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Guangzhou Command Center for COVID-19 Control and Prevention Notification on Normalized COVID-19 Prevention and Control Measures [Effective]
广州市新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控指挥部关于做好新冠肺炎疫情常态化防控工作的通告 [现行有效]

Guangzhou Command Center for COVID-19 Control and Prevention Notification on Normalized COVID-19 Prevention and Control Measures



(Guangzhou Command Center for COVID-19 Control and Prevention Notification No.9) (广州市新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控指挥部通告第9号)

COVID-19 outbreak in Guangzhou has been contained and stabilized. We're entering into a phase of normalized prevention and control. However, due to the fact that it has evolved into a global pandemic, the risk of imported cases and resurgence in domestic cases persists. We must build an awareness for risk control and prevention. We need to be prepared for prolonged implementation of prevention and control measures. In order to facilitate the implementation of normalized COVID-19 prevention and control measures and promote the full recovery of socioeconomic order, we hereby inform you the following matters: 当前,我市新冠肺炎疫情基本平稳,已进入疫情防控常态化阶段,但是受全球疫情大流行影响,境外输入、境内反弹的风险依然存在,必须牢固树立风险防范意识,做好长期防控准备,落实常态化防控措施。为推进常态化疫情防控工作,保障经济社会秩序全面恢复,现就有关事项通告如下:
I. Follow science for individual prevention measures. Residents should build up personal awareness about COVID-19 prevention. The following practices are encouraged: wash hands frequently, work out on a regular basis, make use of public chopsticks, cook your food thoroughly, avoid contact with and consuming wild animals, cover your mouth and nose when you're coughing or sneezing, keep your rooms well ventilated, keep a social distance of at least 1 meter and minimize unnecessary group activities. You should carry masks with you all the time. Make sure you wear masks at crowded confined spaces. You should also wear masks when you are unable to keep a distance of at least 1 meter from the others. Staff working at medical facilities; sales employees, security guards and cleaners working at public spaces with no open window; drivers, staff working aboard public transport, staff working at transport hubs, police and out-patients seeking medical treatment at medical facilities are required to wear masks. If you have developed symptoms such as fever, you should wear a mask and visit the fever clinic of a recognized hospital. You're required to report your travel history in the past 14 days to the doctor in a truthful manner. You're also required to report your contact history with suspected patients showing symptoms such as fever and coughing. You should inform your doctor if you have come into contact with people from worst hit areas or overseas.   一、科学做好个人防护。请市民群众增强自身防护意识,养成勤洗手、多运动、用公筷等良好生活习惯,食物煮熟煮透,不接触和食用野生动物,咳嗽、打喷嚏时注意遮挡,室内常通风,保持1米以上的社交距离,减少非必要的聚集性活动。随身携带口罩,在人员密集的封闭场所、与他人小于1米距离接触时佩戴口罩。医疗机构工作人员,在密闭公共场所工作的营业员、保安员、保洁员、司乘人员、客运场站服务人员、警察等人员以及就医人员要佩戴口罩。出现身体发热等不适时,佩戴口罩前往正规医院发热门诊就诊,如实告知医生近14天内旅居史,与可疑发热咳嗽患者、疫情高发地区和入境人士接触暴露史。
II. Create a clean environment. Cleaning should be done properly both at home and at other places, which requires joint efforts from both the public and relevant entities. Quarters and corners which are usually taken for granted in daily cleaning routine should be thoroughly cleaned. Ensure the hygiene both at home and other public places. Public places, public facilities, public transport, stairs and elevators at residential buildings and confined places should be ventilated and disinfected appropriately.   二、营造干净整洁环境。市民群众、各有关单位要做好日常清洁,消灭卫生死角,保持各类公共场所和家庭环境卫生,科学做好公共场所、公共设施、公共交通工具、小区楼道电梯和封闭场所等的通风、消毒。
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