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Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting High-quality Development in Refined Oil Distribution [Effective]
国务院办公厅关于推动成品油流通高质量发展的意见 [现行有效]
Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting High-quality Development in Refined Oil Distribution 


(No. 5 [2025] of the General Office of the State Council) (国办发〔2025〕5号)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; all ministries and commissions of the State Council; and all institutions directly under the State Council: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:
As a key and strategic resource, refined oil is essential to the national economy and the livelihood of the people. For the purpose of further improving the refined oil distribution management system and promoting high-quality development in refined oil distribution, with the approval of the State Council, the following opinions are hereby offered. 成品油是关系国计民生的基础性和战略性资源,与国民经济运行和人民生产生活密切相关。为进一步健全成品油流通管理体系,推动成品油流通高质量发展,经国务院同意,现提出如下意见。
I. Improving the refined oil distribution management system 一、完善成品油流通管理制度
1. Improving the refined oil wholesale and storage management system. The wholesale and storage operations of refined oil shall be subject to a filing management system. Enterprises engaged in refined oil wholesale and storage operations shall hold a business license that includes the wholesale and storage of refined oil in its scope of business. In accordance with the Regulation on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals and other relevant laws and regulations, such enterprises shall obtain a hazardous chemicals business license and a port operation license, and shall file with the commerce department according to applicable provisions. Upon receipt of the filing receipt, they shall go to the tax authority to activate the refined oil invoice issuance module. Enterprises engaged in refined oil wholesale and storage operations that have not obtained a hazardous chemicals business license or a port operation license, or whose relevant licenses have expired, shall legally complete the formalities for registering the modification of the scope of operations in their business license. They shall not engage in refined oil wholesale and storage activities until the relevant licenses are obtained. The Ministry of Commerce shall be responsible for formulating the guidelines for the registration of refined oil wholesale and storage enterprises. The departments of transport, commerce, emergency management, taxation, and market regulation shall strengthen the comparison and sharing of information related to refined oil wholesale and storage enterprises.   (一)完善成品油批发仓储管理制度。对成品油批发仓储经营实施备案管理,企业从事成品油批发仓储经营,应持经营范围包含成品油批发仓储的营业执照,根据《危险化学品安全管理条例》等相关法规规定取得危险化学品经营许可证、港口经营许可证,按有关规定到商务部门办理备案,持备案回执到税务部门开通成品油发票开具模块。未办理危险化学品经营许可证或者港口经营许可证,或者相关许可证已过有效期的成品油批发仓储企业,应依法办理营业执照经营范围变更登记,在取得许可证前不得从事成品油批发仓储相关活动。商务部负责制定成品油批发仓储企业备案操作指南。交通运输、商务、应急管理、税务、市场监管等部门加强对成品油批发仓储企业相关信息的比对共享。
2. Improving the refined oil retail management system. A unified national standard for the qualification and approval of refined oil retail operations shall be formulated and strictly enforced. The approval authorities shall enter the licensing results into the relevant information systems, making them publicly available and notifying the relevant departments in a timely manner. It is strictly prohibited to alter, resell, lease, lend, or transfer refined oil business licenses. It is strictly prohibited to reconstruct or expand refined oil retail outlets without authorization. An annual supervision and inspection system for refined oil retail enterprises shall be established. Enterprises that refuse to accept inspections or fail to pass inspections shall be ordered to make corrections within a specified time.   (二)完善成品油零售管理制度。制定并严格执行全国统一的成品油零售经营资格准入标准,审批部门应将许可结果录入相关信息系统,及时公开并通报相关部门。严禁涂改、倒卖、出租、出借、转让成品油经营证照。严禁擅自改扩建成品油零售网点。建立成品油零售经营企业年度监督检查制度,对不接受检查或者检查不合格的企业,责令限期整改。
