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Regulations on Safety Supervision over Special Equipment [Revised]
特种设备安全监察条例 [已被修订]
Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
(Docket No.373)
The Regulations on Safety Supervision over Special Equipment, which were adopted at the 68th Executive Session of the State Council on February 19, 2003, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on June 1, 2003.
Zhu Rongji, Premier
March 11, 2003
Regulations on Safety Supervision over Special Equipment


总理 朱镕基
Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Regulations are enacted in order to strengthen the safety supervision over special equipment, to prevent and reduce accidents, to guarantee the safety of the people's life and property, and to promote the economic development.
   第一条 为了加强特种设备的安全监察,防止和减少事故,保障人民群众生命和财产安全,促进经济发展,制定本条例。
Article 2 Special equipment as used in these Regulations refer to the boilers, pressure vessels (including gas cylinders, hereinafter the same), pressure pipelines, elevators, cranes, passenger cableways, and large entertainment facilities that involve the safety of life and that have relatively high risks.
The catalogue of the special equipment provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be formulated by the department in charge of the administration of special equipment safety supervision under the State Council (hereinafter referred to as the department of safety supervision under the State Council), and be put into implementation upon the approval of the State Council.
   第二条 本条例所称特种设备是指涉及生命安全、危险性较大的锅炉、压力容器(含气瓶,下同)、压力管道、电梯、起重机械、客运索道、大型游乐设施。
Article 3 These Regulations shall be observed in the production (including design, manufacturing, installment, reform and maintenance, hereinafter the same), use, inspection and testing of special equipment, as well as the supervision and examination thereof, except that there are otherwise provisions in these Regulations.
These Regulations shall not be applied to the safety supervision over military equipment, nuclear facilities, aircrafts and spacecrafts, railway locomotives, marine facilities and ships, as well as the special equipment used in coalmines.
Safety supervision over the installment and use of cranes used in house construction sites and municipal project sites shall be carried out by the administrative department in charge of construction pursuant to the relevant laws and regulations.
   第三条 特种设备的生产(含设计、制造、安装、改造、维修,下同)、使用、检验检测及其监督检查,应当遵守本条例,但本条例另有规定的除外。
Article 4 The department of safety supervision under the State Council shall be in charge of special equipment safety supervision of the whole country, the departments in charge of special equipment safety supervision of the localities at the county level and above (hereinafter referred to as departments of safety supervision) shall carry out safety supervision over the special equipment within their respective administrative regions.
   第四条 国务院特种设备安全监督管理部门负责全国特种设备的安全监察工作,县以上地方负责特种设备安全监督管理的部门对本行政区域内特种设备实施安全监察(以下统称特种设备安全监督管理部门)。
Article 5 The entities producing and using special equipment shall establish and improve the special equipment safety administration system and the post safety responsibility system.
The major principals of the entities producing and using special equipment shall assume full responsibility for the special equipment of their respective entities.
The entities producing and using special equipment and the institutions of special equipment inspection and testing (hereinafter referred to as inspection and testing institutions) shall subject themselves to the special equipment safety supervision carried out by the departments of safety supervision pursuant to law.
   第五条 特种设备生产、使用单位应当建立健全特种设备安全管理制度和岗位安全责任制度。
Article 6 The inspection and testing institutions shall make the inspection and testing in accordance with these Regulations and bear the legal responsibilities for their inspection and testing results and appraisal conclusions.
   第六条 特种设备检验检测机构,应当依照本条例规定,进行检验检测工作,对其检验检测结果、鉴定结论承担法律责任。
Article 7 The local people's governments at the county level and above shall supervise, urge and support the departments of safety supervision to perform their duties of safety supervision pursuant to law, and shall coordinate and settle the major problems existing in the special equipment safety supervision.
   第七条 县级以上地方人民政府应当督促、支持特种设备安全监督管理部门依法履行安全监察职责,对特种设备安全监察中存在的重大问题及时予以协调、解决。
Article 8 The state encourages the promotion of scientific management methods and the adoption of advanced technology to improve the special equipment's safety performance and the management level, and to enhance the capacity against accidents of the entities producing and using special equipment, and will award the entities and individuals with outstanding achievements.
