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Announcement of the Supreme People's Court The “Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court concerning Some Issues on Application of the Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China”, which was adopted at the 1375th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 26, 2005, is hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on September 8, 2006. August 23, 2006 Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court concerning Some Issues on Application of the Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China (Adopted at the 1375th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 26, 2005, Interpretation No. 7 [2006] of the Supreme People's Court) In accordance with the “Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China”, the “Civil Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China” and other legal provisions, we hereby give our interpretation as follows concerning some issues on application of law for the people's courts to try arbitration-related cases:
| | 最高人民法院公告 《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国仲裁法〉若干问题的解释》已于2005年12月26日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1375次会议通过,现予公布,自2006年9月8日起施行。 二○○六年八月二十三日 最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国仲裁法》若干问题的解释 (法释〔2006〕7号) 根据《中华人民共和国仲裁法》和《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》等法律规定,对人民法院审理涉及仲裁案件适用法律的若干问题作如下解释:
Article 1 The term “agreements for arbitration in other written forms” as prescribed in Article 16 of the Arbitration Law shall include the agreements on resorting to arbitration which are reached in the forms of contracts, letters or data message (including telegraph, telefax, fax, electronic data interchange and e-mail), etc.
| | 第一条 仲裁法第十六条规定的“其他书面形式”的仲裁协议,包括以合同书、信件和数据电文(包括电报、电传、传真、电子数据交换和电子邮件)等形式达成的请求仲裁的协议。
Article 2 Where the parties concerned synoptically agree that the matters to be arbitrated are contractual disputes, the disputes arising out of formation, effectiveness, modification, assignment, performance, liabilities for breach, interpretation, rescission, etc. of the contract may all be ascertained as matters to be arbitrated.
| | 第二条 当事人概括约定仲裁事项为合同争议的,基于合同成立、效力、变更、转让、履行、违约责任、解释、解除等产生的纠纷都可以认定为仲裁事项。
Article 3 Where the name of an arbitration institution as stipulated in the agreement for arbitration is inaccurate, but the specific arbitration institution can be determined, it shall be ascertained that the arbitration institution has been selected.
| | 第三条 仲裁协议约定的仲裁机构名称不准确,但能够确定具体的仲裁机构的,应当认定选定了仲裁机构。
Article 4 Where an agreement for arbitration only stipulates the arbitration rules applicable to the dispute, it shall be deemed that the arbitration institution is not stipulated, unless the parties concerned reach a supplementary agreement or may determine the arbitration institution according to the arbitration rules agreed upon between them.
| | 第四条 仲裁协议仅约定纠纷适用的仲裁规则的,视为未约定仲裁机构,但当事人达成补充协议或者按照约定的仲裁规则能够确定仲裁机构的除外。
Article 5 Where an agreement for arbitration stipulates two or more arbitration institutions, the parties concerned may choose either arbitration institution upon agreement when applying for arbitration; if the parties concerned cannot agree upon the choice of the arbitration institution, the agreement for arbitration shall be ineffective.
| | 第五条 仲裁协议约定两个以上仲裁机构的,当事人可以协议选择其中的一个仲裁机构申请仲裁;当事人不能就仲裁机构选择达成一致的,仲裁协议无效。
Article 6 Where an agreement for arbitration stipulates that the disputes shall be arbitrated by the arbitration institution at a certain locality and there is only one arbitration institution in this locality, the arbitration institution shall be deemed as the stipulated arbitration institution. If there are two or more arbitration institutions, the parties concerned may choose one arbitration institution for arbitration upon agreement; if the parties concerned fail to agree upon the choice of the arbitration institution, the agreement for arbitration shall be ineffective.
| | 第六条 仲裁协议约定由某地的仲裁机构仲裁且该地仅有一个仲裁机构的,该仲裁机构视为约定的仲裁机构。该地有两个以上仲裁机构的,当事人可以协议选择其中的一个仲裁机构申请仲裁;当事人不能就仲裁机构选择达成一致的,仲裁协议无效。
Article 7 Where the parties concerned agree that they may either apply to the arbitration institution for arbitration or bring a lawsuit with people's court for settlement of dispute, the agreement for arbitration shall be ineffective, unless after one party applies to the arbitration institution for arbitration, the other party fails to propose any objection within the period prescribed in Paragraph 2 of Article 20 of the Arbitration Law.
| | 第七条 当事人约定争议可以向仲裁机构申请仲裁也可以向人民法院起诉的,仲裁协议无效。但一方向仲裁机构申请仲裁,另一方未在仲裁法第二十条第二款规定期间内提出异议的除外。
Article 8 Where a party concerned is merged or divided after concluding an agreement for arbitration, the agreement for arbitration shall be binding upon the successor of its rights and obligations. Where a party concerned has died after concluding an agreement for arbitration, the agreement for arbitration shall be binding upon the inheritor who inherits his rights and obligations in the matter to be arbitrated. The circumstances prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs shall not be applicable if the parties concerned have otherwise agreed between each other when concluding the agreement for arbitration.
| | 第八条 当事人订立仲裁协议后合并、分立的,仲裁协议对其权利义务的继受人有效。 当事人订立仲裁协议后死亡的,仲裁协议对承继其仲裁事项中的权利义务的继承人有效。 前两款规定情形,当事人订立仲裁协议时另有约定的除外。
Article 9 Where the credits or debts are entirely or partially assigned, the agreement for arbitration shall be binding upon the assignee, unless the parties concerned have otherwise agreed, or the assignee explicitly objects to the assignment of the credits or debts or does not know there is a separate agreement for arbitration.
| | 第九条 债权债务全部或者部分转让的,仲裁协议对受让人有效,但当事人另有约定、在受让债权债务时受让人明确反对或者不知有单独仲裁协议的除外。
Article 10 Where a contract does not become effective or is cancelled after being formed, the effectiveness of the agreement for arbitration shall be ascertained under Paragraph 1 of Article 19 of the Arbitration Law. Where the parties concerned reach an agreement for arbitration regarding a dispute when concluding the contract, the effectiveness of the agreement for arbitration shall not be impacted if the contract is not formed.
| | 第十条 合同成立后未生效或者被撤销的,仲裁协议效力的认定适用仲裁法第十九条第一款的规定。 当事人在订立合同时就争议达成仲裁协议的,合同未成立不影响仲裁协议的效力。
Article 11 Where a contract stipulates that an effective arbitration clause in another contract or document shall apply in order to settle the disputes, the parties concerned shall, when a contractual dispute arises, resort to arbitration according to the said arbitration clause. ...... | | 第十一条 合同约定解决争议适用其他合同、文件中的有效仲裁条款的,发生合同争议时,当事人应当按照该仲裁条款提请仲裁。 ...... |
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