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People's Procuratorate of Fengxian District, Shanghai Municipality v. Chen En, Et Al (Case of Injury of Commodity Prestige)

People's Procuratorate of Fengxian District, Shanghai Municipality v. Chen En, Et Al
(Case of Injury of Commodity Prestige)

Procuratorial Organ: People's Procuratorate of Fengxian District, Shanghai Municipality.
Defendant: Chen En, investor of Qianjiang Hotel in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, dwelling at Wuyuan Town, Haiyan County, Zhejiang Province. He was arrested on June 21, 2002.
Defendant: Jin Yuegen, employee of Qianjiang Hotel in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, dwelling at Haitang Township, Haiyan County, Zhejiang Province. He was arrested on June 21, 2002.
Defendant: Jin Jiaxiang, employee of Qianjiang Hotel in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, dwelling at Haitang Township, Haiyan County, Zhejiang Province. He was arrested on June 21, 2002.
Defendant: Qian Guangru, reporter of Nanjing Morning Post of Jiangsu Province, dwelling at Xiaguan District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. He was arrested on June 21, 2002.
With regard to the commodity prestige by Chen En, Jin Yuegen, Jin Jiaxiang and Qian Guangru, the People's Procuratorate of Fengxian District, Shanghai Municipality lodged a prosecution to the People's Court of Fengxian District, Shanghai Municipality (shortened as “Fengxian District Court” hereafter) on December 6, 2002.
The bill of indictment describes that:In 2001 April, Guest Room Department of Huanghai Holiday Resort in Lianyungang, Jiangsu (hereinafter referred to as “Guest Room Department”), which was contracted to Chen En for operations, purchased 84 Shining air-conditioners from Lianyungang Guangyuan Electric Appliances Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as “Guangyuan Company”), but only paid partial the price. Since November of the same year, Chen En, Jin Yuegen and Jin Jiaxiang claimed against Shanghai Shining Air-conditioner Manufacture Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Shining Company”) for a huge amount of compensation on the ground that the batch of the Shining air-conditioners had quality problems. On December 28, 2001 and January 14, 2002, Qian Guangru successively published articles on newspapers by saying that batches of the Shining air-conditioners had quality problems, and accepted 4,000 Yuan from Chen En, et al. On March 14 and March 28, 2002, the four defendants made a division among their work after negotiation. As a result, Qian Guangru was responsible for determining the place and informing the media, and Chen En, Jin Yuegen and Jin Jiaxiang were responsible for smashing an the Shining air-conditioner in public in Nanjing and Shanghai, respectively, and spreading the comments to the surrounding masses and reporters on the inferior quality of Shining air-conditioners, and groaning about the batch quality problems of Shining air-conditioners, and so on. On May 13, Chen En, Jin Yuegen and Jin Jiaxiang continued smashing the Shining air-conditioners publicly in Nanjing, and defamed the prestige of the Shining air-conditioners. Then several media reported the incident of “Smashing Air-conditioners”. After the prestige of the Shining air-conditioners was injured, Shining Company suffered from more than RMB 590,000 Yuan of direct losses due to return of goods, and after the case occurred, the quality of the air-conditioners was found from inspection to meet the national standards. The prosecutorial organ held that, in accordance with Article 221 of the “Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China”, the four defendants' acts had constituted the crime of injuring commodity prestige, and should be punished accordingly.
Chen En, Jin Yuegen and Jin Jiaxiang all argued that: the Shining air-conditioners purchased by Guest Room Department did have quality problems such as noises, etc. They had no way to give vent to their complaints but to smash the air-conditioners in public and to inform the masses and the media of the quality problems. It was a normal way to maintain their interests, and their purpose was to urge Shining Company to resolve their problems instead of injuring the commodity prestige intentionally.
The defenders of Chen En and of Jin Jiaxiang held that, the original purpose of the legislation on the crime of injuring commodity prestige lies in punishing unfair competition. However, Chen En, et al, were consumers and not competitors, hence the accusation that the defendants' acts constituted the crime of injuring commodity prestige was inconsistent with the original purpose of legislation. The Shining air-conditioners did have quality problems, and Chen En, et al, did not fabricate any facts for false publicity, nor did they subjectively have the intention of injuring the commodity prestige, hence none of their acts constituted a crime. The defender also proposed his objection to the conclusion on more than 590,000 Yuan of losses.
Qian Guangru argued that: the two news reports he wrote were objective news reports based on the environmental monitoring report and the narration of Chen En, et al. He himself did not take part in the plot to smash air-conditioners, so he did not commit the acts accused in the bill of indictment such as determining the place and informing the media.
Qian Guangru's defender held that, Qian Guangru subjectively had no intention of injuring Shining's commodity prestige, and objectively had no act of fabricating or spreading untrue facts, thus he did not commit the crime.
