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Order of the President of the People's Republic of China | | 中华人民共和国主席令 |
(No. 38) | | (第三十八号) |
The Basic Healthcare and Health Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 15th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December 28, 2019, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on June 1, 2020. | | 《中华人民共和国基本医疗卫生与健康促进法》已由中华人民共和国第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十五次会议于2019年12月28日通过,现予公布,自2020年6月1日起施行。 |
Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China | | 中华人民共和国主席 习近平 |
December 28, 2019 | | 2019年12月28日 |
Basic Healthcare and Health Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China | | 中华人民共和国基本医疗卫生与健康促进法 |
(Adopted at the 15th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December 28, 2019) | | (2019年12月28日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十五次会议通过) |
Contents | | 目录 |
Chapter I General Provisions | | 第一章 总则 |
Chapter II Basic Healthcare Services | | 第二章 基本医疗卫生服务 |
Chapter III Healthcare Institutions | | 第三章 医疗卫生机构 |
Chapter IV Healthcare Practitioners | | 第四章 医疗卫生人员 |
Chapter V Guarantee of Supply of Medicinal Products | | 第五章 药品供应保障 |
Chapter VI Health Promotion | | 第六章 健康促进 |
Chapter VII Guarantee of Funding | | 第七章 资金保障 |
Chapter VIII Supervision and Administration | | 第八章 监督管理 |
Chapter IX Legal Liability | | 第九章 法律责任 |
Chapter X Supplemental Provisions | | 第十章 附则 |
Chapter I General Provisions | | 第一章 总则 |
Article 1 For the purposes of developing the cause of healthcare and health, safeguarding the access of citizens to basic healthcare services, improving the health level of citizens, and advancing the construction of a healthy China, this Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution. | | 第一条 为了发展医疗卫生与健康事业,保障公民享有基本医疗卫生服务,提高公民健康水平,推进健康中国建设,根据宪法,制定本法。 |
Article 2 The conduct of healthcare and health promotion activities as well as supervision and administration of such activities shall be governed by this Law. | | 第二条 从事医疗卫生、健康促进及其监督管理活动,适用本法。 |
Article 3 The cause of healthcare and health shall adhere to the people-centered approach and serving the people's health. | | 第三条 医疗卫生与健康事业应当坚持以人民为中心,为人民健康服务。 |
The cause of healthcare shall adhere to the principle of public benefit. | | 医疗卫生事业应当坚持公益性原则。 |
Article 4 The state and society respect and protect the right of citizens to health. | | 第四条 国家和社会尊重、保护公民的健康权。 |
The state implements a healthy China strategy, popularizes healthy life, optimizes health services, improves health security, builds a healthy environment, develops the health industry, and increases the health level of citizens in their full cycle of life. | | 国家实施健康中国战略,普及健康生活,优化健康服务,完善健康保障,建设健康环境,发展健康产业,提升公民全生命周期健康水平。 |
The state establishes a health education system, protects the right of citizens to health education, and improves the health literacy of citizens. | | 国家建立健康教育制度,保障公民获得健康教育的权利,提高公民的健康素养。 |
Article 5 Citizens are entitled to receive basic healthcare services from the state and society in accordance with the law. | | 第五条 公民依法享有从国家和社会获得基本医疗卫生服务的权利。 |
The state establishes a basic healthcare system, establishes and improves a healthcare service system, and protects and materializes the right of citizens to receive basic healthcare services. | | 国家建立基本医疗卫生制度,建立健全医疗卫生服务体系,保护和实现公民获得基本医疗卫生服务的权利。 |
Article 6 The people's governments at all levels shall put people's health in a strategic position for priority development, integrate the health concept into various policies, adhere to focusing on prevention, improve the system of health promotion work, organize the implementation of the comprehensive plan and actions on health promotion, advance national fitness, establish a health impact assessment system, and include the improvement of major health indicators of citizens in the target responsibility assessment of the governments. | | 第六条 各级人民政府应当把人民健康放在优先发展的战略地位,将健康理念融入各项政策,坚持预防为主,完善健康促进工作体系,组织实施健康促进的规划和行动,推进全民健身,建立健康影响评估制度,将公民主要健康指标改善情况纳入政府目标责任考核。 |
The whole society shall share common concerns for and jointly support the development of the cause of healthcare and health. | | 全社会应当共同关心和支持医疗卫生与健康事业的发展。 |
Article 7 The State Council and the local people's governments at all levels lead the healthcare and health promotion work. | | 第七条 国务院和地方各级人民政府领导医疗卫生与健康促进工作。 |