   第八条 国家鼓励推行科学的管理方法,采用先进技术,提高特种设备安全性能和管理水平,增强特种设备生产、使用单位防范事故的能力,对取得显著成绩的单位和个人,给予奖励。
Article 9 Any entity or individual shall have the right to prosecute any act in violation of these Regulations to the departments of safety supervision and the relevant departments of administrative supervision etc.
The departments of safety supervision shall establish the prosecution system of special equipment safety supervision, publicize the prosecution phone number, mail box or email address, accept the prosecutions against the illegal acts of producing, using, inspection and testing of special equipment, and shall handle the cases in a timely way.
The departments of safety supervision and the relevant departments of administrative supervision shall keep confidential for the prosecutors, and award them pursuant to the relevant provisions of the state.
   第九条 任何单位和个人对违反本条例规定的行为,有权向特种设备安全监督管理部门和行政监察等有关部门举报。
Chapter 2 Production of Special Equipment

第二章 特种设备的生产

Article 10 Entities producing special equipment shall carry out production activities in conformity with these Regulations and with the requirements of the safety technical code enacted and promulgated by the department of safety supervision under the State Council (hereinafter referred as safety technical code).
An entity producing special equipment shall be responsible for the safety performance of the special equipment it produces.
   第十条 特种设备生产单位,应当依照本条例规定以及国务院特种设备安全监督管理部门制订并公布的安全技术规范(以下简称安全技术规范)的要求,进行生产活动。
Article 11 An entity designing pressure vessels may not undertake pressure vessel designing until it is licensed by the department of safety supervision under the State Council.
An entity designing pressure vessels shall meet the following conditions:
   第十一条 压力容器的设计单位应当经国务院特种设备安全监督管理部门许可,方可从事压力容器的设计活动。
1) Having the designing personnel and designing examination personnel fit in with pressure vessel designing;
2) Having sound management system and responsibility system fit in with pressure vessel designing.
Article 12 The design documents of boilers, gas cylinders in pressure vessels (hereinafter referred to as gas cylinders), oxygen chambers and passenger cableways, and large entertainment facilities may be used in the manufacturing only after being appraised by the inspection and testing institutions approved by the department of safety supervision under the State Council.
   第十二条 锅炉、压力容器中的气瓶(以下简称气瓶)、氧舱和客运索道、大型游乐设施的设计文件,应当经国务院特种设备安全监督管理部门核准的检验检测机构鉴定,方可用于制造。
Article 13 The special equipment products and parts or the trial-manufactured special equipment of new products and new parts, for which model experiment should be conducted as required by the safety technical code, must go through model experiment of the whole equipment or the parts.
   第十三条 按照安全技术规范的要求,应当进行型式试验的特种设备产品、部件或者试制特种设备新产品、新部件,必须进行整机或者部件的型式试验。
Article 14 The entities manufacturing, installing and reforming boilers, pressure vessels, elevators, cranes, passenger cableways, large entertainment facilities, as well as the safety attachments and safety protection settings thereof, and the entities manufacturing the pipes, pipe fittings, valves, flanges, compensators and safety protection settings used in pressure pipelines (hereinafter referred to as pressure pipeline components) etc may undertake the corresponding activities only after they are licensed by the department of safety supervision under the State Council.
The entities manufacturing, installing and reforming special equipment provided for in the preceding paragraph shall meet the following conditions:
   第十四条 锅炉、压力容器、电梯、起重机械、客运索道、大型游乐设施及其安全附件、安全保护装置的制造、安装、改造单位,以及压力管道用管子、管件、阀门、法兰、补偿器、安全保护装置等(以下简称压力管道元件)的制造单位,应当经国务院特种设备安全监督管理部门许可,方可从事相应的活动。
1) Having the professional technicians and technical workers fit in with the manufacturing, installing and reforming of special equipment;
2) Having the production conditions and testing means fit in with the manufacturing, installing and reforming special equipment
3) Having sound quality management system and responsibility system.
Article 15 Special equipment shall be accompanies by, when leaving the factory, the design documents, product quality certificate, instructions for installment and maintenance, and supervision and inspection certificate etc as required by the safety technical code.
