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Regulation on the Protection of the Right of Communication to the Public on Information Networks [Revised]
信息网络传播权保护条例 [已被修订]

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
(No. 468)
The Regulation on the Protection of the Right of Communication to the Public on Information Networks, as adopted at the 135th executive meeting of the State Council on May 10, 2006, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on July 1, 2006.
Premier Wen Jiabao
May 18, 2006
Regulation on the Protection of the Right of Communication to the Public on Information Networks


总 理  温家宝

Article 1 This Regulation is developed in accordance with the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China (the “Copyright Law”) for the purposes of protecting the right of communication to the public on information networks of copyright owners, performers, and producers of sound and audio-visual recordings (the “right holders”) and encouraging the creation and communication of works conducive to the development of socialist spiritual and material civilization.
   第一条 为保护著作权人、表演者、录音录像制作者(以下统称权利人)的信息网络传播权,鼓励有益于社会主义精神文明、物质文明建设的作品的创作和传播,根据《中华人民共和国著作权法》(以下简称著作权法),制定本条例。
Article 2 The right holders' right of communication to the public on information networks shall be protected by the Copyright Law and this Regulation. Except as otherwise provided by laws and administrative regulations, any organization or person providing the public with works, performances, or sound or audio-visual recordings of others on information networks shall obtain the consent of and pay remuneration to the respective right holders.
   第二条 权利人享有的信息网络传播权受著作权法和本条例保护。除法律、行政法规另有规定的外,任何组织或者个人将他人的作品、表演、录音录像制品通过信息网络向公众提供,应当取得权利人许可,并支付报酬。
Article 3 Works, performances, and sound and audio-visual recordings prohibited by law from provision shall not be protected by this Regulation.
In exercising their right of communication to the public on information networks, the right holders shall neither violate the Constitution, laws, and administrative regulations, nor cause any damage to the public interest.
   第三条 依法禁止提供的作品、表演、录音录像制品,不受本条例保护。
Article 4 For the purpose of protecting their right of communication to the public on information networks, the right holders may take technological measures.
No organization or person shall intentionally circumvent or compromise the technological measures, intentionally manufacture, import, or provide the public with devices or components mainly used to circumvent or compromise the technological measures, and intentionally provide technical services for others to circumvent or compromise the technological measures, unless the technological may be circumvented under any law or administrative regulation.
   第四条 为了保护信息网络传播权,权利人可以采取技术措施。
Article 5 Without the consent of the respective right holders, no organization or person shall:
   第五条 未经权利人许可,任何组织或者个人不得进行下列行为:
(1) intentionally remove or alter the electronic right management information on the works, performances, and sound and audio-visual recordings provided to the public on information networks, unless the removal or alteration is inevitable for technical reasons; and
(2) provide the public on information networks with works, performances, and sound and audio-visual recordings on which it knows or should have known that the electronic right management information has been removed or altered without the consent of the respective right holders.
Article 6 Under the following circumstances, the works of others may be provided on information networks without the consent of and remuneration to the respective copyright owners:
   第六条 通过信息网络提供他人作品,属于下列情形的,可以不经著作权人许可,不向其支付报酬:
(1) Appropriate quotation of a published work in a work provided to the public for the purpose of introducing or reviewing a work or explaining an issue.
(2) Inevitable reproduction or quotation of a published work in a work provided to the public for the purpose of reporting news.
(3) Providing a small quantity of a published work to a few teaching or scientific research personnel for the purpose of classroom teaching or scientific research.
(4) A state organ's provision of a published work to the public within a reasonable scope for the purpose of performing its official duties.
(5) Providing a work in the language of an ethnic minority, as a translation from a work created in Chinese and published by a Chinese citizen, legal person, or organization of any other kind, to the ethnic minority within China.
(6) Providing a published written work for non-profit purposes to the blind in a unique manner that enables the blind to perceive the work.
(7) Providing the public with articles on current political and economic events already published on information networks.
(8) Providing the public with a speech delivered at a public rally.
Article 7 Libraries, archives, memorials, museums, and art galleries, among others, may provide on information networks their service recipients on site with legally published digital works collected by them respectively and lawful digital reproductions of works as needed for displaying or preserving a copy of an edition, without the consent of and remuneration to the respective copyright owners, but shall not directly or indirectly obtain any economic benefits, except as otherwise agreed by the parties.
The works reproduced in a digital form as needed for displaying or preserving a copy of an edition as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be works that have been or are close to being damaged or destroyed, have been lost, or have been stolen or the storage formats of which have become outdated and that cannot be purchased on the market or can only be purchased at a price evidently higher than the marked price.
   第七条 图书馆、档案馆、纪念馆、博物馆、美术馆等可以不经著作权人许可,通过信息网络向本馆馆舍内服务对象提供本馆收藏的合法出版的数字作品和依法为陈列或者保存版本的需要以数字化形式复制的作品,不向其支付报酬,但不得直接或者间接获得经济利益。当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 8 For the purpose of implementing on information networks the nine-year compulsory education or the state's comprehensive plan on education, a part of a published work, a short published written work or musical work, or a single published work of fine art or photographic work may be used without the consent of the copyright owner to make courseware as provided to registered students on information networks by the remote education institutions that have made or legally obtained the courseware, but the remote education institutions shall pay remuneration to the copyright owner.
   第八条 为通过信息网络实施九年制义务教育或者国家教育规划,可以不经著作权人许可,使用其已经发表作品的片断或者短小的文字作品、音乐作品或者单幅的美术作品、摄影作品制作课件,由制作课件或者依法取得课件的远程教育机构通过信息网络向注册学生提供,但应当向著作权人支付报酬。
Article 9 For the purpose of poverty alleviation, before providing on information networks to the public in rural areas free of charge any published works of Chinese citizens, legal persons, or organizations of any other kind on planting and breeding, disease prevention and control, and disaster prevention and reduction in relation to poverty alleviation and works meeting fundamental cultural demands, the network service provider shall announce the works to be provided, their authors, and the standards of remuneration to be paid. If the copyright owners object to the provision within 30 days of the announcement, the network service provider shall not provide the works, or if the copyright owners have raised no objection 30 days after the announcement, the network service provider may provide the works, and shall pay remuneration to the copyright owners according to the announced standards. If after the network service provider has provided a copyright owner's work, the copyright owner objects to the provision, the network service provider shall immediately remove the copyright owner's work, and pay remuneration to the copyright owner for the period of provision of the work according to the announced standards.
   第九条 为扶助贫困,通过信息网络向农村地区的公众免费提供中国公民、法人或者其他组织已经发表的种植养殖、防病治病、防灾减灾等与扶助贫困有关的作品和适应基本文化需求的作品,网络服务提供者应当在提供前公告拟提供的作品及其作者、拟支付报酬的标准。自公告之日起30日内,著作权人不同意提供的,网络服务提供者不得提供其作品;自公告之日起满30日,著作权人没有异议的,网络服务提供者可以提供其作品,并按照公告的标准向著作权人支付报酬。网络服务提供者提供著作权人的作品后,著作权人不同意提供的,网络服务提供者应当立即删除著作权人的作品,并按照公告的标准向著作权人支付提供作品期间的报酬。

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