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Announcement of the General Administration of Customs | | 海关总署公告 |
(No. 13 [2017]) | | (2017年第13号) |
Announcement on Revising the Instructions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Completing the Customs Declaration Forms for the Import and Export of Goods | | 关于修订《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物报关单填制规范》的公告 |
For the purposes of regulating the declarations made by the consignees and consigners of goods for import and export, and unifying the requirements for completing the declaration forms for the import and export of goods, the General Administration of Customs has revised the Instructions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Completing the Customs Declaration Forms for the Import and Export of Goods(Announcement No. 20 [2016], GACC). The text of the Instructions, as revised this time, and the relevant contents are hereby announced as follows: | | 为规范进出口货物收发货人的申报行为,统一进出口货物报关单填制要求,海关总署对《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物报关单填制规范》(海关总署2016年第20号公告)进行了修订。现将本次修订后的规范文本及有关内容公告如下: |
I. According to the relevant current provisions, the requirements for filling in such columns as “Consumer or User/Manufacturer or Sellor,” “Mode of Transport,” “Nature of Tax Collection or Exemption,” “Trade Country (Region),” “Domestic Destination/Domestic Origin of Goods,” “License Number,” “Attached Documents,” “Shipping Marks and Remarks,” “Special Relationship Confirmation,” “Price Impact Confirmation,” and “Confirmation of Payment of Royalties Related to Goods,” are adjusted accordingly. | | 一、根据现行相关规定对“消费使用单位/生产销售单位”、 “运输方式”、“征免性质”、“贸易国(地区)”、“境内目的地/境内货源地”、“许可证号”、“随附单证”、“标志唛码及备注”、“特殊关系确认”、“价格影响确认”、“与货物有关的特许权使用费支付确认”等栏目的填制要求做了相应调整。 |
II. In item (5) “Import Date/Export Date,”“this column is used by the Customs for issuing and printing the certification page of the customs declaration form, and does not have to be completed during the declaration” is replaced with “this column does not have to be completed during the declaration.” | | 二、第五项“进口日期/出口日期”中将“本栏目供海关签发打印报关单证明联用,在申报时免予填报”修改为“本栏目在申报时免予填报”。 |
III. In item (31) “Attached Documents,” “Article 18 of These Instructions” is replaced with “Article 20 of this These Instructions.” | | 三、第三十一项“随附单证”中将“本规范第十八条”修改为“本规范第二十条”。 |
IV. Enterprises within the areas under special customs supervision (hereinafter referred to as the “special areas”) which declare the entry of goods into, or the exit of goods out of, China or the special areas, and both enterprises to the transport of goods within one special area or between different special areas shall complete a Recordation List of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Goods Entering (Leaving) China; and for goods transported between the special areas and those which are not special areas within the territory of China, the enterprises outside the special areas shall complete a Customs Declaration Form of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Import (Export) of Goods at the same time, and undergo the customs declaration formalities for the import or export of goods with the competent customs offices of the special areas. Where the goods shall, under the principle of “import declaration first and then export declaration,” be transported between enterprises within the same special area or between enterprises in different special areas, the entry recordation formalities shall be completed first, followed by the exit recordation formalities; and where goods are transported between the special areas and those which are not special areas, the enterprises within the special areas and those outside the special areas shall undergo the recordation and customs declaration formalities respectively. The Recordation List for Goods Entering (Leaving) China of the Customs of the People's Republic of China shall be, in principle, completed in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Completing the Customs Declaration Forms for the Import and Export of Goods. | | 四、海关特殊监管区域(以下简称特殊区域)企业向海关申报货物进出境、进出区,以及在同一特殊区域内或者不同特殊区域之间流转货物的双方企业,应填制《中华人民共和国海关进(出)境货物备案清单》,特殊区域与境内(区外)之间进出的货物,区外企业应同时填制《中华人民共和国海关进(出)口货物报关单》,向特殊区域主管海关办理进出口报关手续。货物流转应按照“先报进,后报出”的原则,在同一特殊区域企业之间、不同特殊区域企业之间流转的,先办理进境备案手续,后办理出境备案手续,在特殊区域与区外之间流转的,由区内企业、区外企业分别办理备案和报关手续。《中华人民共和国海关进(出)境货物备案清单》原则上按《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物报关单填制规范》的要求填制。 |
