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Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China (2021 Amendment) [Effective]
中华人民共和国道路交通安全法(2021修正) [现行有效]

Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China



(Adopted at the 5th Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress on October 28, 2003; revised for the first time according to the Decision on Amending the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 31st Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress on December 29, 2007; revised for the second time according to the Decision on Amending the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 20th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 22, 2011; and revised for the third time according to theDecision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to Amend Eight Laws including the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 28th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress on April 29, 2021) (2003年10月28日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议通过 根据2007年12月29日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十一次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国道路交通安全法〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2011年4月22日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国道路交通安全法〉的决定》第二次修正 根据2021年4月29日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国道路交通安全法〉等八部法律的决定》第三次修正)
Contents 目 录
Chapter I General Principles 第一章 总 则
Chapter II Vehicles and Drivers 第二章 车辆和驾驶人
Section 1 Motor Vehicles and Non-Motor Vehicles 第一节 机动车、非机动车
Section 2 Motor Vehicle Drivers 第二节 机动车驾驶人
Chapter III Conditions for Road Passage 第三章 道路通行条件
Chapter IV Provisions on Road Passage 第四章 道路通行规定
Section 1 General Provisions 第一节 一般规定
Section 2 Provisions on Passage of Motor Vehicles 第二节 机动车通行规定
Section 3 Provisions on Passage of Non-motor Vehicles 第三节 非机动车通行规定
Section 4 Provisions on Passage of Pedestrians and Passengers 第四节 行人和乘车人通行规定
Section 5 Particular Provisions on Expressways 第五节 高速公路的特别规定
Chapter V Handling of Traffic Accidents 第五章 交通事故处理
Chapter VI Supervision over Law Enforcement 第六章 执法监督
Chapter VII Legal Liabilities 第七章 法律责任
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 第八章 附 则
Chapter I General Principles 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 The present Law is formulated with a view to maintaining the road traffic order, preventing and reducing traffic accidents, protecting personal safety, protecting the safety of properties of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and also other lawful rights and interests, as well as improving the passage efficiency.   第一条 为了维护道路交通秩序,预防和减少交通事故,保护人身安全,保护公民、法人和其他组织的财产安全及其他合法权益,提高通行效率,制定本法。
Article 2 All vehicle drivers, pedestrians, passengers, road traffic activity-related entities and individuals inside the territory of the People's Republic of China shall abide by the present Law.   第二条 中华人民共和国境内的车辆驾驶人、行人、乘车人以及与道路交通活动有关的单位和个人,都应当遵守本法。
Article 3 The work of road traffic safety shall be in compliance with the principles of administration according to law and facilitating the masses, and shall guarantee the orderliness, safety, and smooth going of the road traffic.   第三条 道路交通安全工作,应当遵循依法管理、方便群众的原则,保障道路交通有序、安全、畅通。
Article 4 The people's governments at all levels shall guarantee that the administration of road traffic safety suits the economic construction and social development.   第四条 各级人民政府应当保障道路交通安全管理工作与经济建设和社会发展相适应。
The local people's governments at the county level or above shall adapt to the needs in road traffic development, and shall, in accordance with the road traffic safety laws and regulations as well as the relevant policies of the State, formulate the administrative planning on road traffic safety, and arrange for the implementation thereof. 县级以上地方各级人民政府应当适应道路交通发展的需要,依据道路交通安全法律、法规和国家有关政策,制定道路交通安全管理规划,并组织实施。
