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Provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission on Further Regulating Securities Business Outlets [Expired]
中国证券监督管理委员会关于进一步规范证券营业网点的规定 [失效]
Announcement of China Securities Regulatory Commission
(No.21 [2008])
The Provisions on Further Regulating Securities Business Outlets are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.
May 16th, 2008
Provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission on Further Regulating Securities Business Outlets
To meet the demands of the development of the securities market, further regulate securities business outlets, improve the service level of securities companies, increase the competitiveness of the securities industry and protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, we hereby make the following provisions on further regulating securities business outlets:


I. Establishment of Securities Business Offices
a. To apply for establishing a securities business office within the jurisdiction of the securities regulatory bureau of its place of domicile, a securities company shall meet the following requirements of prudence:
1. the client transaction settlement funds have been under the custody of a third party as required;
2. accounts are opened and managed as required, and the client information is integrated and authentic; the account standardization work has been finished on schedule and the relevant supervisory requirements have been met; and there is no compliance violation such as opening accounts which are not up to standard within the last two years, or there is such a violation, but no serious consequence has been led to because the company has timely discovered it, corrected it, investigated the responsibility of the relevant personnel and voluntarily reported to the supervisory department, and it has been half a year from the reporting day;
3. it has a sound corporate governance structure and a good internal control mechanism, and its regulation-compliance management system and risk control index monitoring system meet the supervisory requirements;
4. its information technology system satisfies the relevant codes of practice and supervisory requirements; the operation of the system is safe, stable and reliable, technical failures are not frequent in the last two years, and there is no big technical accident;
5. it has a perfect business management system, explicit business rules and a clear operation flow;
6. it has established an effective investor education mechanism and is setting up a client management and service system based on “knowing your clients” and “proper services;”
7. its net capital and all other risk control indicators have been continuously reaching the prescribed standards in the last two years;
8. it has not been given an administrative or criminal punishment for gross violation in the last three years; it is not currently under restriction of the agency of securities accounting opening business, the establishment or purchase of business offices, and the relocation and transfer of business offices, or it has material reorganization issues, but the issues have been accomplished; and no case against it has been placed on file for investigation;
9. the average net income from trading securities on a commissioned basis by the securities business offices is not less than the average amount of all securities companies within the jurisdiction the company is under;
10. it was graded C or above in the last classified appraisal on securities companies; and
11. other requirements as specified by the CSRC.
b. To apply for establishing a nationwide securities business office, a securities company shall meet the following requirements in addition to the requirements in No.1 through 8 of the preceding paragraph:
1. it has a stronger operation and management capability, and, in the last year, the net income of the company from trading securities on a commissioned basis ranked top 20 in the industry and the net income of the securities business offices from trading securities on a commissioned basis was not less than the average amount in the industry; or the average net income of the securities business offices ranked top 3 in the industry.
2. it has realized centralized management of the trading system, the clearing system, the accounting system and the monitoring system, and has established a centralized management system of electronic archives and materials.
3. it was last graded B or above; and
4. other requirements as specified by the CSRC.
c. A securities business office to be established shall have the following conditions:
1. it has adequate persons who have the qualification for engaging in the securities industry, and the person to be in charge of it shall have the qualification for taking charge of a branch of securities company;
2. it has a fixed place of business, and the place satisfies all security management requirements;
3. it has the technical establishments required by its business, and the information technology system satisfies the relevant standards and supervisory requirements;
4. it has sound business rules and operation flow, and has established work mechanisms for investor education, client management and service provision; and
5. other conditions as specified by the CSRC.
d. Before establishing a securities business office, a securities company shall, according to the demands of the securities market and the operation and development strategy, business outlets layout, human resources, operational management capability and risk control capability of the company, sufficiently evaluate the necessity and feasibility of the establishment of the office and give priority to establishing the office at a place without its securities business outlets or with insufficient securities business outlets.

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