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国际商会仲裁规则 [现行有效]




(In force as from 1 January 1998) (1997年4月国际商会理事会通过)


第一章 导言

Article 1 International Court of Arbitration   第一条 国际仲裁院
(1)The International Court of Arbitration(the“Court”)of the International Chamber of Commerce(the“ICC”)is the arbitration body attached to the ICC.The statutes of the Court are set forth in Appendix I.Members of the Court are appointed by the World Council of the ICC.The function of the Court is to provide for the settlement by arbitration of business disputes of an international character in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce(the“Rules”).If so empowered by an arbitration agreement,the Court shall also provide for the settlement by arbitration in accordance with these Rules of business disputes not of an international character. (1)国际商会(商会)国际仲裁院(仲裁院)是附属于商会的仲裁机构。仲裁院的章程规定在附件一。仲裁院的成员由商会理事会任命。仲裁院的职能是按照本规则以仲裁方式解决国际性的商事争议。如果仲裁协议授权,则仲裁院也按照本规则以仲裁方式解决非国际性的商事争议。
(2)The Court does not itself settle disputes.It has the function of ensuring the application of these Rules.It draws up its own Internal Rules). (2)仲裁院本身并不解决争议。其职责是确保适用本规则并制定内部规章(附件二)。
(3)The Chairman of the Court,or,in the Chairman's absence or otherwise at his request,one of its Vice—Chairmen shall have the power to take urgent decisions on behalf of the Court,provided that any such decision is reported to the Court at its next session. (3)仲裁院主席或在主席缺席时或因其他原因并在其要求下由其中的一位副主席有权代表仲裁院作出紧急决定。但该项决定应在下次会上向仲裁院报告。
(4)As provided for in its Internal Rules,the Court may delegate to one or more committees composed of its members the power to take certain decisions,provided that any such decision is reported to the Court at its next session. (4)按照仲裁院的内部规章,仲裁院可以授权一个或多个仲裁院成员组成委员会作出某种决定。但该决定应在下次会议上向仲裁院报告。
(5)The Secretariat of the Court(the“Secretariat”)under the direction of its Secretary General(the“Secretary General”)shall have its seat at the headquarters of the ICC. (5)在仲裁院秘书长(秘书长)领导下的仲裁院秘书处(秘书处)设在商会总部。
Article 2 Definitions   第二条 定义
 In these Rules: 根据本规则:
 (i)“Arbitral Tribunal”includes one or more arbitrators. (1)依具体情况而定,仲裁庭包含一个或多个仲裁员。
 (ii)“Claimant”includes one or more claimants and“Respondent”includes one or more respondents. (2)依具体情况而定,申请人包含一个或多个申请人和被申请人包含一个或多个被申请人。
 (iii)“Award”includes,inter alia,an interim,partial or final Award. (3)依具体情况而定,裁决包含特别是一项中间、部分或终局裁决。
Article 3 Written Notifications or Communications;Time Limits   第三条 书面通知或通讯;期限
(1)All pleadings and other written communications submitted by any party,as well as all documents annexed thereto,shall be supplied in a number of copies sufficient to provide one copy for each party,plus one for each arbitrator,and one for the Secretariat.A copy of any communication from the Arbitral Tribunal to the parties shall be sent to the Secretariat. (1)当事人提交的所有请求和书面通讯以及所附文件,均应有足额份数,以向每方当事人、每个仲裁员和秘书处各提供一份。仲裁庭应将其向当事人发出的任何通讯副本寄送秘书处。
(2)All notifications or communications from the Secretariat and the Arbitral Tribunal shall be made to the last address of the party or its representative for whom the same are intended,as notified either by the party in question or by the other party.Such notification or communication may be made by delivery against receipt,registered post,courier,facsimile transmission,telex,telegram or any other means of telecommunication that provides a record of the sending thereof.A notification or communication shall be deemed to have been made on the day it was received by the party itself or by its representative,or would have been received if made in accordance with the preceding paragraph. (2)应当事人或适当的另一方当事人通知要求,凡秘书处和仲裁庭发出的通知或通讯应寄送到当事人或其代表的地址或最后为人所知的地址。该通知或通讯可以在交付时取得收据,以挂号邮件、专递、传真、电传、电报或能提供过投递企图记录的其他任何电子通讯手段进行投递。通知或通讯在当事人本人或其代表收到当天,或如果按照前款规定方式投递应当收到的,即应视为送达。
