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Measures for the Administration of Carbon Emissions Trading (for Trial Implementation) [Effective]
碳排放权交易管理办法(试行) [现行有效]
Order of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 19) (第19号)

The Measures for the Administration of Carbon Emissions Trading (for Trial Implementation), as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on December 25, 2020, is hereby issued and shall come into force on February 1, 2021. 《碳排放权交易管理办法(试行)》已于2020年12月25日由生态环境部部务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2021年2月1日起施行。
Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment 部长 黄润秋
December 31, 2020 2020年12月31日
Measures for the Administration of Carbon Emissions Trading (for Trial Implementation) 碳排放权交易管理办法(试行)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 These Measures are developed in accordance with the requirements of the state for greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions control for the purposes of implementing the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council for building a national carbon emissions trading market, maximizing the role of market mechanisms in addressing climate change and promoting green and low-carbon development, encouraging more GHG emissions reductions, and regulating carbon emissions trading and related activities across the country.   第一条 为落实党中央、国务院关于建设全国碳排放权交易市场的决策部署,在应对气候变化和促进绿色低碳发展中充分发挥市场机制作用,推动温室气体减排,规范全国碳排放权交易及相关活动,根据国家有关温室气体排放控制的要求,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to carbon emissions trading and related activities across the country—including, among others, the allocation and surrender of emissions allowances, the registration, trading, and settlement of carbon emissions, and the GHG emissions reporting and verification—and the supervision and management of the aforementioned activities.   第二条 本办法适用于全国碳排放权交易及相关活动,包括碳排放配额分配和清缴,碳排放权登记、交易、结算,温室气体排放报告与核查等活动,以及对前述活动的监督管理。
Article 3 Carbon emissions trading and related activities across the country shall be conducted under the principles of market orientation, gradual and orderly progress, fairness and openness, and good faith.   第三条 全国碳排放权交易及相关活动应当坚持市场导向、循序渐进、公平公开和诚实守信的原则。
Article 4 The Ministry of Ecology and Environment shall establish a national carbon emissions trading market in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.   第四条 生态环境部按照国家有关规定建设全国碳排放权交易市场。
The GHG types and industry scope covered by the national carbon emissions trading market shall be formulated by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and implemented after being approved in accordance with procedures. And it shall also be disclosed to the public. 全国碳排放权交易市场覆盖的温室气体种类和行业范围,由生态环境部拟订,按程序报批后实施,并向社会公开。
Article 5 The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, organize the establishment of a national carbon emissions registration agency and a national carbon emissions trading agency, and the building of a national carbon emissions registration system and a national carbon emissions trading system.   第五条 生态环境部按照国家有关规定,组织建立全国碳排放权注册登记机构和全国碳排放权交易机构,组织建设全国碳排放权注册登记系统和全国碳排放权交易系统。
The national carbon emissions registration agency, through the national carbon emissions registration system, records the holding, change, surrender, and cancellation of emissions allowances, and provides settlement services. The information recorded in the national carbon emissions registration system is the final basis for determining the ownership of emissions allowances. 全国碳排放权注册登记机构通过全国碳排放权注册登记系统,记录碳排放配额的持有、变更、清缴、注销等信息,并提供结算服务。全国碳排放权注册登记系统记录的信息是判断碳排放配额归属的最终依据。
The national carbon emissions trading agency is responsible for organizing centralized and unified trading of carbon emissions nationwide. 全国碳排放权交易机构负责组织开展全国碳排放权集中统一交易。
The national carbon emissions registration agency and the national carbon emissions trading agency shall regularly report to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on such activities as the registration, trading, and settlement of carbon emissions nationwide and their operation and other major matters that should be reported, and ensure that both the national carbon emissions registration system and the national carbon emissions trading system are operated in a safe, stable, and reliable manner. 全国碳排放权注册登记机构和全国碳排放权交易机构应当定期向生态环境部报告全国碳排放权登记、交易、结算等活动和机构运行有关情况,以及应当报告的其他重大事项,并保证全国碳排放权注册登记系统和全国碳排放权交易系统安全稳定可靠运行。
Article 6 The Ministry of Ecology and Environment shall be responsible for the development of technical specifications for carbon emissions trading and related activities across the country so as to strengthen supervision and management of the allocation of local carbon emissions allowances and the reporting and verification of GHG emissions, and supervise, administer and guide carbon emissions trading and related activities throughout the country in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council.   第六条 生态环境部负责制定全国碳排放权交易及相关活动的技术规范,加强对地方碳排放配额分配、温室气体排放报告与核查的监督管理,并会同国务院其他有关部门对全国碳排放权交易及相关活动进行监督管理和指导。
The provincial ecology and environment departments shall be responsible for organizing within their respective administrative areas such activities as the allocation and surrender of emissions allowances and the reporting and verification of GHG emissions, and supervise and administer them. 省级生态环境主管部门负责在本行政区域内组织开展碳排放配额分配和清缴、温室气体排放报告的核查等相关活动,并进行监督管理。
The ecology and environment department at the districted city level shall be responsible for cooperating with the provincial ecology and environment department in implementing the relevant specific work, and carry out supervision and administration in accordance with the relevant provisions of these Measures. 设区的市级生态环境主管部门负责配合省级生态环境主管部门落实相关具体工作,并根据本办法有关规定实施监督管理。
Article 7 The national carbon emissions registration agency and the national carbon emissions trading agency and their staff shall abide by the technical specifications for carbon emissions trading and related activities across the country, and the provisions of other competent departments of the state on transaction supervision.   第七条 全国碳排放权注册登记机构和全国碳排放权交易机构及其工作人员,应当遵守全国碳排放权交易及相关活动的技术规范,并遵守国家其他有关主管部门关于交易监管的规定。
Chapter II Key GHG Emitters 

