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Notice by the National Development and Reform Commission of Further Reducing the Service Fee Rates of the Credit Reference Center of the People's Bank of China [Effective]
国家发展改革委关于进一步降低中国人民银行征信中心服务收费标准的通知 [现行有效]
Notice by the National Development and Reform Commission of Further Reducing the Service Fee Rates of the Credit Reference Center of the People's Bank of China 


(No. 1318 [2019] of the National Development and Reform Commission) (发改价格规〔2019〕1318号)

People's Bank of China: 中国人民银行:
For the purposes of implementing the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, further reducing the burden on enterprises, optimizing the environment for the development of the real economy, and promoting the development of the real economy and the construction of the social credit system, according to the relevant provisions of the Regulation on the Administration of the Credit Reporting Industry, matters relating to the service fee rates of your Credit Reference Center are hereby announced as follows: 为贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,进一步减轻企业负担,优化实体经济发展环境,促进实体经济发展和社会信用体系建设,依据《征信业管理条例》有关规定,现就你行征信中心服务收费标准有关事项通知如下:
I. For commercial banks and other institutions, the basic service fee rate shall be reduced from 40 yuan per copy to 20 yuan per copy, in the case of a request for business credit reports, or from 4 yuan per copy to 2 yuan per copy, in the case of a request for personal credit reports, the actual fee rate shall be calculated and fixed based on the size of data provided to and requested from the credit reporting system by a user institution, and the method of regressive calculation based on the excess over a specific amount shall apply to the size of requested data. See the Annex for the specific calculation formula and method for calculating fees.   一、商业银行等机构查询企业信用报告基准服务费标准由每份40元降低至20元,查询个人信用报告基准服务费标准由每份4元降低至2元,实际收费标准根据用户机构向征信系统提供的数据量和查询量计算确定,数据查询量适用超额累退计算方法,具体计算公式和计费办法详见附件。
...... 农村商业银行、农村合作银行、农村信用社、村镇银行、小额贷款公司、消费金融公司、融资租赁公司、融资性担保公司、民营银行、独立法人直销银行等10类金融机构查询企业和个人信用报告实行优惠收费标准。上述享受优惠政策的机构查询企业信用报告收费标准由每份15元降低至10元,查询个人信用报告收费标准继续维持每份1元。

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