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Guiding Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration on Accelerating the Development of New Energy Storage [Effective]
发展改革委、能源局关于加快推动新型储能发展的指导意见 [现行有效]
Guiding Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration on Accelerating the Development of New Energy Storage 


(No. 1051 [2021] of the National Development and Reform Commission) (发改能源规〔2021〕1051号)

The development and reform commissions and energy administrations of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; and all local offices of the National Energy Administration: 各省、自治区、直辖市、新疆生产建设兵团发展改革委、能源局,国家能源局各派出机构:
Achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality and making efforts to build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system are major decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Pumped storage and new energy storage are important technologies and basic equipment to support new electrical power systems, and are of great significance to promoting green energy transition, responding to extreme events, guaranteeing energy security, promoting high-quality energy development, and supporting the realization of climate change response targets. For the purpose of promoting the rapid development of new energy storage, the following opinions are hereby offered. 实现碳达峰碳中和,努力构建清洁低碳、安全高效能源体系,是党中央、国务院作出的重大决策部署。抽水蓄能和新型储能是支撑新型电力系统的重要技术和基础装备,对推动能源绿色转型、应对极端事件、保障能源安全、促进能源高质量发展、支撑应对气候变化目标实现具有重要意义。为推动新型储能快速发展,现提出如下意见。
I. Overall Requirements   一、总体要求
(1) Guiding ideology. (一)指导思想。
Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era, the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the second, third, fourth and fifth plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee shall be implemented comprehensively; the “Four Revolutions and One Cooperation” new energy security strategy shall be implemented; with the goal of realizing carbon peak and carbon neutrality, the development of new energy storage shall be taken as an important measure to improve the regulation capacity, overall efficiency and safety guarantee capacity of energy and power systems, and support the construction of new electrical power systems; and, by taking policy environment as a powerful guarantee, market mechanism as the fundamental support, and technological innovation as the inherent driving force, the formation of a good situation featuring multi-wheel drive shall be accelerated to boost the high-quality development of energy storage. 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中、五中全会精神,落实“四个革命、一个合作”能源安全新战略,以实现碳达峰碳中和为目标,将发展新型储能作为提升能源电力系统调节能力、综合效率和安全保障能力,支撑新型电力系统建设的重要举措,以政策环境为有力保障,以市场机制为根本依托,以技术革新为内生动力,加快构建多轮驱动良好局面,推动储能高质量发展。
(2) Basic principles. (二)基本原则。
Making overall planning to achieve diversified development. Top-level design shall be strengthened, various work concerning development of energy storage shall be coordinated, and the scientific guiding role of planning shall be enhanced. Exploration for diversified energy storage development models based on the different needs of power sources, grids, and loads shall be encouraged. 统筹规划、多元发展。加强顶层设计,统筹储能发展各项工作,强化规划科学引领作用。鼓励结合源、网、荷不同需求探索储能多元化发展模式。
Leading by innovation and being driven by scale. The research and development of key technologies and equipment shall be strengthened by means of “open competition to select the best candidates” so as to drive the progress of energy storage technologies and reduce costs. Technological innovation platforms integrating industry and vocational education, among others, shall be established to accelerate the transformation of achievements, effectively promote large-scale applications, and strengthen the industrial systems. 创新引领、规模带动。以“揭榜挂帅”方式加强关键技术装备研发,推动储能技术进步和成本下降。建设产教融合等技术创新平台,加快成果转化,有效促进规模化应用,壮大产业体系。
Being policy-driven and market-oriented. The improvement of policy mechanisms shall be accelerated, policy support shall be reinforced, and energy storage investment and construction shall be encouraged. The status of energy storage market participants shall be clarified, and the guiding role of the market shall be maximized. 政策驱动、市场主导。加快完善政策机制,加大政策支持力度,鼓励储能投资建设。明确储能市场主体地位,发挥市场引导作用。
