May 31, 2010
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Outline Development Plan of the Central Government and the State Council for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area [Effective]
中共中央、国务院印发《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》 [现行有效]
Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 


The CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and gave a notice requiring all regions and departments to conscientiously implement it based on the actual circumstances. 中共中央、国务院印发了《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》,并发出通知,要求各地区各部门结合实际认真贯彻落实。
The full text of the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is as follows. 《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》全文如下。

Contents 目录

Preamble 前言
Chapter One Background of the Plan 第一章 规划背景
Section 1 Foundation of Development 第一节 发展基础
Section 2 Opportunities and Challenges 第二节 机遇挑战
Section 3 Significance of the Plan 第三节 重大意义
Chapter Two Overall Requirements 第二章 总体要求
Section 1 Guiding Ideology 第一节 指导思想
Section 2 Basic Principles 第二节 基本原则
Section 3 Strategic Positioning 第三节 战略定位
Section 4 Development Objectives 第四节 发展目标
Chapter Three Spatial Layout 第三章 空间布局
Section 1 Building a Spatial Network Driven by Poles and Supported by Axes 第一节 构建极点带动、轴带支撑网络化空间格局
Section 2 Improving the Development System of the City Cluster and Towns 第二节 完善城市群和城镇发展体系
Section 3 Radiating the Development to the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region 第三节 辐射带动泛珠三角区域发展
Chapter Four DevelopinganInternationalInnovation and Carriers and Platforms 第四章 建设国际科技创新中心
Section 1 Building an Open Community for Coordinated Innovation in the Region 第一节 构建开放型区域协同创新共同体
Section 2 Developing Quality Innovation and Technology Carriers and Platforms 第二节 打造高水平科技创新载体和平台
Section 3 Enhancing the Environment for Innovation in the Region 第三节 优化区域创新环境
Chapter Five Expediting Infrastructural Connectivity 第五章 加快基础设施互联互通
Section 1 Building a Modern Comprehensive Transport System 第一节 构建现代化的综合交通运输体系
Section 2 Enhancing and Upgrading Information Infrastructure 第二节 优化提升信息基础设施
Section 3 Developing an Energy Security Protection System 第三节 建设能源安全保障体系
Section 4 Strengthening Protection for the Security of Water Resources 第四节 强化水资源安全保障
Chapter Six BuildingaGloballyCompetitiveModern Industrial System 第六章 构建具有国际竞争力的现代产业体系
Section 1 ExpeditingtheDevelopmentoftheAdvanced Manufacturing Industry 第一节 加快发展先进制造业
Section 2 NurturingandStrengtheningStrategicEmerging Industries 第二节 培育壮大战略性新兴产业
Section 3 ExpeditingtheDevelopmentofModernService Industries 第三节 加快发展现代服务业
Section 4 Vigorously Developing the Marine Economy 第四节 大力发展海洋经济
Chapter Seven Taking Forward Ecological Conservation 第七章 推进生态文明建设
Section 1 Establishing Ecological Protection Barriers 第一节 打造生态防护屏障
Section 2 Strengthening Environmental Protection and Management 第二节 加强环境保护和治理
Section 3 Adopting an Innovative,Green and Low-carbon Development Model 第三节 创新绿色低碳发展模式
Chapter Eight Developing a Quality Living Circle for Living, Working and Travelling 第八章 建设宜居宜业宜游的优质生活圈
Section 1 Developing an Education and Talents Hub 第一节 打造教育和人才高地
Section 2 Jointly Developing a Cultured Bay Area 第二节 共建人文湾区
Section 3 Building a Bay Area for Leisure 第三节 构筑休闲湾区
Section 4 ExpandingtheScopeforEmploymentand Entrepreneurship 第四节 拓展就业创业空间
Section 5 Shaping a Healthy Bay Area 第五节 塑造健康湾区
Section 6 Fostering Cooperation in Social Security and Social Governance 第六节 促进社会保障和社会治理合作

Chapter Nine StrengtheningCooperationandJointly Participating in the Belt and Road Initiative 第九章 紧密合作共同参与“一带一路”建设
Section 1 CreatingaGloballyCompetitiveBusiness Environment 第一节 打造具有全球竞争力的营商环境
Section 2 Increasing the Degree of Market Integration 第二节 提升市场一体化水平
Section 3Joining Hands to Expand Opening up 第三节 携手扩大对外开放
Chapter Ten Jointly Developing Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Cooperation Platforms 第十章 共建粤港澳合作发展平台
Section 1 Enhancing the Functions of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone in Qianhai of Shenzhen 第一节 优化提升深圳前海深港现代服务业合作区功能
Section 2 Developing Nansha of Guangzhou into a Demonstration Zone for Comprehensive Cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao 第二节 打造广州南沙粤港澳全面合作示范区
Section 3 Taking forward the Demonstrative Functions of Hengqin of Zhuhai for In-depth Cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao 第三节 推进珠海横琴粤港澳深度合作示范
Section 4 Developing Special Cooperation Platforms 第四节 发展特色合作平台
Chapter ElevenImplementation of the Plan 第十一章 规划实施
Section 1 Strengthening Organisation and Leadership 第一节 加强组织领导
Section 2 Taking Forward Major Tasks 第二节 推动重点工作
Section 3 Preventing and Mitigating Risks 第三节 防范化解风险
Section 4 Broadening Social Participation 第四节 扩大社会参与