(3)Periods of time specified in or fixed under the present Rules,shall start to run on the day following the date a notification or communication is deemed to have been made in accordance with the preceding paragraph.When the day next following such date is an official holiday,or a non—business day in the country where the notification or communication is deemed to have been made,the period of time shall commence on the first following business day.Official holidays and non—business days are included in the calculation of the period of time.If the last day of the relevant period of time granted is an official holiday or a non—business day in the country where the notification or communication is deemed to have been made,the period of time shall expire at the end of the first following business day. (3)本规则规定的期限应从通知或通讯根据前款视为送达的次日起计算。如按所在国规定通知或通讯视为送达的次日是公休日或非营业日,期限应从紧接着一个工作日开始计算。此后的公休假日和非营业日应一并计算在期限内。如果规则期限的最后一日在通知或通讯视为送达的所在国是一个休假日或非营业日,期限应于紧接着的第一个工作日结束止届满。

第二章 开始仲裁

Article 4 Request for Arbitration   第四条 仲裁申请
(1)A party wishing to have recourse to arbitration under these Rules shall submit its Request for Arbitration(the“Request”)to the Secretariat,which shall notify the Claimant and Respondent of the receipt of the Request and the date of such receipt. (1)当事人如愿按照本规则请求仲裁时,应向秘书处提交仲裁申请书(申请书),由秘书处向申请人和被申请人通知收到申请书和收到的日期。
(2)The date on which the Request is received by the Secretariat shall,for all purposes,be deemed to be the date of the commencement of the arbitral proceedings. (2)秘书处收到申请书的日期,在各方面应视为仲裁程序开始的日期。
(3)The Request shall,inter alia,contain the following information: (3)申请书应特别列明以下事项:
 (a)the name in full,description and address of each of the parties; a.对方当事人的全称、职业和地址;
 (b)a description of the nature and circumstances of the dispute giving rise to the claim(s); b.对产生索赔请求的争议性质和情况的说明;
 (c)a statement of the relief sought,including,to the extent possible,an indication of any amount(s)claimed; c.对提出包括尽可能列明请求金额在内的救济的陈述;
 (d)the relevant agreements and,in particular,the arbitration agreement; d.有关协议,特别是仲裁协议;
 (e)all relevant particulars concerning the number of arbitrators and their choice in accordance with the provisions of Articles 8,9 and 10,and any nomination of an arbitrator required thereby;and e.有关按照第八条、第九条和第十条规定确定仲裁员人数和选择仲裁员权利的全部详细情况和按照要求选定一个仲裁员的情况;及
(f)any comments as to the place of arbitration,the applicable rules of law and the language of the arbitration. f.有关仲裁地点、适用法律规则和仲裁语言的意见。
(4)Together with the Request,the Claimant shall submit the number of copies thereof required by Article 3 (1)and shall make the advance payment on administrative expenses required by Appendix Ⅲ (“Arbitration Costs and Fees”)in force on the date the Request is submitted.In the event that the Claimant falls to comply with either of these requirements,the Secretariat may fix a time limit within which the Claimant must comply,failing which the file shall be closed without prejudice to the right of the Claimant to submit the same claims at a later date in another Request.   (4)连同申请书一起,申请人应提交第三条第一款所规定的申请书副本份数并按照提交申请书时所施行的费用表(附件三)缴纳预付金。如果申请人不能符合这些要求中的任何一项,秘书处可以确定一个期限,要求申请人必须在该期限内符合,逾期不符,申请仲裁案卷应归档,但不影响申请人以后在另一个申请书中提出同样请求的权利。