The health department of the State Council is responsible for the overall planning and coordination of the healthcare and health promotion work across the country. The other relevant departments of the State Council are responsible for the relevant healthcare and health promotion work within their respective scopes of functions. | | 国务院卫生健康主管部门负责统筹协调全国医疗卫生与健康促进工作。国务院其他有关部门在各自职责范围内负责有关的医疗卫生与健康促进工作。 |
The health department of a local people's government at or above the county level is responsible for the overall planning and coordination of the healthcare and health promotion work within its administrative region. The other relevant departments of a local people's government at or above the county level are responsible for the relevant healthcare and health promotion work within their respective scopes of functions. | | 县级以上地方人民政府卫生健康主管部门负责统筹协调本行政区域医疗卫生与健康促进工作。县级以上地方人民政府其他有关部门在各自职责范围内负责有关的医疗卫生与健康促进工作。 |
Article 8 The state strengthens the basic science research on medicine, encourages innovation on science and technology in medicine, supports the development of clinical medicine, promotes the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements in medicine, advances the integrated development of healthcare and information technology, popularizes appropriate technologies for healthcare, and improves the quality of healthcare services. | | 第八条 国家加强医学基础科学研究,鼓励医学科学技术创新,支持临床医学发展,促进医学科技成果的转化和应用,推进医疗卫生与信息技术融合发展,推广医疗卫生适宜技术,提高医疗卫生服务质量。 |
The state develops medical education, improves a medical education system that satisfies the needs for the development the cause of healthcare, and vigorously cultivates healthcare professionals. | | 国家发展医学教育,完善适应医疗卫生事业发展需要的医学教育体系,大力培养医疗卫生人才。 |
Article 9 The state vigorously develops the cause of traditional Chinese medicine, adheres to attaching equal importance to Chinese and western medicine and combining inheritance and innovation, and allows traditional Chinese medicine to play a unique role in the cause of healthcare and health. | | 第九条 国家大力发展中医药事业,坚持中西医并重、传承与创新相结合,发挥中医药在医疗卫生与健康事业中的独特作用。 |
Article 10 The state rationally plans and allocates healthcare resources, focuses on the primary level, adopts various measures to prioritize support for the development of healthcare institutions at and below the county level, and improves their capability of providing healthcare services. | | 第十条 国家合理规划和配置医疗卫生资源,以基层为重点,采取多种措施优先支持县级以下医疗卫生机构发展,提高其医疗卫生服务能力。 |
Article 11 The state increases fiscal input in the cause of healthcare and health, and focuses on supporting the development of the cause of healthcare and health in the old revolutionary base areas, ethnic areas, border areas, and less economically developed areas by increasing transfer payments and other methods. | | 第十一条 国家加大对医疗卫生与健康事业的财政投入,通过增加转移支付等方式重点扶持革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区和经济欠发达地区发展医疗卫生与健康事业。 |
Article 12 The state encourages and supports the participation of citizens, legal persons, and other organizations in the cause of healthcare and health by founding institutions, donations, funding, and other means in accordance with the law to satisfy the diversified, differentiated, and personalized health needs of citizens. | | 第十二条 国家鼓励和支持公民、法人和其他组织通过依法举办机构和捐赠、资助等方式,参与医疗卫生与健康事业,满足公民多样化、差异化、个性化健康需求。 |
Citizens, legal persons, and other organizations that donate property used for the cause of healthcare and health shall enjoy tax preferences in accordance with the law. | | 公民、法人和其他组织捐赠财产用于医疗卫生与健康事业的,依法享受税收优惠。 |
Article 13 Organizations and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the cause of healthcare and health are commended and rewarded according to the provisions issued by the state. | | 第十三条 对在医疗卫生与健康事业中做出突出贡献的组织和个人,按照国家规定给予表彰、奖励。 |
Article 14 The state encourages and supports the international exchange and cooperation in the field of healthcare and health promotion. | | 第十四条 国家鼓励和支持医疗卫生与健康促进领域的对外交流合作。 |
The international exchange and cooperation activities in healthcare and health promotion shall be carried out in compliance with laws and regulations and by maintaining the national sovereignty and security and public interest. | | 开展医疗卫生与健康促进对外交流合作活动,应当遵守法律、法规,维护国家主权、安全和社会公共利益。 |