The revised Instructions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Completing the Customs Declaration Forms for the Import and Export of Goods (see Annex) shall come into force on March 29, 2017, upon which the Announcement No. 20 [2016] of the General Administration of Customs shall be repealed. | | 修订后的《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物报关单填制规范》(见附件)自2017年3月29日起执行,海关总署2016年第20号公告同时废止。 |
| | 特此公告。 |
Annex: Instructions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Completing the Customs Declaration Forms for the Import and Export of Goods | | 附件:《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物报关单填制规范》 |
General Administration of Customs | | 海关总署 |
March 16, 2017 | | 2017年3月16日 |
Annex | | 附件 |
Instructions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Completing the Customs Declaration Forms for the Import and Export of Goods | | 中华人民共和国海关进出口货物报关单填制规范 |
For the purposes of regulating the declarations made by the consignees and consigners of goods for import and export, unifying the requirements for completing the customs declaration forms for the import and export of goods, and guaranteeing the data quality of customs declaration forms, this Instructions is developed in accordance with the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant regulations. | | 为规范进出口货物收发货人的申报行为,统一进出口货物报关单填制要求,保证报关单数据质量,根据《中华人民共和国海关法》及有关法规,制定本规范。 |
The Customs Declaration Form of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Import (Export) of Goods is mentioned in this Instructions in forms of“declaration form”, “import declaration form” or “export declaration form.” | | 《中华人民共和国海关进(出)口货物报关单》在本规范中采用“报关单”、“进口报关单”、“出口报关单”的提法。 |
The columns of a declaration form shall be completed as follows: | | 报关单各栏目的填制规范如下: |
I. Pre-entry Number | | 一、预录入编号 |
This column shall be filled in with the number pre-entered into a declaration form, and the pre-entry numbering rules shall be determined by the Customs that accepts the declaration. | | 本栏目填报预录入报关单的编号,预录入编号规则由接受申报的海关决定。 |
II. Customs Number | | 二、海关编号 |
This column shall be filled in with the number given by the Customs to a declaration form when the Customs accepts the declaration, and each declaration form shall correspond to one exclusive customs number. | | 本栏目填报海关接受申报时给予报关单的编号,一份报关单对应一个海关编号。 |
The customs number of a declaration form consists of 18 digits, of which the first four digits represent the number of the Customs accepting the declaration (the corresponding customs code in the Codes for Customs Districts), the fifth through eighth digits represent the calendar year when the Customs accepts the declaration, the ninth digit is the mark for import or export (“1” for import and “0” for export; and “I” for import and “E” for export in a centralized declaration list), and the last nine digits represent the sequence number. | | 报关单海关编号为18位,其中第1-4位为接受申报海关的编号(海关规定的《关区代码表》中相应海关代码),第5-8位为海关接受申报的公历年份,第9位为进出口标志(“1”为进口,“0”为出口;集中申报清单“I”为进口,“E”为出口),后9位为顺序编号。 |
III. Consignee/Consignor | | 三、收发货人 |
This column shall be filled in with the name and code of the legal person or any other organization or person within the territory of China that is registered with the Customs and that signs and performs the import or export trade contract. The code may be either the 18-digit unified social credit code of a legal person or any other organization or the 10-digitcustoms registration code. | | 本栏目填报在海关注册的对外签订并执行进出口贸易合同的中国境内法人、其他组织或个人的名称及编码。编码可选填18位法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码或10位海关注册编码任一项。 |
The filling requirements under specific circumstances are as follows: | | 特殊情况下填制要求如下: |
(1) Where any enterprise signing a goods import or export contract is not the one that performs the contract, the enterprise that performs the contract shall be filled in. | | (一)进出口货物合同的签订者和执行者非同一企业的,填报执行合同的企业。 |
(2) Where a foreign-funded enterprise authorizes an import or export enterprise to import any investment equipment and goods, the foreign-funded enterprise shall be filled in, and “authorizing an import or export enterprise to import goods” shall be indicated in the column of “Shipping Marks and Remarks,” and the 18-digit unified social credit code of the legal person or any other organization of the authorized enterprise shall be indicated. | | (二)外商投资企业委托进出口企业进口投资设备、物品的,填报外商投资企业,并在标记唛码及备注栏注明“委托某进出口企业进口”,同时注明被委托企业的18位法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码。 |
(3) A declaration enterprise that is qualified as a customs declaration agent shall, when undergoing thecustoms declaration formalities for import or export, enter the import or export enterprise authorizing it. | | (三)有代理报关资格的报关企业代理其他进出口企业办理进出口报关手续时,填报委托的进出口企业。 |