Article 5 The public security institution under the State Council shall be responsible for the administration of road traffic safety nationwide. The traffic administrative departments of the public security organs under the local people's governments at the county level or above shall be responsible for the administration of road traffic safety within their respective jurisdictions.   第五条 国务院公安部门负责全国道路交通安全管理工作。县级以上地方各级人民政府公安机关交通管理部门负责本行政区域内的道路交通安全管理工作。
The traffic and construction administrative departments under the people's governments at the county level and above shall, upon their respective duties, be responsible for the relevant work on road traffic. 县级以上各级人民政府交通、建设管理部门依据各自职责,负责有关的道路交通工作。
Article 6 The people's governments at all levels shall educate people regularly about road traffic safety so to improve the citizens' consciousness of road traffic safety.   第六条 各级人民政府应当经常进行道路交通安全教育,提高公民的道路交通安全意识。
The traffic administrative departments of the public security organs and their traffic policemen shall, when exercising their functions, strengthen propaganda of road traffic safety laws and regulations, and set examples in abiding to the road traffic safety laws and regulations. 公安机关交通管理部门及其交通警察执行职务时,应当加强道路交通安全法律、法规的宣传,并模范遵守道路交通安全法律、法规。
State organs, armed forces, enterprises, public institutions, public organizations and other organizations shall educate their own staff members about road traffic safety. 机关、部队、企业事业单位、社会团体以及其他组织,应当对本单位的人员进行道路交通安全教育。
The administrative departments of education and the schools shall incorporate the education of road traffic safety into legal education. 教育行政部门、学校应当将道路交通安全教育纳入法制教育的内容。
News agencies, publishing entities, broadcasting and television stations, and other relevant entities are obligated to educate people about road traffic safety. 新闻、出版、广播、电视等有关单位,有进行道路交通安全教育的义务。
Article 7 For the administration of road traffic safety, scientific researches shall be strengthened, meanwhile, advanced administrative methods, techniques and equipment shall be extended and used.   第七条 对道路交通安全管理工作,应当加强科学研究,推广、使用先进的管理方法、技术、设备。
Chapter II Vehicles and Drivers 

第二章 车辆和驾驶人

Section 1 Motor Vehicles and Non-Motor Vehicles 

第一节 机动车、非机动车

Article 8 The State applies a system of registration to motor vehicles. A motor vehicle is not allowed to run on road until it has been registered by the traffic administrative department of the public security organ. If an unregistered motor vehicle needs to temporarily run on road, it shall have a temporary passage certificate.   第八条 国家对机动车实行登记制度。机动车经公安机关交通管理部门登记后,方可上道路行驶。尚未登记的机动车,需要临时上道路行驶的,应当取得临时通行牌证。
Article 9 Whoever applies for the registration of a motor vehicle shall submit the following proofs and certificates:   第九条 申请机动车登记,应当提交以下证明、凭证:
(1) identification proof of the owner of the motor vehicle; (一)机动车所有人的身份证明;
(2) proof on the provenance of the motor vehicle; (二)机动车来历证明;
(3) proof on being qualified when the whole motor vehicle left factory or import documentation on the imported motor vehicle; (三)机动车整车出厂合格证明或者进口机动车进口凭证;
(4) proof on payment of vehicle purchase tax or documentation on tax-exemption; (四)车辆购置税的完税证明或者免税凭证;
(5) other proofs and certificates prescribed by any law or administrative regulation to be submitted for the registration of the motor vehicle. (五)法律、行政法规规定应当在机动车登记时提交的其他证明、凭证。
The traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall, within 5 working days as of accepting an application, complete the registration and examination of the motor vehicle, and shall issue the motor vehicle registration certificate, the plate and the driving permit if the said vehicle meets the conditions prescribed in the preceding paragraph; or shall state the reason of rejecting registration to the applicant if the said vehicle fails to meet the conditions prescribed in the preceding paragraph. 公安机关交通管理部门应当自受理申请之日起五个工作日内完成机动车登记审查工作,对符合前款规定条件的,应当发放机动车登记证书、号牌和行驶证;对不符合前款规定条件的,应当向申请人说明不予登记的理由。
Any entity or individual other than the traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall not issue a motor vehicle plate or demand that a motor vehicle carry any other plate, unless otherwise prescribed by the present Law. 公安机关交通管理部门以外的任何单位或者个人不得发放机动车号牌或者要求机动车悬挂其他号牌,本法另有规定的除外。
The pattern of the registration certificate, plate and driving permit of a motor vehicle shall be prescribed by and their production shall be supervised by the public security institution under the State Council. 机动车登记证书、号牌、行驶证的式样由国务院公安部门规定并监制。
Article 10 A motor vehicle which is permitted to be registered shall meet the national technical standards for the safety of motor vehicles. At the time of application for the registration of a motor vehicle, the applicant shall accept the technical inspection of safety on the motor vehicle. However, if a type of new motor vehicle which is produced by an enterprise ascertained by the administrative department of the State for motor vehicle products according to the national technical standards of safety of motor vehicles is found upon inspection to have met such national technical standards when it leaves the factory and a conformity inspection certificate has been obtained, the technical inspection of safety may be exempted.   第十条 准予登记的机动车应当符合机动车国家安全技术标准。申请机动车登记时,应当接受对该机动车的安全技术检验。但是,经国家机动车产品主管部门依据机动车国家安全技术标准认定的企业生产的机动车型,该车型的新车在出厂时经检验符合机动车国家安全技术标准,获得检验合格证的,免予安全技术检验。
Article 11 Whoever drives a motor vehicle on road shall hang a motor vehicle plate, place the conformity inspection mark and the insurance sign, as well as bring with him the driving permit for the motor vehicle.   第十一条 驾驶机动车上道路行驶,应当悬挂机动车号牌,放置检验合格标志、保险标志,并随车携带机动车行驶证。
A motor vehicle plate shall be hung in accordance with the provisions and be kept clear and integral, instead of being intentionally sheltered or smeared. 机动车号牌应当按照规定悬挂并保持清晰、完整,不得故意遮挡、污损。
No entity or individual shall confiscate or detain any motor vehicle plate. 任何单位和个人不得收缴、扣留机动车号牌。
Article 12 In case any of the following circumstances occurs, the corresponding registration shall be made:   第十二条 有下列情形之一的,应当办理相应的登记:
(1) The ownership of a motor vehicle is transferred; (一)机动车所有权发生转移的;
(2) Any registered content of a motor vehicle is modified; (二)机动车登记内容变更的;
(3) A motor vehicle is mortgaged; or (三)机动车用作抵押的;
(4) A motor vehicle is discarded as unserviceable. (四)机动车报废的。
Article 13 For the motor vehicles running on road after registration, technical inspections of safety shall be carried out in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations and in light of such different particulars as the purpose of use, the number of passengers or quantity of goods carried, the service life, etc. of the vehicles. If a driving permit or a compulsory third party liability insurance policy for a motor vehicle is provided, the institution for the technical inspection of safety of motor vehicles shall carry out the inspection, and no entity may set any other conditions. If a motor vehicle meets the national technical standards for safety, the traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall issue the conformity inspection mark.   第十三条 对登记后上道路行驶的机动车,应当依照法律、行政法规的规定,根据车辆用途、载客载货数量、使用年限等不同情况,定期进行安全技术检验。对提供机动车行驶证和机动车第三者责任强制保险单的,机动车安全技术检验机构应当予以检验,任何单位不得附加其他条件。对符合机动车国家安全技术标准的,公安机关交通管理部门应当发给检验合格标志。
