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Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Issuing the Accounting Rules for Financial Enterprises [Expired]
财政部关于印发《金融企业会计制度》的通知 [失效]
Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Issuing the Accounting Rules for Financial Enterprises
(No.49 [2001] of the Ministry of Finance, November 27, 2001)
The relevant ministries and commissions under the State Council; the public finance departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under separate state planning; the Public Finance Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; and the relevant financial institutions:
To carry out the Accounting Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulation on the Financial Accounting and Reporting of Enterprises, regulate the business accounting of financial enterprises and improve the quality of accounting information, the Ministry of Finance has formulated the Accounting Rules for Financial Enterprises, which are hereby issued to you and shall apply to the listed financial companies for the time being as of January 1, 2002. We also encourage other joint-stock financial enterprises to implement the Accounting Rules for Financial Enterprises. If you have any problem in implementation, please report it to us by letter in a timely manner.
Annex: Accounting Rules for Financial Enterprises


(2001年11月27日 财会[2001]49号)
Accounting Rules for Financial Enterprises

附件: 金融企业会计制度

Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 To regulate the business accounting of financial enterprises and improve the quality of accounting information, these Rules are formulated in accordance with the Accounting Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation on the Financial Accounting and Reporting of Enterprises and other relevant laws and regulations.
   第一条 为了规范金融企业的会计核算,提高会计信息质量,根据《中华人民共和国会计法》、《企业财务会计报告条例》等有关法律、法规,制定本制度。
Article 2 These Rules shall apply to financial institutions legally formed inside the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “financial institutions”), including banks (including credit unions), insurance companies, securities companies, trust investment companies, futures companies, fund management companies, lease companies, finance companies, etc.
   第二条 本制度适用于中华人民共和国境内依法成立的各类金融企业(简称金融企业,下同),包括银行(含信用社,下同)、保险公司、证券公司、信托投资公司、期货公司、基金管理公司、租赁公司、财务公司等。
Article 3 The accounting of financial enterprises shall be predicated upon continual and normal business operations.
   第三条 金融企业的会计核算应当以持续、正常的经营活动为前提。
Article 4 In accounting, financial enterprises shall set accounting periods to settle accounts and prepare financial statements by accounting periods. Accounting periods include annual, semi-annual, quarterly and monthly periods which shall be determined according the beginning and ending dates of the Gregorian calendar. Semi-annual, quarterly and monthly periods are referred to as interim periods.
The term “end of a period” as mentioned in these Rules refers to the end of a month, the end of a quarter, the end of the first half of a year or the end of a year.
   第四条 金融企业的会计核算应当划分会计期间,分期结算账目和编制财务会计报告。会计期间分为年度、半年度、季度和月度。年度、半年度、季度和月度均按公历起讫日期确定。半年度、季度和月度均称为会计中期。
Article 5 RMB shall be the functional currency in the accounting of financing enterprises.
A financial enterprise whose business income and expenditures are mainly in currencies other than RMB may choose one of the said currencies as its functional currency but shall covert it into RMB when preparing a financial accounting report.
A Chinese financial enterprise formed outside China shall also convert its functional currency into RMB in its financial accounting reports filed with the Chinese authorities.
   第五条 金融企业的会计核算以人民币为记账本位币。
Article 6 Financial enterprises shall apply the debit-credit bookkeeping method.
   第六条 金融企业的会计记账采用借贷记账法。
Article 7 In accounting, financial enterprises shall observe the following basic principles:
   第七条 金融企业的会计核算,应当遵循以下基本原则:
1. A financial enterprise's accounting shall be based on transactions or events which actually occur to truthfully reflect its financial condition, business performance and cash flow.
2. A financial enterprise's accounting shall be based on the essentials and economic reality of transactions or events in addition to the legal forms thereof.
3. The accounting information provided by a financial enterprise shall be able to reflect its financial condition, business performance and cash flow and meet the needs of accounting information users.
4. The accounting method used by a financial enterprise shall be consistent in different accounting periods and may not be changed at will. If it is necessary to change the accounting method, the contents of and reasons for the change, the cumulative effect of the change, the reasons why the cumulative effect cannot be determined, etc., shall all be stated in the explanatory notes of accounting statements.
5. A financial enterprise shall stick to the prescribed accounting treatment methods and use consistent and comparable accounting indicators.
6. A financial enterprise shall conduct accounting in a timely manner, neither ahead of time nor behind time.
7. The accounting of a financial enterprise shall be clear and easy to understand and use.
8. The accounting of a financial enterprise shall be made on the accrual basis. Any income realized or expense incurred or payable in the current period shall be treated as income or expense of the current period, whether it has been collected or paid or not. Any income or expense which is not of the current period shall not be treated as income or expense of the current period even if it has been collected or paid in the current period.
9. The income of a financial enterprise shall be matched with its costs and expenses, and all revenues in a same accounting period and the relevant costs and expenses shall be recognized in the said accounting period.
10. A financial enterprise shall measure its assets as per the actual cost at the time of acquisition. Where any asset is impaired, an impairment provision shall be set aside under these Rules. Unless it is otherwise provided by laws, administrative regulations and the unified accounting rules of the state, no financial enterprise may adjust the book value of an asset at its own discretion.
11. A financial enterprise shall conduct accounting under the principle of prudence, and may not record non-existent assets or income or omit existing liabilities or expenses.
12. A financial enterprise shall reasonably distinguish between revenue expenditure and capital expenditure. An expenditure, the benefit from which is merely related with the current accounting year, shall be treated as a revenue expenditure, while an expenditure, the benefit from which is related with several accounting years, shall be treated as a capital expenditure.
13. A financial enterprise shall conduct accounting under the principle of materiality. A material accounting event that has a significant impact on assets, liabilities or profits and losses and affects the reasonable judgment of the users of a financial accounting report must be treated in the prescribed accounting methods and under prescribed procedures and fully disclosed in the financial accounting report. A minor accounting event may be treated in a properly simplified way as long as it does not affect the authenticity of accounting information or mislead the users of accounting information in making a correct judgment.
Article 8 In accordance with the provisions of the relevant accounting laws and administrative provisions and these Rules, a financial enterprise shall work out the accounting methods suitable to it in light of its actualities.
   第八条 金融企业应当根据有关会计法律、行政法规和本制度的规定,在不违反本制度的前提下,结合本企业的具体情况,制定适合于本企业的会计核算办法。
Chapter II Assets

