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Announcement No. 30 [2024] of the Ministry of Commerce—Announcement of the Ministry of Commerce on Initiating an Expiry Review Investigation into the Anti-dumping Measures against Imports of Stainless Steel Billets and Hot-rolled Stainless Steel Plates (Coils) Originating in the EU, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Korea, and Indonesia [Effective]
商务部公告2024年第30号――关于对原产于欧盟、英国、韩国和印度尼西亚的进口不锈钢钢坯和不锈钢热轧板/卷所适用的反倾销措施发起期终复审调查的公告 [现行有效]
Announcement of the Ministry of Commerce 


(No. 30 [2024]) (2024年第30号)

On July 22, 2019, the Ministry of Commerce issued Announcement No. 31 [2019], deciding to impose anti-dumping duties on imports of stainless steel billets and hot-rolled stainless steel plates/coils originating in the EU, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Indonesia for five years commencing on July 23, 2019 and accept the price undertaking proposed by POSCO. The rates of anti-dumping duties were 43.0% for companies of the EU, ranged from 18.1% to 29.0% for Japanese companies, 23.1% to 103.1% for companies of the Republic of Korea, and 20.2% for companies of Indonesia. The imposition of anti-dumping duties and the price undertaking were effective for five years. 2019年7月22日,商务部发布2019年第31号公告,决定自2019年7月23日起对原产于欧盟、日本、韩国和印度尼西亚的进口不锈钢钢坯和不锈钢热轧板/卷征收反倾销税,并接受株式会社POSCO提出的价格承诺。反倾销税率分别为欧盟公司43.0%,日本公司18.1%—29.0%,韩国公司23.1%—103.1%,印度尼西亚公司20.2%。征收反倾销税和价格承诺的实施期限为5年。
On November 20, 2020, the Ministry of Commerce issued Announcement No. 55 [2020] to conduct an interim review of the anti-dumping measures against imports of stainless steel billets and hot-rolled stainless steel plates/coils produced by PT Indonesia Guang Ching Nickel and Stainless Steel Industry in terms of dumping and the dumping margin. At the request of PT Indonesia Guang Ching Nickel and Stainless Steel Industry, the Ministry of Commerce issued Announcement No. 38 [2021], deciding to terminate the interim review. 2020年11月20日,商务部发布2020年第55号公告,决定对印尼广青镍业有限公司生产的进口不锈钢钢坯和不锈钢热轧板/卷所适用的反倾销措施进行倾销及倾销幅度期间复审。2021年11月18日,应印尼广青镍业有限公司申请,商务部发布2021年第38号公告,终止了该期间复审调查。
On January 29, 2021, the Ministry of Commerce issued Announcement No. 3 [2021], according to which, after the end of the Brexit transition period on December 31, 2020, the trade remedy measures previously imposed against the EU shall continue to apply to the EU and the United Kingdom, with the above term remaining unchanged. In trade remedy investigations and review cases newly initiated against the EU after December 31, 2020, the United Kingdom will no longer be deemed as an EU member state. 2021年1月29日,商务部发布2021年第3号公告。根据该公告,2020年12月31日英国脱欧过渡期结束后,之前已对欧盟实施的贸易救济措施继续适用于欧盟和英国,实施期限不变;该日期后对欧盟新发起的贸易救济调查及复审案件,不再将英国作为欧盟成员国处理。
On November 9, 2021, the Ministry of Commerce issued Announcement No. 46 [2021], deciding to implement the WTO dispute settlement body's ruling and recommendation on the panel report on China's anti-dumping measures against stainless steel products originating in Japan. On May 8, 2024, the Ministry of Commerce issued Announcement No. 19 [2024], ruling to continue the implementation of anti-dumping measures in accordance with Announcement No. 31 [2019] of the Ministry of Commerce. 2023年11月9日,商务部发布2023年第46号公告,决定对原反倾销案件进行再调查,执行世界贸易组织争端解决机构关于“中国-对原产于日本的不锈钢产品反倾销措施”争端案专家组报告的裁决和建议。2024年5月8日,商务部发布2024年第19号公告,裁定继续按照商务部公告2019年第31号实施反倾销措施。
On April 15, 2024, the Ministry of Commerce received a written application for an expiry review of anti-dumping measures from Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co., Ltd., Shandong TISCO Xinhai Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. and Baosteel Desheng Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. on behalf of China's stainless steel industry. The applicants claimed that, if the anti-dumping measures are terminated, the dumping of imported stainless steel billets and hot-rolled stainless steel plates (coils) originating in the EU, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Korea, and Indonesia in China and the injury to the Chinese industry may continue or reoccur, and requested the Ministry of Commerce to initiate an expiry review investigation into imports of stainless steel billets and hot-rolled stainless steel plates (coils) originating in the