The technical inspections of safety for motor vehicles shall be conducted by non-government institutions. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council. 对机动车的安全技术检验实行社会化。具体办法由国务院规定。
In the regions where technical inspections of safety of motor vehicles are conducted by non-government institutions, no entity may demand any motor vehicle to be inspected at any designated place. 机动车安全技术检验实行社会化的地方,任何单位不得要求机动车到指定的场所进行检验。
The traffic administrative department of the public security organ or the institution for technical inspections of motor vehicle safety shall not demand any motor vehicle to be repaired or maintained at any designated place. 公安机关交通管理部门、机动车安全技术检验机构不得要求机动车到指定的场所进行维修、保养。
The institution for technical inspections of motor vehicle safety shall, if charging fees for the inspections of motor vehicles, strictly comply with the charging rates ratified by the price administrative institution under the State Council. 机动车安全技术检验机构对机动车检验收取费用,应当严格执行国务院价格主管部门核定的收费标准。
Article 14 The State applies a system of compulsory discarding unserviceable to motor vehicles, and prescribes different standards for discarding motor vehicles as unserviceable in light of their safety and technical conditions as well as their different purposes of use.   第十四条 国家实行机动车强制报废制度,根据机动车的安全技术状况和不同用途,规定不同的报废标准。
For a motor vehicle which ought to be discarded as unserviceable, it must be deregistered in good time. 应当报废的机动车必须及时办理注销登记。
A motor vehicle which reaches the standards for being discarded as unserviceable shall not run on road. The large passenger vehicles, wagons and other commercial operating vehicles which have been discarded as unserviceable shall be disassembled under the supervision of the traffic administrative department of the public security organ. 达到报废标准的机动车不得上道路行驶。报废的大型客、货车及其他营运车辆应当在公安机关交通管理部门的监督下解体。
Article 15 Police cars, fire engines, ambulances and engineering emergency vehicles shall be painted with marked patterns and be installed with alarms and identification lamps in accordance with relevant provisions. Other motor vehicles shall not be painted or installed with or use any of the marked patterns, alarms or identification lamps specifically used by or similar to those of the aforementioned vehicles.   第十五条 警车、消防车、救护车、工程救险车应当按照规定喷涂标志图案,安装警报器、标志灯具。其他机动车不得喷涂、安装、使用上述车辆专用的或者与其相类似的标志图案、警报器或者标志灯具。
Police cars, fire engines, ambulances and engineering emergency vehicles shall be used strictly pursuant to the prescribed purposes and conditions. 警车、消防车、救护车、工程救险车应当严格按照规定的用途和条件使用。
The special vehicles for highway supervision and inspection shall be set up with uniform marks and warning lamps in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Law. 公路监督检查的专用车辆,应当依照公路法的规定,设置统一的标志和示警灯。
Article 16 No entity or individual may:   第十六条 任何单位或者个人不得有下列行为:
(1) assemble any motor vehicle or discretionally change the registered structure, framework or features of any motor vehicle; (一)拼装机动车或者擅自改变机动车已登记的结构、构造或者特征;
(2) change the motor vehicle type, engine number, chassis number or vehicle identification number; (二)改变机动车型号、发动机号、车架号或者车辆识别代号;
(3) forge, alter or use forged or altered registration certificate, plate, driving permit, conformity inspection mark or insurance sign of any motor vehicle; or (三)伪造、变造或者使用伪造、变造的机动车登记证书、号牌、行驶证、检验合格标志、保险标志;
(4) use the registration certificate, plate, driving permit, conformity inspection mark or insurance sign of any other motor vehicle. (四)使用其他机动车的登记证书、号牌、行驶证、检验合格标志、保险标志。
Article 17 The State applies a compulsory third party liability insurance system to motor vehicles, and establishes social assistance funds for road traffic accidents. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.   第十七条 国家实行机动车第三者责任强制保险制度,设立道路交通事故社会救助基金。具体办法由国务院规定。