The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area) consists of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), the Macao Special Administrative Region (Macao SAR) as well as the municipalities of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing in Guangdong Province (hereinafter referred to as “the nine Pearl River Delta (PRD) municipalities”), covering a total area of 56 000 square kilometres with a combined population of approximately 70 million at the end of 2017. As one of the most open and economically vibrant regions in China, the Greater Bay Area plays a significant strategic role in the overall development of the country. The development of the Greater Bay Area is not only a new attempt to break new ground in pursuing opening up on all fronts in a new era, but also a further step in taking forward the practice of “one country, two systems”. The Outline Development Plan (“the Plan”) has been formulated to fully put the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into practice; fully and accurately implement the principle of “one country, two systems”; fully leverage the composite advantages of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao; deepen cooperation among the Mainland, Hong Kong andMacao; further enhance the Greater Bay Area's supporting and leading role in the country's economic development and opening up; support the integration of Hong Kong and Macao into the development of the country; enhance the well-being of Hong Kong and Macao compatriots; maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao; and enable compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao to share with the people in the motherland both the historic responsibility of national rejuvenation and the pride of a strong and prosperous motherland. 粤港澳大湾区包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和广东省广州市、深圳市、珠海市、佛山市、惠州市、东莞市、中山市、江门市、肇庆市(以下称珠三角九市),总面积5.6万平方公里,2017年末总人口约7000万人,是我国开放程度最高、经济活力最强的区域之一,在国家发展大局中具有重要战略地位。建设粤港澳大湾区,既是新时代推动形成全面开放新格局的新尝试,也是推动“一国两制”事业发展的新实践。为全面贯彻党的十九大精神,全面准确贯彻“一国两制”方针,充分发挥粤港澳综合优势,深化内地与港澳合作,进一步提升粤港澳大湾区在国家经济发展和对外开放中的支撑引领作用,支持香港、澳门融入国家发展大局,增进香港、澳门同胞福祉,保持香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定,让港澳同胞同祖国人民共担民族复兴的历史责任、共享祖国繁荣富强的伟大荣光,编制本规划。
This Plan is an important outline document guiding the current and future cooperation and development of the Greater Bay Area. The Plan covers the period from now to 2022 in the immediate term and extends to 2035 in the long term. 本规划是指导粤港澳大湾区当前和今后一个时期合作发展的纲领性文件。规划近期至2022年,远期展望到2035年。
Chapter One Background of the Plan 

第一章 规划背景

Ever since the reform and opening up of China, especially the return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland, cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao has continuously deepened and become more concrete. The Greater Bay Area, with a marked increase in its economic strength and regional competitiveness, already possesses the fundamental conditions for developing into an international first-class bay area and a world-class city cluster. 改革开放以来,特别是香港、澳门回归祖国后,粤港澳合作不断深化实化,粤港澳大湾区经济实力、区域竞争力显著增强,已具备建成国际一流湾区和世界级城市群的基础条件。
Section 1 Foundation of Development 

第一节 发展基础

Distinctive geographical advantages. Located at the forefront of China's opening up along the coast and with the Pan-PRD Region as its vast hinterland for development, the Greater Bay Area plays an important role in the Belt and Road Initiative. The Greater Bay Area is a highly developed transport hub. With Hong Kong as an international maritime centre, major ports such as Guangzhou and Shenzhen with throughputs among the highest in the world, and Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen being important international aviation hubs, a modern and comprehensive transport system that is both convenient and highly efficient is rapidly taking shape. 区位优势明显。粤港澳大湾区地处我国沿海开放前沿,以泛珠三角区域为广阔发展腹地,在“一带一路”建设中具有重要地位。交通条件便利,拥有香港国际航运中心和吞吐量位居世界前列的广州、深圳等重要港口,以及香港、广州、深圳等具有国际影响力的航空枢纽,便捷高效的现代综合交通运输体系正在加速形成。
Robust economic strength. The Greater Bay Area leads the country in terms of its level of economic development. It has a comprehensive industry system, with a distinctive cluster advantage and strong economic complementarity. Hong Kong and Macao have highly developed service sectors, whereas the nine PRD municipalities have initially developed an industrial structure driven by strategic emerging industries as the pilot and supported by advanced manufacturing and modern service industries as the mainstay. In 2017, the gross domestic product of the Greater Bay Area stood at around RMB 10 trillion. 经济实力雄厚。经济发展水平全国领先,产业体系完备,集群优势明显,经济互补性强,香港、澳门服务业高度发达,珠三角九市已初步形成以战略性新兴产业为先导、先进制造业和现代服务业为主体的产业结构,2017年大湾区经济总量约10万亿元。
High concentration of key factors of innovation. The Greater Bay Area has intensely implemented a development strategy which is innovation-driven, with pilot measures of comprehensive innovation and reform in Guangdong well underway. The development of national innovation demonstration zones has been expedited. Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao have outstanding capabilities in scientific research and development (R&D) and commercial application, and are home to numerous universities, scientific research institutes, high-tech enterprises and large-scale national scientific projects that have important national and even global influence. The Greater Bay Area is well-placed to attract various key factors of innovation, and has an excellent foundation for the development of an international innovation and technology hub.

Advanced level of internationalisation. As international financial, transportation and trade centres, as well as an international aviation hub, Hong Kong offers a business environment that is highly internationalised and based on the rule of law. It also has a global business network and is among the freest economies in the world. Macao's roles as a global tourism and leisure centre, as well as an economic and trade cooperation platform between China and Lusophone countries have been strengthened, further demonstrating its position in facilitating multi-cultural exchanges. As the economic region with the highest degree of external connection on the Mainland and an important window for opening up to the world, the nine PRD municipalities have significant functions and an important role to play in accelerating the establishment of a new system of open economy in the country.

Solid cooperation foundations. Hong Kong, Macao and the nine PRD municipalities share the same cultural roots. Their people also have close ties and similar customs. The cities complement one another. Strengthened cooperation in recent years among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in areas such as infrastructural development, investment and trade, financial services, technology education, leisure and tourism, ecological and environmental protection, and social services has yielded remarkable results. A pattern of multi-level and comprehensive cooperation has been established.