Chapter II Basic Healthcare Services | | 第二章 基本医疗卫生服务 |
Article 15 The term “basic healthcare services” means the disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, nursing, rehabilitation, and other services provided by adopting appropriate pharmaceuticals, appropriate technologies, and appropriate equipment, necessary for the maintenance of human health, compatible with the level of economic and social development, and fairly available to citizens. | | 第十五条 基本医疗卫生服务,是指维护人体健康所必需、与经济社会发展水平相适应、公民可公平获得的,采用适宜药物、适宜技术、适宜设备提供的疾病预防、诊断、治疗、护理和康复等服务。 |
Basic healthcare services include basic public health services and basic medical services. Basic public health services are provided by the state free of charge. | | 基本医疗卫生服务包括基本公共卫生服务和基本医疗服务。基本公共卫生服务由国家免费提供。 |
Article 16 The state adopts measures to ensure that citizens receive safe and effective basic public health services, control risk factors affecting health, and improve the level of disease prevention and control. | | 第十六条 国家采取措施,保障公民享有安全有效的基本公共卫生服务,控制影响健康的危险因素,提高疾病的预防控制水平。 |
The national basic public health service items are jointly determined by the health department of the State Council in conjunction with the finance, traditional Chinese medicine, and other departments of the State Council. | | 国家基本公共卫生服务项目由国务院卫生健康主管部门会同国务院财政部门、中医药主管部门等共同确定。 |
The people's government of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government may, on the basis of the national basic public health service items, determine additional basic public health service items of the administrative region, and report them to the health department of the State Council for recordation. | | 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以在国家基本公共卫生服务项目基础上,补充确定本行政区域的基本公共卫生服务项目,并报国务院卫生健康主管部门备案。 |
Article 17 The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government may include service contents for priority areas, priority diseases, and particular populations in the basic public health service items, and organize the implementation of them. | | 第十七条 国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以将针对重点地区、重点疾病和特定人群的服务内容纳入基本公共卫生服务项目并组织实施。 |
A local people's government at or above the county level carries out the special work on the prevention and control of major diseases and major health risk factors in its administrative region. | | 县级以上地方人民政府针对本行政区域重大疾病和主要健康危险因素,开展专项防控工作。 |
Article 18 The people's governments at or above the county level provide basic public health services by founding specialized public health institutions, primary healthcare institutions, and hospitals or purchasing services from other healthcare institutions. | | 第十八条 县级以上人民政府通过举办专业公共卫生机构、基层医疗卫生机构和医院,或者从其他医疗卫生机构购买服务的方式提供基本公共卫生服务。 |
Article 19 The state establishes and improves a health emergency response system, develops and improves contingency plans, and organizes the implementation of health emergency response work including but not limited to medical care, hygienic investigation and response actions, and psychological assistance to effectively control and eliminate hazards. | | 第十九条 国家建立健全突发事件卫生应急体系,制定和完善应急预案,组织开展突发事件的医疗救治、卫生学调查处置和心理援助等卫生应急工作,有效控制和消除危害。 |
Article 20 The state establishes a system of prevention and control of infectious diseases, develops and organizes the implementation of a comprehensive plan for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, strengthens the surveillance and early warning of infectious diseases, adheres to focusing on prevention and combining prevention and treatment, and implements joint prevention and control, prevention and control by the people, prevention and control at the source, and comprehensive governance, to block routes of transmission, protect vulnerable populations, and reduce harm caused by infectious diseases. | | 第二十条 国家建立传染病防控制度,制定传染病防治规划并组织实施,加强传染病监测预警,坚持预防为主、防治结合,联防联控、群防群控、源头防控、综合治理,阻断传播途径,保护易感人群,降低传染病的危害。 |
Any entity or individual shall accept and cooperate on an investigation, inspection, specimen collection, treatment in isolation, medical observation, and other measures adopted by healthcare institutions in accordance with the law to prevent, control, and eliminate harm caused by infectious diseases. | | 任何组织和个人应当接受、配合医疗卫生机构为预防、控制、消除传染病危害依法采取的调查、检验、采集样本、隔离治疗、医学观察等措施。 |