Article 18 A non-motor vehicle which ought to be lawfully registered may not run on road until it has been registered by the traffic administrative department of the public security organ.   第十八条 依法应当登记的非机动车,经公安机关交通管理部门登记后,方可上道路行驶。
The categories of the non-motor vehicles which ought to be lawfully registered shall be prescribed by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government in light of their respective local actual situations. 依法应当登记的非机动车的种类,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府根据当地实际情况规定。
The external size, quality, brakes, bell and night retroreflecting device of a non-motor vehicle shall meet the technical standards for safety of non-motor vehicles. 非机动车的外形尺寸、质量、制动器、车铃和夜间反光装置,应当符合非机动车安全技术标准。
Section 2 Motor Vehicle Drivers 

第二节 机动车驾驶人

Article 19 Whoever drives a motor vehicle shall have lawfully obtained a motor vehicle driving license.   第十九条 驾驶机动车,应当依法取得机动车驾驶证。
Whoever applies for a motor vehicle driving license shall meet the conditions for driving permission as prescribed by the public security institution under the State Council; after he is found upon examination be qualified, the traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall issue a motor vehicle driving license of the corresponding category. 申请机动车驾驶证,应当符合国务院公安部门规定的驾驶许可条件;经考试合格后,由公安机关交通管理部门发给相应类别的机动车驾驶证。
Whoever holds an overseas motor vehicle driving license may, if meeting the conditions for driving permission as prescribed by the public security institution under the State Council, and assessed by the traffic administrative department of the public security organ to be qualified, be issued a Chinese motor vehicle driving license. 持有境外机动车驾驶证的人,符合国务院公安部门规定的驾驶许可条件,经公安机关交通管理部门考核合格的,可以发给中国的机动车驾驶证。
A driver shall drive a motor vehicle of the permitted type as stated on his driving license; and shall, when driving the motor vehicle, bring with him his motor vehicle driving license. 驾驶人应当按照驾驶证载明的准驾车型驾驶机动车;驾驶机动车时,应当随身携带机动车驾驶证。
No entity or individual other than the traffic administrative department of the public security organ may confiscate or detain a motor vehicle driving license. 公安机关交通管理部门以外的任何单位或者个人,不得收缴、扣留机动车驾驶证。
Article 20 The motor vehicle driving training shall be provided by non-government institutions. The transport department shall subject driving training schools and driving training classes to recordation administration, and strengthen the supervision of driving training activities. In particular, special tractor driving training schools and driving training classes shall be subject to the supervision and administration of the agriculture (agricultural machinery) department.   第二十条 机动车的驾驶培训实行社会化,由交通运输主管部门对驾驶培训学校、驾驶培训班实行备案管理,并对驾驶培训活动加强监督,其中专门的拖拉机驾驶培训学校、驾驶培训班由农业(农业机械)主管部门实行监督管理。
The driving training schools and driving training classes shall, in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, hold trainings on road traffic safety laws and regulations as well as driving skills for the students and trainees, and guarantee the training quality. 驾驶培训学校、驾驶培训班应当严格按照国家有关规定,对学员进行道路交通安全法律、法规、驾驶技能的培训,确保培训质量。
No State organ or administrative department for driving trainings and examinations may hold or participate in holding driving training schools or driving training classes. 任何国家机关以及驾驶培训和考试主管部门不得举办或者参与举办驾驶培训学校、驾驶培训班。
Article 21 A driver shall, before driving a motor vehicle on road, carefully examine the safety and technical performance of the motor vehicle; and shall not drive a motor vehicle with hidden safety perils, for example, the safety facilities are incomplete or the components do not meet the technical standards, and so on.   第二十一条 驾驶人驾驶机动车上道路行驶前,应当对机动车的安全技术性能进行认真检查;不得驾驶安全设施不全或者机件不符合技术标准等具有安全隐患的机动车。
