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Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Supporting Flexible Employment through Multiple Channels [Effective]
国务院办公厅关于支持多渠道灵活就业的意见 [现行有效]
Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Supporting Flexible Employment through Multiple Channels 


(No. 27 [2020] of the General Office of the State Council) (国办发〔2020〕27号)

The people's governments in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; all ministries and commissions of the State Council; and all institutions directly under the Central Government: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:
Self-employment, part-time jobs, new forms of employment, and other flexible and diverse means of employment provide important paths for workers to get employed and increase income, and also play an essential role in opening new channels for employment and fostering new drivers for development. For the purposes of comprehensively strengthening the measures for keeping employment stable and fulfilling the task of ensuring employment of residents, with the consent of the State Council, the Opinions on supporting flexible employment through multiple channels are hereby offered as follows. 个体经营、非全日制以及新就业形态等灵活多样的就业方式,是劳动者就业增收的重要途径,对拓宽就业新渠道、培育发展新动能具有重要作用。为全面强化稳就业举措,落实保居民就业任务,经国务院同意,现就支持多渠道灵活就业提出以下意见。
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
Taking Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as guidance, efforts shall be made to comprehensively implement the underlying principle of the 19th CPC National Congress and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, remain committed to a people-centric notion of development, deem the support for flexible employment as important measures to keep employment stable and ensure employment of residents, continue to lay equal emphasis on the dominant position of the market and the guiding role of the government, and pay attention to both flexibility and market order. The Opinions call for seizing momentum to strengthen areas of weakness, applying policies according to local actual conditions, and removing unnecessary restrictions on flexible employment. The Opinions require the issuance of more policies, the supply of more services, and the creation of more flexible employment opportunities. The vitality of workers in starting up new businesses shall be stimulated, and their potentials in innovation shall be fully leveraged. Furthermore, workers shall be encouraged to seek self-employment and carry out entrepreneurial activities. In short, all-out efforts shall be made to stabilize employment. 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会精神,坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,把支持灵活就业作为稳就业和保居民就业的重要举措,坚持市场引领和政府引导并重、放开搞活和规范有序并举,顺势而为、补齐短板,因地制宜、因城施策,清理取消对灵活就业的不合理限制,强化政策服务供给,创造更多灵活就业机会,激发劳动者创业活力和创新潜能,鼓励自谋职业、自主创业,全力以赴稳定就业大局。
II. Providing more channels to bolster flexible employment   二、拓宽灵活就业发展渠道
1. Supporting the development of self-employment businesses: Further steps shall be taken to continue the reform in the business system, and convenient and efficient consulting and registration services shall be provided. Workers shall be guided to choose the scope of business on their own based on the market needs. They shall also be encouraged to establish self-employment businesses on a small scale that need a small amount of investment, produce immediate outcomes, are easy to be transformed and involve low risks. Support shall be given to developing a variety of distinctive stores, improving infrastructure delivery, and increasing the supply of commercial resources. Key population groups including laid-off workers, college graduates, rural migrant workers, and those with employment difficulties who engage in self-employment businesses shall receive guaranteed loans, tax relief, start-up subsidies, and other support. (The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the People's Bank of China, the State Taxation Administration and the State Administration for Market Regulation shall be responsible according to the division of duties) (一)鼓励个体经营发展。持续深化商事制度改革,提供便捷高效的咨询、注册服务。引导劳动者以市场为导向,依法自主选择经营范围。鼓励劳动者创办投资小、见效快、易转型、风险小的小规模经济实体。支持发展各类特色小店,完善基础设施,增加商业资源供给。对下岗失业人员、高校毕业生、农民工、就业困难人员等重点群体从事个体经营的,按规定给予创业担保贷款、税收优惠、创业补贴等政策支持。(财政部、人力资源社会保障部、商务部、人民银行、税务总局、市场监管总局等按职责分工负责)
2. Creating more part-time jobs: Financial policies shall be implemented to improve the quality and scale of sectors such as cleaning and landscaping, wholesale and retailing, construction and decoration with the concentration of part-time workers. The capacity of community service trades such as elder care, child care, psychological counseling, and social work in creating job opportunities shall be strengthened. More policies shall be provided to support part-time workers. Social insurance subsidies shall be granted to those having employment difficulties and college graduates not employed within two years after graduation who engage in self-employment businesses. (The Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development, Ministry of Commerce, and the People's Bank of China shall be responsible according to the division of duties) (二)增加非全日制就业机会。落实财政、金融等针对性扶持政策,推动非全日制劳动者较为集中的保洁绿化、批发零售、建筑装修等行业提质扩容。增强养老、托幼、心理疏导和社会工作等社区服务业的吸纳就业能力。加强对非全日制劳动者的政策支持,对就业困难人员、离校2年内未就业高校毕业生从事非全日制等工作的,按规定给予社会保险补贴。(民政部、财政部、人力资源社会保障部、住房城乡建设部、商务部、人民银行等按职责分工负责)
3. Bolstering the new forms of employment: Accommodative and prudential regulation over new forms of employment shall be implemented. The healthy development of the digital economy and the platform economy shall be advanced. The development of sectors such as online retailing, smart mobility, online education and training, telemedicine and online entertainment shall be accelerated to create conditions for working from home, remote office and part-time employment. The supervision rules for the Internet platform economy and other new business forms and new models shall be adequately established. Internet platform enterprises and intermediary agencies shall be encouraged to reduce service fees, franchise fees and other expenses, create more positions in flexible employment and provide more job opportunities for workers. (The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the National Health Commission, and the State Administration for Market Regulation shall be responsible according to the division of duties) (三)支持发展新就业形态。实施包容审慎监管,促进数字经济、平台经济健康发展,加快推动网络零售、移动出行、线上教育培训、互联网医疗、在线娱乐等行业发展,为劳动者居家就业、远程办公、兼职就业创造条件。合理设定互联网平台经济及其他新业态新模式监管规则,鼓励互联网平台企业、中介服务机构等降低服务费、加盟管理费等费用,创造更多灵活就业岗位,吸纳更多劳动者就业。(国家发展改革委、教育部、工业和信息化部、人力资源社会保障部、交通运输部、商务部、文化和旅游部、国家卫生健康委、市场监管总局等按职责分工负责)
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