(5)The Secretariat shall send a copy of the Request and the documents annexed thereto to the Respondent for its Answer to the Request once the Secretariat has sufficient copies of the Request and the required advance payment. (5)一旦秘书处收到足额份数的申请书和按要求缴纳的预付金,则应将一份申请书以及所附文件副本寄送被申请人,以便使被申请人答辩。
(6)When a party submits a Request in connection with a legal relationship in respect of which arbitration proceedings between the same parties are already pending under these Rules,the Court may,at the request of a party,decide to include the claims contained in the Request in the pending proceedings provided that the Terms of Reference have not been signed or approved by the Court.Once the Terms of Reference have been signed or approved by the Court,claims may only be included in the pending proceedings subject to the provisions of Article 19. (6)当一方当事人提交的申请书涉及到的法律关系与已经按照本规则正在进行当中的同样当事人之间的仲裁程序有关时,仲裁院应一方当事人的申请可以决定将申请书中的请求纳入正在进行的仲裁程序当中,但须以审理事项还未被签字或未被仲裁院批准为前提,而该请求只根据第十五条规定才可能被纳入正在进行的仲裁程序当中。
Article 5 Answer to the Request;Counterclaims   第五条 对申请书的答辩;反诉
(1)Within 30 days from the receipt of the Request from the Secretariat,the Respondent shall file an Answer (the “Answer”)which shall,inter alia,contain the following information: (1)被申请人应从收到秘书处寄送的申请书起三十天内提交一份答辩,答辩应特别列明以下事项:
 (a)its name in full,description and address; a.其全称、职业和地址;
 (b)its comments as to the nature and circumstances of the dispute giving rise to the claim(s); b.对产生索赔请求的争议性质和情况的评论;
 (c)its response to the relief sought; c.对申请的救济提出自己的看法;
 (d)any comments concerning the number of arbitrators and their choice in light of the Claimant's proposals and in accordance with the provisions of Articles 8,9 and 10,and any nomination of an arbitrator required thereby;and d.对有关根据申请人建议和按照第八条、第九条和第十条规定确定仲裁员人数和选择仲裁员权利以及按照要求选定一个仲裁员的评论;及
  (e)any comments as to the place of arbitration,the applicable rules of law and the language of the arbitration. e.有关仲裁地点、适用法律规则和仲裁语言的意见。
(2)The Secretariat may grant the Respondent an extension of the time for filing the Answer,provided the application for such an extension contains the Respondent's comments concerning the number of arbitrators and their choice and,where required by Articles 8,9 and 10,the nomination of an arbitrator.If the Respondent fails to do so,the Court shall proceed in accordance with these Rules. (2)秘书处可以同意被申请人延期提交答辩。但被申请人提出该延期的申请中应有被申请人对仲裁员人数和选择仲裁员权利以及按照第八条、第九条和第十条规定选定一个仲裁员的评论。如果被申请人没有这样做,则仲裁院应按照本规则继续仲裁程序。
(3)The Answer shall be supplied to the Secretariat in the number of copies specified by Article 3 (1). (3)答辩应交给秘书处,并应按照第三条第一款规定备具份数。
(4)A copy of the Answer and the documents annexed thereto shall be communicated by the Secretariat to the Claimant. (4)秘书处应将答辩及所附文件副本寄送给申请人。
(5)Any counterclaim(s)made by the Respondent shall be filed with its Answer and shall provide: (5)被申请人的反诉应与其答辩一起提出并应列明:
 (a)a description of the nature and circumstances of the dispute giving rise to the counterclaim(s);and a.对产生反诉的争议性质和情况的说明;及
 (b)a statement of the relief sought,including,to the extent possible,an indication of any amount(s)counterclaimed. b.对提出包括尽可能列明请求金额在内的救济的陈述。
(6)The Claimant shall file a Reply to any counterclaim within 30 days from the date of receipt of the counterclaim(s)communicated by the Secretariat.The Secretariat may grant the Claimant an extension of time for filing the Reply. (6)申请人应在收到秘书处寄送的反诉之日起三十天内对反诉提交一份答辩。秘书处可以同意申请人延期提交答辩。
Article 6  Effect of the Arbitration Agreement   第六条 仲裁协议的效力
(1)Where the parties have agreed to submit to arbitration under the Rules,they shall be deemed to have submitted ipso facto to the Rules in effect on the date of commencement of the arbitration proceedings,unless they have agreed to submit to the Rules in effect on the date of their arbitration agreement. (1)如果当事人约定按照商会仲裁规则进行仲裁,则应视为事实上接受在仲裁程序开始之日施行的仲裁规则。但当事人已约定接受在仲裁协议签订之日施行的仲裁规则,属例外。