EU, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Korea, and Indonesia and retain the anti-dumping measures against the import of stainless steel billets and hot-rolled stainless steel plates (coils) originating in the EU, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Korea, and Indonesia. Guangxi BG New Materials Co., Ltd., Guangxi BG Jinya Steel Co., Ltd., Ansteel Lianzhong (Guangzhou) Stainless Steel Co., Ltd., and Stainless Steel Branch of Gansu Jiu Steel Group Hongxing Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. endorsed the application. These applicants did not apply for an expiry review of the anti-dumping measures applicable to imports of stainless steel billets and hot-rolled stainless steel plates (coils) originating in Japan. 2024年4月15日,商务部收到山西太钢不锈钢股份有限公司、山东太钢鑫海不锈钢有限公司和宝钢德盛不锈钢有限公司代表中国不锈钢产业提交的反倾销措施期终复审申请书。申请人申请将英国纳入本次复审被调查国家(地区)范围。申请人主张,如果终止反倾销措施,原产于欧盟、英国、韩国和印度尼西亚的进口不锈钢钢坯和不锈钢热轧板/卷对中国的倾销可能继续或再度发生,对中国国内产业造成的损害可能继续或再度发生,请求商务部对原产于欧盟、英国、韩国和印度尼西亚的进口不锈钢钢坯和不锈钢热轧板/卷进行期终复审调查,并维持对原产于欧盟、英国、韩国和印度尼西亚的进口不锈钢钢坯和不锈钢热轧板/卷实施的反倾销措施。广西北港新材料有限公司、广西北港金压钢材有限公司、鞍钢联众(广州)不锈钢有限公司和甘肃酒钢集团宏兴钢铁股份有限公司不锈钢分公司支持申请。申请人未对原产于日本的进口不锈钢钢坯和不锈钢热轧板/卷适用的反倾销措施提起期终复审申请。
In accordance with the applicable provisions of the Anti-dumping Regulation of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Commerce has reviewed the qualifications of the applicants, the relevant information on the products under investigation and similar products in China, imports of the products under investigation during the implementation of the anti-dumping measures, the possibility of continued or reoccurring dumping or damages, and other related evidence. Current evidence shows that the applicant meets the requirements of Articles 11, 13, and 17 of the Anti-dumping Regulation of the People's Republic of China on industry and industry representativeness, and therefore, they are eligible to apply on behalf of China's stainless steel billet and hot-rolled stainless steel plate (coil) industry. The investigation authority holds that the applicant's claims and the prima facie evidence submitted satisfy the requirements for an expiry review. 根据《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》有关规定,商务部对申请人资格、被调查产品和中国同类产品有关情况、反倾销措施实施期间被调查产品进口情况、倾销继续或再度发生的可能性、损害继续或再度发生的可能性及相关证据等进行了审查。现有证据表明,申请人符合《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》第十一条、第十三条和第十七条关于产业及产业代表性的规定,有资格代表中国不锈钢钢坯和不锈钢热轧板/卷产业提出申请。调查机关认为,申请人的主张以及所提交的表面证据符合期终复审立案的要求。
In accordance with Article 48 of the Anti-dumping Regulation of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Commerce has decided to conduct an expiry review investigation into the anti-dumping measures against imports of stainless steel billets and hot-rolled stainless steel plates (coils) originating in the EU, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Korea, and Indonesia as of July 23, 2024. Relevant matters are hereby announced as follows: 根据《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》第四十八条规定,商务部决定自2024年7月23日起,对原产于欧盟、英国、韩国和印度尼西亚的进口不锈钢钢坯和不锈钢热轧板/卷所适用的反倾销措施进行期终复审调查。现将有关事项公告如下:
I. Extension of the Anti-dumping Measures   一、继续实施反倾销措施
According to the proposal of the Ministry of Commerce, the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council has decided to continue the anti-dumping duties on the import of stainless steel billets and hot-rolled stainless steel plates (coils) originating in the EU, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Korea, and Indonesia based on the scope of products subject to the rates of anti-dumping duties released in Announcement No. 31 [2019] of the Ministry of Commerce during the period of the expiry review investigation, and continue the implementation of the price undertaking on stainless steel billets and hot-rolled stainless steel plates (coils) originating by POSCO in accordance with Announcement No. 31 [2019] of the Ministry of Commerce. The anti-dumping measures against the import of stainless steel billets and hot-rolled stainless steel plates (coils) originating in Japan shall be terminated upon expiry as of July 23, 2024. 根据商务部建议,国务院关税税则委员会决定,在反倾销措施期终复审调查期间,对原产于欧盟、英国、韩国和印度尼西亚的进口不锈钢钢坯和不锈钢热轧板/卷继续按照商务部公告2019年第31号公布的征税产品范围和税率征收反倾销税,对原产于株式会社POSCO的不锈钢钢坯和不锈钢热轧板/卷继续按照商务部公告2019年第31号执行价格承诺。自2024年7月23日起,对原产于日本的进口不锈钢钢坯和不锈钢热轧板/卷适用的反倾销措施到期终止。
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