Section 2 Opportunities and Challenges


第二节 机遇挑战

The present world is fast becoming multipolar, economically globalised, information-oriented and culturally diverse. The global governance system and the international order have been changing at a faster pace. As countries worldwide have become more interconnected and interdependent, the trend of peaceful development is irreversible. A new wave of technological revolution and industrial transformation is set to begin. The Belt and Road Initiative is being pursued in earnest. These developments will help enhance the international competitiveness of the Greater Bay Area and expand the scope of the Greater Bay Area's participation in international cooperation and competition at a higher level. Following the new vision of development, China takes forward supply-side structural reform and other reforms aiming at better quality, higher efficiency, and more robust drivers of economic growth, bringing new impetus to the transformative and innovative development of the Greater Bay Area. Major breakthroughs have been made in the comprehensive deepening of reform. The modernisation of China's system and capacity for governance has been substantially enhanced. These developments provide new opportunities for the Greater Bay Area to develop an institution and mechanism for, and to solve prominent problems encountered in, cooperation and development.

Meanwhile, the development of the Greater Bay Area faces many challenges. The global economy is beset with uncertainty and instability as well as the rise of protectionism. The economic development of the Greater Bay Area also confronts issues such as overcapacity and the imbalance and mismatch of the supply and demand structure. The endogenous impetus for economic growth has to be strengthened. Under “one country, two systems”, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao have different social systems and legal systems. They are separate customs territories. Market connectivity needs to be further improved and an efficient flow of factors of production has yet to be attained. There remains a relatively wide development gap within the Greater Bay Area and coordination and compatibility will need to be strengthened. Homogeneous competition and mismatch of resources exist in certain regions and sectors. Continuous economic growth in Hong Kong lacks sustainable and stable support. The economic structure of Macao is relatively homogeneous with limited resources for development. The market economy structure in the nine PRD municipalities calls for improvement. Regional development faces various bottlenecks, including growing constraints on resources and energy supplies, escalating pressure on ecology and the environment, and a gradual reduction in the demographic dividend.

Section 3 Significance of the Plan 

第三节 重大意义

The development of the Greater Bay Area and of a world-class city cluster will facilitate the enrichment of the implementation of “one country, two systems” and foster closer cooperation between the Mainland and the two SARs, thereby creating more opportunities for thesocio-economic development of the two SARs and for Hong Kong and Macao compatriots wishing to develop careers on the Mainland, as well as maintaining the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao. It will facilitate the implementation of the new vision of development; the stepping up of supply-side structural reform; the accelerated development of new economic drivers; and the early realisation of innovation-driven development to support the continued growth in innovation capability and competitiveness of the Chinese economy. It will facilitate the further deepening of reform and further opening up; the building of a new system of open economy in line with international standards; and the development of a new platform for high-level international cooperation. It will facilitate the advancement of the Belt and Road Initiative. By means of two-way opening up, the Greater Bay Area will develop into an important support area for the convergence of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. 打造粤港澳大湾区,建设世界级城市群,有利于丰富“一国两制”实践内涵,进一步密切内地与港澳交流合作,为港澳经济社会发展以及港澳同胞到内地发展提供更多机会,保持港澳长期繁荣稳定;有利于贯彻落实新发展理念,深入推进供给侧结构性改革,加快培育发展新动能、实现创新驱动发展,为我国经济创新力和竞争力不断增强提供支撑;有利于进一步深化改革、扩大开放,建立与国际接轨的开放型经济新体制,建设高水平参与国际经济合作新平台;有利于推进“一带一路”建设,通过区域双向开放,构筑丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路对接融汇的重要支撑区。
Chapter Two Overall Requirements 

第二章 总体要求

Section 1 Guiding Ideology 

第一节 指导思想

To fully apply Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, coordinate the implementation of the “Five-sphere Integrated Plan” and the “Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy”, fully and faithfully implement the principle of “one country, two systems” under which the people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong, the people of Macao govern Macao with a high degree of autonomy, act in strict adherence to the Constitution and the Basic Laws, remain committed to the new vision of development, fully understand and utilise the systemic strengths of “one country, two systems”, the unique strengths of Hong Kong and Macao, as well as the strengths of early and pilot implementation of reform and opening up in Guangdong, emancipate the mind and explore boldly, continuously deepen mutually beneficial cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, further establish a mutually beneficial relationship in regional cooperation, promote coordinated regional economic development, give new impetus to the development of Hong Kong and Macao, provide support for national supply-side structural reform, the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy and the building of a new system of an open economy, develop a vibrant and internationally competitive first-class bay area and world-class city cluster, and build a role model of high-quality development. 深入贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局和协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,全面准确贯彻“一国两制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方针,严格依照宪法和基本法办事,坚持新发展理念,充分认识和利用“一国两制”制度优势、港澳独特优势和广东改革开放先行先试优势,解放思想、大胆探索,不断深化粤港澳互利合作,进一步建立互利共赢的区域合作关系,推动区域经济协同发展,为港澳发展注入新动能,为全国推进供给侧结构性改革、实施创新驱动发展战略、构建开放型经济新体制提供支撑,建设富有活力和国际竞争力的一流湾区和世界级城市群,打造高质量发展的典范。
Section 2 Basic Principles 