(4) Where the goods governed by the Processing Trade Manual of the Customs of the People's Republic of China, the electronic account book and the different parts thereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Processing Trade Manual”) issued by the Customs are used, the consignee/consignor shall be consistent with the “operator” in the Processing Trade Manual. | | (四)使用海关核发的《中华人民共和国海关加工贸易手册》、电子账册及其分册(以下统称《加工贸易手册》)管理的货物,收发货人应与《加工贸易手册》的“经营企业”一致。 |
IV. Import Port/Export Port | | 四、进口口岸/出口口岸 |
This column shall be filled in with the name and code of the customs office at the corresponding port in the Codes for Customs Districts specified by the Customs according to the customs office at the port through which the goods enter or leave China. The filling requirements under special circumstances are as follows: | | 本栏目应根据货物实际进出境的口岸海关,填报海关规定的《关区代码表》中相应口岸海关的名称及代码。特殊情况填报要求如下: |
For the imported goods subject to customs transit, the name and code of the customs offices at the entry place of goods shall be filled in; while for the exported goods subject to customs transit, the name and code of the customs office at the exit place of goods shall be filled in. For the cross-customs district goods transferred for further processing under the supervision mode for goods subject to customs transit, the name and code of the customs office at the place where goods are moved out shall be filled in the export declaration form, and the name and code of the customs office at the place where goods are moved in shall be filled in the import declaration form. | | 进口转关运输货物应填报货物进境地海关名称及代码,出口转关运输货物应填报货物出境地海关名称及代码。按转关运输方式监管的跨关区深加工结转货物,出口报关单填报转出地海关名称及代码,进口报关单填报转入地海关名称及代码。 |
For the goods transported and transferred between different areas under special customs supervision or supervised bonded places, the name and code of the customs office at the area under special customs supervision or supervised bonded place of the other party shall be filled in. | | 在不同海关特殊监管区域或保税监管场所之间调拨、转让的货物,填报对方特殊监管区域或保税监管场所所在的海关名称及代码。 |
For other goods with no actual entry or exit, the name and code of the customs office accepting the declaration shall be filled in. | | 其他无实际进出境的货物,填报接受申报的海关名称及代码。 |
V. Import Date/Export Date | | 五、进口日期/出口日期 |
As for import date, the date when the entry of the means of transport carrying the goods is declared shall be filled in. | | 进口日期填报运载进口货物的运输工具申报进境的日期。 |
“Export date” means the date when the means of transport carrying goods completes the formalities for exit. This column is not required to be completed at the time of declaration. | | 出口日期指运载出口货物的运输工具办结出境手续的日期,本栏目在申报时免予填报。 |
In a declaration form indicating no actual entry and exit, this column shall be filled in with the date when Customs accepts the declaration. | | 无实际进出境的报关单填报海关接受申报的日期。 |
This column is an 8-digit number arranged in the following order: year (4 digits), month (2 digits) and day (2 digits). | | 本栏目为8位数字,顺序为年(4位)、月(2位)、日(2位)。 |
VI. Declaration Date | | 六、申报日期 |
“Declaration date” means the date when the Customs accepts the declaration data from the consignee or consignor of imported or exported goods, or the declaration enterprise authorized by the consignor or consignee. Where the declaration is made in the form ofelectronic customs declaration form, the declaration date shall be the date when the customs computer system records when it accepts the declaration data. Where the declaration is made in paper form, the declaration date shall be the date when the Customs accepts and registers the paper declaration form. | | 申报日期指海关接受进出口货物收发货人、受委托的报关企业申报数据的日期。以电子数据报关单方式申报的,申报日期为海关计算机系统接受申报数据时记录的日期。以纸质报关单方式申报的,申报日期为海关接受纸质报关单并对报关单进行登记处理的日期。 |
Declaration date is an 8-digit number arranged in the following order: year (4 digits), month (2 digits) and day (2 digits). This column does not have to be completed at the time of declaration. | | 申报日期为8位数字,顺序为年(4位)、月(2位)、日(2位)。本栏目在申报时免予填报。 |
VII. Consumer and User/Manufacturer and Seller | | 七、消费使用单位/生产销售单位 |
(1) As for consumer and user, this column shall be filled in with the name of theend consumer and end user of the known imported goods within the territory of China, including: | | (一)消费使用单位填报已知的进口货物在境内的最终消费、使用单位的名称,包括: |
(a)the entity that imports the goods by itself; and | | 1.自行进口货物的单位。 |
(b) the entity that entrusts an import or export enterprise to import the goods. | | 2.委托进出口企业进口货物的单位。 |
(2)As for manufacturer and seller, this column shall be filled in with the name of the manufacturer or seller of the exported goods within the territory of China, including: | | (二)生产销售单位填报出口货物在境内的生产或销售单位的名称,包括: |
(a) the entity that exports the goods by itself; and | | 1.自行出口货物的单位。 |