第二章 资产

Article 9 Asset refers to a resource which is formed during a past transaction or event, owned or controlled by an enterprise and expected to bring economic benefits to the enterprise.
A financial enterprise's assets shall be classified by liquidity mainly into current assets, permanent investment, fixed assets, intangible assets and other assets.
For financial enterprises engaged in deposit and loan transactions, their assets shall also be classified by maturity into short-term loans, mid-term loans and long-term loans.
   第九条 资产,是指过去的交易、事项形成并由企业拥有或者控制的资源,该资源预期会给企业带来经济利益。
Section 1 Current Assets

第一节 流动资产

Article 10 Current assets refer to assets that may be realized or consumed within one year.
   第十条 流动资产,是指可以在1年内(含1年)变现或耗用的资产。
Article 11 Financial enterprises' current assets mainly include: cash on hand, deposits, inter-bank lending, discounts, interest receivable, dividend receivable, insurance premium receivable, reinsurance receivable, trust fee receivable, margins paid, proprietary securities, liquidation reserves, securities issued by mandate, bonds redeemed by mandate, reverse-repo securities, short-term investment, short-term loans, etc.
   第十一条 金融企业的流动资产,主要包括库存现金、存放款项、拆放同业、贴现、应收利息、应收股利、应收保费、应收分保款、应收信托手续费、存出保证金、自营证券、清算备付金、代发行证券、代兑付债券、买入返售证券、短期投资、短期贷款等。
1. Deposits refer to the money deposited by a financial enterprise in the central bank, other banks and non-banking financial institutions for payment and clearing, withdrawal and payment of cash and other purposes, the reserves deposited in the central bank at a certain percentage of the savings absorbed, etc., including due from central bank and due from banks. Deposits shall be recorded as per the actually amount of deposit.
2. Inter-bank lending refers to the capital lent by a financial enterprise to other financial institutions for cash flow purposes. Inter-bank lending shall be recorded as per the actual amount of lending.
3. Discounts refer to the money for discounts provided by a financial enterprise for clients or other financial institutions holding undue commercial drafts. Discount shall be recorded as per the face amount.
4. Interest receivable refers to the interest receivable on loans granted and bonds purchased by a financial enterprise and other interest receivable calculated as per the applicable interest rate and interest period. Interest receivable shall be recorded as per the amount calculated and recognized according to the principal of a loan granted, the nominal value of bonds purchased, etc. in the current period and the applicable interest rate.
5. Dividend receivable refers to the cash dividends receivable from the equity investment of a financial enterprise. Dividend receivable shall be recorded as per the amount receivable in the current period.
6. Insurance premium receivable refers to the premiums collectable from insurance applicants but not having been received by a financial enterprise. Premium receivable shall be recorded as per the amount receivable in the current period.
7. Reinsurance premium receivable refers to receivables for the reinsurance business between financial enterprises. Reinsurance premium receivable shall be recorded as per the amount indicated in the reinsurance bills at the time of receipt of such bills.
8. Trust fee receivable refers to the service fees charged by a financial enterprise engaged in the trust business. Trust fee receivable shall be recorded as per the amount of service fees receivable in the current period.
9. Margins paid refer to the margins paid by a financial enterprise as required, including trading margin, reinsurance reserves paid, margins paid for settlement of claims, general average deposits and other margins paid. Margins paid shall be recorded as per the actual amount of margin paid.
10. Proprietary securities refer to stocks, bonds, funds, warrants and other for-profit securities bought by a financial enterprise for income from the bid-asked spread thereof, which can be realized at any time and will not be held for more than one year or which cannot be realized at any time but will become mature in one year or less than one year from the day of issuance or purchase. Proprietary securities shall be recorded as per the actual buying cost on the settlement day. Actual cost includes the purchase price and the relevant taxes and fees.
11. Liquidation reserves refer to the money deposited in a designated clearing agency by a financial enterprise engaged in the securities business for the fund clearing and settlement of securities transactions. Liquidation reserve shall be recorded as per the actual amount of deposit.
12. Securities issued by mandate refer to the stocks or bonds issued by a financial enterprise by mandate. Securities issued by mandate shall be recorded as per the price stipulated in the underwriting contract.
13. Bonds redeemed by mandate refer to the payments or advances actually made by a financial enterprise to redeem bonds by mandate. Bonds redeemed by mandate shall be recorded as per the actual amount of redemption.
14. Reverse-repo securities refer to capital paid by a financial enterprise in the securities repo business according to the relevant provisions. Reverse-repo securities shall be recorded as per the actual amount of payment.
15. Short-term investment refers to bonds, etc. that can be realized at any time and will be held for one year or less than one year.
(1) Short-term investment shall be measured as per the initial investment cost at the time of acquirement. The initial investment cost of a short-term investment shall be determined in the following methods:
(a) For a short-term investment made through purchase with cash, the initial investment cost shall be the total amount actually paid for the investment, including taxes, commission charges and other relevant fees. If the total amount actually paid includes due bond interest which has not been collected, the interest shall be separately calculated as an account receivable and shall not be included in the initial investment cost.
(b) For the bonds contributed by investors, which are received as a short-term investment, the initial investment cost shall be the value confirmed by all parties to the investment.
(2) The interest on a short-term investment shall decrease the book value of the investment at the time of receipt, unless it has already been recorded in “interest receivable”.
(3) A financial enterprise shall measure a short-term investment in the lower of cost or market (LCM) method at the end of a period.

