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Notice by the State Council Regarding Deepening the Reform of Separating Permits from Business Licenses and Further Increasing the Development Vitality of Market Participants [Effective]
国务院关于深化“证照分离”改革进一步激发市场主体发展活力的通知 [现行有效]
Notice by the State Council Regarding Deepening the Reform of Separating Permits from Business Licenses and Further Increasing the Development Vitality of Market Participants 


(No. 7 [2021] of the State Council) (国发〔2021〕7号)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; and all ministries and commissions of the State Council and all institutions directly under the State Council: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:
The reform of separating permits from business licenses is an important measure to implement the major decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, deepen the reform of simplifying procedures, decentralizing powers, combining decentralization with appropriate control, and optimizing services, and optimize the business environment, and is significant for correctly handling the relationship between the government and the market and accelerating the improvement of the system of socialist market economy. For the purposes of deepening the reform of separation of permits and business licenses and further increasing the vitality of market participants, the State Council decides to implement the comprehensive reform of separating permits from business licenses nationwide and intensify efforts to conduct reform pilot programs in pilot free trade zones. You are hereby notified of the relevant matters as follows: 开展“证照分离”改革,是落实党中央、国务院重大决策部署,深化“放管服”改革、优化营商环境的重要举措,对于正确处理政府和市场关系、加快完善社会主义市场经济体制具有重大意义。为深化“证照分离”改革,进一步激发市场主体发展活力,国务院决定在全国范围内推行“证照分离”改革全覆盖,并在自由贸易试验区加大改革试点力度。现就有关事项通知如下:
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
1. Guiding ideology. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era shall be the guidance, the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee shall be fully implemented, the reform of simplifying procedures, decentralizing powers, combining decentralization with appropriate control, and optimizing services shall continue to be deepened, the overall advancement of the administrative approval system reform and the commercial system reform shall be conducted, post-business license reduction of permits and simplification of approval shall be promoted in a wider range and more industries, and interim and ex-post regulation shall be innovated and strengthened so as to further optimize the business environment, increase the development vitality of market participants, and accelerate the development of a new development pattern in which domestic economic cycle plays a leading role while international economic cycle remains its extension and supplement. (一)指导思想。以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中、五中全会精神,持续深化“放管服”改革,统筹推进行政审批制度改革和商事制度改革,在更大范围和更多行业推动照后减证和简化审批,创新和加强事中事后监管,进一步优化营商环境、激发市场主体发展活力,加快构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局。
2. Reform goals. As from July 1, 2021, the comprehensive list-based administration of enterprise-related operation permitting matters shall be implemented nationwide, and the reform of the approval system shall be advanced by four methods: direct cancellation of approval, replacing approval with filing, implementation of informed undertakings, and optimization of approval services. In the meantime, efforts to conduct reform pilot programs shall be further increased in pilot free trade zones, and an endeavor shall be made to establish simple, efficient, fair, and transparent rules for permitting industry operations which allow easy access and impose strict regulation by the end of 2022, so as to greatly improve the facilitation and predictability of market participants' handling matters. (二)改革目标。自2021年7月1日起,在全国范围内实施涉企经营许可事项全覆盖清单管理,按照直接取消审批、审批改为备案、实行告知承诺、优化审批服务等四种方式分类推进审批制度改革,同时在自由贸易试验区进一步加大改革试点力度,力争2022年底前建立简约高效、公正透明、宽进严管的行业准营规则,大幅提高市场主体办事的便利度和可预期性。