Article 21 The state implements a vaccination system, and strengthens work on the comprehensive plan on immunization. Residents have both the right and the obligation to be inoculated under the comprehensive plan on immunization in accordance with the law. The governments provide residents with vaccines under the comprehensive plan on immunization free of charge. | | 第二十一条 国家实行预防接种制度,加强免疫规划工作。居民有依法接种免疫规划疫苗的权利和义务。政府向居民免费提供免疫规划疫苗。 |
Article 22 The state establishes a system of prevention, control, and management of chronic non-infectious diseases to conduct surveillance, investigation, and comprehensive prevention, control, and intervention regarding chronic non-infectious diseases and their pathogenic risk factors, identify high-risk populations in a timely manner, and provide patients and high-risk populations with diagnosis and treatment, early intervention, follow-up visit management, health education, and other services. | | 第二十二条 国家建立慢性非传染性疾病防控与管理制度,对慢性非传染性疾病及其致病危险因素开展监测、调查和综合防控干预,及时发现高危人群,为患者和高危人群提供诊疗、早期干预、随访管理和健康教育等服务。 |
Article 23 The state strengthens occupational health protection. The people's governments at or above the county level shall develop comprehensive plans on the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases, establish and improve occupational health work mechanisms, strengthen occupational health supervision and administration, and improve their capacities and levels of comprehensive prevention and treatment of occupational diseases. | | 第二十三条 国家加强职业健康保护。县级以上人民政府应当制定职业病防治规划,建立健全职业健康工作机制,加强职业健康监督管理,提高职业病综合防治能力和水平。 |
Employers shall control occupational hazardous factors, adopt comprehensive treatment measures including but not limited to engineering technology, individual protection, and health management, and improve the work environment and working conditions. | | 用人单位应当控制职业病危害因素,采取工程技术、个体防护和健康管理等综合治理措施,改善工作环境和劳动条件。 |
Article 24 The state develops the cause of maternal and child health maintenance, establishes and improves a maternal and child health service system, and provides women and children with health maintenance and common disease prevention and treatment services, to safeguard the health of women and children. | | 第二十四条 国家发展妇幼保健事业,建立健全妇幼健康服务体系,为妇女、儿童提供保健及常见病防治服务,保障妇女、儿童健康。 |
The state adopts measures to provide citizens with pre-marital health maintenance, maternal health maintenance, and other services to promote reproductive health and prevent birth defects. | | 国家采取措施,为公民提供婚前保健、孕产期保健等服务,促进生殖健康,预防出生缺陷。 |
Article 25 The state develops the cause of health maintenance of seniors. The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall include the health management and prevention of common diseases of seniors in the basic public health service items. | | 第二十五条 国家发展老年人保健事业。国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当将老年人健康管理和常见病预防等纳入基本公共卫生服务项目。 |
Article 26 The state develops the cause of disability prevention and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, improves the system of disability prevention and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities and their safeguards, and adopts measures to provide basic rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities. | | 第二十六条 国家发展残疾预防和残疾人康复事业,完善残疾预防和残疾人康复及其保障体系,采取措施为残疾人提供基本康复服务。 |
The people's governments at or above the county level shall prioritize the work on rehabilitation of children with disabilities, and combine rehabilitation and education. | | 县级以上人民政府应当优先开展残疾儿童康复工作,实行康复与教育相结合。 |
Article 27 The state establishes and improves a pre-hospital emergency care system to provide timely, standardized, and effective first aid services to patients in acute, critical, or severe condition. | | 第二十七条 国家建立健全院前急救体系,为急危重症患者提供及时、规范、有效的急救服务。 |
The health departments, the Red Cross Society, and other relevant departments shall proactively carry out first-aid training, popularize first-aid knowledge, and encourage healthcare practitioners and personnel that have received first-aid training to actively participate in first aid services in public places. Public places shall be equipped with necessary first aid equipment or facilities as legally required. | | 卫生健康主管部门、红十字会等有关部门、组织应当积极开展急救培训,普及急救知识,鼓励医疗卫生人员、经过急救培训的人员积极参与公共场所急救服务。公共场所应当按照规定配备必要的急救设备、设施。 |