   第十五条 特种设备出厂时,应当附有安全技术规范要求的设计文件、产品质量合格证明、安装及使用维修说明、监督检验证明等文件。
Article 16 Entities maintaining boilers, pressure vessels, elevators, cranes, passenger cableways and large entertainment facilities shall have the professional technicians and technical workers, as well as the necessary testing means, fit in with maintenance of special equipment, and may undertake the corresponding maintenance activities only after they are licensed by the departments of safety supervision of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
   第十六条 锅炉、压力容器、电梯、起重机械、客运索道、大型游乐设施的维修单位,应当有与特种设备维修相适应的专业技术人员和技术工人以及必要的检测手段,并经省、自治区、直辖市特种设备安全监督管理部门许可,方可从事相应的维修活动。
Article 17 The installment, reform and maintenance of boilers, pressure vessels, elevators, cranes, passenger cableways and large entertainment facilities must be carried out by the entities that have obtained licenses pursuant to these Regulations.
The installment, reform and maintenance of elevators must be carried out by the entities manufacturing elevators or the entities commissioned or agreed upon by contract and that have obtained licenses pursuant to these Regulations. Entities manufacturing elevators shall be responsible for the elevators' quality and the quality problems involved in safe operations.
The construction entities installing, reforming and maintaining special equipment shall, before the construction, notify by written form the departments of safety supervision of the municipalities directly under the Central Government or the cities divided into districts of the installing, reforming and maintaining to be carried out, and may start work after that notification.
   第十七条 锅炉、压力容器、起重机械、客运索道、大型游乐设施的安装、改造、维修,必须由依照本条例取得许可的单位进行。
Article 18 The civil engineering of elevator shafts must meet the quality requirements of construction engineering. In the installment of elevators, the entities installing the elevator shall comply with the requirements on safe production of the work scene and implement the safety protection measures on the scene. In the installment of elevator, the safety supervision on the work scene shall be carried out by the relevant departments in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
In the installment of elevator, the entities installing elevators shall subject themselves to the administration of safe production on the work scene by the entity contracting the whole construction, and shall conclude a contract with the latter to clarify their respective safety responsibilities.
   第十八条 电梯井道的土建工程必须符合建筑工程质量要求。电梯安装施工过程中,电梯安装单位应当遵守施工现场的安全生产要求,落实现场安全防护措施。电梯安装施工过程中,施工现场的安全生产监督,由有关部门依照有关法律、行政法规的规定执行。
Article 19 The manufacturing, installment, reform and maintenance of elevators must be strictly in conformity with the requirements of the safety technical code. Where an entity manufacturing elevators commissions or agrees to let any other entity to install, reform or maintain the elevator, it shall make safety direction and monitoring of the installment, reform or maintenance carried out by the latter. After the installment, reform or maintenance of elevator ends, the entity manufacturing elevators shall check and adjust the elevator pursuant to the requirements of the safety technical code, and be responsible for the results of the check and adjustment.
   第十九条 电梯的制造、安装、改造和维修活动,必须严格遵守安全技术规范的要求。电梯制造单位委托或者同意其他单位进行电梯安装、改造、维修活动的,应当对其安装、改造、维修活动进行安全指导和监控。电梯的安装、改造、维修活动结束后,电梯制造单位应当按照安全技术规范的要求对电梯  进行校验和调试,并对校验和调试的结果负责。
Article 20 After the installment, reform or maintenance of boilers, pressure vessels, elevators, cranes, passenger cableways, or large entertainment facilities is completed, the entity undertaking the installment, reform or maintenance shall, within 30 days after the examination and acceptance, hand over the relevant technical materials to the entity using the equipment. The using entity shall keep those materials in the safety technical archives of that special equipment.
   第二十条 锅炉、压力容器、电梯、起重机械、客运索道、大型游乐设施的安装、改造、维修竣工后,安装、改造、维修的施工单位应当在验收后30日内将有关技术资料移交使用单位。使用单位应当将其存入该特种设备的安全技术档案。
Article 21 The manufacturing process of boilers, pressure vessels, pressure pipeline components, cranes and large entertainment facilities, and the installment, reform and major maintenance process of boilers, pressure vessels, elevators, cranes, passenger cableways and large entertainment facilities must be subject to the supervision and inspection carried out, according to the requirements of the safety technical code, by the inspection and testing institutions approved by the department of safety supervision under the State Council; the equipment may not leave the factory or be delivered for use until they have passed the supervision and inspection.