第二节 贷款

(4) At the time of disposition of a short-term investment, the difference between the book value and the actually paid price of the short-term investment shall be recognized as a current investment gain or loss.
   第十二条 贷款,是指金融企业对借款人提供的按约定的利率和期限还本付息的货币资金。
Section 2 Loans
Article 12 Loans refer to the monetary capital lent by a financial enterprise to the borrowers which shall repay the principal and interest at the agreed interest rate and within the agreed period of time.
Loans granted by financial enterprises are mainly classified into short-term loans, mid-term loans and long-term loans.
1. Short-term loans refer to loans with a term of one year or less which are granted by financial enterprises under the relevant provisions, including hypothecated loans, mortgage loans, guarantee loans, unsecured loans, import and export finance, etc., as well as loans with a term of one year or less which are granted by financial enterprises engaged in the trust business with their own capital.
The principal of a short-term loan shall be recorded as per the actual amount of the loan. At the end of a period, the interest receivable shall be calculated according to the principal of the loan and the applicable interest rate. A mortgage loan shall be recorded as per the actual amount lent to the borrower.
2. Mid-term loans refer to loans granted by financial enterprises with a term of more than one year but not more than five years.
   第十三条 金融企业发放的中长期贷款的核算,应当遵循以下原则:
3. Long-term loans refer to loans granted by financial enterprises with a term of more than five years.
Article 13 The accounting of the mid- and long-term loans granted by financial enterprises shall observe the following principles:
1. Separate accounting of principal and interest. A mid- or long-term loan granted by a financial enterprise shall be recorded as per the actual amount lent. At the end of a period, the interest receivable shall be calculated according to the principal of the loan and the applicable interest rate, and separate accounting of principal and interest of the loan shall be made.
2. Separate accounting of commercial loans and policy loans.
3. Separate accounting of proprietary loans and entrusted loans. A proprietary loan refers to a loan granted by a financial enterprise with legally raised funds at its own discretion, under which the financial enterprise shall undertake the loan risks and collect the loan principal and interest. An entrusted loan refers to a loan granted by a financial enterprise (trustee) on behalf of a client with funds provided by the client according to the borrower, purpose, amount, term, interest, etc. determined by the client, under which the financial enterprise oversees its use and assists in its repayment and the client undertakes the loan risks. Financial enterprises may only charge commission charges for entrusted loans, and shall not make advances. Commission charges collected by financial enterprises for granting entrusted loans shall be recognized according to the revenue recognition conditions.
   第十四条 金融企业发放的贷款应当在期末按本制度规定计提贷款损失准备。
4. Separate accounting of accrued loans and non-accrued loans. A non-accrued loan refers to a loan whose principal or interest has not been recovered 90 days after the due date. An accrued loan refers to a loan other than accrued loans. When the principal or interest of a loan becomes 90 days past due, separate accounting shall be made.
After an accrued loan turns into a non-accrued one, the interest income that has been recorded shall offset the interest receivable.
After an accrued loan turns into a non-accrued one, the principal shall be first decreased when any repayment of the loan is received; and upon full recovery of the principal, any further repayment received shall be recognized as interest income of the current period.

