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Notice by the General Offices of Five Departments Including the Ministry of Commerce of Issuing the Implementation Plan for New Subsidies for the Purchase of Mobile Phones, Tablets, and Smartwatches (Smart bands) [Effective]
商务部等5部门办公厅关于印发《手机、平板、智能手表(手环)购新补贴实施方案》的通知 [现行有效]
Notice by the General Offices of Five Departments Including the Ministry of Commerce of Issuing the Implementation Plan for New Subsidies for the Purchase of Mobile Phones, Tablets, and Smartwatches (Smart bands) 


(No. 7 [2025] of the Ministry of Commerce) (商办流通函2025年第7号)

The commerce, development and reform, industry and information technology, finance, and market regulation departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate state planning, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团商务、发展改革、工业和信息化、财政、市场监管部门:
For the purposes of thoroughly implementing the guiding principles of the Central Economic Work Conference and implementing the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on intensifying efforts to expand and implement the policy of “promoting large-scale equipment renewals and consumer goods trade-ins”, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Notice of Increasing Efforts to Expand the Scope of Implementation of the Policies Regarding Large-scale Equipment Renewals and Consumer Goods Trade-ins (No. 13 [2025], NDRC), the Implementation Plan for New Subsidies for the Purchase of Mobile Phones, Tablets, and Smartwatches (Smart bands) is hereby issued to you for your conscientious implementation. 为深入贯彻中央经济工作会议精神,落实党中央、国务院关于加力扩围实施“两新”政策的决策部署,根据《关于2025年加力扩围实施大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新政策的通知》(发改环资〔2025〕13号)有关要求,现将《手机、平板、智能手表(手环)购新补贴实施方案》印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行,抓好工作落实。
General Office of the Ministry of Commerce; General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission; General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 商务部办公厅 国家发展改革委办公厅 工业和信息化部办公厅
General Office of the Ministry of Finance; General Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation 财政部办公庁 市场监管总局办公厅
January 13, 2025 2025年1月13日
Implementation Plan for New Subsidies for the Purchase of Mobile Phones, Tablets, and Smartwatches (Smart bands) 手机、平板、智能手表(手环)购新补贴实施方案
In order to thoroughly implement the decisions and plans of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, respond to the new trends and developments in the consumer market, vigorously boost consumption, create new growth drivers for consumption, and further enhance the role of consumption in economic growth, this Plan is developed to effectively carry out the subsidy program for purchasing new mobile phones, tablets, and smartwatches (smart bands). 为深入贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,顺应消费市场新形势新趋势,大力提振消费,打造消费新增长点,进一步发挥消费在经济增长中的重要作用,现就切实做好手机、平板、智能手表(手环)购新补贴工作制定本方案。
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era, the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 20th CPC Central Committee shall be thoroughly implemented. The requirements of the Central Economic Work Conference shall be conscientiously implemented. Local authorities shall implement this subsidy program based on the principle of territorial implementation and in accordance with national unified standards. They shall scientifically formulate local detailed implementation rules, clarify work objectives, refine action measures, develop contingency plans, and carefully organize and implement the program to ensure the smooth and stable implementation of the subsidy policy, the safety of subsidy funds, and the delivery of benefits from central policies to the majority of consumers. 坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻落实党的二十大和二十届二中、三中全会精神,认真落实中央经济工作会议部署要求,各地按照属地实施原则,根据国家统一标准,科学制定本地区手机、平板、智能手表(手环)购新补贴实施细则,明确工作目标,细化落实举措,制定工作预案,精心组织实施,确保补贴政策平稳、顺畅实施,确保补贴资金安全,确保中央政策红利真正惠及广大消费者。
II. Specifying subsidized product categories and subsidy standards   二、明确补贴品种和补贴标准
...... 个人消费者购买手机、平板、智能手表(手环)3类数码产品(单件销售价格不超过6000元),可享受购新补贴。每人每类可补贴1件,每件补贴比例为减去生产、流通环节及移动运营商所有优惠后最终销售价格的15%,每件最高不超过500元。

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