   第二十一条 锅炉、压力容器、压力管道元件、起重机械、大型游乐设施的制造过程和锅炉、压力容器、电梯、起重机械、客运索道、大型游乐设施的安装、改造、重大维修过程,必须经国务院特种设备安全监督管理部门核准的检验检测机构按照安全技术规范的要求进行监督检验;未经监督检验合格的不得出厂或者交付使用。
Article 22 An entity filling gas cylinders may undertake gas filling activities only after it is licensed by the department of safety supervision of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.
An entity filling gas cylinders shall meet the following conditions:
   第二十二条 气瓶充装单位应当经省、自治区、直辖市的特种设备安全监督管理部门许可,方可从事充装活动。
1) Having the managerial personnel and technicians fit in with gas cylinder filling and management;
2) Having the filling equipment, testing means, sites and work shops, apparatus, safety facilities and certain gas storage capacity fit in with gas cylinder filling and management, and being able to provide the users with gas cylinders meeting the requirements of the safety technical code;
3) Having sound management system, responsibility system and emergency treatment measures for filling safety.
The entity filling gas cylinders shall give directions and provide services to the users in respect of safe use of the gas cylinders.
Chapter 3 Use of Special Equipment

第三章 特种设备的使用

Article 23 An entity using special equipment shall strictly execute the provisions of these Regulations and the laws and administrative regulations on safe production, and guarantee the safe use of special equipment.
   第二十三条 特种设备使用单位,应当严格执行本条例和有关安全生产的法律、行政法规的规定,保证特种设备的安全使用。
Article 24 An entity using special equipment shall use the special equipment meeting the requirements of the safety technical code. Before the special equipment is put into use, the using entity shall verify whether it is accompanied by the relevant documents specified in Article 15 of these Regulations.
   第二十四条 特种设备使用单位应当使用符合安全技术规范要求的特种设备。特种设备投入使用前,使用单位应当核对其是否附有本条例第十五条规定的相关文件。
Article 25 Before the special equipment is put into use or within 30 days after it is put into use, the entity using the special equipment shall make registration with the department of safety supervision of the municipality directly under the Central Government or the city divided into districts. The registration mark shall be placed or attached at a notable position on that special equipment.
   第二十五条 特种设备在投入使用前或者投入使用后30日内,特种设备使用单位应当向直辖市或者设区的市的特种设备安全监督管理部门登记。登记标志应当置于或者附着于该特种设备的显著位置。
Article 26 An entity using special equipment shall establish the safety technical archives of special equipment, which shall include:
   第二十六条 特种设备使用单位应当建立特种设备安全技术档案。安全技术档案应当包括以下内容:
1) Design documents, manufacturing entity, product quality certificate, instructions for use and maintenance etc of the special equipment, as well as the installment technical documents and materials;
2) Records of the regular inspection and regular self inspection of the special equipment;
3) Records of the daily use of the special equipment;
4) Records of the daily maintenance of the special equipment, and of its safety attachments, safety protection settings, measurement and adjustment settings, as well as the relevant accessory instruments and meters;
5) Records of operation failures and accidents of the special equipment.
Article 27 An entity using special equipment shall give daily maintenance to the special equipment in use, and shall regularly inspect the equipment by itself.
The entity using special equipment shall make an inspection on the special equipment used by itself at least once a month, and shall keep the records of the inspection. The using entity using shall treat, in good time, the abnormal situations found out in the self inspection and the daily maintenance of the special equipment in use.
The entity using special equipment shall regularly check, adjust, examine and repair the safety attachments, safety protection settings, measurement and control settings, as well as the relevant accessory instruments and meters, of the special equipment in use, and shall make the records concerned.
   第二十七条 特种设备使用单位应当对在用特种设备进行经常性日常维护保养,并定期自行检查。
Article 28 An entity using special equipment shall, in accordance with the requirements of the safety technical code on regular inspection, file the request for regular inspection with the inspection and testing institution in 1 month prior to the expiry of the period of validity of the safety inspection.
