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Notice by the General Office of the Ministry of Commerce of Effectively Organizing the Resumption of Business of Commercial and Trade Enterprises [Effective]
商务部办公厅关于组织做好商贸企业复工营业工作的通知 [现行有效]
Notice by the General Office of the Ministry of Commerce of Effectively Organizing the Resumption of Business of Commercial and Trade Enterprises 


The commerce departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate state planning, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市及新疆生产建设兵团商务主管部门:
At the current crucial stage of the prevention and control of the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia (“NCP”) caused by COVID-19, the demands for daily necessities in large and medium-sized cities have been increasingly growing as a result of the impact of the outbreak of NCP and multiple factors such as extended holidays and return of personnel to cities, and the guarantee of supply of daily necessities is confronting more complicated circumstances and tougher challenges. For the purpose of guaranteeing the market supply of daily necessities, you are hereby notified of matters concerning organizing the resumption of business of commercial and trade enterprises as follows: 当前正处在新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情防控的关键阶段,受疫情影响,叠加假期延长、人员返城等多重因素,大中城市生活必需品需求不断增加,生活必需品保供面临的局面更为复杂,任务更加艰巨。为做好生活必需品市场保供工作,现就组织开展商贸企业复工营业有关事项通知如下:
I. Organizing the enterprises meeting the conditions to resume business as soon as possible   一、组织具备条件的企业尽快复工营业
The commerce departments at all levels shall, under the unified leadership and deployment of local party committees and governments, get an in-depth understanding of the epidemic prevention, personnel, and commodity reserves circumstances of relevant commercial and trade enterprises, and actively support the commercial and trade enterprises (including wholesale markets, supermarkets, convenience stores and community-based vegetable stores, among others) that meet the conditions for prevention and control of the outbreak of NCP to resume business as soon as possible; shall take measures to guide enterprises in effectively conducting the procurement, transportation, distribution and replenishment of the sources of goods to effectively ensure that the commercial and trade enterprises meeting the conditions resume business in a smooth manner; shall make full use of large-scale commercial and trade chain enterprises' advantages of large numbers of outlets and rich varieties of commodities to maximize their backbone role in guaranteeing market supply; and shall make use of small and medium-sized commercial and trade enterprises' advantages of flexible operations and closeness to residents of communities to maximize their role in dispersed purchasing and instant purchasing so as to fully meet residents' demands for daily necessities. 各级商务主管部门要在当地党委、政府统一领导和部署下,深入了解相关商贸企业防疫、人员、商品储备情况,积极支持具备疫情防控条件的商贸企业(包括:批发市场、超市、便利店、社区菜店等)尽快恢复营业。要采取措施,指导企业做好货源采购、调运、配送、补货工作,切实保障符合条件的商贸企业顺利复工营业。要充分利用大型商贸连锁企业网点多、品种丰富的优势,发挥其保障市场供应的骨干作用。要利用中小商贸企业经营灵活、贴近社区居民的优势,发挥分散购买、即时购买的作用,充分满足居民生活必需品需求。
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