(2)If the Respondent does not file an Answer,as provided by Article 5,or if any party raises one or more pleas concerning the existence,validity or scope of the arbitration agreement,the Court may decide,without prejudice to the admissibility or merits of the plea or pleas,that the arbitration shall proceed if it is prima facie satisfied that an arbitration agreement under the Rules may exist.In such a case,any decision as to the jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal shall be taken by the Arbitral Tribunal itself.If the Court is not so satisfied,the parties shall be notified that the arbitration cannot proceed.In such a case,any party retains the right to ask any court having jurisdiction whether or not there is a binding arbitration agreement. (2)如果被申请人未按第五条规定提交答辩,或者任何一方就仲裁协议存在、有效性或范围提出一项或多项抗辩,则仲裁院在表面上根据商会仲裁规则确信仲裁协议可能存在但在不影响异议的可接受性或实质性的情况下可以决定仲裁程序继续进行。在此情况下,就仲裁庭的管辖权的决定应由该仲裁庭自行作出,如果仲裁院对仲裁协议的存在从表面上不能肯定,应通知当事人仲裁程序不能进行。在此情况下,任何一方均有权请求有管辖权的法院裁定是否存在一项具有约束力的仲裁协议。
(3)If any of the parties refuses or fails to take part in the arbitration or any stage thereof,the arbitration shall proceed notwithstanding such refusal or failure. (3)如果当事人的任何一方拒绝或不参加仲裁程序或仲裁的任何一个阶段,则不能因此而影响仲裁程序的继续进行。
(4)Unless otherwise agreed,the Arbitral Tribunal shall not cease to have jurisdiction by reason of any claim that the contract is null and void or allegation that it is non—existent,provided that the Arbitral Tribunal upholds the validity of the arbitration agreement.The Arbitral Tribunal shall continue to have jurisdiction to determine the respective rights of the parties and to adjudicate their claims and pleas even though the contract itself may be non—existent or null and void. (4)除非另有约定,只有仲裁庭认可仲裁协议有效,仲裁就不得因有人主张合同无效或不存在而终止管辖权。即使合同本身可能不存在或无效,仲裁庭仍应继续行使管辖权以便确定当事人各自的权利并对他们的请求和抗辩作出裁定。

第三章 仲裁庭

Article 7 General Provisions   第七条 一般规定
(1)Every arbitrator must be and remain independent of the parties involved in the arbitration. (1)每个仲裁员必须独立于仲裁当事人。
(2)Before appointment or confirmation,a prospective arbitrator shall sign a statement of independence and disclose in writing to the Secretariat any facts or circumstances which might be of such a nature as to call into question the arbitrator's independence in the eyes of the parties.The Secretariat shall provide such information to the parties in writing and f'Lx a time limit for any comments from them. (2)在指定或确认之前,已被指定的仲裁员应签署一份独立声明并以书面向秘书处披露任何可能引起当事人对仲裁员的独立性产生疑问的事实或情形。秘书处应以书面将该情况告诉当事人并给当事人确定一个提出评论的期限。
(3)An arbitrator shall immediately disclose in writing to the Secretariat and to the parties any facts or circumstances of a similar nature which may arise during the arbitration. (3)仲裁员应立即以书面向秘书处和当事人披露任何可能在仲裁期间产生的类似性质的事实或情形。
(4)The decisions of the Court as to the appointment,confirmation,challenge or replacement of an arbitrator shall be final and the reasons for such decisions shall not be communicated. (4)仲裁院就仲裁员的指定、确认、回避或更换作出的决定应是终局的而且该决定的理由无需通知。
(5)By accepting to serve,every arbitrator undertakes to carry out his responsibilities in accordance with these Rules. (5)一旦接受指定,仲裁员均得按照本规则履行职责。
(6)Insofar as the parties have not provided otherwise,the Arbitral Tribunal shall be constituted in accordance with theprovisions of Articles 8,9 and 10. (6)只有当事人无另外的规定,仲裁庭应按照第八条和第十条的规定组成。
Article 8 Number of Arbitrators   第八条 仲裁员人数
(1)The disputes shall be decided by a sole arbitrator or by three arbitrators. (1)争议应由一名独任仲裁员或三名仲裁员决定。