第三节 长期投资

Article 14 A financial enterprise shall make loan loss provisions at the end of a period according to these Rules for the loans granted by it.
In the balance sheet, accrued loans and non-accrued loans shall be presented separately.
   第十五条 长期投资,是指除短期投资以外的投资,包括持有时间准备超过1年(不含1年)的各种股权性质的投资、不能变现或不准备随时变现的债券投资、其他债权投资和其他长期投资。
Section 3 Long-term Investment
   第十六条 金融企业的长期股权投资应当按照以下规定核算:
Article 15 Long-term investments refer to the investments other than short-term ones, including various types of equity investments to be held for more than one year, bond investment which cannot be realized or will not be realized at any time, other debt investment, etc.
Long-term investments shall be subject to separate accounting, and be presented separately in the balance sheet.
Article 16 The accounting of a financial enterprise's long-term equity investments shall meet the following provisions:
1. A long-term equity investment shall be recorded as per the initial investment cost at the time of acquisition.
(1) For a long-term equity investment made through purchase with cash, the initial investment cost shall be the total amount actually paid for the investment (including taxes, commission charges and other relevant fees). If the total amount contains cash dividends which have been declared but not collected yet, the initial investment cost shall be difference between the total amount and the said cash dividends.
(2) For a long-term equity investment acquired through administrative appropriation, the initial investment cost shall be the book value recorded in the entity from which the equities are appropriated.
(3) For a long-term equity investment exchanged with non-cash assets, the initial investment cost shall be the book value of the exchanged assets plus the payable taxes and fees.
(4) For a long-term equity investment acquired through debt-to-equity swap, the initial investment cost shall be the book value of the due debts which are actually swapped for equities.
2. The accounting of a long-term equity investment shall be made in the cost method or in the equity method, as the case may be.
If a financial enterprise has no control or joint control over and has no significant impact on the investee, the accounting of its long-term equity investment shall be made in the cost method; or if a financial enterprise has control or joint control over or has any significant impact on the investee, the accounting of its long-term equity investment shall be made in the equity method. Normally, if a financial enterprise's investment in another entity accounts for 20% or more of the entity's total capital with voting power, or accounts for less than 20% but has any significant impact, the accounting shall be made in the equity method. If a financial enterprise's investment in another entity accounts for less than 20% of the entity's total capital with voting power, or accounts for 20% or more but does not have any significant impact, the accounting shall be made in the cost method.
3. When the cost method is adopted, except for additional investment (e.g. converting receivable cash dividends or profits into investment) or disinvestment, the book value of a long-term equity investment shall generally remain unchanged. The profits or cash dividends declared by the investee for distribution shall be regarded as the investment yield of the current period.
4. When the equity method is adopted, the investment shall be measured by the initial investment cost at first, and the book value of the investment shall be adjusted against changes in the investor's share of owner's equity in the investee.
(1) When the equity method is adopted, the difference between the initial investment cost and the share of owner's equity in the investee shall be treated as equity investment balance, and be evenly amortized into gains or losses within a certain period of time.
With regard to the amortization period of equity investment balance, if the contract has stipulated the term of investment, the balance shall be amortized within that term. Where the contract has not stipulated the term of investment, the balance shall be amortized over a period of not more than 10 years if the initial investment cost exceeds the share of owner's equity in the investee; or the balance shall be amortized over not less than 10 years if the share of owner's equity in the investee exceeds the initial investment cost.
(2) When the equity method is adopted, after acquisition of an equity investment, the book value of the equity investment shall be adjusted according to the investor's share of the investee's net profit or net loss in the current year (except those which shall not be regarded as net profit of the investee under laws, regulations or the company bylaws) and be included in the current investment gain or loss. A financial enterprise's share of profits or cash dividends as calculated according to the investee's distribution declaration shall decrease the book value of the equity investment. When determining the net loss of the investee, a financial enterprise shall decrease the book value of the investment till zero. If the investee realizes net profit in the subsequent periods and the investor's share of the investee's profits exceeds its share of the investee's unrecognized losses, the investor shall restore the book value of the investment as per the amount above its share of the investee's unrecognized losses.
When calculating or adjusting the book value of its investment or recognizing the investment gain or loss according to the investee's net profit or loss, a financial enterprise shall base it on the investee's net gain or loss which occurs after the investor acquires the equity in the investee. It shall also adjust the book value of its investment according to the actual changes in the owner's equity in the investee other than net gain or loss.
(3) Where a financial enterprise changes the accounting method of a long-term equity investment from the cost method to the equity method due to additional investment or for other reasons, it shall, from the moment when it actually acquires the control or joint control over or has any significant impact on the investee, treat the retroactively adjusted book value of the equity investment plus the additional investment cost as the initial investment cost, and treat the difference between the initial investment cost and its share of owner's equity in the investee as the equity investment balance which shall be amortized and included in gains or losses under these Rules.
Where a financial enterprise losses control or joint control over or no longer has any significant impact on the investee due to disinvestment or for other reasons, it shall stop applying the equity method, change it into the cost method and deem the book value of the investment as the new investment cost. After that, when the investee declares distribution of profits or cash dividends, the part which has already been included in the book value of the investment shall be deemed recovered part of the new investment cost to decrease the investment cost.
5. Where a financial enterprise changes its investment objectives to change a short-term investment (including proprietary securities) into a long-term investment, the investment shall be carried forward in the LCM method for a short-term investment (including proprietary securities), and treat the value so determined as the new investment cost of the long-term investment. A long-term investment to be disposed of shall not be changed into a short-term investment (including proprietary securities), and at the time of disposition, shall be subject to accounting treatment for the disposal of long-term investments.
   第十七条 金融企业的长期债权投资应当按照以下规定进行核算:
6. In the disposal of an equity investment, the difference between the book value of the investment and the actually received payment shall be deemed a current investment gain or loss.
Article 17 The accounting of a financial enterprise's long-term debt investments shall meet the following provisions:
1. The actual cost for acquiring a long-term debt investment at the time of acquisition shall be the initial investment cost.
If a long-term bond investment is made through purchase with cash, the initial investment cost shall be the total amount actually paid for the investment (including taxes, commission charges and other relevant fees) minus the due bond interest which has not been collected. If the amount of taxes, commission charges and other relevant fees is small, it may be directly included in the investment yield of the current period, instead of the initial investment cost.
2. The interest income from a long-term debt investment shall be calculated and recognized on schedule according to the face value and coupon rate.
The difference between the initial investment cost of a long-term bond investment minus the due bond interest which has not been collected, the bond interest which has not become due and the relevant taxes and fees included in the initial investment cost and the face value of the bonds shall be treated as premium or discount on bonds, which shall be amortized when the bond interest income is recognized during the period of continual existence of the bonds. The amortization may be made in the straight-line method or the effective-interest method.
3. A financial enterprise which holds convertible corporate bonds shall treat these bonds as an ordinary bond investment before they are purchased and converted into stock. When the enterprise exercises its conversion right and converts the bonds into stock, the balance between the book value of the bonds and the cash received shall be deemed the initial investment cost of the equity investment.
   第十八条 金融企业的长期投资应当在期末时按照账面价值与可收回金额 孰低计量。
4. In the disposal of a long-term debt investment, the difference between the actually obtained price and the book value, etc. of the long-term debt investment shall be deemed a current investment gain or loss.