II. Vigorously promoting post-business license reduction of permits and simplification of approval   二、大力推动照后减证和简化审批
For enterprise-related operation permitting matters established by laws, administrative regulations, and decisions of the State Council (hereinafter collectively referred to as "established at central level"), reforms shall be conducted by classification nationwide according to the List of Reforms Related to Enterprise-related Operation Permitting Matters Established at Central Level (2021 National Version) (see Annex 1); and the reform pilot program measures under the List of Reforms Related to Enterprise-related Operation Permitting Matters Established at Central Level (2021 Version for Pilot Free Trade Zones) (see Annex 2), which shall apply mutatis mutandis to regions other than the counties, non-districted cities, and municipal districts where a pilot trade zone is located. Provincial people's governments may decide to adopt enhanced reform measures within their purview. For enterprise-related operation permitting matters established by local regulations and local government rules (hereinafter collectively referred to as "established at local level"), provincial people's governments shall determine the reform methods in an overall manner. 法律、行政法规、国务院决定设定(以下统称中央层面设定)的涉企经营许可事项,在全国范围内按照《中央层面设定的涉企经营许可事项改革清单(2021年全国版)》(见附件1)分类实施改革;在自由贸易试验区增加实施《中央层面设定的涉企经营许可事项改革清单(2021年自由贸易试验区版)》(见附件2)规定的改革试点举措,自由贸易试验区所在县、不设区的市、市辖区的其他区域参照执行。省级人民政府可以在权限范围内决定采取更大力度的改革举措。地方性法规、地方政府规章设定(以下统称地方层面设定)的涉企经营许可事项,由省级人民政府统筹确定改革方式。
1. Direct cancellation of approval. In order to solve the problem of "allowing access but disallowing operations" in foreign investment, foreign trade, engineering construction, transportation and logistics, intermediary services, and other fields, 68 enterprise-related operation permitting matters shall be canceled nationwide, and 14 enterprise-related business operation permitting matters shall be canceled in pilot free trade zones on a pilot program basis. After cancellation of approval, an enterprise (including an individual industrial and commercial household or farmers' professional cooperative, the same below) may commence operations after obtaining a business license, and an administrative agency, enterprise, public institution, or industry organization, among others, shall not require the enterprise to provide a relevant administrative permit. (一)直接取消审批。为在外资外贸、工程建设、交通物流、中介服务等领域破解“准入不准营”问题,在全国范围内取消68项涉企经营许可事项,在自由贸易试验区试点取消14项涉企经营许可事项。取消审批后,企业(含个体工商户、农民专业合作社,下同)取得营业执照即可开展经营,行政机关、企事业单位、行业组织等不得要求企业提供相关行政许可证件。
2. Replacing approval with filing. In order to liberalize market access for trade and circulation, education and training, medical care, food, finance, and other fields, 15 enterprise-related operation permitting matters shall be converted to filing administration nationwide, and 15 enterprise-related operation permitting matters shall be converted to filing administration in pilot free trade zones on a pilot program basis. After replacement of approval with filing, ex-post filing shall be implemented in principle so that an enterprise may commence operations after obtaining a business license; and if ex-ante filing is necessary, an enterprise may commence operations after completing the filing procedures. If an enterprise submits filing materials in accordance with provisions, the appropriate department shall initiate the filing procedures on the spot, and shall not make a decision to deny filing. (二)审批改为备案。为在贸易流通、教育培训、医疗、食品、金融等领域放开市场准入,在全国范围内将15项涉企经营许可事项改为备案管理,在自由贸易试验区试点将15项涉企经营许可事项改为备案管理。审批改为备案后,原则上实行事后备案,企业取得营业执照即可开展经营;确需事前备案的,企业完成备案手续即可开展经营。企业按规定提交备案材料的,有关主管部门应当当场办理备案手续,不得作出不予备案的决定。