(2)Where the parties have not agreed upon the number of arbitrators,the Court shall appoint a sole arbitrator,save where it appears to the Court that the dispute is such as to warrant the appointment of three arbitrators.In such case,the Claimant shall nominate an arbitrator within a period of 15 days from the receipt of the notification of the decision of the Court,and the Respondent shall nominate an arbitrator within a period of 15 days from the receipt of the notification of the nomination made by the Claimant. (2)如果当事人没有约定仲裁员人数,仲裁院应指定一名独任仲裁员,除非仲裁院认为争议需要指定三名仲裁员。在指定三名仲裁员的情况下,申请人应在收到仲裁院决定通知的十五天期限内选定一名仲裁员,而被申请人应在收到申请人作出选定通知的十五天期限内选定一名仲裁员。
(3)Where the parties have agreed that the dispute shall be settled by a sole arbitrator,they may,by agreement,nominate the sole arbitrator for confirmation.If the patties fail to nominate a sole arbitrator within 30 days from the date when the Claimant's Request for Arbitration has been received by the other party,or within such additional time as may be allowed by the Secretariat,the sole arbitrator shall be appointed by the Court. (3)如果当事人约定争议应由一名独任仲裁员解决,他们可以协议选定独任仲裁员报仲裁院确认。如果当事人在另一方收到申请人的申请书之日起三十天或在秘书处允许的额外期限内不能协议选定一名独任仲裁员,则该独任仲裁员应由仲裁院指定。
(4)Where the dispute is to be referred to three arbitrators,each party shall nominate in the Request and the Answer,respectively,one arbitrator for confirmation.If a party fails to nominate an arbitrator,the appointment shall be made by the Court.The third arbitrator,who will act as chairman of the Arbitral Tribunal,shall be appointed by the Court,unless the parties have agreed upon another procedure for such appointment,in which case the nomination will be subject to confirmation pursuant to Article 9.Should such procedure not result in a nomination within the time limit fixed by the parties or the Court,the third arbitrator shall be appointed by the Court. (4)凡争议提交三名仲裁员仲裁,每一方当事人均应各自在其申请书和答辩中选定一名仲裁员报仲裁院确认。如果一方不能选定仲裁员,则由仲裁院指定。担任仲裁庭首席仲裁员的第三仲裁员应由仲裁院指定,除非当事人约定另一种选定方式,但通过当事人约定方式选定的第三仲裁员应按照第九条以仲裁院确认为准。如果按照该约定方式并在当事人或仲裁院确定的期限内未能选定第三仲裁员,则应由仲裁院予以指定。
Article 9 Appointment and Confirmation of the Arbitrators   第九条 指定并确认仲裁员
(1)In confirming or appointing arbitrators,the Court shall consider the prospective arbitrator's nationality,residence and other relationships with the countries of which the parties or the other arbitrators are nationals and the prospective arbitrator's availability and ability to conduct the arbitration in accordance with these Rules.The same snail apply where the Secretary General confirms arbitrators pursuant to Article 9 (2). (1)仲裁院在确认或指定仲裁员时应考虑已被提名的仲裁员的国籍、住所及同当事人或其他仲裁员所属国家的其他关系以及已被指定的仲裁员是否有时间和能力进行本规则的仲裁。这也适用于秘书长按照第九条第二款确认的仲裁员。
(2)The Secretary General may confirm as co—arbitrators,sole arbitrators and chairmen of Arbitral Tribunals persons nominated by the parties or pursuant to their particular agreements,provided they have filed a statement of independence without qualification or a qualified statement of independence has not given rise to objections.Such confirmation shall be reported to the Court at its next session.If the Secretary General considers that a co—arbitrator,sole arbitrator or chairman of an Arbitral Tribunal should not be confirmed,the matter shall be submitted to the Court. (2)秘书长可能确定当事人选定或根据他们的特别协议选定的人担任仲裁庭的仲裁员、独任仲裁员和首席仲裁员,但是要以他们已经提交了一份不合格的独立声明或一份合格的独立声明未引起异议作为前提。该确认应在下次会议上向仲裁院报告。如果秘书长认为一个仲裁庭的仲裁员、独任仲裁员或首席仲裁员不能得到确认,此事应提交仲裁院。