It was verified by Fengxian District Court after trial that both the prosecutor and the defendants had no dispute over the following facts:
In April 2001, Guest Room Department which was rented and run by Chen En purchased 84 Shining air-conditioners from Guangyuan Company at the total price of over 270,000 Yuan. By August, Guest Room Department had paid more than 100,000 Yuan for the air-conditioners. During that period, Guangyuan Company examined and repaired exceptional air-conditioners with breakdowns. In November, Chen En complained to Shining Company on the ground that the air-conditioners had quality problems, and Shining Company then sent persons to Lianyungang for test and negotiation. During the negotiation, Chen En held that the quality of the foregoing air-conditioners was inferior, and claimed against Shining Company for compensation; while Shining Company held that the quality of the air-conditioners was generally OK. Both parties failed to reach an agreement. After that, Chen En sent letters to Shining Company for many times, demanding a huge amount of compensation, and declared that if Shining Company did not settle the matter, he would go to Nanjing, Shanghai and other places to smash the air-conditioners and meanwhile expose the incident through news.
On December 4, 2001, Chen En entrusted Lianyungang Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center (hereinafter referred to as the “Environmental Monitoring Center”) to test the noises of the Guest Room Department's air-conditioners. The noises at three locations for monitoring all exceeded the standard. Lianyungang Municipal Environmental Supervision Division sent an on-site supervision record to Chen En, proposing the supervision opinions on making a rectification within a time limit and levying 28,000 Yuan at double amount of the pollution discharging fees for the excessive noises (which was not actually paid). After that, Chen En entrusted Jiangsu Provincial Product Supervision and Inspection Center (hereinafter referred to as “Jiangsu PSIC”) via Lianyungang Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau (hereinafter referred to as Lianyungang QTSB), and successively brought two Shining air-conditioners to Jiangsu PSIC for inspection. Jiangsu PSIC concluded in the inspection report that the noises of one of the air-conditioners did not meet the standard.
On March 14, 2002, Chen En, Jin Yuegen and Jin Jiaxiang brought the above said on-site supervision records and the inspection report, showed the banners at the crossing of Zhongshan East Road and Taiping North Road in Nanjing, which said “We have no way to complain about the inferior quality of the Shining air-conditioners but to smash them”, and smashed a Shining wall-split air-conditioner in public. On March 28, the three defendants showed another banner near Zhenping Road Station of Shanghai Pearl Line, saying that “The quality of the Shining air-conditioner is inferior. Any passerby who smashes the air-conditioner will be awarded ten Yuan.” In this way, they offered rewards to the passerby who smashed the Shining wall-split air-conditioner. On May 1, the three defendants showed the banners carrying words “The quality of Shanghai Shining air-conditioners is inferior. Since 8 months ago, we have had no way to complain. Now we need no compensation but justice.” Then they smashed another Shining wall-split air-conditioner in public at Nanjing Lefulai Plaza. After the above-mentioned incident occurred, the media in Nanjing and Shanghai separately reported the news, and the media in some other places in China also reprinted or reported the news.
On December 28, 2001 and January 14, 2002, Qian Guangru successively wrote two news reports separately entitled “Being Fined for Excessive Noises, and Customer Claimed for 2 Million – 84 Shining Air-conditioners Got into Trouble” and “Continued Story about the Trouble of Shining Air-conditioners --- Customer Closed Business to Claim for 3 Million Yuan” and published them on Nanjing Morning Post. The main contents of the news reports were that Guest Room Department was fined 28,000 Yuan by the environmental supervision department due to excessive noises of its air-conditioners, that Guest Room Department closed its business since the air-conditioners did not produce warmth, and that Chen En claimed against the manufacturer for more than 2 million Yuan, and so on.
The four defendants and their defenders did not deny the above-mentioned facts, but proposed different opinions on the purpose, motivation and nature, etc. of the defendants' acts.
Fengxian District Court found the facts disputed by the prosecutor and defendant as follows:





I. Whether the Shining air-conditioners had quality problems.
The procuratorial organ held that, the Shining air-conditioners manufactured by Shining Company were commodities meeting the national quality standards and enjoying certain prestige. The quality of the Shining air-conditioners used by Guest Room Department was also qualified. The main bases were as follows:
1. The inspection report of Shanghai Municipal Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Office, which proves that the Office was entrusted by Shanghai Municipal Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau and Fengxian Branch of Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau to sample test Guest Room Department's Shining air-conditioners, and the conclusion was that the said air-conditioners were qualified; the statement of Appraiser Guo Weijun, which proves that the means and process of sampling conformed to the provisions of the state; the inspection report of China National Center for Quality Supervision and Test of Electrical Appliances, which proves that Fengxian Branch of Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau delivered the two air-conditioners to the Center for inspection, and the inspection conclusion was that the cooling capacity, the warming capacity and the noises were all found to meet the national standards.