First aid centers (stations) shall not refuse to provide or delay in providing first aid services to patients in acute, critical, or severe conditions on the excuse of nonpayment. | | 急救中心(站)不得以未付费为由拒绝或者拖延为急危重症患者提供急救服务。 |
Article 28 The state develops the cause of mental health, establishes and improves a mental health service system, maintains and enhances the mental health of citizens, and prevents and treats mental disorders. | | 第二十八条 国家发展精神卫生事业,建设完善精神卫生服务体系,维护和增进公民心理健康,预防、治疗精神障碍。 |
The state adopts measures to strengthen the development of a mental health service system and mental health professionals, promote the effective connection of mental health education, psychological assessment, psychological counseling, and psychological treatment services, establish a psychological assistance hotline that provides public services, and strengthen the mental health services for minors, persons with disabilities, seniors, and other priority populations. | | 国家采取措施,加强心理健康服务体系和人才队伍建设,促进心理健康教育、心理评估、心理咨询与心理治疗服务的有效衔接,设立为公众提供公益服务的心理援助热线,加强未成年人、残疾人和老年人等重点人群心理健康服务。 |
Article 29 Basic medical services are mainly provided by healthcare institutions founded by the governments. Healthcare institutions founded by the private sector are encouraged to provide basic medical services. | | 第二十九条 基本医疗服务主要由政府举办的医疗卫生机构提供。鼓励社会力量举办的医疗卫生机构提供基本医疗服务。 |
Article 30 The state advances the implementation of a multilevel care system in the provision of basic medical services, directs non-emergency patients to first see doctors at primary healthcare institutions, implements an initial consult accountability system and a referral examination accountability system, and gradually establishes a mechanism featuring initial consult at primary healthcare institutions, two-way referral, separation of acute and chronic care, and interaction between different levels and interfaced with the basic medical insurance system. | | 第三十条 国家推进基本医疗服务实行分级诊疗制度,引导非急诊患者首先到基层医疗卫生机构就诊,实行首诊负责制和转诊审核责任制,逐步建立基层首诊、双向转诊、急慢分治、上下联动的机制,并与基本医疗保险制度相衔接。 |
A local people's government at or above the county level organizes and integrates the healthcare resources founded by the government within its administrative region based on the healthcare needs within the region, and establishes a medical service cooperative mechanism featuring collaboration and interaction such as a medical care consortium in light of local circumstances. Healthcare institutions founded by the private sector are encouraged to participate in the medical service cooperative mechanism. | | 县级以上地方人民政府根据本行政区域医疗卫生需求,整合区域内政府举办的医疗卫生资源,因地制宜建立医疗联合体等协同联动的医疗服务合作机制。鼓励社会力量举办的医疗卫生机构参与医疗服务合作机制。 |
Article 31 The state advances the implementation of contractual family doctor services by primary healthcare institutions, which establish family doctor service teams and enter into agreements with residents to provide basic healthcare services based on the health conditions and demand for medical care of residents. | | 第三十一条 国家推进基层医疗卫生机构实行家庭医生签约服务,建立家庭医生服务团队,与居民签订协议,根据居民健康状况和医疗需求提供基本医疗卫生服务。 |
Article 32 When a citizen receives healthcare services, the citizen has the right to informed consent regarding his or her medical condition, diagnosis and treatment options, medical risks, and medical expenses, among others, in accordance with the law. | | 第三十二条 公民接受医疗卫生服务,对病情、诊疗方案、医疗风险、医疗费用等事项依法享有知情同意的权利。 |
Where a surgery, special examination, or special treatment is needed, healthcare practitioners shall explain the medical risks, alternative treatment options, and other information to the patients in a timely manner, and obtain their consents; or if it is impossible or inappropriate to explain the information to the patients, explain the information to the close relatives of the patients, and obtain their consents, except as otherwise provided by a law. | | 需要实施手术、特殊检查、特殊治疗的,医疗卫生人员应当及时向患者说明医疗风险、替代医疗方案等情况,并取得其同意;不能或者不宜向患者说明的,应当向患者的近亲属说明,并取得其同意。法律另有规定的,依照其规定。 |
Clinical trials and other medical research on pharmaceuticals and medical devices shall comply with the code of medical ethics, pass the ethical review in accordance with the law, and obtain informed consents. | | 开展药物、医疗器械临床试验和其他医学研究应当遵守医学伦理规范,依法通过伦理审查,取得知情同意。 |