第二章 温室气体重点排放单位

Article 8 Any GHG emitter that meets the following conditions shall be included in the list of key GHG emitters (hereinafter referred to as key emitters):   第八条 温室气体排放单位符合下列条件的,应当列入温室气体重点排放单位(以下简称重点排放单位)名录:
1. It belongs to the industries covered by the national carbon emissions trading market; (一)属于全国碳排放权交易市场覆盖行业;
2. The amount of annual GHG emissions reaches 26,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. (二)年度温室气体排放量达到2.6万吨二氧化碳当量。
Article 9 The provincial ecology and environment department shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, determine a list of key emitters within their respective administrative areas, and report it to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment before disclosing it to the public.   第九条 省级生态环境主管部门应当按照生态环境部的有关规定,确定本行政区域重点排放单位名录,向生态环境部报告,并向社会公开。
Article 10 Key emitters shall control GHG emissions, report carbon emissions data, surrender carbon emissions allowances, make public information on trading and related activities, and accept the supervision and administration of the ecology and environment department.   第十条 重点排放单位应当控制温室气体排放,报告碳排放数据,清缴碳排放配额,公开交易及相关活动信息,并接受生态环境主管部门的监督管理。
Article 11 Under any of the following circumstances, the provincial ecology and environment department responsible for determining the list shall remove the relevant GHG emitter from the list of key emitters:   第十一条 存在下列情形之一的,确定名录的省级生态环境主管部门应当将相关温室气体排放单位从重点排放单位名录中移出:
1. The amount of annual GHG emissions fails to reach 26,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent for two consecutive years; or (一)连续二年温室气体排放未达到2.6万吨二氧化碳当量的;
2. The GHGs are no longer emitted because production or business activities are discontinued due to suspension, closure, or for other reasons. (二)因停业、关闭或者其他原因不再从事生产经营活动,因而不再排放温室气体的。
Article 12 Where a GHG emitter applies for inclusion in the list of key emitters, the provincial ecology and environment department responsible for determining the list shall review the application. Those that have been verified to meet the conditions prescribed in Article 8 of these Measures shall be included in the list of key emitters.   第十二条 温室气体排放单位申请纳入重点排放单位名录的,确定名录的省级生态环境主管部门应当进行核实;经核实符合本办法第八条规定条件的,应当将其纳入重点排放单位名录。
Article 13 Key emitters that have been included in the national carbon emissions trading market shall no longer participate in the local pilot market for carbon emissions trading.   第十三条 纳入全国碳排放权交易市场的重点排放单位,不再参与地方碳排放权交易试点市场。
Chapter III Allocation and Registration 

第三章 分配与登记

Article 14 The Ministry of Ecology and Environment shall, in accordance with the requirements of the state for controlling GHG emissions and in light of such factors as economic growth, industrial restructuring, energy mix optimization, and coordinated control of air pollutant emissions, develop a scheme for determining and allocating the total volume of emissions allowances.   第十四条 生态环境部根据国家温室气体排放控制要求,综合考虑经济增长、产业结构调整、能源结构优化、大气污染物排放协同控制等因素,制定碳排放配额总量确定与分配方案。
...... 省级生态环境主管部门应当根据生态环境部制定的碳排放配额总量确定与分配方案,向本行政区域内的重点排放单位分配规定年度的碳排放配额。

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