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Notice of the People's Bank of China on Targetedly Cutting the Reserve Requirement Ratio for the Sake of Inclusive Finance [Effective]
中国人民银行关于对普惠金融实施定向降准的通知 [现行有效]
Notice of the People's Bank of China on Targetedly Cutting the Reserve Requirement Ratio for the Sake of Inclusive Finance 


(No. 222 [2017] of the People's Bank of China) (银发〔2017〕222号)

The Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China (“PBC”); all branches and business management departments of the PBC; all central sub-branches of the PBC in capital cities of provinces (autonomous regions) and the central sub-branch of the PBC in Shenzhen; all state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks; and Postal Savings Bank of China: 中国人民银行上海总部,各分行、营业管理部,各省会(首府)城市中心支行,深圳市中心支行;各国有商业银行,股份制商业银行,中国邮政储蓄银行:
In accordance with the arrangements of the State Council, for the purposes of supporting financial institutions' development of inclusive financial services, endeavoring to ease the financing difficulty and reduce the high financing cost of micro and small enterprises, enhancing the coverage ratio and availability of financial services, and providing effective support for the real economy, the PBC has decided to expand and optimize the current policy on targetedly cutting the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for micro and small enterprises and “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” to be a policy on uniformly cutting the RRR for financial institutions by which the loans granted to inclusive financial sectors meet certain standards. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows: 根据国务院部署,为支持金融机构发展普惠金融业务,着力缓解小微企业融资难、融资贵问题,提高金融服务覆盖率和可得性,为实体经济提供有效支持,中国人民银行决定将当前对小微企业和“三农”领域实施的定向降准政策拓展和优化为统一对普惠金融领域贷款达到一定标准的金融机构实施定向降准政策。现就有关事项通知如下:
I. The examination scope of the targeted RRR cut policy will be adjusted from the current loans granted to micro and small enterprises and agriculture-related loans to loans granted to inclusive financial sectors. The loans granted to inclusive financial sectors cover loans to small enterprises with the amount granted to each less than five million yuan, loans to micro enterprises with the amount granted to each less than five million yuan, loans to individual households for industry and commerce for business operation, loans to micro and small business owners for business operation, loans to farmers for production and business operation, guaranteed loans for starting up the business (laid-off and unemployed workers), consumption loans to impoverished people registered in the form of card and student loans. The aforesaid data on loans adopt the statistical data of the investigation and statistics department of the PBC adopting uniform standards.   一、将定向降准政策考核范围由现行的小微企业贷款和涉农贷款调整为普惠金融领域贷款。普惠金融领域贷款包括:单户授信小于500万元的小型企业贷款、单户授信小于500万元的微型企业贷款、个体工商户经营性贷款、小微企业主经营性贷款、农户生产经营贷款、创业担保(下岗失业人员)贷款、建档立卡贫困人口消费贷款和助学贷款。上述贷款数据采用人民银行调查统计部门统一口径的统计数据。
II. The financial institutions subject to the examination of the targeted RRR cut policy in the granting of loans to inclusive financial sectors cover state-owned commercial banks, Postal Savings Bank of China, joint-stock commercial banks, urban commercial banks, non-county rural commercial banks and foreign-funded banks.   二、对普惠金融领域贷款实施定向降准政策考核的金融机构范围包括:国有商业银行、中国邮政储蓄银行、股份制商业银行、城市商业银行、非县域农村商业银行和外资银行。
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