Using good management to guarantee safety. Energy storage project management procedures shall be improved and optimized, technical standards and testing and certification systems shall be improved, and the level of industry construction and operation shall be enhanced. The establishment of safety technical standards and management systems shall be boosted, fire safety management shall be enhanced, and safety shall be strictly maintained. 规范管理、保障安全。完善优化储能项目管理程序,健全技术标准和检测认证体系,提升行业建设运行水平。推动建立安全技术标准及管理体系,强化消防安全管理,严守安全底线。
(3) Main objectives. (三)主要目标。
By 2025, the transformation from the initial stage of commercialization to large-scale development of new energy storage shall be achieved. New energy storage technology innovation capabilities shall be significantly improved; the independence and controllability in core technologies and equipment shall be largely improved; great progress shall have been made in terms of high safety, low costs, high reliability, long life and so on; the standard system shall have been basically sound; the industrial system shall have become increasingly complete; the market environment and the business model shall have been basically mature; and the installed capacity shall reach more than 30 million kilowatts. New energy storage shall play a significant role in promoting the process of carbon peak and carbon neutralization in the energy field. The full market-oriented development of new energy storage shall be realized by 2030. The core technologies and equipment of new energy storage shall be independent and controllable; the technological innovation and industrial level shall rank among the highest globally; standard systems, market mechanisms and business models shall be mature and sound, and be deeply integrated with all aspects of electrical power systems; and the installed capacity shall basically meet the corresponding needs of new power systems. New energy storage shall become one of the key supportive measures for carbon peak and carbon neutrality in the energy field. 到2025年,实现新型储能从商业化初期向规模化发展转变。新型储能技术创新能力显著提高,核心技术装备自主可控水平大幅提升,在高安全、低成本、高可靠、长寿命等方面取得长足进步,标准体系基本完善,产业体系日趋完备,市场环境和商业模式基本成熟,装机规模达3000万千瓦以上。新型储能在推动能源领域碳达峰碳中和过程中发挥显著作用。到2030年,实现新型储能全面市场化发展。新型储能核心技术装备自主可控,技术创新和产业水平稳居全球前列,标准体系、市场机制、商业模式成熟健全,与电力系统各环节深度融合发展,装机规模基本满足新型电力系统相应需求。新型储能成为能源领域碳达峰碳中和的关键支撑之一。
II. Strengthening planning guidance and encouraging diversified development of energy storage   二、强化规划引导,鼓励储能多元发展
(1) Making special planning for energy storage in an overall manner. New energy storage plans shall be researched and prepared to further clarify the “14th Five-Year Plan” and mid- to long-term new energy storage development goals and key tasks. Provincial energy departments shall conduct research on the special planning for new energy storage, propose the scale and project layout of each region, and ensure the effective connection with relevant plans. Relevant planning results shall be submitted to the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration in a timely manner. (一)统筹开展储能专项规划。研究编制新型储能规划,进一步明确“十四五”及中长期新型储能发展目标及重点任务。省级能源主管部门应开展新型储能专项规划研究,提出各地区规模及项目布局,并做好与相关规划的衔接。相关规划成果应及时报送国家发展改革委、国家能源局。
(2) Vigorously promoting the construction of power-side energy storage projects. In consideration of the actual system needs, a group of system-friendly new energy power station projects with energy storage shall be laid out, efficient consumption and utilization of new energy shall be ensured by coordinated optimization and operation of energy storage. The roles of large-scale new energy storage shall be maximized, integrated energy development shall be boosted, planning shall be made for the construction of large-scale clean energy bases for cross-regional transmission, and the utilization rate of external transmission channels and the proportion of electricity generated by using renewable energy and transmitted through the channels shall be increased. Ways shall be explored to utilize existing factory sites and power transmission and transformation facilities of decommissioned thermal power generating units to build energy storage or wind or photovoltaic energy storage. (二)大力推进电源侧储能项目建设。结合系统实际需求,布局一批配置储能的系统友好型新能源电站项目,通过储能协同优化运行保障新能源高效消纳利用,为电力系统提供容量支撑及一定调峰能力。充分发挥大规模新型储能的作用,推动多能互补发展,规划建设跨区输送的大型清洁能源基地,提升外送通道利用率和通道可再生能源电量占比。探索利用退役火电机组的既有厂址和输变电设施建设储能或风光储设施。
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