions and Demonstrations 

第二章 集会游行示威的申请和许可

Article 8 There must be a person or persons responsible for the holding of an assembly, procession or demonstration.   第八条 举行集会、游行、示威,必须有负责人。
The following personnel shall not be responsible for the holding of an assembly, procession or demonstration: 下列人员不得担任集会、游行、示威的负责人:
(1) Persons with no capacity for civil conduct or limited capacity for civil conduct. (一)无行为能力人或者限制行为能力人;
(2) Convicted persons who are still serving sentence. (二)被判处刑罚尚未执行完毕的;
(3) Persons undergoing reeducation through labor. (三)正在被劳动教养的;
(4) Persons subject to criminal compulsory measures or other measures that restrict personal freedom as prescribed by laws, as taken in accordance with the law. (四)正在被依法采取刑事强制措施或者法律规定的其他限制人身自由措施的。
Article 9 To hold assemblies, processions or demonstrations, the responsible persons shall submit in person written applications to the competent public security organs as prescribed in Article 7 of this Regulation. Written applications that are not submitted by the responsible persons in person shall not be accepted by the competent public security organs.   第九条 举行集会、游行、示威,必须由其负责人向本条例第七条规定的主管公安机关亲自递交书面申请;不是由负责人亲自递交书面申请的,主管公安机关不予受理。
The responsible persons for assemblies, processions and demonstrations shall, when submitting written applications, produce their resident identification cards or other valid certificates, and truthfully fill out application registration forms. 集会、游行、示威的负责人在递交书面申请时,应当出示本人的居民身份证或者其他有效证件,并如实填写申请登记表。
Article 10 The competent public security organs shall, after receiving the written applications for assemblies, processions and demonstrations, examine them in a timely manner, and make a written decision on whether to grant permission or not during the statutory period. The written decision shall specify the permitted contents or the reasons for not granting permission.   第十条 主管公安机关接到集会、游行、示威的申请书后,应当及时审查,在法定期限内作出许可或者不许可的书面决定;决定书应当载明许可的内容,或者不许可的理由。
A written decision shall, two days before the date of assembly, possession or demonstration as indicated in the application, be served on the responsible person, and the responsible person shall sign on the service notice. Where the responsible person refuses to sign to acknowledge the receipt thereof, the server shall invite a representative of a local grassroots organization or any other person to be present at the scene to make explanations as a witness, and specify on the notice of service the reasons for and the date of refusal of receipt. With the signature of the witness and the server, the written decision shall be left at the residence of the responsible person and be deemed served. 决定书应当在申请举行集会、游行、示威日的2日前送达其负责人,由负责人在送达通知书上签字。负责人拒绝签收的,送达人应当邀请其所在地基层组织的代表或者其他人作为见证人到场说明情况,在送达通知书上写明拒收的事由和日期,由见证人、送达人签名,将决定书留在负责人的住处,即视为已经送达。
Where the responsible person fails to wait at the specific time or place for the service of the written decision as agreed on in advance, and the written decision is therefore unable to be served, it shall be deemed that the application is revoked by the applicant. Where the competent public security organ fails to service the written decision at the agreed time or place, it shall be deemed that the application is approved. 事前约定送达的具体时间、地点,集会、游行、示威的负责人不在约定的时间、地点等候而无法送达的,视为自行撤销申请;主管公安机关未按约定的时间、地点送达的,视为许可。
Article 11 Where an application is made for holding an assembly, procession or demonstration which will press for the settlement of specific issues, the competent public security organ shall, within two days of receipt of the written application, deliver the Notice on the Settlement of Specific Issues through Consultation respectively to the responsible person of the assembly, procession or demonstration and the organs or entities concerned, and, where necessary, may also deliver it to the competent superior departments of the relevant organs or entities. The relevant organs or entities and the responsible person who makes the application for the assembly, procession or demonstration shall consult with each other within two days from the next day of receipt of the Notice on the Settlement of Specific Issues through Consultation issued by the public security organ. If an agreement is reached, the agreement shall, after being signed by the persons in charge of both parties, be submitted by the relevant organs or entities to the competent public security organ in a timely manner. If the applicant insists on holding an assembly, procession or demonstration as no agreement is reached or no consultation is conducted within two daysfrom the next day of receipt of the Notice on the Settlement of Specific Issues through Consultation, the relevant organs or entities shall notify the competent public security organ in a timely manner, and the competent public security organ shall make a decision on whether to grant permission or not in a timely manner by the procedures as prescribed in Article 10 of this Regulation.   第十一条 申请举行集会、游行、示威要求解决具体问题的,主管公安机关应当自接到申请书之日起2日内将《协商解决具体问题通知书》分别送交集会、游行、示威的负责人和有关机关或者单位,必要时可以同时送交有关机关或者单位的上级主管部门。有关机关或者单位和申请集会、游行、示威的负责人,应当自接到公安机关的《协商解决具体问题通知书》的次日起2日内进行协商。达成协议的,协议书经双方负责人签字后,由有关机关或者单位及时送交主管公安机关;未达成协议或者自接到《协商解决具体问题通知书》的次日起2日内未进行协商,申请人坚持举行集会、游行、示威的,有关机关或者单位应当及时通知主管公安机关,主管公安机关应当依照本条例第十条规定的程序及时作出许可或者不许可的决定。
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