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Notice of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Issuing the Interim Measures for the Retrospective Administration of Insurance Sales Practices [Effective]
中国保监会关于印发《保险销售行为可回溯管理暂行办法》的通知 [现行有效]
Notice of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Issuing the Interim Measures for the Retrospective Administration of Insurance Sales Practices 


(No. 54 [2017] of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission) (保监发〔2017〕54号)

All local offices of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CIRC”); China Insurance Information Technology Management Co., Ltd. and the Insurance Association of China; all insurance companies and insurance intermediaries: 各保监局,中国保险信息技术管理有限责任公司、中国保险行业协会,各保险公司、保险中介机构:
For the purposes of regulating insurance sales practices, protecting the lawful rights and interests of insurance consumers, and promoting the sustainable and sound development of the industry, in accordance with the spirit of the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Protection of Financial Consumers' Rights and Interests issued by the General Office of the State Council (No. 81 [2015], General Office of the State Council) and other relevant laws and regulations, the CIRC has developed the Interim Measures for the Retrospective Administration of Insurance Sales Practices (hereinafter referred to as the “Measures”), which are hereby issued to you, and the following requirements are hereby put forward for your compliance and implementation. 为规范保险销售行为,维护保险消费者合法权益,促进行业持续健康发展,根据国务院办公厅《关于加强金融消费者权益保护工作的指导意见》(国办发〔2015〕81号)精神及相关法律法规,我会制订了《保险销售行为可回溯管理暂行办法》(以下简称《办法》)。现印发给你们,并提出以下要求,请遵照执行。
I. All insurance companies and insurance intermediaries shall attach great importance to revising management rules, transforming business systems, strengthening personnel training, and providing equipment guarantee in accordance with the requirements of these Measures, so as to ensure the smooth retrospective administration of insurance sales practices.   一、各保险公司、各保险中介机构要高度重视,按照《办法》要求,修订管理制度,改造业务系统,强化人员培训,提供设备保障,确保保险销售行为可回溯管理工作顺利实施。
II. All local CIRC offices shall, through guidance at windows, on-site supervision and guidance, on-site inspection and other forms, urge the branches of insurance companies and insurance intermediaries to carry out the relevant provisions of the Measures, and include the implementation thereof in the categorized supervision and administration of branches of insurance companies. Local CIRC offices that have conducted the pilot program of retrospective administration of insurance sales practices may, on the basis of implementing the Measures, continue to conduct the retrospective administration of the insurance items and channels in respect of which sales practices have been subject to pilot retrospective administration in their respective regions.   二、各保监局应通过窗口指导、现场督导、现场检查等方式督促保险公司分支机构、保险中介机构落实《办法》相关规定,并将落实情况纳入保险公司分支机构分类监管。已开展保险销售行为可回溯试点工作的保监局,可在落实《办法》的基础上,对本地区已试点销售行为可回溯的险种、渠道继续实施可回溯管理。
III. The Insurance Association of China and China Insurance Information Technology Management Co., Ltd. shall actively support the retrospective administration of insurance sales practices and provide effective cooperation.   三、中国保险行业协会、中国保险信息技术管理有限责任公司应积极支持保险销售行为可回溯管理工作的开展,做好相关配合工作。
IV. Where the relevant requirements are not satisfied after the Measures officially come into force, the relevant insurance business shall be ceased immediately.   四、《办法》正式实施后仍不符合要求的,应立即停止开展相关保险业务。
China Insurance Regulatory Commission 中国保监会
June 28, 2017 2017年6月28日
Interim Measures for the Retrospective Administration of Insurance Sales Practices 保险销售行为可回溯管理暂行办法
Article 1 For the purposes of further regulating insurance sales practices, protecting the lawful rights and interests of insurance consumers, and promoting the sustainable and sound development of the insurance industry, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Insurance Law and relevant provisions of the CIRC.   第一条 为进一步规范保险销售行为,维护保险消费者合法权益,促进保险业持续健康发展,依据《保险法》和中国保监会有关规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purposes of these Measures, “retrospective insurance sales practices” means that insurance companies and insurance intermediaries, through collecting audio-visual materials and electronic data by making audio and video recordings and other technical means, record and store the key links of the insurance sales process, and realize that sales practices are retrospective, important information may be inquired, and problems and liability may be confirmed.   第二条 本办法所称保险销售行为可回溯,是指保险公司、保险中介机构通过录音录像等技术手段采集视听资料、电子数据的方式,记录和保存保险销售过程关键环节,实现销售行为可回放、重要信息可查询、问题责任可确认。
Article 3 For the purposes of these Measures, “insurance companies” means insurance companies that operate the personal insurance business and property insurance business, excluding specialized captive insurance companies.   第三条 本办法所称保险公司为经营人身保险业务和财产保险业务的保险公司,专业自保公司除外。
...... 本办法所称保险中介机构是指保险专业中介机构和保险兼业代理机构,其中保险专业中介机构包括保险专业代理机构和保险经纪人,保险兼业代理机构包括银行类保险兼业代理机构和非银行类保险兼业代理机构。

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