第四节 固定资产

Article 18 A financial enterprise's long-term investments shall be measured at the lower of the book value and the recoverable amount at the end of a period.
   第十九条 金融企业的固定资产,是指同时具有以下特征的有形资产:
Section 4 Fixed Assets
Article 19 A financial enterprise's fixed assets refer to its tangible assets which possess all of the following features:
1. Being held for the purpose of producing goods, rendering services, leasing or business management;
2. Having a useful life of more than one year; and
   第二十条 金融企业应当根据固定资产定义,结合本企业的具体情况,制定适合于本企业的固定资产目录、分类方法、每类或每项固定资产的折旧年限、折旧方法,作为进行固定资产核算的依据。
3. Having a relatively high unit value.
   第二十一条 金融企业取得固定资产时,应按取得时的成本入账。取得时的成本包括买价、进口关税、运输和保险等相关费用,以及为使固定资产达到预定可使用状态前所必要的支出。固定资产取得时的成本应当根据具体情况分别确定:
Article 20 A financial enterprise shall, based on the definition of fixed assets and in consideration of its actual situations, work out its own suitable catalogue of fixed assets, classification method, and depreciation life and method of each class or item of fixed assets as the accounting basis of fixed assets.
A financial enterprise shall make brochures on the catalogue of fixed assets, the classification method, the estimated useful life, estimated net salvage (equals to the estimated salvage cost minus the estimated clearing cost) and depreciation method of each class or item of fixed assets, etc., submit them to the assembly of shareholders or board of directors, governor's (manager's) meeting or any other similar mechanism for approval according to the management powers, file them with the parties concerned according to laws and administrative regulations, and place them at the place of the financial enterprise for the information of the investors and other parties concerned. The brochures on the catalogue, classification method, estimated net salvage, estimated useful life, depreciation method, etc. of fixed assets which are made and filed externally with the parties concerned or placed at the place of the enterprise for information may not be changed at will once they are finalized. If the enterprise needs to change any of them, it shall go through the above procedures, file it with the parties concerned upon approval and make an explanation thereof in the explanatory notes of accounting statements.
Implements and instruments which are not managed as fixed assets shall be treated as low-value consumables for accounting purposes.
Article 21 A financial enterprise which acquires a fixed asset shall record it as per the cost at the time of acquisition. The cost at the time of acquisition includes the purchase price, import duty, transport, insurance and other relevant fees and all expenses necessary to make the fixed asset reach the expected use condition. The cost at the time of acquisition of a fixed asset shall be determined as follows:
1. For a fixed asset ready for use without the building process, the entry value shall be the actually paid purchase price, packing charges, transport charges, installation cost and relevant taxes.
If two or more fixed assets which are not priced individually are purchased with a lump sum, the total cost shall be apportioned according to the proportion of the fair values of all fixed assets to determine the entry value of each fixed asset.
2. For a self-built fixed asset, its entry value shall be the total expenses incurred before the built asset reaches the expected use condition.
3. For a fixed asset contributed by an investor as capital, its entry value shall be the value recognized by all parties to the investment.
4. For a fixed asset under a financial lease, its entry value shall be the lower of the original book value of the leased fixed asset and the minimum lease payment on the day when the lease commences. If the fixed asset under the financial lease accounts for 30% or less of the enterprise's total assets, the enterprise may treat the minimum lease payment on the day when the lease commences as the entry value of the fixed asset.
5. For a fixed asset formed by rebuilding or expansion (including technical improvement, renovation, etc.; the same applies below) of an original fixed asset, its entry value shall be the book value of the original fixed asset plus rebuilding or expansion expenses incurred to make the asset reach the expected use condition minus the disposal income of the fixed asset in the process of rebuilding or expansion.
6. For a fixed asset received from a debtor to repay debts with non-cash assets, its entry value shall be the book value of the asset actually used to repay debts plus the relevant taxes and fees payable.
7. For a fixed asset received by donation, its entry value shall be determined according to the following provisions:
(1) If the donator has provided a relevant certificate, the entry value shall be the amount indicated in the certificate plus the relevant taxes and fees payable.
(2) If the donator has not provided any relevant certificate, the entry value shall be determined in the following order:
(a) If there is an active market for the fixed assets of the same or similar kind, the entry value shall be the value estimated according to the market value of a fixed asset of the same or similar kind plus the relevant taxes and fees payable; or
(b) If there is no active market for the fixed assets of the same or similar kind, the entry value shall be the present value of the estimated future cash flow of the fixed asset received by donation.
