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Announcement of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China The Provisions of the Supreme People's Court about Several Issues Concerning the Civil Mediation Work of the People's Court, which have been adopted at the 1321st meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on August 18, 2004, are hereby promulgated and shall become effective as of November 1, 2004. September 16, 2004 Provisions of the Supreme People's Court about Several Issues Concerning the Civil Mediation Work of the People's Court (adopted at the 1321st meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on August 18, 2004, Interpretation No. 12 [2004] of the Supreme People's Court) With a view to ensuring that the people's court mediate civil cases correctly and timely settle disputes, offering guarantee and convenience to the parties concerned for them to legally exercise their litigation rights, and saving the judicial resources, the present Provisions are enacted according to the prescriptions of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and in combination with the experiences and the actual conditions of the mediation work of the people's court.
| | 中华人民共和国最高人民法院公告 《最高人民法院关于人民法院民事调解工作若干问题的规定》已于2004年8月18日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1321次会议通过,现予公布,自2004年11月1日起施行。 二00四年九月十六日
第1321次会议通过 法释[2004]12号) 为了保证人民法院正确调解民事案件,及时解决纠纷,保障和方便当事人依法行使诉讼权利,节约司法资源,根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》等法律的规定,结合人民法院调解工作的经验和实际情况,制定本规定。
Article 1 The people's court may mediate the accepted civil cases of first instance, second instance and retrial, after the term for answer expires but before the judgment is made. The people's court may conduct the mediation prior to the expiration of pleading if it has obtained the consent of the parties concerned.
| | 第一条 人民法院对受理的第一审、第二审和再审民事案件,可以在答辩期满后裁判作出前进行调解。在征得当事人各方同意后,人民法院可以在答辩期满前进行调解。
Article 2 The people's court shall mediate those civil cases which may be settled through mediation. The people's court shall not mediate the cases that are governed by special procedures, the procedures for supervising and urging the clearance of debts, the procedures of public summons for exhortation and the procedures of bankruptcy liquidation, the confirming cases of marriage and identity relationship as well as other civil cases which can't be mediated, considering the nature of the cases.
| | 第二条 对于有可能通过调解解决的民事案件,人民法院应当调解。但适用特别程序、督促程序、公示催告程序、破产还债程序的案件,婚姻关系、身份关系确认案件以及其他依案件性质不能进行调解的民事案件,人民法院不予调解。
Article 3 The people's court may, in accordance with Article 87 of the Civil Procedure Law, invite the enterprises and public institutions or social organizations or other organizations, which have special relationship with the parties concerned or have a kind of connection with the cases, and individuals, who possess the professional knowledge, specific social experiences and have a special relationship with the parties concerned and will help to bring about the mediation, to assist in the mediation work. The people's court may entrust the entities or individuals prescribed in the preceding paragraph to mediate the cases after obtaining the agreement of the parties concerned, and if the mediation agreement is reached, the people's court shall confirm it according to the law.
| | 第三条 根据民事诉讼法第八十七条的规定,人民法院可以邀请与当事人有特定关系或者与案件有一定联系的企业事业单位、社会团体或者其他组织,和具有专门知识、特定社会经验、与当事人有特定关系并有利于促成调解的个人协助调解工作。 经各方当事人同意,人民法院可以委托前款规定的单位或者个人对案件进行调解,达成调解协议后,人民法院应当依法予以确认。
Article 4 Where the parties concerned reach a mediation agreement by themselves during the process of litigation, the people's court may, according to the application of the parties concerned, confirm the mediation agreement in accordance with the law and work out a mediation document. The period during which the parties concerned apply for out-of-court settlement shall not be included in the time limit for concluding a trial. Where the parties concerned apply to the people's court for coordinating the reconciliation activities in the course of the reconciliation, the people's court may appoint the auxiliary staff of trial or invite and entrust the related entities and individuals to engage in the coordination activities.
| | 第四条 当事人在诉讼过程中自行达成和解协议的,人民法院可以根据当事人的申请依法确认和解协议制作调解书。双方当事人申请庭外和解的期间,不计入审限。 当事人在和解过程中申请人民法院对和解活动进行协调的,人民法院可以委派审判辅助人员或者邀请、委托有关单位和个人从事协调活动。
Article 5 The people's court shall, prior to mediation, inform the parties concerned of the presiding mediators, the name of the court clerk, the right to apply for challenge and other related litigation rights and obligations.
| | 第五条 人民法院应当在调解前告知当事人主持调解人员和书记员姓名以及是否申请回避等有关诉讼权利和诉讼义务。
Article 6 Where the people's court mediates a case prior to the expiration of the term for answer, and a mediation agreement for the case governed by the ordinary procedures fails to be reached within fifteen days, or the mediation agreement for a case governed by the summary procedures fails to be reached within seven days, as computed from the day when the parties concerned consent to mediation, the mediation may continue after obtaining the consent of the parties concerned. The extended mediation period shall not be included in the time limit for concluding a trial. ...... | | 第六条 在答辩期满前人民法院对案件进行调解,适用普通程序的案件在当事人同意调解之日起15天内,适用简易程序的案件在当事人同意调解之日起7天内未达成调解协议的,经各方当事人同意,可以继续调解。延长的调解期间不计入审限。 ...... |
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