第二节 基本原则

To be driven by innovation and led by reform. To implement the innovation-driven development strategy, improve the regional synergistic innovation system, pool together international innovation resources, and develop an internationally competitive innovation development area. To comprehensively deepen reform, encourage new breakthroughs in reform in key areas and core fields, reap the dividends of reform, and foster the convenient flow and optimal distribution of various factors within the Greater Bay Area. 创新驱动,改革引领。实施创新驱动发展战略,完善区域协同创新体系,集聚国际创新资源,建设具有国际竞争力的创新发展区域。全面深化改革,推动重点领域和关键环节改革取得新突破,释放改革红利,促进各类要素在大湾区便捷流动和优化配置。
To coordinate development and plan holistically. To implement the coordinated regional development strategy, fully leverage the comparative advantages of different areas, strengthen policy coordination and planning interface, improve the positioning of different places in the region, promote coordinated development of urban and rural areas in the region, and continuously enhance the holistic nature of development. 协调发展,统筹兼顾。实施区域协调发展战略,充分发挥各地区比较优势,加强政策协调和规划衔接,优化区域功能布局,推动区域城乡协调发展,不断增强发展的整体性。
To pursue green development and ecological conservation. To vigorously take forward ecological conservation, establish the approach of green development, uphold state policies on saving resources and protecting the environment, implement the most rigorous ecological protection system, adhere to the most rigorous farmland protection system and the most economical land use system, promote the adoption of green and low-carbon production methods and lifestyles as well as modes of urban development and operation, provide a good ecological environment for residents, and facilitate sustainable development of the Greater Bay Area. 绿色发展,保护生态。大力推进生态文明建设,树立绿色发展理念,坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,实行最严格的生态环境保护制度,坚持最严格的耕地保护制度和最严格的节约用地制度,推动形成绿色低碳的生产生活方式和城市建设运营模式,为居民提供良好生态环境,促进大湾区可持续发展。
To open up and cooperate and achieve a win-win outcome. To adopt the Belt and Road Initiative as an important focal point, develop a new system for an open economy, create a high-level platform for opening up, converge with high-standard trade and investment rules, and accelerate the development of new edges in international cooperation and competition. To fully leverage the unique advantages of Hong Kong and Macao, create and improve the open cooperation systems and mechanisms in various fields, and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao. 开放合作,互利共赢。以“一带一路”建设为重点,构建开放型经济新体制,打造高水平开放平台,对接高标准贸易投资规则,加快培育国际合作和竞争新优势。充分发挥港澳独特优势,创新完善各领域开放合作体制机制,深化内地与港澳互利合作。
To share the benefits of development and improve people's livelihood. To uphold the philosophy of people-centred development, and enable all people to enjoy more benefits of reform in a more equal manner. To better protect and improve people's livelihood, increase the supply of quality public goods and services, continuously promote social equality and justice, and afford people living in the Greater Bay Area a fuller, more protected and more sustainable sense of fulfilment, well-being and security. 共享发展,改善民生。坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,让改革发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民。提高保障和改善民生水平,加大优质公共产品和服务供给,不断促进社会公平正义,使大湾区居民获得感、幸福感、安全感更加充实、更有保障、更可持续。
To adhere to “one country, two systems” and act in accordance with the law. To integrate the adherence to the “one country” principle and the respect for the differences of the “two systems”, stay committed to the basis of “one country”, and leverage the benefits of “two systems”. To integrate the upholding of the Central Government's overall jurisdiction and the safeguarding of a high degree of autonomy in the special administrative regions, respect the rule of law, and act strictly in accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Laws. To integrate the needs of the country with the strengths of Hong Kong and Macao, fully leverage the market-driven mechanism, foster complementarity among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and achieve joint development. “一国两制”,依法办事。把坚持“一国”原则和尊重“两制”差异有机结合起来,坚守“一国”之本,善用“两制”之利。把维护中央的全面管治权和保障特别行政区的高度自治权有机结合起来,尊崇法治,严格依照宪法和基本法办事。把国家所需和港澳所长有机结合起来,充分发挥市场化机制的作用,促进粤港澳优势互补,实现共同发展。
Section 3 Strategic Positioning 

第三节 战略定位

A vibrant world-class city cluster. To leverage the advantages of Hong Kong and Macao as free and open economies and of Guangdong as the pioneer of reform and opening up, continue deepening reform and further opening up, lead nationally and set an example in developing institutions and mechanisms for high-quality economic development, expedite institutional innovation as well as early and pilot implementation, develop a modern economic system, better integrate into the global market system, build a global base of emerging industries, advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, and develop an internationally competitive world-class city cluster.

A globally influential international innovation and technology hub. To target the most advanced technologies and industries in the world, strengthen the development of innovation platforms, vigorously develop new technologies, industries, as well as types and models of business, accelerate the process of developing an economic system mainly driven and supported by innovation; to steadfastly take forward the trial of comprehensive innovative reform, fully leverage the strengths of scientific R&D and industrial innovation of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, remove bottlenecks and constraints impeding the free flow of innovation factors, further stimulate various innovation entities, and build the Greater Bay Area into a hub of global technological innovation and an important source of emerging industries.

An important support pillar for the Belt and Road Initiative. To better leverage the roles and functions of Hong Kong and Macao in the opening up of China, enhance the development of an open economy in the nine PRD municipalities, facilitate the effective connection between domestic and international markets as well as resources, participate in international economic cooperation and competition at a higher level, and develop an influential international transport and logistics hub as well as an international cultural exchange centre. “一带一路”建设的重要支撑。更好发挥港澳在国家对外开放中的功能和作用,提高珠三角九市开放型经济发展水平,促进国际国内两个市场、两种资源有效对接,在更高层次参与国际经济合作和竞争,建设具有重要影响力的国际交通物流枢纽和国际文化交往中心。

A showcase for in-depth cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao. To rely on the good foundation for cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, fully leverage the functions of the key cooperation platforms in Qianhai of Shenzhen, Nansha of Guangzhou and Hengqin of Zhuhai, explore new modes of coordinated and synergistic development, enhance comprehensive and practical cooperation between the nine PRD municipalities and Hong Kong and Macao, facilitate the efficient and orderly flow of people, goods, capital and information, give new impetus to the development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and set an example of closer cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao.