(3) If a fixed asset received by donation is a used one, the entry value shall be the value determined in the above method minus the value loss estimated according to the depreciation degree of the asset.
8. For a fixed asset arising from inventory surplus, the entry value shall be determined according to the following provisions:
   第二十二条 金融企业为在建工程准备的各种物资,应当按照实际支付的买价、增值税额、运输费、保险费等相关费用作为实际成本,并按照各种专项物资的种类进行明细核算。
(1) If there is an active market for the fixed assets of the same or similar kind, the entry value shall be the market value of a fixed asset of the same or similar kind minus the value loss estimated according to the depreciation degree of the asset.
   第二十三条 金融企业的在建工程,包括施工前期准备、正在施工中的建筑工程、安装工程、技术改造工程、大修理工程等。工程项目较多且工程支出较大的金融企业,应当按照工程项目的性质分项核算。
(2) If there is no active market for the fixed assets of the same or similar kind, the entry value shall be the present value of the estimated future cash flow of the fixed asset.
   第二十四条 金融企业的自营工程,应当按照直接材料、直接工资、直接机械施工费等计量;采用出包工程方式的金融企业,按照应当支付的工程价款等计量。设备安装工程,按照所安装设备的价值、工程安装费用、工程试运转等所发生的支出确定工程成本。
9. For a fixed asset received by allocation free of charge upon approval, the entry value shall be the asset's book value recorded in the entity from which the fixed asset is allocated plus the transport, installation and other relevant fees.
The entry value of a fixed asset shall also cover the deed tax, farmland use tax, vehicle purchase tax and other taxes and fees paid by a financial enterprise to acquire the fixed asset.
   第二十五条 金融企业的在建工程达到预定可使用状态前因进行试运转所发生的净支出,计入工程成本。在建工程项目在达到预定可使用状态前所取得的试运转过程中形成的、能够对外销售的产品,其发生的成本,计入在建工程成本,销售或转为库存商品时,按实际销售收入或按预计售价冲减工程成本。
Article 22 For the materials prepared by a financial enterprise for construction in progress, the actual cost shall be the actually paid purchase price, value-added tax, transport fee, insurance and other relevant charges, and detailed accounting shall be made by the categories of the materials.
An enterprise shall, if necessary, turn the residual construction materials into materials in inventory according to the actual or planned cost of the materials. If the input tax amount of value-added tax is deductible, the enterprise shall turn them into materials in inventory according to the actual or planned cost minus the input tax amount of value-added tax.
Construction materials which arise from inventory surplus or inventory shortage or are retired or damaged, after subtraction of the indemnity paid by the insurance company or the wrongdoer, shall be included in or decrease the cost of the construction project if the project is under construction, or be included in the non-operating income and expenditures of the current period if the project has been completed.
   第二十六条 金融企业的在建工程发生单项或单位工程报废或毁损,减去残料价值和过失人或保险公司等赔款后的净损失,计入继续施工的工程成本;如为非常原因造成的报废或毁损,或在建工程项目全部报废或毁损,应将其净损失直接计入当期营业外支出。
Article 23 A financial enterprise's construction in progress shall include the preparations for construction, a building project under construction, an installation project, a technical improvement project, a general overhaul project, etc. For a financial enterprise which has more construction projects and more construction expenditures, the accounting of construction projects shall be made separately according to the nature of each project.
The cost of a construction in progress shall be determined as per the expenditures actually incurred, and separate accounting shall be made.
   第二十七条 金融企业所建造的固定资产已达到预定可使用状态,但尚未办理竣工决算的,应当自达到预定可使用状态之日起,按照工程预算、造价或者工程实际成本等,按估计的价值转入固定资产,并按本制度关于计提固定资产折旧的规定,计提固定资产的折旧。待办理了竣工决算手续后再作调整。
Article 24 The construction cost of a proprietary construction project of a financial enterprise shall be measured by direct materials, direct wages, direct mechanical construction fees, etc. If the project is outsourced, it shall be measured by the construction price payable, etc. The construction cost of an equipment installation project shall be measured by the value of the equipment to be installed, the installation cost, and the expenditures incurred for the test run, etc. of the project.
   第二十八条 金融企业下列固定资产应当计提折旧:
Article 25 Net disbursement incurred for the test run before a financial enterprise's construction in progress reaches the expected use condition shall be included in the construction cost. For the sellable products formed in the test run before the construction in progress reaches the expected use condition, the cost thereof shall be included in the cost of the construction in progress, but when these products are sold or turned into merchandise in inventory, the actual sales income or the estimated sales price shall decrease the construction cost.
Article 26 Where any single project or unit project of a financial enterprise's construction in progress is destroyed or damaged, the net loss after subtraction of the salvage value and the indemnity paid by the wrong-doer or insurance company shall be included in the cost of the continued construction. If the destruction or damage is caused for any extraordinary reason or the whole construction in progress is destroyed or damaged, the net loss shall be directly included in the non-operating expenditures of the current period.