Article 22 Motor vehicle drivers shall abide by road traffic safety laws and regulations, and drive the vehicle safely and courteously according to the operation rules.   第二十二条 机动车驾驶人应当遵守道路交通安全法律、法规的规定,按照操作规范安全驾驶、文明驾驶。
Whoever has drunk alcohol or taken psychotropic drugs or narcotics controlled by the State, or is suffering from a disease which impedes him from driving a motor vehicle safely, or is too tired to drive safely, shall not drive a motor vehicle. 饮酒、服用国家管制的精神药品或者麻醉药品,或者患有妨碍安全驾驶机动车的疾病,或者过度疲劳影响安全驾驶的,不得驾驶机动车。
No one shall force, instigate or connive at a driver to violate the road traffic safety laws and regulations or the driving requirements on motor vehicle safety to drive a motor vehicle. 任何人不得强迫、指使、纵容驾驶人违反道路交通安全法律、法规和机动车安全驾驶要求驾驶机动车。
Article 23 The traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall, in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations, inspect the motor vehicle driving licenses at regular intervals.   第二十三条 公安机关交通管理部门依照法律、行政法规的规定,定期对机动车驾驶证实施审验。
Article 24 The traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall apply a system of keeping accumulative scores to the motor vehicle drivers who violate the road traffic safety laws and regulations in addition to imposing administrative penalties upon them in accordance with the law. The traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall detain the motor vehicle driving licenses of those whose accumulative scores have reached the prescribed limit, arrange for the education of road traffic safety laws and regulations and the corresponding re-examinations for them; the motor vehicle driving licenses shall be returned to those who are examined to be qualified.   第二十四条 公安机关交通管理部门对机动车驾驶人违反道路交通安全法律、法规的行为,除依法给予行政处罚外,实行累积记分制度。公安机关交通管理部门对累积记分达到规定分值的机动车驾驶人,扣留机动车驾驶证,对其进行道路交通安全法律、法规教育,重新考试;考试合格的,发还其机动车驾驶证。
For the motor vehicle drivers who abide by the road traffic safety laws and regulations, and have no accumulative scores within one year, the period for inspection of their motor vehicle driving licenses may be extended. The specific measures shall be formulated by the public security institution under the State Council. 对遵守道路交通安全法律、法规,在一年内无累积记分的机动车驾驶人,可以延长机动车驾驶证的审验期。具体办法由国务院公安部门规定。
Chapter III Conditions for Road Passage 

第三章 道路通行条件

Article 25 The uniform road traffic signals shall be applied throughout the country.   第二十五条 全国实行统一的道路交通信号。
Traffic signals include traffic signal lamps, traffic signs, traffic line markings and the command of traffic policeman. 交通信号包括交通信号灯、交通标志、交通标线和交通警察的指挥。
The traffic signal lamps, traffic signs and traffic line markings shall be set up in conformity with the requirements on safe and smooth road traffic and the national standards, and be kept clear, eye-catching, accurate and integral. 交通信号灯、交通标志、交通标线的设置应当符合道路交通安全、畅通的要求和国家标准,并保持清晰、醒目、准确、完好。
Road traffic signals shall be added, changed or renewed in time upon the need of passage. The add, change or renewal of restrictive road traffic signals shall be announced to the public in advance, and propaganda shall be carried out extensively. 根据通行需要,应当及时增设、调换、更新道路交通信号。增设、调换、更新限制性的道路交通信号,应当提前向社会公告,广泛进行宣传。
Article 26 The traffic signal lamps shall be composed of red light, green light and amber light. The red light means prohibition of passage, the green light means permission of passage, while the amber light means a warning.   第二十六条 交通信号灯由红灯、绿灯、黄灯组成。红灯表示禁止通行,绿灯表示准许通行,黄灯表示警示。
Article 27 Warning lights, warning marks or safety protection facilities shall be set up at a crossing where a railway and a road intersects on a plane. At a railway crossing not watched by any one, warning marks shall be set up at a certain distance from the crossing.   第二十七条 铁路与道路平面交叉的道口,应当设置警示灯、警示标志或者安全防护设施。无人看守的铁路道口,应当在距道口一定距离处设置警示标志。