(3)Where the Court is to appoint a sole arbitrator or the chairman of an Arbitral Tribunal,it shall make the appointment upon a proposal of a National Committee of the ICC that it considers to be appropriate.If the Court does not accept the proposal made,or if the National Committee fails to make the proposal requested within the time limit fixed by the Court,the Court may repeat its request or may request a proposal from another National Committee that it considers to be appropriate. (3)仲裁院在指定一个仲裁庭的独任仲裁员或首席仲裁员时,应根据它认为合适的商会国家委员会的建议作出指定。如果仲裁院不接受该国家委员会的建议,或该国家委员会没有在仲裁院确定的期限内提出建议,则仲裁院可以重新提出请求,或请求它认为合适的另外一个国家委员会提出建议。
(4)Where the Court considers that the circumstances so demand,it may choose the sole arbitrator or the chairman of the Arbitral Tribunal from a country where there is no National Committee,provided that neither of the parties objects within the time limit fixed by the Court. (4)如果任何一方当事人没有在仲裁院确定的期限内提出异议,仲裁院如认为情况需要,则可以从无国家委员会的国家中指定仲裁庭的独任仲裁员或首席仲裁员。
(5)The sole arbitrator or the chairman of the Arbitral Tribunal shall be of a nationality other than those of the parties.However,in suitable circumstances and provided that neither of the parties objects within the time limit fixed by the Court,the sole arbitrator or the chairman of the Arbitral Tribunal may be chosen from a country of which any of the parties is a national. (5)仲裁庭的独任仲裁或首席仲裁员的国籍不应属于当事人国籍。但是,在适当的情况下,并在任何一方当事人均未在仲裁院确定的期限内提出异议的前提下,仲裁庭的独任仲裁员或首席仲裁员可以从任何一方当事人国家中选定。
(6)Where the Court is to appoint an arbitrator on behalf of a party which has failed to nominate one,it shall make the appointment upon a proposal of the National Committee of the country of which that party is a national.If the Court does not accept the proposal made,or if the National Committee falls to make the proposal requested within the time limit fixed by the Court,or if the country of which the said party is a national has no National Committee,the Court shall be at liberty to choose any person whom it regards as suitable.The Secretariat shall inform the National Committee,if one exists,of the country of which such person is a national. (6)仲裁院为不选定仲裁员的一方当事人指定一名仲裁员,根据该当事人国家的国家委员会提出建议作出,如果仲裁院没有接受其提出的建议,或该国家委员会没有在仲裁院确定的期限提出建议,或该当事人国家无国家委员会,则仲裁院应自由选择其认为合适的任何人担任仲裁员。秘书处应将该选择告知该人国家委员会(如有的话)。
Article 10 Multiple Parties   第十条 多方当事人
(1)Where there are multiple parties,whether as Claimant or as Respondent,and where the dispute is to be referred to three arbitrators,the multiple Claimants,jointly,and the multiple Respondents,jointly,shall nominate an arbitrator for confirmation pursuant to Article 9. (1)在多方当事人时,无论申请人方面还是被申请人方面,而且争议提交三名仲裁员仲裁时,多方申请人和多方被申请人均应共同选定一名仲裁员,并按照第九条规定申请确定。
(2)In the absence of such a joint nomination and where all parties are unable to agree to a method for the constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal,the Court may appoint each member of the Arbitral Tribunal and shall designate one of them to act as chairman.In such case,the Court shall be at liberty to choose any person it regards as suitable to act as arbitrator,applying Article 9 when it considers this appropriate. (2)在没有共同选定时,而且所有当事人就仲裁庭的组成方式不能达成协议时,仲裁院可以指定仲裁庭的每一位成员并任命其中的一人担任首席仲裁员。在此情况下,只要符合仲裁院认为合适的第九条规定,仲裁院应自由选择其认为合适的任何一人担任仲裁员。
Article 11 Challenge of Arbitrators   第十一条 对仲裁员的回避请求
(1)A challenge of an arbitrator,whether for an alleged lack of independence or otherwise,shall be made by the submission to the Secretariat of a written statement specifying the facts and circumstances on which the challenge is based. (1)无论因缺乏独立性还是其他原因,对一名仲裁员的回避请求均应以书面形式向秘书处提出,说明提出回避请求所依据的事实和情形。

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