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Notice by the General Offices of Four Departments Including the Ministry of Commerce of Effectively Conducting the Work Concerning Trade-ins of Home Appliances in 2025 [Effective]
商务部等4部门办公厅关于做好2025年家电以旧换新工作的通知 [现行有效]
Notice by the General Offices of Four Departments Including the Ministry of Commerce of Effectively Conducting the Work Concerning Trade-ins of Home Appliances in 2025 


(Letter No. 6 [2025] of the Ministry of Commerce) (商办流通函〔2025〕6号)

The commerce, development and reform, finance, and market regulation departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团商务、发展改革、财政、市场监管部门: 
For the purposes of thoroughly implementing the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and vigorously boosting consumption, in accordance with the requirements of the Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewals and Consumer Goods Trade-ins (No. 7 [2024], State Council) and the Notice of Increasing Efforts to Expand the Scope of Implementation of the Policies Regarding Large-scale Equipment Renewals and Consumer Goods Trade-ins (No. 13 [2025], NDRC), you are hereby notified of relevant matters concerning effectively conducting the work concerning trade-ins of home appliances in 2025 as follows: 为深入贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,大力提振消费,按照《推动大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新行动方案》(国发〔2024〕7号)和《关于2025年加力扩围实施大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新政策的通知》(发改环资〔2025〕13号)要求,现就做好2025年家电以旧换新有关事项通知如下:
I. Clarifying the scope of subsidies enjoyed   一、明确享受补贴范围
All localities shall coordinate the use of central and local funds, and give subsidies to individual consumers who purchase 12 categories of home appliance products, including refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, air conditioners, computers, water heaters, household cookers, range hoods, water purifiers, dishwashers, rice cookers, and microwave ovens that meet energy efficiency or water efficiency standards of Grade II or above. The subsidy standard shall be 15% of the final sales price of the aforementioned products, and an additional subsidy of 5% of the final sales price of the products shall be granted for the purchase of products that meet energy efficiency or water efficiency standards of Grade I or above. Each consumer may receive a subsidy for one product (for three air conditioners at a maximum) of each category, and the maximum subsidy for each product shall not exceed 2,000 yuan. All localities shall determine on their own the specific varieties of home appliance products in the aforesaid 12 categories. All localities are encouraged to, in consideration of local residents' actual consumption circumstances, grant subsidies to other bulk durable home appliances. The products with energy efficiency or water efficiency labels shall be governed mutatis mutandis by the subsidy standards for the home appliance products in the aforesaid 12 categories, and the subsidy standards for products without energy efficiency or water efficiency labels shall not be higher than the subsidy standards for products that meet energy efficiency standards of Grade II. 各地要统筹使用中央与地方资金,对个人消费者购买2级及以上能效或水效标准的冰箱、洗衣机、电视、空调、电脑、热水器、家用灶具、吸油烟机、净水器、洗碗机、电饭煲、微波炉12类家电产品给予补贴。补贴标准为上述产品最终销售价格的15%,对其中购买1级及以上能效或水效标准的产品,额外再给予产品最终销售价格5%的补贴。每位消费者每类产品可补贴1件(空调产品最高补贴3件),每件补贴不超过2000元。各地自主确定上述12类家电产品的具体品种。鼓励地方结合当地居民消费实际,对其他大宗耐用家电予以补贴,有能效或水效标识的参照上述12类家电补贴标准,无能效或水效标识的产品补贴标准不得高于2级能效产品补贴标准。
II. Optimizing application and payment processes   二、优化申领支付流程
The subsidy application processes of all localities shall be simple, easy and fast to operate, facilitate consumers to the greatest extent, reduce repeated entry of information from the source, and effectively protect consumers' personal information. Consumers are supported in voluntarily choosing online or offline channels to enjoy subsidies by means of instant enjoyment of discounts upon payment or ex post payment of subsidy funds. Payment channels shall be proactively expanded, consumers' payment methods and payment voucher types shall not be restricted, and it is not allowed to require business entities to purchase new payment equipment on the grounds of participating in activities to effectively improve consumers' payment service experience and create a safe and facilitative payment environment. Home appliance sales enterprises are supported in conducting trade-in sales promotion activities jointly with production enterprises and recycling enterprises, and financial institutions are encouraged to provide both preferences and discounts to form a synergy of different policies. 各地补贴申领流程设计应操作简便、好用快捷,最大限度方便消费者,从源头上减少信息重复填报,同时做好消费者个人信息保护。支持消费者自愿选择线上或线下渠道,可以支付立减或事后兑付补贴方式享受补贴。积极拓宽支付渠道,不得限制消费者付款方式和支付凭证类型,不得以参加活动为由要求经营主体采购新的支付设备,有效提升消费者支付服务体验,营造安全便利的支付环境。支持家电销售企业联合生产企业、回收企业开展以旧换新促销活动,鼓励金融机构叠加优惠让利,形成政策“组合拳”。
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