A quality living circle for living, working and travelling. To firmly adopt the people-centred development philosophy, put into practice ideas on ecological conservation, make full use of modern information technology, achieve the smart management of city clusters, accord priority to livelihood projects, bring more convenience to the lives of people in the Greater Bay Area, raise the quality of living of residents, provide more convenience for Hong Kong and Macao residents studying, working, starting businesses and living on the Mainland, strengthen exchange and integration across different cultures, and build a beautiful bay area that is ecologically safe, environmentally attractive, socially stable and culturally vibrant. 宜居宜业宜游的优质生活圈。坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,践行生态文明理念,充分利用现代信息技术,实现城市群智能管理,优先发展民生工程,提高大湾区民众生活便利水平,提升居民生活质量,为港澳居民在内地学习、就业、创业、生活提供更加便利的条件,加强多元文化交流融合,建设生态安全、环境优美、社会安定、文化繁荣的美丽湾区。
Section 4 Development Objectives 

第四节 发展目标

By 2022, the combined strength of the Greater Bay Area should increase substantially, the cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao should be deepened and broadened, the internal driving forces for development should be further enhanced in the region, and the framework for an international first-class bay area and world-class city cluster that is vibrant and highly innovative with an optimised industrial structure, a smooth flow of various factors and a pleasant ecological environment should essentially be formed. 到2022年,粤港澳大湾区综合实力显著增强,粤港澳合作更加深入广泛,区域内生发展动力进一步提升,发展活力充沛、创新能力突出、产业结构优化、要素流动顺畅、生态环境优美的国际一流湾区和世界级城市群框架基本形成。
─Regional development should become more coordinated, and a city cluster which has a reasonable division of labour, complementary functions and coordinated development should basically be established; --区域发展更加协调,分工合理、功能互补、错位发展的城市群发展格局基本确立;
—The environmentforcoordinatedinnovativedevelopment should be enhanced, the aggregation of factors of innovation should be accelerated, and the innovation capacities regarding new technologies and the commercial application of scientific and technological achievements should be significantly enhanced; --协同创新环境更加优化,创新要素加快集聚,新兴技术原创能力和科技成果转化能力显著提升;

─Supply-side structural reform should be further deepened, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries should be accelerated, the core competitiveness of emerging and manufacturing industries should continuously increase, the digital economy should see rapid growth, and the development of modern service industries such as financial service should be expedited;

─Infrastructural support and protection, such as transport, energy, information and water resources, should be further strengthened, and urban development and management should be further enhanced; --交通、能源、信息、水利等基础设施支撑保障能力进一步增强,城市发展及运营能力进一步提升;
─ A green, intelligent, energy-saving and low-carbon way of production and lifestyle, as well as mode of urban development and management, should be established initially, and the lives of residents should become more convenient and happier; --绿色智慧节能低碳的生产生活方式和城市建设运营模式初步确立,居民生活更加便利、更加幸福;
─There should be accelerated development of the new system of an open economy, greater connectivity among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao markets, more effective and efficient flow of various resources and factors of production, and more vibrant cultural exchanges. --开放型经济新体制加快构建,粤港澳市场互联互通水平进一步提升,各类资源要素流动更加便捷高效,文化交流活动更加活跃。
By 2035, the Greater Bay Area should become an economic system and mode of development mainly supported by innovation, with its economic and technological strengths vastly increased and its international competitiveness and influence further strengthened; the markets within the Greater Bay Area should basically be highly connected, with very effective and efficient flow of various resources and factors of production; the coordination of regional development should remarkably improve, with the influence on neighbouring regions further strengthened; the people should become wealthier; the level of social civility should reach new heights, with cultural soft power demonstrably strengthened, Chinese cultural influence broadened and deepened, and exchange and integration between different cultures further enhanced; the levels of conservation and efficient use of resources should be significantly improved, the ecological environment should be effectively protected, and an international first-class bay area for living, working and travelling should be fully developed. 到2035年,大湾区形成以创新为主要支撑的经济体系和发展模式,经济实力、科技实力大幅跃升,国际竞争力、影响力进一步增强;大湾区内市场高水平互联互通基本实现,各类资源要素高效便捷流动;区域发展协调性显著增强,对周边地区的引领带动能力进一步提升;人民生活更加富裕;社会文明程度达到新高度,文化软实力显著增强,中华文化影响更加广泛深入,多元文化进一步交流融合;资源节约集约利用水平显著提高,生态环境得到有效保护,宜居宜业宜游的国际一流湾区全面建成。
Chapter Three Spatial Layout 

第三章 空间布局

To maintain an approach that is driven by poles, supported by axes and radiating to nearby areas, promote a rational division of labour and complementary positioning among large, medium-sized and small cities, further enhance coordination in regional development, facilitate the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and build a scientifically structured, compact and highly efficient bay area development framework. 坚持极点带动、轴带支撑、辐射周边,推动大中小城市合理分工、功能互补,进一步提高区域发展协调性,促进城乡融合发展,构建结构科学、集约高效的大湾区发展格局。
Section 1 Building a Spatial Network Driven by Poles and Supported by Axes 

第一节 构建极点带动、轴带支撑网络化空间格局

Driven by poles. To leverage the leading roles of the strong combinations of Hong Kong-Shenzhen, Guangzhou-Foshan and Macao-Zhuhai, deepen cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, as well as Macao and Zhuhai, expedite the integrated development of Guangzhou and Foshan, enhance their overall strength and global influence, and lead the Greater Bay Area in participating in international cooperation in great intensity. 极点带动。发挥香港-深圳、广州-佛山、澳门-珠海强强联合的引领带动作用,深化港深、澳珠合作,加快广佛同城化建设,提升整体实力和全球影响力,引领粤港澳大湾区深度参与国际合作。
Supported by axes. To rely on a rapid transport network involving mainly high-speed rails, intercity railways and high-grade motorways, as well as port and airport clusters, build regional economic development axes, and form an efficiently connected spatial network of major cities. To better utilise the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, speed up the construction of key transport infrastructures such as the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge and the Shenzhen-Maoming Railway, enhance the level of development on the west bank of the Pearl River, and foster development synergy between the east and west banks of the Pearl River. 轴带支撑。依托以高速铁路、城际铁路和高等级公路为主体的快速交通网络与港口群和机场群,构建区域经济发展轴带,形成主要城市间高效连接的网络化空间格局。更好发挥港珠澳大桥作用,加快建设深(圳)中(山)通道、深(圳)茂(名)铁路等重要交通设施,提高珠江西岸地区发展水平,促进东西两岸协同发展。
Section 2 Improving the Development System of the City Cluster and Towns 