The inspection and testing institution shall, after receiving the request for regular inspection, make the inspection in a timely way pursuant to the requirements of the safety technical code.
The special equipment that hasn't gone through the regular inspection or that has failed the inspection may not be used any longer.
   第二十八条 特种设备使用单位应当按照安全技术规范的定期检验要求,在安全检验合格有效期届满前1个月向特种设备检验检测机构提出定期检验要求。
Article 29 If a special equipment fails in operation or has any abnormal situation, the using entity shall make an all-around inspection on it, and that equipment may be put into use again only after the hidden risk of accident has been removed.
   第二十九条 特种设备出现故障或者发生异常情况,使用单位应当对其进行全面检查,消除事故隐患后,方可重新投入使用。
Article 30 Where any special equipment has serious hidden risk of accident, has no value for reform or maintenance, or exceeds the time limit for use as provided for by the safety technical code, the entity using the special equipment shall discard it in a timely way, and shall nullify the registration with the department of safety supervision that registered that equipment.
   第三十条 特种设备存在严重事故隐患,无改造、维修价值,或者超过安全技术规范规定使用年限,特种设备使用单位应当及时予以报废,并应当向原登记的特种设备安全监督管理部门办理注销。
Article 31 An entity using special equipment shall draw up the emergent measures and rescue schemes for special equipment accident.
   第三十一条 特种设备使用单位应当制定特种设备的事故应急措施和救援预案。
Article 32 The daily maintenance of elevators must be carried out by the entities licensed to install, reform or maintain elevators according to these Regulations, or by the entities manufacturing elevators.
For elevators, cleaning, lubricating, adjusting and inspection shall be carried out at least once every 15 days.
   第三十二条 电梯的日常维护保养必须由依照本条例取得许可的安装、改造、维修单位或者电梯制造单位进行。
Article 33 An entity undertaking daily maintenance of elevators shall strictly execute the requirements of the safety technical code of the state, guarantee the safety technical performance of the elevators under its maintenance, and shall see to implement the safety protection measures on the work scene and guarantee the work safety.
The entity undertaking daily maintenance of elevators shall be responsible for the safety performance of the elevators under its maintenance. It shall immediately go to the scene upon receipt of any failure notification, and shall take necessary emergent measures.
   第三十三条 电梯的日常维护保养单位应当在维护保养中严格执行国家安全技术规范的要求,保证其维护保养的电梯的安全技术性能,并负责落实现场安全防护措施,保证施工安全。
Article 34 Entities operating and using such special equipment as elevators, passenger cableways and large entertainment facilities that provide services to the public shall set up the agency of special equipment safety administration or equip full-time safety administration personnel; entities using other special equipment shall set up the agency of special equipment safety administration or equip full-time or part-time safety administration personnel according to the circumstances.
The safety administration personnel of special equipment shall make frequent inspections of the use of special equipment, and shall handle the problems immediately after finding them out; in case of emergency, they may decide to stop the use of the special equipment and report to the relevant principal of the entity.
   第三十四条 电梯、客运索道、大型游乐设施等为公众提供服务的特种设备运营使用单位,应当设置特种设备安全管理机构或者配备专职的安全管理人员;其他特种设备使用单位,应当根据情况设置特种设备安全管理机构或者配备专职、兼职的安全管理人员。
Article 35 Entities operating and using passenger cableways and large entertainment facilities shall, before the passenger cableways and large entertainment facilities are put into use each day, make trial operation and routine safety inspection, and check and confirm the safety settings.
Entities operating and using elevators, passenger cableways and large entertainment facilities shall place the matters of attention and the warning marks of those special equipment at positions that can easily be noted by the passengers.
   第三十五条 客运索道、大型游乐设施的运营使用单位在客运索道、大型游乐设施每日投入使用前,应当进行试运行和例行安全检查,并对安全装置进行检查确认。
Article 36 The major principals of the entities operating and using passenger cableways and large entertainment facilities shall be familiar with the relevant safety knowledge of the said equipment, and shall assume full responsibilities for the safe use of such equipment.
   第三十六条 客运索道、大型游乐设施的运营使用单位的主要负责人应当熟悉客运索道、大型游乐设施的相关安全知识,并全面负责客运索道、大型游乐设施的安全使用。

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