(b) the entity that entrusts an import or export enterprise to export the goods. | | 2.委托进出口企业出口货物的单位。 |
(3) Where goods are governed by the Processing Trade Manual, the consumer and user/manufacturer and seller shall be consistent with the “processing entity” in the Processing Trade Manual; the consumer and user/manufacturer and seller in a declaration form for tax-relief goods shall be consistent with the “applicant for tax reduction or exemption” in the Tax Collection or Exemption Certificate of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Import or Export of Goods (hereinafter referred to as the “Tax Collection or Exemption Certificate”); and for the entry and exit goods transported between a supervised bonded place and an overseas area, the column of “Consumer and User/Manufacturer and Seller” shall be filled in with the name of the supervised bonded place (in the case of a bonded logistics center (type B), the name of the enterprise within the center shall be filled in). | | (三)使用《加工贸易手册》管理的货物,消费使用单位/生产销售单位应与《加工贸易手册》的“加工企业”一致;减免税货物报关单的消费使用单位/生产销售单位应与《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物征免税证明》(以下简称《征免税证明》)的“减免税申请人”一致;保税监管场所与境外之间的进出境货物,消费使用单位/生产销售单位应当填报保税监管场所的名称(保税物流中心(B型)填报中心内企业名称)。 |
(4) The column of “Consumer and User/Manufacturer and Seller” shall be filled in under the following requirements: | | (四)消费使用单位/生产销售单位按下列要求填报: |
Where registration has been made at the Customs, the Chinese name and the 18-digit unified social credit code of a legal person or any other organization (or 10-digitcustoms registration code and registration code of the processing and manufacturing enterprise) shall be filled in. | | 已在海关注册登记的,应填报中文名称和18位法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码(或10位海关注册编码、加工生产企业登记编码)。 |
Where no registration has been made with the Customs, the Chinese name and the 18-digit unified social credit code of a legal person or any other organization and the 9-digit organization code shall be filled in. Where there is no 18-digit unified social credit code of a legal person or any other organization, this column may be left blank; or where there is no 9-digit organization code, “NO” shall be filled in. | | 未在海关注册登记的,应填报中文名称、18位法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码或9位组织机构代码。没有18位法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码的可不填,没有9位组织机构代码的应填报“NO”。 |
VIII. Mode of Transport | | 八、运输方式 |
Modes of transport include the actual mode of transport and the special mode of transport as prescribed by the Customs. The former means the mode of transport ofgoods with actual entry or exit, which is classified by the means of transport used for the entry and exit of goods; and the latter means the mode of transport ofgoods with no actual entry or exit, which is classified by the flow of goods within the territory of China. | | 运输方式包括实际运输方式和海关规定的特殊运输方式,前者指货物实际进出境的运输方式,按进出境所使用的运输工具分类;后者指货物无实际进出境的运输方式,按货物在境内的流向分类。 |
This column shall be filled in with the corresponding mode of transport selected from the List of Transport Mode Codes as prescribed by the Customs according to the mode of transport with actual entry or exit or the category of flow of goods within the territory of China. | | 本栏目应根据货物实际进出境的运输方式或货物在境内流向的类别,按照海关规定的《运输方式代码表》选择填报相应的运输方式。 |
(1) The filling requirements under special circumstances are as follows: | | (一)特殊情况填报要求如下: |
(a) For the goods that enter or leave China by non-postal courier, this column shall be filled in with the actual mode of transport. | | 1.非邮件方式进出境的快递货物,按实际运输方式填报。 |
(b) For the goods carried by entry or exit passengers, this column shall be filled in with the means of transport corresponding to the actual ways of entry and exit of passengers. | | 2.进出境旅客随身携带的货物,按旅客实际进出境方式所对应的运输方式填报。 |
(c) For the import of goods subject to customs transit, this column shall be filled in with the means of transport carrying the goods to arrive at the entry place; for the export of goods subject to customs transit, this column shall be filled in with the means of transport carrying the goods to depart from the exit place. | | 3.进口转关运输货物,按载运货物抵达进境地的运输工具填报;出口转关运输货物,按载运货物驶离出境地的运输工具填报。 |
(d) For entry or exit exhibits and goods which are not re-transported into or out of China and are left inside (outside) China for sale, and goods left to be donated and resold, “other mode of transport” (Code 9) shall be filled in. | | 4.不复运出(入)境而留在境内(外)销售的进出境展览品、留赠转卖物品等,填报“其他运输”(代码9)。 |
(2) The filling requirements when goods with no actual entry or exit flow within the territory of China are as follows: | | (二)无实际进出境货物在境内流转时填报要求如下: |