第二节 完善城市群和城镇发展体系

To improve the core cities. To build on the four core cities of Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and Shenzhen as core engines for regional development, continue leveraging their comparative advantages in striving for excellence and achievements, and strengthen the radiating effect in leading the development of nearby regions. 优化提升中心城市。以香港、澳门、广州、深圳四大中心城市作为区域发展的核心引擎,继续发挥比较优势做优做强,增强对周边区域发展的辐射带动作用。

–Hong Kong. To consolidate and enhance Hong Kong's status as international financial, transportation and trade centres as well as an international aviation hub, strengthen its status as a global offshore Renminbi (RMB) business hub and its role as an international asset management centre and a risk management centre, promote the development of high-end and high value-added financial, commercial and trading, logistics and professional services, etc., make great efforts to develop the innovation and technology industries, nurture emerging industries, establish itself as the centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region, and develop into an international metropolis with enhanced competitiveness.

–Macao. To develop into a world-class tourism and leisure centre and a commerce and trade cooperation service platform between China and Lusophone countries, promote an appropriate level of diversified economic development, and develop into a base for exchange and cooperation where Chinese culture is the mainstream and diverse cultures coexist. --澳门。建设世界旅游休闲中心、中国与葡语国家商贸合作服务平台,促进经济适度多元发展,打造以中华文化为主流、多元文化共存的交流合作基地。
–Guangzhou. To fully leverage its leading function as a national core city and an integrated gateway city, comprehensively strengthen its functions as an international commerce and industry centre and integrated transport hub, enhance its function as technological, educational and cultural centres, and develop into a global metropolis. --广州。充分发挥国家中心城市和综合性门户城市引领作用,全面增强国际商贸中心、综合交通枢纽功能,培育提升科技教育文化中心功能,着力建设国际大都市。
–Shenzhen. To leverage its leading role as a special economic zone, a national economic core city and a national innovation city, expedite its transformation into a modern and international city, and strive to become a capital of innovation and creativity with global influence. --深圳。发挥作为经济特区、全国性经济中心城市和国家创新型城市的引领作用,加快建成现代化国际化城市,努力成为具有世界影响力的创新创意之都。
To develop the key node cities. To support Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing in fully leveraging their strengths, deepen reform and innovation, enhance the composite strengths of the cities, and form key node cities with distinct characteristics, complementary positioning and strong competitiveness. To enhance coordination in development, strengthen interaction and cooperation with core cities, drive the development of towns nearby with distinct characteristics, and jointly raise the development quality of the city cluster. 建设重要节点城市。支持珠海、佛山、惠州、东莞、中山、江门、肇庆等城市充分发挥自身优势,深化改革创新,增强城市综合实力,形成特色鲜明、功能互补、具有竞争力的重要节点城市。增强发展的协调性,强化与中心城市的互动合作,带动周边特色城镇发展,共同提升城市群发展质量。
To develop towns with distinct characteristics. To fully leverage the advantage of the nine PRD municipalities in having numerous large and sizeable towns with distinct characteristics, nurture towns with charm and distinct characteristics, improve municipal infrastructure and public services and facilities, develop specialty industries, pass on traditional culture, and form a strong support for enhancing the regional development layout. To develop smart towns, commence experiments in the application of smart technology, promote innovation in institutions and mechanisms, and explore the model of developing future cities. To accelerate administrative system reform in large towns, and continuously expand the functions of extra-large towns on the basis of reducing administrative costs and increasing administrative efficiency. 发展特色城镇。充分发挥珠三角九市特色城镇数量多、体量大的优势,培育一批具有特色优势的魅力城镇,完善市政基础设施和公共服务设施,发展特色产业,传承传统文化,形成优化区域发展格局的重要支撑。建设智慧小镇,开展智能技术应用试验,推动体制机制创新,探索未来城市发展模式。加快推进特大镇行政管理体制改革,在降低行政成本和提升行政效率的基础上不断拓展特大镇功能。
To promote integrated development of urban and rural areas. To establish a holistic system and policy framework for integrated development of urban and rural areas, promote integrated urban-rural development in the nine PRD municipalities, raise the quality and level of urbanisation, and develop liveable urban-rural areas with Lingnan characteristics. To strengthen guidance on classification, rationally delineate areas with different functions, improve spatial layout, and foster compact urban-rural development. To enhance the level of integration regarding infrastructural development in urban-rural areas, promote urban renewal based on local conditions, redevelop villages in cities and combine small villages, step up the development of ancillary facilities, and improve living conditions for urban and rural residents. 促进城乡融合发展。建立健全城乡融合发展体制机制和政策体系,推动珠三角九市城乡一体化发展,全面提高城镇化发展质量和水平,建设具有岭南特色的宜居城乡。加强分类指导,合理划定功能分区,优化空间布局,促进城乡集约发展。提高城乡基础设施一体化水平,因地制宜推进城市更新,改造城中村、合并小型村,加强配套设施建设,改善城乡人居环境。
Section 3 Radiating the Development to the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region 