Article 28 No entity or individual may discretionally set up, remove, occupy or damage any traffic signal lamp, traffic sign or traffic line marking.   第二十八条 任何单位和个人不得擅自设置、移动、占用、损毁交通信号灯、交通标志、交通标线。
The trees and other plants along both sides of the road or along the median strip, as well as the installed advertisement boards and pipelines, etc., shall be kept a necessary distance away from the traffic facilities, and shall not shelter road lamps, traffic signal lamps or traffic signs, or impede the safe range of visibility, or affect the passage. 道路两侧及隔离带上种植的树木或者其他植物,设置的广告牌、管线等,应当与交通设施保持必要的距离,不得遮挡路灯、交通信号灯、交通标志,不得妨碍安全视距,不得影响通行。
Article 29 The planning, design and construction of roads, parking lots and auxiliary road facilities shall meet the requirements on safe and smooth road traffic, and be adjusted in time where the traffic so requires.   第二十九条 道路、停车场和道路配套设施的规划、设计、建设,应当符合道路交通安全、畅通的要求,并根据交通需求及时调整。
Where the traffic administrative department of the public security organ finds that a road which has been put into use contains any section where traffic accidents often occur, or that any serious hidden trouble of traffic safety exists in a parking lot or the auxiliary road facilities, it shall report to the local people's government in time, and render suggestions on preventing the traffic accidents and eliminating the hidden trouble, while the local people's government shall make a handling decision in time. 公安机关交通管理部门发现已经投入使用的道路存在交通事故频发路段,或者停车场、道路配套设施存在交通安全严重隐患的,应当及时向当地人民政府报告,并提出防范交通事故、消除隐患的建议,当地人民政府应当及时作出处理决定。
Article 30 Where a road collapses, pits, is damaged by water, protrudes or is damaged otherwise, or any of such traffic facilities as a traffic signal lamp, a traffic sign or the traffic line markings are damaged or lost, the maintenance department or administrative department of road or traffic facilities shall set up warning marks and restore the road or repair the facilities in time.   第三十条 道路出现坍塌、坑漕、水毁、隆起等损毁或者交通信号灯、交通标志、交通标线等交通设施损毁、灭失的,道路、交通设施的养护部门或者管理部门应当设置警示标志并及时修复。
Where the traffic administrative department of the public security organ finds any circumstance in the preceding paragraph, which endangers the traffic safety, and no warning mark is set up, it shall take safety measures in time, direct the flow of traffic, and notify the maintenance department or administrative department of road or traffic facilities. 公安机关交通管理部门发现前款情形,危及交通安全,尚未设置警示标志的,应当及时采取安全措施,疏导交通,并通知道路、交通设施的养护部门或者管理部门。
Article 31 No entity or individual may, without permission, occupy the road to engage in non-traffic activities.   第三十一条 未经许可,任何单位和个人不得占用道路从事非交通活动。
Article 32 Where, due to the needs in project construction, a road has to be occupied or dug, or pipeline facilities have to be put up over or through a road, it shall obtain the consent of the road administrative department in advance; if the traffic safety is affected, it shall also obtain the consent of the traffic administrative department of the public security organ as well.   第三十二条 因工程建设需要占用、挖掘道路,或者跨越、穿越道路架设、增设管线设施,应当事先征得道路主管部门的同意;影响交通安全的,还应当征得公安机关交通管理部门的同意。
A construction entity shall work on the approved road section and within the approved time, and set up an obvious safety warning mark at a safe distance from the workplace facing the coming vehicles, and take prevention measures, as well; after the work, it shall promptly clean up the obstacles on the road, and eliminate the hidden trouble of safety, and may not restore the passage until the road has been inspected by the road administrative department and the traffic administrative department of the public security organ to be qualified for the passage. 施工作业单位应当在经批准的路段和时间内施工作业,并在距离施工作业地点来车方向安全距离处设置明显的安全警示标志,采取防护措施;施工作业完毕,应当迅速清除道路上的障碍物,消除安全隐患,经道路主管部门和公安机关交通管理部门验收合格,符合通行要求后,方可恢复通行。