(a) For goods transported from domestic non-bonded areas to bonded areas and goods returned from bonded zones, “non-bonded area” (Code 0) shall be filled in. | | 1.境内非保税区运入保税区货物和保税区退区货物,填报“非保税区”(代码0)。 |
(b) For goods transported from bonded areas to domestic non-bonded areas, “bonded area” (Code 7) shall be filled in. | | 2.保税区运往境内非保税区货物,填报“保税区”(代码7)。 |
(c) For domestic goods stored in the export supervision warehouses and goods returned from export supervision warehouses, “supervision warehouse” (Code 1) shall be filled in. | | 3.境内存入出口监管仓库和出口监管仓库退仓货物,填报“监管仓库”(代码1)。 |
(d) For goods from bonded warehouses transferred to be sold in China, “bonded warehouse” (Code 8) shall be filled in. | | 4.保税仓库转内销货物,填报“保税仓库”(代码8)。 |
(e) For goods transported from outside a domestic bonded logistics center to the center or from the center to outside the domestic center, “logistics center” (Code W) shall be filled in. | | 5.从境内保税物流中心外运入中心或从中心运往境内中心外的货物,填报“物流中心”(代码W)。 |
(f) For goods transported from outside a domestic bonded logistics park to the park or from a park to outside the domestic park, “logistics park” (Code X) shall be filled in. | | 6.从境内保税物流园区外运入园区或从园区内运往境内园区外的货物,填报“物流园区”(代码X)。 |
(g) For goods transported between bonded ports or comprehensive bonded zones and domestic areas other than the said areas (non-special areas and supervised bonded places), “bonded port/comprehensive bonded zone”) (Code Y) shall be filled in. | | 7.保税港区、综合保税区与境内(区外)(非特殊区域、保税监管场所)之间进出的货物,填报“保税港区/综合保税区”(代码Y)。 |
(h) For goods transported between export processing zones, Zhuhai-Macao Cross-Border Industrial Zone (Zhuhai Park) or China-Kazakhstan Horgos International Border Cooperation Zone (the Chinese area) and domestic areas other than the said areas (non-special areas and supervised bonded places), “export processing zone” (Code Z) shall be filled in. | | 8.出口加工区、珠澳跨境工业区(珠海园区)、中哈霍尔果斯边境合作区(中方配套区)与境内(区外)(非特殊区域、保税监管场所)之间进出的货物,填报“出口加工区”(代码Z)。 |
(i) For goods transported from domestic areas to HongKongPort Area of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Western Corridor, “border special customs operating areas” (Code H) shall be filled in. | | 9.境内运入深港西部通道港方口岸区的货物,填报“边境特殊海关作业区”(代码H)。 |
(j) For goods transported via the declaration channels designated by two lines, namely, Hengqin New Area and Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone (hereinafter referred as the “comprehensive experimental zones”), to domestic areas other than the said areas or goods transported from domestic areas to comprehensive experimental zones designated by the two lines, and goods declared on the basis of the selective levy of tariffs within comprehensive experimental zones, “comprehensive experimental zone”) (Code T) shall be filled in. | | 10.经横琴新区和平潭综合实验区(以下简称综合试验区)二线指定申报通道运往境内区外或从境内经二线制定申报通道进入综合试验区的货物,以及综合试验区内按选择性征收关税申报的货物,填报“综合试验区”(代码T)。 |
(k) For other goods circulated domestically, “other transportation” (Code 9) shall be filled in. Such goods include the goodscirculated and transported between areas under special customs supervision, goods mutually circulated between areas under special customs supervision and supervised bonded places, goods transported to and from domestic areas declared by enterprises within areas under special customs supervision, and goods involving transfer of surplus materials under processing trade, transfer for further processing, and domestic sales, among others, outside areas under special customs supervision. | | 11.其他境内流转货物,填报“其他运输”(代码9),包括特殊监管区域内货物之间的流转、调拨货物,特殊监管区域、保税监管场所之间相互流转货物,特殊监管区域内企业申报的与境内进出的货物,特殊监管区域外的加工贸易余料结转、深加工结转、内销等货物。 |
IX. Name of Means of Transport | | 九、运输工具名称 |
This column shall be filled in with the name or number of the means of transport carrying the inbound or outbound goods. The contents filled in shall be consistent with the corresponding contents as listed in the cargo manifest declared by the transport department to the Customs.The specific filling requirements are as follows: | | 本栏目填报载运货物进出境的运输工具名称或编号。填报内容应与运输部门向海关申报的舱单(载货清单)所列相应内容一致。具体填报要求如下: |
(1) Specific requirements for filling out a declaration form when the customs declaration formalities are undergone directly at the entry or exit place or through the customs clearance mode featured by regional customs clearance integration are as follows: | | (一)直接在进出境地或采用区域通关一体化通关模式办理报关手续的报关单填报要求如下: |
(a) In the case of water transport, the vessel number (the regulatory book number for small vessels to and from Hong Kong or Macao) or the English name of the vessel shall be filled in. | | 1.水路运输:填报船舶编号(来往港澳小型船舶为监管簿编号)或者船舶英文名称。 |