第三节 辐射带动泛珠三角区域发展

To leverage the radiating and leading function of the Greater Bay Area, coordinate the productivity layout of the nine PRD municipalities and eastern, western and northern Guangdong, and foster development in nearby areas at a faster pace. To develop a key economic support zone with the Greater Bay Area as its vanguard and the Pearl River-Xijiang economic zone as its hinterland, propel development in South Central China and Southwest China as well as Southeast and Southern Asia. To improve the transport network from the Greater Bay Area to other provinces and regions in the Pan-PRD region, enhance regional cooperation, progressively develop “enclave economies”, facilitate the flow of factors of production and relocation of industries in the Pan-PRD region, and establish a stratified and complementary industrial cooperation system with a reasonable division of labour. To rely on coastal railways, high-grade motorways and major ports, and achieve synergistic development between the Greater Bay Area and the Western Taiwan Strait as well as the Beibu Bay city clusters. To rely on transport routes such as high-speed rails, mainline railways and motorways, deepen cooperation and exchange between the Greater Bay Area and the South Central Region and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and strengthen the radiating and driving effect of the Greater Bay Area on the Southwest Region. 发挥粤港澳大湾区辐射引领作用,统筹珠三角九市与粤东西北地区生产力布局,带动周边地区加快发展。构建以粤港澳大湾区为龙头,以珠江-西江经济带为腹地,带动中南、西南地区发展,辐射东南亚、南亚的重要经济支撑带。完善大湾区至泛珠三角区域其他省区的交通网络,深化区域合作,有序发展“飞地经济”,促进泛珠三角区域要素流动和产业转移,形成梯度发展、分工合理、优势互补的产业协作体系。依托沿海铁路、高等级公路和重要港口,实现粤港澳大湾区与海峡西岸城市群和北部湾城市群联动发展。依托高速铁路、干线铁路和高速公路等交通通道,深化大湾区与中南地区和长江中游地区的合作交流,加强大湾区对西南地区的辐射带动作用。

Chapter Four Developing an International Innovation and Technology Hub 

第四章 建设国际科技创新中心

To implement the innovation-driven development strategy in great intensity, deepen innovation cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, build an open community for coordinated innovation in the region that encompasses integrated development, pool together international innovation resources, enhance the innovation system and policy environment, focus on enhancing the capability for the commercial application of technological achievements, and develop a focused area of global technological innovation and a major source of emerging industries. 深入实施创新驱动发展战略,深化粤港澳创新合作,构建开放型融合发展的区域协同创新共同体,集聚国际创新资源,优化创新制度和政策环境,着力提升科技成果转化能力,建设全球科技创新高地和新兴产业重要策源地。
Section 1 Building an Open Community for Coordinated Innovation in the Region 

第一节 构建开放型区域协同创新共同体

To strengthen cooperation in innovation and technology.To better leverage the functions of the Mainland/HongKong and Mainland/Macao Science and Technology Co-operation Committees, and promote the integration of Hong Kong and Macao into the national innovation system thereby enabling them to play more important roles. To fully leverage the technological and industrial strengths of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, actively attract and connect global innovation resources, and develop an open and interconnected system with reasonable layout for regional innovation. To pursue the development of the “Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao” innovation and technology corridor, explore policy measures to facilitate the cross-boundary and regional flow of innovation elements such as talents, capital, information and technologies, and jointly develop a Greater Bay Area big data centre as well as platforms for international innovation. To expedite the development of national innovation demonstration zones, demonstration bases for entrepreneurship and innovation as well as co-working space, support the establishment of mechanisms for their innovation and entrepreneurship exchanges with Hong Kong and Macao, share innovation and entrepreneurship resources, jointly improve the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, and provide more opportunities and better conditions for young people from Hong Kong and Macao to innovate and set up businesses. To encourage Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao enterprises and scientific research institutes to participate in international innovation and technology cooperation, jointly organise events on innovation and technology, support enterprises in setting up R&D institutes and bases for innovation incubation overseas, and encourage domestic and foreign investors to set up R&D institutes and innovation platforms in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. To support the establishment of the Belt and Road Life Science and Technology Advancement Alliance by relying on the China National GeneBank in Shenzhen. To encourage higher education institutions, R&D institutes and enterprises from other regions to participate in events on innovation and technology in the Greater Bay Area. 加强科技创新合作。更好发挥内地与香港、澳门科技合作委员会的作用,推动香港、澳门融入国家创新体系、发挥更重要作用。充分发挥粤港澳科技和产业优势,积极吸引和对接全球创新资源,建设开放互通、布局合理的区域创新体系。推进“广州-深圳-香港-澳门”科技创新走廊建设,探索有利于人才、资本、信息、技术等创新要素跨境流动和区域融通的政策举措,共建粤港澳大湾区大数据中心和国际化创新平台。加快国家自主创新示范区与国家双创示范基地、众创空间建设,支持其与香港、澳门建立创新创业交流机制,共享创新创业资源,共同完善创新创业生态,为港澳青年创新创业提供更多机遇和更好条件。鼓励粤港澳企业和科研机构参与国际科技创新合作,共同举办科技创新活动,支持企业到海外设立研发机构和创新孵化基地,鼓励境内外投资者在粤港澳设立研发机构和创新平台。支持依托深圳国家基因库发起设立“一带一路”生命科技促进联盟。鼓励其他地区的高校、科研机构和企业参与大湾区科技创新活动。
To enhance building of basic innovation capacity. To support the development of major technological infrastructure facilities, R&D institutes as well as innovation platforms in the Greater Bay Area. To progressively open up to Hong Kong and Macao the major national R&D infrastructure facilities and large-scale national R&D equipment located in Guangdong. To support relevant institutes in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to proactively participate in national technological programmes (special projects, funding, etc.). To strengthen applied basic research, and broaden the implementation of major national technological projects. To support the incorporation of measures of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in relation to deepening the reform of innovation systems and mechanisms into the pilot scheme of comprehensive innovation reform. 加强创新基础能力建设。支持重大科技基础设施、重要科研机构和重大创新平台在大湾区布局建设。向港澳有序开放国家在广东建设布局的重大科研基础设施和大型科研仪器。支持粤港澳有关机构积极参与国家科技计划(专项、基金等)。加强应用基础研究,拓展实施国家重大科技项目。支持将粤港澳深化创新体制机制改革的相关举措纳入全面创新改革试验。
To enhance the in-depth integration of industries, academia and research. To develop a system of technological innovation built up primarily by enterprises, led by market forces and with an in-depth integration of industries, academia and research, support Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao enterprises, higher education institutions and R&D institutes in jointly developing quality collaborative platforms for coordinated innovation, and promote the commercial application of technological achievements. To implement the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao collaboration programme in innovation and technology and the Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme, and support the establishment of an innovation alliance of industries, academia and research in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. 加强产学研深度融合。建立以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研深度融合的技术创新体系,支持粤港澳企业、高校、科研院所共建高水平的协同创新平台,推动科技成果转化。实施粤港澳科技创新合作发展计划和粤港联合创新资助计划,支持设立粤港澳产学研创新联盟。
Section 2 Developing Quality Innovation and Technology Carriers and Platforms 