Article 27 Where a fixed asset built by a financial enterprise has reached the expected use condition but the final accounts of the as-built project have not been settled, from the day when the fixed asset reaches the expected use condition, values estimated according to the construction budget and cost or the actual construction cost shall be assigned to the fixed asset, and the fixed asset shall be depreciated under the fixed asset depreciation provisions of these Rules. Adjustments shall be made after the final accounts of the as-built project are settled.
Article 28 A financial enterprise shall depreciate the following fixed assets:
1. Buildings and structures;
   第二十九条 金融企业下列固定资产不计提折旧:
2. Equipment of various descriptions;
3. An idle fixed asset undergoing a general overhaul; and
4. Fixed assets leased in the form of financial lease and leased out in the form of operating lease.
For a fixed asset which has reached the expected use condition and shall be depreciated, if the final accounts of the as-built project are settled in the current year, the tentatively estimated value of the asset shall be adjusted according to the actual cost, and the amount of depreciation already made shall also be adjusted and treated as expenses incurred in the month of adjustment. If the final accounts of the as-built project are not settled in the current year, the tentatively estimated value shall be treated as the entry value and the asset shall be depreciated; and after the final accounts are settled, the tentatively estimated value shall be adjusted according to the actual cost, and the amount of depreciation already made shall also be adjusted as well as the items under the beginning-of-year retained earnings.
Article 29 A financial enterprise shall not depreciate the following fixed assets:
   第三十条 金融企业应当根据固定资产的性质和消耗方式,合理地确定固定资产的预计使用年限和预计净残值,并根据科技发展、环境及其他因素,选择合理的固定资产折旧方法。
1. Fixed assets leased in the form of operating lease;
   第三十一条 金融企业一般应按月提取折旧,当月增加的固定资产,当月不提折旧,从下月起计提折旧;当月减少的固定资产,当月照提折旧,从下月起不提折旧。
2. Fixed assets which are still in service after being fully depreciated; and
   第三十二条 与固定资产有关的后续支出,如果使可能流入企业的经济利益超过了原先的估计,如延长了固定资产的使用寿命,或者使产品质量实质性提高,或者使产品成本实质性降低,则应当计入固定资产账面价值,其增计金额不应超过该固定资产的可收回金额。
3. Land recorded as fixed assets at a separately estimated value according to the relevant provisions.
   第三十三条 金融企业由于出售、报废或者毁损等原因而发生的固定资产清理净损益,计入当期营业外收支。
Article 30 A financial enterprise shall, according to the nature and consumption mode of a fixed asset, reasonably estimate the useful life and net salvage of the fixed asset, and select a reasonable fixed asset depreciation method in light of the scientific and technological development level, environment and other factors.
The depreciation methods of fixed assets include the straight-line method (SL), the units-of-production method (UOP), the sum-of-the-years-digits method (SYD), the double-declining balance method (DDB), etc. Once a depreciation method is determined, it may not be changed at will. If a change is necessary, an explanation shall be made in the explanatory notes of accounting statements.
Where a financial enterprise adjusts the value of a fixed asset due to rebuilding, expansion, etc., it shall estimate the remaining service life and net salvage of the fixed asset according to the value after adjustment, and make depreciation allowance in the predetermined depreciation method.
A used fixed asset received by donation shall be depreciated in the predetermined depreciation method according to its entry value, estimated remaining useful life and estimated net salvage determined under the relevant provisions.
   第三十四条 金融企业对固定资产应当定期或者至少每年实地盘点一次。对盘盈、盘亏、毁损的固定资产,应当查明原因,写出书面报告,并根据金融企业的管理权限,经股东大会或董事会,或行长(经理)会议或类似机构批准后,在期末结账前处理完毕。盘盈的固定资产,计入当期营业外收入;盘亏或毁损的固定资产,在减去过失人或者保险公司等赔款和残料价值之后,计入当期营业外支出。
Article 31 Normally, a financial enterprise shall make depreciation on a monthly basis. Fixed assets added in the current month shall not be depreciated in the current month and be depreciated from next month; and fixed assets lost in the current month shall be depreciated as usual in the current month but not from next month.
Once being fully depreciated, a fixed asset shall not be depreciated any more, whether it continues to be useful or not. A fixed asset retired ahead of schedule shall also not be depreciated any more. Full depreciation means that the total depreciable amount of a fixed asset has been reached. The total depreciable amount of a fixed asset is the original value of the fixed asset minus the estimated net salvage. If an impairment provision has been made for a fixed asset, the provision shall also be subtracted.
   第三十五条 金融企业对固定资产的购建、出售、清理、报废和内部转移等,都应当办理会计手续,并应当设置固定资产明细账(或者固定资产卡片)进行明细核算。
Article 32 The subsequent expenditures related with a fixed asset shall be included in the book value of the fixed asset if it brings more economic benefits to the enterprise than the original estimate, prolongs the useful life of the fixed asset, substantially improves the quality of products or substantially decreases the cost of products, but the additional amount included shall not exceed the recoverable amount of the fixed asset.
Subsequent expenditures related with fixed assets other than the aforesaid shall be directly included in the current gain or loss as expenses.
   第三十六条 金融企业的固定资产应当在期末时按照账面价值与可收回金额孰低计量,可收回金额低于账面价值的差额,应当计提固定资产减值准备。
Article 33 The net gain or loss from the liquidation of fixed assets due to sale, retirement, damage, etc. shall be included in the non-operating income and expenditures of the current period.