With respect to the road under construction where the traffic is not suspended, the traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall strengthen the supervision and inspection of the traffic safety, and maintain the road traffic order. 对未中断交通的施工作业道路,公安机关交通管理部门应当加强交通安全监督检查,维护道路交通秩序。
Article 33 The newly-built, rebuilt or extended public buildings, commercial blocks, residential quarters and large (medium) sized buildings, etc. shall be equipped or added with parking lots; if the parking area is insufficient, it shall be rebuilt or extended in time; no one shall discretionally suspend the use of a parking lot which has been put into use or use it for any other purpose   第三十三条 新建、改建、扩建的公共建筑、商业街区、居住区、大(中)型建筑等,应当配建、增建停车场;停车泊位不足的,应当及时改建或者扩建;投入使用的停车场不得擅自停止使用或者改作他用。
Where the passage of pedestrians and vehicles is not affected, the relevant government department may delimit parking area within the scope of urban roads. 在城市道路范围内,在不影响行人、车辆通行的情况下,政府有关部门可以施划停车泊位。
Article 34 Where a road in front of the gate of a school, kindergarten, hospital or a home for the aged has no pedestrian crossing facilities, crosswalk lines shall be delimited, and indication marks shall be set up.   第三十四条 学校、幼儿园、医院、养老院门前的道路没有行人过街设施的,应当施划人行横道线,设置提示标志。
On the pavements of the major urban roads, blind tracks shall be set up pursuant to the planning. The setup of the blind tracks shall meet the national standards. 城市主要道路的人行道,应当按照规划设置盲道。盲道的设置应当符合国家标准。
Chapter IV Provisions on Road Passage 

第四章 道路通行规定

Section 1 General Provisions 

第一节 一般规定

Article 35 Both motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles shall pass on the right side.   第三十五条 机动车、非机动车实行右侧通行。
Article 36 Where, as road conditions and passage so requires, a road is divided into motor vehicle driveways, non-motor vehicle driveways and pavements, motor vehicles, non-motor vehicles and pedestrians shall pass along the road in their respective lanes. Where the road is not divided into motor vehicle driveways, non-motor vehicle driveways and pavements, motor vehicles shall pass along the middle of the road, while non-motor vehicles and pedestrians shall pass along both sides of the road.   第三十六条 根据道路条件和通行需要,道路划分为机动车道、非机动车道和人行道的,机动车、非机动车、行人实行分道通行。没有划分机动车道、非机动车道和人行道的,机动车在道路中间通行,非机动车和行人在道路两侧通行。
Article 37 Where a special driveway is delimited on a road, only prescribed vehicles are allowed to pass within the special driveway, and no other vehicle may drive into the special driveway.   第三十七条 道路划设专用车道的,在专用车道内,只准许规定的车辆通行,其他车辆不得进入专用车道内行驶。
Article 38 Vehicles and pedestrians shall pass according to the traffic signals; or pass according to on-the-spot command of the traffic policeman, if any; or shall, if along a road without any traffic signal, pass pursuant to the principle of guaranteeing the safety and smooth going.   第三十八条 车辆、行人应当按照交通信号通行;遇有交通警察现场指挥时,应当按照交通警察的指挥通行;在没有交通信号的道路上,应当在确保安全、畅通的原则下通行。
Article 39 The traffic administrative department of the public security organ may, in light of the specific circumstance of the road and the traffic flow, take such measures against the motor vehicles, non-motor vehicles and pedestrians as directing the flow, restricting the passage or prohibiting the passage, etc. If, in the event of a large mass activity or large-scope construction, etc., it is necessary to take measures restricting the traffic, or to make a decision directly relating to the road traffic activities of the public, it shall be announced to the public in advance.   第三十九条 公安机关交通管理部门根据道路和交通流量的具体情况,可以对机动车、非机动车、行人采取疏导、限制通行、禁止通行等措施。遇有大型群众性活动、大范围施工等情况,需要采取限制交通的措施,或者作出与公众的道路交通活动直接有关的决定,应当提前向社会公告。
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