第二节 打造高水平科技创新载体和平台

To accelerate the development of major technological infrastructure facilities, platforms of cross-study as well as emerging frontier researches in the Greater Bay Area, and focus on raising the standards of basic research. To optimise the allocation of resources for innovation, and develop and nurture a batch of platforms for technological innovation for industries, manufacturing innovation centres and enterprise technological centres. To take forward the development of national innovation demonstration zones, progressively commence the expansion of national high-tech industrial development zones, and develop high-tech industrial development zones into regional nodes of innovation and key bases for the high-end development of industries. To take forward military-civilian integration in innovation development in the nine PRD municipalities, and support the establishment of a demonstration zone of military-civilian integration in innovation development. To support the development of major carriers for innovation such as the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park and the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, the innovation and technology base in Qingsheng of Nansha, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Cooperation between Guangdong and Macao in Hengqin. To support the development of the five Hong Kong R&D Centres respectively for Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech, Textiles and Apparel, Information and Communications Technologies, Automotive Parts and Accessory Systems, and Nano and Advanced Materials, as well as the development of the Hong Kong Science Park and the Hong Kong Cyberport. To support the setting up of a platform for developing the traditional Chinese medicine science and technology industries in Macao. To take forward the development of Partner State Key Laboratories in Hong Kong and Macao. 加快推进大湾区重大科技基础设施、交叉研究平台和前沿学科建设,着力提升基础研究水平。优化创新资源配置,建设培育一批产业技术创新平台、制造业创新中心和企业技术中心。推进国家自主创新示范区建设,有序开展国家高新区扩容,将高新区建设成为区域创新的重要节点和产业高端化发展的重要基地。推动珠三角九市军民融合创新发展,支持创建军民融合创新示范区。支持港深创新及科技园、中新广州知识城、南沙庆盛科技创新产业基地、横琴粤澳合作中医药科技产业园等重大创新载体建设。支持香港物流及供应链管理应用技术、纺织及成衣、资讯及通信技术、汽车零部件、纳米及先进材料等五大研发中心以及香港科学园、香港数码港建设。支持澳门中医药科技产业发展平台建设。推进香港、澳门国家重点实验室伙伴实验室建设。
Section 3 Enhancing the Environment for Innovation in the Region 

第三节 优化区域创新环境

To deepen reform of innovation systems and mechanisms in the region. To study policies and measures to implement facilitation relating to immigration and customs clearance, working, living as well as the flow of goods within the Greater Bay Area, and encourage interaction and exchanges between technological and academic talents. To allow eligible higher education institutions and R&D institutes in Hong Kong and Macao to apply for Mainland technology projects, and use relevant funding on the Mainland as well as in Hong Kong and Macao according to the regulations. To support the setting up of special funding schemes for joint innovation projects by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, commence cooperation in major R&D projects, and allow the cross-boundary use of related funds in the Greater Bay Area. To study and formulate a specialised plan to enhance the management of the cross-boundary use of medical data and bio-samples such as blood necessary for R&D cooperation projects in designated higher education institutions, R&D institutes and laboratories in the Greater Bay Area, and foster the research and development of clinical medicine. To enable Hong Kong and Macao R&D institutes in Guangdong to enjoy the same treatment as other Mainland R&D institutes, enjoy various national and provincial (Guangdong) policies in support of innovation, and encourage as well as support them to participate in Guangdong technology programmes. To initiate pilot projects for the securitisation of intellectual property (IP). 深化区域创新体制机制改革。研究实施促进粤港澳大湾区出入境、工作、居住、物流等更加便利化的政策措施,鼓励科技和学术人才交往交流。允许香港、澳门符合条件的高校、科研机构申请内地科技项目,并按规定在内地及港澳使用相关资金。支持粤港澳设立联合创新专项资金,就重大科研项目开展合作,允许相关资金在大湾区跨境使用。研究制定专门办法,对科研合作项目需要的医疗数据和血液等生物样品跨境在大湾区内限定的高校、科研机构和实验室使用进行优化管理,促进临床医学研究发展。香港、澳门在广东设立的研发机构按照与内地研发机构同等待遇原则,享受国家和广东省各项支持创新的政策,鼓励和支持其参与广东科技计划。开展知识产权证券化试点。
...... 促进科技成果转化。创新机制、完善环境,将粤港澳大湾区建设成为具有国际竞争力的科技成果转化基地。支持粤港澳在创业孵化、科技金融、成果转化、国际技术转让、科技服务业等领域开展深度合作,共建国家级科技成果孵化基地和粤港澳青年创业就业基地等成果转化平台。在珠三角九市建设一批面向港澳的科技企业孵化器,为港澳高校、科研机构的先进技术成果转移转化提供便利条件。支持珠三角九市建设国家科技成果转移转化示范区。充分发挥香港、澳门、深圳、广州等资本市场和金融服务功能,合作构建多元化、国际化、跨区域的科技创新投融资体系。大力拓展直接融资渠道,依托区域性股权交易市场,建设科技创新金融支持平台。支持香港私募基金参与大湾区创新型科技企业融资,允许符合条件的创新型科技企业进入香港上市集资平台,将香港发展成为大湾区高新技术产业融资中心。

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