3. Improving the enterprise journal management system. Enterprises shall be supervised in strictly implementing the provisions on the journal-based management of refined oil, accurately calculating and reporting data on the purchase and sale, as well as the inbound and outbound inventory of oil products, improving the records and documentation on the source of refined oil, sales destinations, inspection reports, and inspection records, and maintaining complete account books for future reference. A real-name registration system for bulk gasoline purchase and sale shall be implemented. Supervision through inspections by randomly selected inspectors of randomly selected entities and the public release of inspection results shall be organized, with a focus on checking the establishment and implementation of the enterprise journal system. Enterprises shall be guided in continuously improving the accuracy of journals and the timeliness of their updates, and shall address any violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the law.   (三)完善企业台账管理制度。督促企业严格落实成品油台账管理规定,据实核算并上报油品购销和出入库数据,完善成品油来源、销售去向、检验报告、检查记录等凭证材料档案,保存完整账册备查。落实散装汽油购销实名登记制度。组织开展“双随机、一公开”监管,重点检查企业台账制度建立和执行情况,指导企业不断提升台账准确性和更新及时性,发现违法违规行为依法处理。
4. Improving the enterprise credit management system. The implementation of a graded and classified credit management system for refined oil enterprises shall be promoted. Factors such as compliance with oil quality standards, proper tax payment, and emergency supply guarantees shall be incorporated into the enterprises' credit records as part of daily supervision. The exposure of dishonest entities shall be increased in accordance with laws and regulations to enhance the effectiveness of credit supervision. According to the credit standing of enterprises, differentiated measures shall be adopted in terms of regulatory methods, sampling ratios, and frequencies.   (四)完善企业信用管理制度。推进成品油经营企业信用分级分类管理,结合对企业的日常监管,将油品质量计量达标、依法纳税、应急保供等情况纳入企业信用记录,依法依规对失信主体加大曝光力度,提升信用监管效能。依据企业信用情况,在监管方式、抽查比例和频次等方面采取差异化措施。
II. Improving the cross-departmental regulation mechanism for refined oil distribution 二、健全成品油流通跨部门监管机制
5. Establishing a local cross-departmental joint regulation mechanism. Local governments at all levels shall strictly implement their territorial regulatory responsibilities and establish a cross-departmental joint regulatory mechanism for refined oil distribution. They shall coordinate administrative penalty functions and law enforcement resources, clearly define the responsibilities of leading regulatory departments, enforcement agencies, and other relevant departments, and specify concrete regulatory measures, so as to promote smooth coordination between administrative approvals, daily supervision, and comprehensive administrative law enforcement and enhance the ability of cross-departmental joint regulation and law enforcement cooperation. The governments of all provinces (autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government) shall establish a coordination and communication system for the regulation and administrative law enforcement of the refined oil distribution industry in their respective regions, and report to the Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration for Market Regulation for recordation.   (五)建立地方跨部门联合监管机制。地方各级人民政府要严格落实属地监管职责,建立成品油流通跨部门联合监管机制,统筹配置行政处罚职能和执法资源,明确牵头监管部门、执法部门,以及其他各有关部门职责分工,明确具体的监管措施,推动行政审批、日常监管与综合行政执法顺畅衔接,提升跨部门联合监管和执法协作能力。各省(自治区、直辖市)人民政府要建立本地区成品油流通行业监管和行政执法等协调联系制度,并向商务部和市场监管总局报备。
6. Strictly implementing the relevant requirements of the comprehensive administrative law enforcement reform. If local business law enforcement functions are integrated into comprehensive law enforcement departments such as those of market regulation, these departments shall earnestly implement the requirements of comprehensive law enforcement reform documents such as the Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement in Market Regulation, strengthen comprehensive law enforcement inspections, and legally investigate and handle any clues discovered as to violations. The commerce and other industry departments shall effectively fulfill their duties of daily regulation, conduct both on-site and off-site inspections, and promptly transfer any clues of violations to the relevant authorities. If local business law enforcement functions have not been transferred, the commerce and other relevant industry authorities shall be responsible for daily regulation and administrative law enforcement.   (六)严格落实综合行政执法改革有关要求。地方商务执法职能整合划入市场监管等综合执法部门的,市场监管等综合执法部门要认真落实《中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅关于深化市场监管综合行政执法改革的指导意见》等综合执法改革文件要求,加强综合执法检查,发现线索依法依规予以查处;商务等行业主管部门要切实履行好日常监管职责,开展现场检查和非现场检查,发现违法违规线索及时移交。地方商务执法职能没有划转的,商务等行业主管部门要负责日常监管和行政执法。
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