Article 33 Citizens receiving healthcare services shall be respected. Healthcare institutions and healthcare practitioners shall care about and treat equally their patients, respect the personal dignity of their patients, and protect the privacy of their patients. | | 第三十三条 公民接受医疗卫生服务,应当受到尊重。医疗卫生机构、医疗卫生人员应当关心爱护、平等对待患者,尊重患者人格尊严,保护患者隐私。 |
Citizens receiving healthcare services shall comply with the diagnosis and treatment rules and the order of healthcare services, and respect healthcare practitioners. | | 公民接受医疗卫生服务,应当遵守诊疗制度和医疗卫生服务秩序,尊重医疗卫生人员。 |
Chapter III Healthcare Institutions | | 第三章 医疗卫生机构 |
Article 34 The state establishes and improves a healthcare service system composed of primary healthcare institutions, hospitals, and specialized public health institutions, among others, and featuring full urban and rural coverage, functional complementation, and continuity in collaboration. | | 第三十四条 国家建立健全由基层医疗卫生机构、医院、专业公共卫生机构等组成的城乡全覆盖、功能互补、连续协同的医疗卫生服务体系。 |
The state strengthens the development of county-level hospitals, health centers in townships and towns, village health offices, community health service centers (stations), and specialized public health institutions, among others, and establishes and improves rural healthcare service networks and urban community health service networks. | | 国家加强县级医院、乡镇卫生院、村卫生室、社区卫生服务中心(站)和专业公共卫生机构等的建设,建立健全农村医疗卫生服务网络和城市社区卫生服务网络。 |
Article 35 Primary healthcare institutions mainly provide prevention, health maintenance, health education, disease management, creation of health files for residents, diagnosis and treatment of common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases, rehabilitation and nursing for certain diseases, receipt of patients referred from hospitals, referral of patients beyond their service capacities to hospitals, and other basic healthcare services. | | 第三十五条 基层医疗卫生机构主要提供预防、保健、健康教育、疾病管理,为居民建立健康档案,常见病、多发病的诊疗以及部分疾病的康复、护理,接收医院转诊患者,向医院转诊超出自身服务能力的患者等基本医疗卫生服务。 |
Hospitals mainly provide the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, especially diagnosis and treatment of patients in acute, critical, or severe condition or difficult-to-solve condition, emergency medical response and rescue, health education, and other healthcare services, and carry out medical education, training of healthcare practitioners, research on medical sciences, business guidance for primary healthcare institutions, and other work. | | 医院主要提供疾病诊治,特别是急危重症和疑难病症的诊疗,突发事件医疗处置和救援以及健康教育等医疗卫生服务,并开展医学教育、医疗卫生人员培训、医学科学研究和对基层医疗卫生机构的业务指导等工作。 |
Specialized public health institutions mainly provide the prevention and control of infectious diseases, chronic non-infectious diseases, occupational diseases, endemic diseases, and other diseases, health education, maternal and child health maintenance, mental health, pre-hospital emergency care, blood collection and supply, monitoring and assessment of food safety risks, prevention and treatment of birth defects, and other public health services. | | 专业公共卫生机构主要提供传染病、慢性非传染性疾病、职业病、地方病等疾病预防控制和健康教育、妇幼保健、精神卫生、院前急救、采供血、食品安全风险监测评估、出生缺陷防治等公共卫生服务。 |
Article 36 The different types of healthcare institutions at different levels shall, according to their division of labor and in cooperation with one another, provide citizens with comprehensive and full-circle healthcare services including but not limited to prevention, health maintenance, treatment, nursing, rehabilitation, and hospice care. | | 第三十六条 各级各类医疗卫生机构应当分工合作,为公民提供预防、保健、治疗、护理、康复、安宁疗护等全方位全周期的医疗卫生服务。 |
The people's governments at all levels adopt measures to support the establishment of collaborative mechanisms between healthcare institutions and retirement homes, child welfare institutions, and community organizations to provide safe and convenient medical and health services to seniors, orphans, and children with disabilities. | | 各级人民政府采取措施支持医疗卫生机构与养老机构、儿童福利机构、社区组织建立协作机制,为老年人、孤残儿童提供安全、便捷的医疗和健康服务。 |
Article 37 A people's government at or above the county level shall develop and implement a comprehensive plan on the healthcare service system, scientifically allocate healthcare resources, found healthcare institutions, and provide safeguards for the access of citizens to basic healthcare services. | | 第三十七条 县级以上人民政府应当制定并落实医疗卫生服务体系规划,科学配置医疗卫生资源,举办医疗卫生机构,为公民获得基本医疗卫生服务提供保障。 |
...... | | 政府举办医疗卫生机构,应当考虑本行政区域人口、经济社会发展状况、医疗卫生资源、健康危险因素、发病率、患病率以及紧急救治需求等情况。 |
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