(b) In the case of road transport, before the road manifest is used, the domestic license plate number of the cross-border transport vehicle shall be filled in; and as for declaration in advance in Shenzhen, the domestic license plate number + "/" + “declaration in advance” shall be filled in the declaration form. After the road manifest is used, this column is not required to be completed. | | 2.公路运输:启用公路舱单前,填报该跨境运输车辆的国内行驶车牌号,深圳提前报关模式的报关单填报国内行驶车牌号+“/”+“提前报关”。启用公路舱单后,免予填报。 |
(c) In the case of rail transport, carriage number ordelivery list number shall be filled in. | | 3.铁路运输:填报车厢编号或交接单号。 |
(d) In the case of air transport, flight number shall be filled in. | | 4.航空运输:填报航班号。 |
(e) In the case of postal transport, the postal parcel list number shall be filled in. | | 5.邮件运输:填报邮政包裹单号。 |
(f) In the case of other transport modes, the name of the specific transport modes, such as pipelines and pack animals, shall be filled in. | | 6.其他运输:填报具体运输方式名称,例如:管道、驮畜等。 |
(2) The requirements for completing the declaration forms for goods subject to customs transit are as follows: | | (二)转关运输货物的报关单填报要求如下: |
(a) Import | | 1.进口 |
(i) In the case of water transport, “@” + 16-digit pre-entry number of the customs transit declaration form (or 13-digit cargo manifest number) shall be filled in for direct transfer and advance declaration; and the English name of the entry vessel shall be filled in for transit shipment. | | (1)水路运输:直转、提前报关填报“@”+16位转关申报单预录入号(或13位载货清单号);中转填报进境英文船名。 |
(ii) In the case of rail transport, “@” + 16-digit pre-entry number of the customs transit declaration form shall be filled in for direct transfer and advance declaration; and carriage number shall be filled in for transport in transit. | | (2)铁路运输:直转、提前报关填报“@”+16位转关申报单预录入号;中转填报车厢编号。 |
(iii) In the case of air transport, “@” + 16-digit pre-entry number of the customs transit declaration form (or 13-digit cargo manifest number) shall be filled in for direct transfer and advance declaration; and “@” shall be filled in for transport in transit. | | (3)航空运输:直转、提前报关填报“@”+16位转关申报单预录入号(或13位载货清单号);中转填报“@”。 |
(iv) In the case of road or other means of transport, “@” + 16-digit pre-entry number of the customs transit declaration form (or 13-digit cargo manifest number) shall be filled in. | | (4)公路及其他运输:填报“@”+16位转关申报单预录入号(或13位载货清单号)。 |
(v) Regardless of the above-mentioned different modes of transport, “@” +13-digit cargo manifest number shall be filled in for goods under advance declaration which are subject to customs transit by using the cargo manifest for Guangdong Province. | | (5)以上各种运输方式使用广东地区载货清单转关的提前报关货物填报“@”+13位载货清单号。 |
(b) Export | | 2.出口 |
(i) In the case of water transport, “@” +16-digit pre-entry number of the customs transit declaration form (or 13-digit cargo manifest number) shall be filled in for goods not in transit. If the customs transit which involves multiple declaration forms needs to be conducted through one transit form, “@” shall be filled in the field of “name of means of transport.” | | (1)水路运输:非中转填报“@”+16位转关申报单预录入号(或13位载货清单号)。如多张报关单需要通过一张转关单转关的,运输工具名称字段填报“@”。 |
For goods in transit, “barge name” shall be filled in for domestic water transport; “train name” shall be filled in for domestic rail transport (4-digit customs district code of the competent customs office + “TRAIN”); and “vessel name” (4-digit customs district code of the competent customs office + “TRUCK”] shall be filled in for domestic road transport. | | 中转货物,境内水路运输填报驳船船名;境内铁路运输填报车名(主管海关4位关区代码+“TRAIN”);境内公路运输填报车名(主管海关4位关区代码+“TRUCK”)。 |
(ii) In the case of rail transport, “@” + 16-digit pre-entry number of the transit declaration form (or 13-digit cargo manifest number) shall be filled in. “@” shall be filled in if the customs transit which involves multiple declaration forms needs to be conducted through one transit list. | | (2)铁路运输:填报“@”+16位转关申报单预录入号(或13位载货清单号),如多张报关单需要通过一张转关单转关的,填报“@”。 |
(iii) In the case of air transport, “@” + 16-digit pre-entry number of the transit declaration form (or 13-digit cargo manifest number) shall be filled in. “@” shall be filled in if the customs transit which involves multiple declaration forms needs to be conducted through one transit list. | | (3)航空运输:填报“@”+16位转关申报单预录入号(或13位载货清单号),如多张报关单需要通过一张转关单转关的,填报“@”。 |
(iv) In the case of other modes of transport, “@” + 16-digit pre-entry number of the transit declaration form (or 13-digit cargo manifest number) shall be filled in. | | (4)其他运输方式:填报“@”+16位转关申报单预录入号(或13位载货清单号)。 |
(c) Where the customs declaration formalities are undergone through “centralized declaration,” “centralized declaration” shall be filled in this column of the customs declaration form. | | (三)采用“集中申报”通关方式办理报关手续的,报关单本栏目填报“集中申报”。 |