2. The “Certificate of Conformity of the Electrical Equipment” issued by China Commission for Conformity Certification of Electrical Equipment (hereinafter referred to as CCEE), the “Certificate of Product Free of Quality Inspection” issued by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and a letter of the Secretarial Office of the Household Appliances Certification Branch of CCEE to Shining Company, which prove that the Shining air-conditioners were manufactured upon ratification of the state, and that the Shining wall-split air-conditioners were products free of quality inspection.
3. Testimonies of Dong Hailong and Guo Jiacai (former employees of Guangyuan Company), which prove that the overall quality of the Shining air-conditioners purchased and used by Guest Room Department were good, and the problems with some rare air-conditioners were mainly due to wrongful connection of electric power and improper installation, etc. Testimonies of Xue Qihua and Yuan Hailin (employees of Shining Company) and relevant documentary evidence such as legal letters, postal vouchers, etc., which prove that, after receiving Guest Room Department's complaint, Shining Company immediately sent its persons to test the air-conditioners but did not find any major quality problem; the noises of 6 air-conditioners were caused by the circumfluence of air due to improper location of installation, and the noises of 2 air-conditioners were caused by themselves. As the amount of compensation claimed by Chen En, et al, was too large, both parties failed to reach an agreement on how to settle the matter.
4. Testimonies of Liu Yigao and Wang Tongwang, et al (employees of the Environmental Monitoring Center), which prove that the on-site supervision records and the monitoring report issued by the Environmental Monitoring Center only showed the facts about the monitoring of noises, but could not be used as the basis to determine the quality problems with the air-conditioners. A statement of Lianyungang Municipal Environmental Supervision Division, which proves that Guest Room Department actually did not pay the fee for excessive pollutant discharge, and meanwhile proves that the fee for excessive pollutant discharge was not a fine.
5. Testimony of Yu Jianbo (employee of Jiangsu PSIC), which proves that Chen En, et al, brought Lianyungang QTSB's letter of entrustment on inspection to successively deliver a Shining air-conditioner to Jiangsu PSIC for inspection for twice; the air-conditioner of the first test was found qualified in conclusion, and no inspection report was issued; while the noise of that of the second test was found unqualified in conclusion, Jiangsu PSIC issued an inspection report, and Jin Jiaxiang offered 2000 Yuan to Yu Jianbo; the above-mentioned air-conditioners were delivered by Chen En, et al, themselves for inspection and were not packed or sealed up the air-conditioners, which did not conform to the procedures for appraisal. A written notice of Jiangsu PSIC, which proves that PSIC separately notified Lianyungang QTSB and Huanghai Holiday Resort on March 11, 2001, saying that the foregoing inspection report “shall not be used for quality appraisal or quality arbitration.”
All the defendants and their defenders held that, the Shining air-conditioners did have quality problems. The main bases were as follows:
1. The on-site supervision records of the Environmental Monitoring Center, which prove that Guest Room Department was really punished by Lianyungang's environmental supervision department due to excessive noises of air-conditioners. Lianyungang QTSB's list of sample supervision and inspection, and Jiangsu PSIC's test report, which also prove that the noises of the Shining air-conditioners were found not up to standard.
2. A letter of application submitted by Guest Room Department to Lianyungang QTSB, which describes: “Both parties (the other party refers to Guangyuan Company) decides to entrust the Provincial Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center to make the appraisal”; a letter of Guest Room Department to Shining Company, which describes: “We have discussed with Guangyuan Electric Appliances Company and decides to, as of today, expose the quality of your Shining air-conditioners”. The foregoing two materials were both acknowledged by Guangyuan Company. Dong Hailong indicated on the arrearage proof issued by Jin Yuegen to Guangyuan Company: “It has been invalidated, and the invoices have been taken back”, which proves that Guangyuan Company took back the sales invoices due to the quality problems with the air-conditioners. The news report published on Lianyungang Daily entitled “Who is to blame for the annoyance from Huanghai Holiday Resort's air-conditioners --- excessive noises of ‘Shining' are the chief cause”, which proves that, when Dong Hailong was interviewed by the reporter, he acknowledged that the batch of Shining air-conditioners had quality problems. All the above-mentioned materials show that Guangyuan Company, distributor of the Shining air-conditioners, had to some extent recognized the quality problems with the air-conditioners.
3. Testimonies of witnesses Xue Qihua and Yuan Hailin, et al, prove that, when they went to Lianyungang to negotiate with Chen En to resolve the quality problems of the air-conditioners, they tested the air-conditioners of Guest Room Department, and found 8 air-conditioners were indeed too noisy and were problematic in other aspects.

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