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Provisions on the Legislative Procedures of the General Administration of Press and Publication [Effective]
新闻出版总署立法程序规定 [现行有效]
Order of the General Administration of Press and Publication
(No. 40)
The Provisions on the Legislative Procedures of the General Administration of Press and Publication, which were adopted at the 1st executive meeting of the General Administration of Press and Publication, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of June 1, 2009.
Director-general of the General Administration of Press and Publication Liu Binjie
April 27, 2009
Provisions on the Legislative Procedures of the General Administration of Press and Publication


新闻出版总署署长 柳斌杰
Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 For purposes of regulating the legislative procedures of the General Administration of Press and Publication (hereinafter referred to as the GAPP), ensuring the quality of the legislative work and improving the efficiency of the legislative work, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Legislation Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulation on Procedures for the Formulation of Administrative Regulations, Regulation on the Procedures for the Formulation of Bylaws, Regulation on Filing of Bylaws and other relevant laws and administrative regulations and by taking into account the actualities of the GAPP.
   第一条 为了规范新闻出版总署立法程序,保障立法工作质量,提高立法工作效率,根据《中华人民共和国立法法》、《行政法规制定程序条例》、《规章制定程序条例》、《法规规章备案条例》等有关法律、行政法规,结合新闻出版总署的实际情况,制定本规定。
Article 2 The term “legislative work” as used in these Provisions refers to the following tasks:
   第二条 本规定所称立法工作是指:
1. to work out mid and long term legislation schemes and annual legislation plans on press and publication;
2. to draft laws and administrative regulations on press and publication under the authorization or entrustment of the National People's Congress or of its Standing Committee or of the State Council;
3. to formulate bylaws according to the power prescribed by laws and administrative regulations and under the functions of the GAPP; and
4. to formulate regulatory documents with universal binding force under the statutory force for the purpose of implementing laws, administrative regulations, and bylaws.
The term “bylaws” as used in these Provisions refers to the legal documents with universal binding force which are formulated by the GAPP according to laws, administrative regulations and provisions of the State Council and under the statutory procedures and are promulgated in the form of orders of the GAPP to regulate the press and publication administration work and adjust the administrative relationship in respect of press and publication.
The term “regulatory documents” as used in these Provisions refers to the documents which are formulated by the GAPP under its statutory functions for the purpose of implementing laws, administrative regulations, provisions of the State Council, and bylaws, and are of universal binding force to the parties subject to administration and can be applied repeatedly.
Article 3 These Provisions shall apply to the GAPP's preparation of legislative schemes and plans on press and publication, and initiation of projects, drafting, examination, decision, promulgation, filing, interpretation, revision, abolishment, compilation and other activities relating to laws, administrative regulations, bylaws as well as regulatory documents on press and publication.
   第三条 本规定适用于新闻出版总署编制新闻出版立法规划和计划,从事新闻出版法律、行政法规、规章、规范性文件的立项、起草、审查、决定、公布、备案、解释、修订、废止和编纂等活动。
Article 4 The Department of Laws and Regulations shall administer the legislative work, for which other departments of the GAPP shall be responsible under their respective functions.
   第四条 立法工作由法规司归口管理,总署其他部门按照职能分工各负其责。
Article 5 The Department of Laws and Regulations shall undertake the following functions in the legislative work:
   第五条 法规司在立法工作中承担下列职责:
1. to work out and organize the legislation schemes and annual legislation plans and supervise the implementation thereof;
2. to organize and coordinate the investigation and research of legislation;
3. to organize the drafting of laws, administrative regulations, as well as bylaws;
4. to examine the drafts of laws, administrative regulations, bylaws to be submitted for review;
5. to be responsible for the examination of regulatory documents;
6. to organize the interpretation of regulations, bylaws as well as regulatory documents;
7. to organize the cleanup and compilation of laws, administrative regulations, bylaws as well as regulatory documents;
8. to be responsible for the filing of bylaws and the contact and coordination with the legislative affairs department of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the legislative affairs department of the State Council; and
9. other relevant legislative work.
Article 6 Other departments of the GAPP shall perform the following functions in the legislative work:
   第六条 总署其他部门在立法工作中承担下列职责:
1. to put forward to the Department of Laws and Regulations project initiation plans on formulating or amending the laws, administrative regulations, bylaws and regulatory documents every year;
2. to draft bylaws relevant to their own business; if the contents of any bylaw involve the administrative functions of 2 or more departments, the leading department shall be responsible for organizing the relevant departments to jointly draft that bylaw;
3. to draft regulatory documents relevant to their own business;
4. to clean up the bylaws and regulatory documents relevant to their own business; and
5. to put forward opinions on the interpretation of the bylaws and regulatory documents relevant to their own business.
Chapter II Initiation of Projects

第二章 立项

Article 7 A law or administrative regulation shall be formulated for matters as described in Articles 8 and 56 of the Legislation Law.
Bylaws may be formulated for the following matters within the scope of the press and publication administrative functions:
   第七条 属于《立法法》第八条、第五十六条的事项,应当制定为法律、行政法规。
1. there is necessity to set forth administrative punishments according to law;
2. there is necessity to make concrete provisions on the implementation of administrative licensing;
3. there is necessity to formulate concrete implementation measures under the authorization of relevant laws and administrative regulations; and
4. the matters have a big impact on the rights and interests of the parties subject to administration.
For matters falling with the scope of the statutory functions of other administrative departments of the State Council, if it is not the ripe time to formulate administrative regulations, the GAPP shall formulate bylaws jointly with other departments of the State Council.
If it is necessary to provide for specific matters, or if it is not the ripe time to formulate bylaws, the GAPP may formulate regulatory documents.
Article 8 Where a department of the GAPP considers it necessary to formulate or amend a law, administrative regulation, bylaw or regulatory document, it shall, prior to December 1 each year, file with the Department of Laws and Regulations a project initiation application for the next year, which shall include the title and necessities of legislation, major problems to be solved, main rules to be determined, as well as the person-in-charge of the project and the progress arrangement.
To file a project initiation application, it shall solicit the opinions of the relevant departments.
   第八条 各部门认为需要制定或修订法律、行政法规、规章、规范性文件的,应当在每年12月1日前向法规司提出下一年度立项申请,内容包括立法的名称、立法的必要性、所要解决的主要问题、拟确立的主要制度等,并注明项目负责人及进度安排。
Article 9 The Department of Laws and Regulations shall collect and coordinate the project initiation applications, determine the legislation projects for the next year and the departments to be responsible for the drafting work, work out the annual legislation plan of the GAPP and submit it to the executive meeting of the director-generals for discussion and approval.
An annual legislation plan shall clarify the name of the legislation projects, drafting departments, completion time, etc.
   第九条 法规司应对立项申请进行汇总、协调,确定下一年度的立法项目以及负责起草的部门,拟定新闻出版总署的年度立法计划,并报署长办公会议讨论批准。
Article 10 The General Office shall print and distribute to all departments the legislation plans discussed and adopted at the executive meeting of the director-generals. The department responsible for the drafting work shall execute the projects included in the annual legislation plans accordingly.
   第十条 署长办公会议讨论通过的立法计划,由办公厅印发各部门。对列入年度立法计划的项目,承担起草工作的部门应当按照计划执行。

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