(d) For the declaration form indicating no actual entry and exit, it is not required to complete this column. | | (四)无实际进出境的报关单,本栏目免予填报。 |
X. Voyage Number | | 十、航次号 |
This column shall be filled in with the voyage number of the means of transport used for goods entry and exit. | | 本栏目填报载运货物进出境的运输工具的航次编号。 |
The specific filling requirements are as follows: | | 具体填报要求如下: |
(1) Declaration form when the customs declaration formalities are undergone directly at the entry or exit place or through the customs clearance mode featured by regional customs clearance integration | | (一)直接在进出境地或采用区域通关一体化通关模式办理报关手续的报关单 |
(a) In the case of water transport, the voyage number of the vessel shall be filled in. | | 1.水路运输:填报船舶的航次号。 |
(b) In the case of road transport, before the use of a road manifest, the 8-digit entry or exit date for the transport vehicle [arranged in the following order: year (4 digits), month (2 digits) and day (2 digits), here and below] shall be filled in. After the use of a road manifest, the batch number for cargo transport shall be filled in. | | 2.公路运输:启用公路舱单前,填报运输车辆的8位进出境日期〔顺序为年(4位)、月(2位)、日(2位),下同〕。启用公路舱单后,填报货物运输批次号。 |
(c) In the case of rail transport, the entry or exit date of the train shall be filled in. | | 3.铁路运输:填报列车的进出境日期。 |
(d) In the case of air transport, it's not required to fill in this column. | | 4.航空运输:免予填报。 |
(e) In the case of mail transport, the date of the entry or exit of the means of transport shall be filled in. | | 5.邮件运输:填报运输工具的进出境日期。 |
(f) In the case of other modes of transport, it's not required to fill in this column. | | 6.其他运输方式:免予填报。 |
(2) Declaration form for goods subject to customs transit | | (二)转关运输货物的报关单 |
(a) Import | | 1.进口 |
(i) In the case of water transport, “@” + voyage number of the vessel on the main inbound line shall be filled in for transshipment. Filling shall be exempt for direct transfer and advance declaration. | | (1)水路运输:中转转关方式填报“@”+进境干线船舶航次。直转、提前报关免予填报。 |
(ii) In the case of road transport, it's not required to complete this column. | | (2)公路运输:免予填报。 |
(iii) In the case of rail transport, “@” + 8-digit entry or exit date shall be filled in. | | (3)铁路运输:“@”+8位进境日期。 |
(iv) In the case of air transport, it's not required to complete this column. | | (4)航空运输:免予填报。 |
(v) In the case of other modes of transport, it's not required to fill in this column. | | (5)其他运输方式:免予填报。 |
(b) Export | | 2.出口 |
(i) In the case of water transport, it's not required to fill in this column for the goods not to be transshipped. For the goods to be transshipped, the barge voyage number for domestic water transport shall be filled in, and the 6-digit starting date of departure [arranged in the following order: year (2 digits), month (2 digits) and day (2 digits)] shall be filled in as for inbound railway and road transport. | | (1)水路运输:非中转货物免予填报。中转货物:境内水路运输填报驳船航次号;境内铁路、公路运输填报6位启运日期〔顺序为年(2位)、月(2位)、日(2位)〕。 |
(ii) In the case of LCL(Less than Container Load)bound export by railway, it's not required to fill in this column. | | (2)铁路拼车拼箱捆绑出口:免予填报。 |
(iii) In the case of air transport, it's not required to fill in this column. | | (3)航空运输:免予填报。 |
(iv) In the case of other modes of transport, it's not required to complete this column. | | (4)其他运输方式:免予填报。 |
(3) For the declaration form indicating no actual entry and exit, it's not required to fill in this column. | | (三)无实际进出境的报关单,本栏目免予填报。 |
XI. Bill of Lading Number or Waybill Number | | 十一、提运单号 |
This column shall be filled in with the number of bill of lading or waybill of imported and exported goods. | | 本栏目填报进出口货物提单或运单的编号。 |
Only one bill of lading number or waybill number is allowed for each declaration form, and it is required to complete the declaration forms separately if the goods on one invoice correspond to more than one bill of lading or waybill. | | 一份报关单只允许填报一个提单或运单号,一票货物对应多个提单或运单时,应分单填报。 |
The specific filling requirements are as follows: | | 具体填报要求如下: |
(1) When the customs declaration formalities are undergone directly at the entry or exit place or through the customs clearance mode featured by regional customs clearance integration: | | (一)直接在进出境地或采用区域通关一体化通关模式办理报关手续的 |
(a) In the case of water transport, import/export bill of lading number shall be filled in. If there is a house bill of lading, import/export bill of lading number +“*”+ house bill of lading number shall be filled in. | | 1.水路运输:填报进出口提单号。如有分提单的,填报进出口提单号+“*”+分提单号。 |
(b) In the case of road transport, before the use of a road manifest, it's not required to fill in this column; and after the use of a road manifest, the import/export master waybill number shall be filled in. | | 2.公路运输:启用公路舱单前,免予填报;启用公路舱单后,填报进出口总运单号。 |