3. Implementation of informed undertakings. In order to greatly simplify approval of access in agriculture, manufacturing, producer services, consumption, telecommunications, energy, and so forth, informed undertakings shall be implemented for 37 enterprise-related operation permitting matters nationwide and for 40 enterprise-related operation permitting matters in pilot free trade zones on a pilot program basis. After implementation of informed undertakings, the appropriate department shall list quantifiable and operable conditions for operation permitting without catch-all clauses in accordance with the law, specify regulatory rules and the consequences of breach of undertaking, and inform enterprises at one time. An enterprise shall no longer be required to provide the approval materials which can be waived because of the enterprise's undertaking; and for approval materials which may be submitted after the enterprise obtains a permit, handling in default of such approval materials and time limited submission shall be implemented. If an enterprise voluntarily gives an undertaking and submits materials as required, a decision to grant approval shall be made on the spot. For an enterprise that obtains a permit by informed undertaking, the appropriate department shall strengthen interim and ex-post regulation, and may conduct a comprehensive check if necessary. If an enterprise is discovered not to meet the conditions for permitting, the appropriate department shall conduct an investigation and handling in accordance with the law, enter the dishonest and illegal acts in the enterprise's credit records, and impose punishment for bad faith in accordance with laws and regulations. An appropriate department shall promptly enter the performance of undertaking by enterprises in their credit records and concentrate them in the National Credit Information Sharing Platform. (三)实行告知承诺。为在农业、制造业、生产服务、生活消费、电信、能源等领域大幅简化准入审批,在全国范围内对37项涉企经营许可事项实行告知承诺,在自由贸易试验区试点对40项涉企经营许可事项实行告知承诺。实行告知承诺后,有关主管部门要依法列出可量化可操作、不含兜底条款的经营许可条件,明确监管规则和违反承诺后果,一次性告知企业。对因企业承诺可以减省的审批材料,不再要求企业提供;对可在企业领证后补交的审批材料,实行容缺办理、限期补交。对企业自愿作出承诺并按要求提交材料的,要当场作出审批决定。对通过告知承诺取得许可的企业,有关主管部门要加强事中事后监管,确有必要的可以开展全覆盖核查。发现企业不符合许可条件的,要依法调查处理,并将失信违法行为记入企业信用记录,依法依规实施失信惩戒。有关主管部门要及时将企业履行承诺情况纳入信用记录,并归集至全国信用信息共享平台。
4. Optimization of approval services. For 15 enterprise-related operation permitting matters, including the issue of production permits for important industrial products (other than food-related products and fertilizers), the approval authority shall be delegated to facilitate enterprises in handling the matters in convenient locations. For 256 enterprise-related operation permitting matters, including the issue of security service permits, the conditions for permitting and approval materials shall be simplified to reduce the administrative burden of enterprises. For 140 enterprise-related operation permitting matters, including the approval of formation of an accounting firm, the approval process shall be optimized, the time limit for approval shall be reduced, and the approval efficiency shall be improved. For 18 enterprise-related operation permitting matters which fix validity periods of permits, including the approval of warehousing of customs supervised goods, the validity periods of permits shall be removed or extended to facilitate the continuing operation of enterprises. For 13 enterprise-related operation permitting matters limiting the permitted number, including the approval of formation of operating entities of Internet access service premises, the number limit shall be removed, or the number limit shall be relaxed with the total control conditions, the existing number of enterprises, the ranking of applications, and other circumstances being regularly released so as to encourage enterprises to compete in an orderly manner. In the meantime, all regions and departments shall actively respond to enterprise concerns and explore innovative measures to optimize approval services. (四)优化审批服务。对“重要工业产品(除食品相关产品、化肥外)生产许可证核发”等15项涉企经营许可事项,下放审批权限,便利企业就近办理。对“保安服务许可证核发”等256项涉企经营许可事项,精简许可条件和审批材料,减轻企业办事负担。对“会计师事务所设立审批”等140项涉企经营许可事项,优化审批流程,压减审批时限,提高审批效率。对“海关监管货物仓储审批”等18项设定了许可证件有效期限的涉企经营许可事项,取消或者延长许可证件有效期限,方便企业持续经营。对“互联网上网服务营业场所经营单位设立审批”等13项设定了许可数量限制的涉企经营许可事项,取消数量限制,或者合理放宽数量限制并定期公布总量控制条件、企业存量、申请排序等情况,鼓励企业有序竞争。同时,各地区、各部门要积极回应企业关切,探索优化审批服务的创新举措。
III. Strengthening the systematic integration of and coordinated support for reforms   三、强化改革系统集成和协同配套
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