(c) In the case of rail transport, waybill number shall be filled in. | | 3.铁路运输:填报运单号。 |
(d) In the case of air transport, master waybill number + “_” + house waybill number shall be filled in. The master waybill number shall be filled in if there is no house waybill. | | 4.航空运输:填报总运单号+“_”+分运单号,无分运单的填报总运单号。 |
(e) In the case of rail transport, the postal parcel number for mail shall be filled in. | | 5.邮件运输:填报邮运包裹单号。 |
(2) Declaration form for goods subject to customs transit | | (二)转关运输货物的报关单 |
(a) Import | | 1.进口 |
(i) In the case of water transport, the bill of lading number shall be filled in for direct transfer and transshipment, and it's not required to fill in this column for advance declaration. | | (1)水路运输:直转、中转填报提单号。提前报关免予填报。 |
(ii) In the case of rail transport, rail waybill number shall be filled in for direct transfer and transshipment, and it's not required to fill in this column for advance declaration. | | (2)铁路运输:直转、中转填报铁路运单号。提前报关免予填报。 |
(iii) In the case of air transport, master waybill number + “_” + house waybill number shall be filled in for direct transfer and transshipment. it's not required to complete this column for advance declaration. | | (3)航空运输:直转、中转货物填报总运单号+“_”+分运单号。提前报关免予填报。 |
(iv) In the case of other modes of transport, it's not required to complete this column. | | (4)其他运输方式:免予填报。 |
(v) Where the entry goods transported in the above-said transport modes are subject to customs transit by road in Guangdong Province, the vehicle plate number shall be filled in. | | (5)以上运输方式进境货物,在广东省内用公路运输转关的,填报车牌号。 |
(b) Export | | 2.出口 |
(i) In the case of water transport, bill of lading number shall be filled in for goods transshipped; filling shall be exempt for goods not to be transshipped; the vehicle plate number of the vehicle carrying goods shall be filled in for goods subject to customs transit under advance declaration in Guangdong Province. | | (1)水路运输:中转货物填报提单号;非中转货物免予填报;广东省内汽车运输提前报关的转关货物,填报承运车辆的车牌号。 |
(ii) In the case of other modes of transport, filling shall be exempt. The vehicle plate number shall be filled in for goods subject to customs transit under advance declaration in Guangdong Province. | | (2)其他运输方式:免予填报。广东省内汽车运输提前报关的转关货物,填报承运车辆的车牌号。 |
(3) Where the customs clearance formalities are undergone through the customs clearance mode of “centralized declaration,” the starting and ending dates [arranged in the following order: year (4 digits), month (2 digits) and day (2 digits), and year (4 digits), month (2 digits) and day (2 digits)] of import and export in the consolidated centralized declaration list shall be filled in the declaration form. | | (三)采用“集中申报”通关方式办理报关手续的,报关单填报归并的集中申报清单的进出口起止日期〔按年(4位)月(2位)日(2位)年(4位)月(2位)日(2位)〕。 |
(4) This column shall be left blank if no actual entry or exit occurs. | | (四)无实际进出境的,本栏目免予填报。 |
XII. Declaration entity | | 十二、申报单位 |
As for a self-declaration, the name and code of the import or export enterprise shall be filled in this column; and as for an agency declaration, the name and code of the declaration entity shall be filled in this column. | | 自理报关的,本栏目填报进出口企业的名称及编码;委托代理报关的,本栏目填报报关企业名称及编码。 |
This column may be filled in with either an18-digit unified social credit code of a legal person or any other organization or the 10-digitcustoms registration code. | | 本栏目可选填18位法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码或10位海关注册编码任一项。 |
This column shall also include the relevant sub-columns used for filling in the relevant information on the declaration entity on the bottom left of the declaration form, including the signature and seal of the declaration personnel and the declaration entity. | | 本栏目还包括报关单左下方用于填报申报单位有关情况的相关栏目,包括报关人员、申报单位签章。 |
XIII. Supervisory Mode | | 十三、监管方式 |
The supervisory mode is an administration mode set by the Customs based on the transaction mode of imported and exported goods in international trade and in consideration of the taxation, statistics and supervisory conditions on the imported and exported goods in a comprehensive manner. The code consists of four digits, the first two of which are classification codes divided in accordance with the supervision requirements of Customs and the computer management needs, and the latter two of which are trade mode codes prepared by reference to the international standards. | | 监管方式是以国际贸易中进出口货物的交易方式为基础,结合海关对进出口货物的征税、统计及监管条件综合设定的海关对进出口货物的管理方式。其代码由4位数字构成,前两位是按照海关监管要求和计算机管理需要划分的分类代码,后两位是参照国际标准编制的贸易方式代码。 |
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