第五节 无形资产和其他资产

Article 34 A financial enterprise shall make a physical inventory of its fixed assets on a regular basis or at least once every year. For the fixed assets which arise from inventory surplus or inventory shortage or are damaged, it shall find out the cause, make a written report, submit it to the assembly of shareholders or board of directors, governor's (manager's) meeting or any other similar mechanism for approval according to the management power in the enterprise, and complete the disposition of them before the settlement of accounts at the end of a period. Fixed assets which arise from inventory surplus shall be included in the non-operating income of the current period; fixed assets which arise from inventory shortage or are damaged shall be included in the non-operating expenditures of the current period after subtraction of the indemnity paid by the wrong-doer or insurance company and the salvage value.
If the fixed assets which arise from inventory surplus or inventory shortage or are damaged are not approved before the settlement of accounts at the end of a period, the above rules shall apply when a financial accounting report is provided externally with an explanation in the explanatory notes of accounting statements. If the amount approved thereafter is inconsistent with the amount that has been treated as above, the beginning-of-year data under the relevant items of the accounting statement shall be adjusted against the difference between the two amounts.
   第三十七条 金融企业的无形资产,是指为提供劳务、出租给他人、或为管理目的而持有的、没有实物形态的非货币性长期资产。无形资产分为可辨认无形资产和不可辨认无形资产。可辨认无形资产包括专利权、非专利技术、商标权、著作权、土地使用权等;不可辨认无形资产是指商誉。
Article 35 A financial enterprise shall conduct the accounting procedures for the purchase, building, sale, liquidation, retirement or internal transfer of fixed assets, and set up a fixed assets subsidiary ledger (or fixed assets card) for the detailed accounting thereof.
   第三十八条 金融企业的无形资产在取得时,应按实际成本入账。取得时的实际成本应按以下方法确定:
Article 36 A financial enterprise's fixed assets shall be measured at the lower of the book value and the recoverable amount at the end of a period. If the recoverable amount is less than the book value, a fixed asset impairment provision shall be made according to the difference thereof.
In the balance sheet, the fixed asset impairment provision shall be presented as a deduction of the net value of fixed assets.
Section 5 Intangible Assets and Other Assets
Article 37 A financial enterprise's intangible assets refer to the long-term non-monetary assets without a physical substance held for the purpose of provision of services, lease to others or management. Intangible assets may be classified into identifiable intangible asset and unidentifiable intangible asset. Identifiable intangible asset includes patent, non-patented technology, trademark, copyright, land use right, etc., while unidentifiable intangible asset refers to goodwill.
Financial enterprises' self-generated goodwill, as well as other items that fail to meet the conditions for the recognition of intangible assets, shall not be treated as intangible assets.
Article 38 A financial enterprise shall, at the time of acquiring an intangible asset, record it at the actual cost. The actual cost shall be determined in the following methods:
1. For a purchased intangible asset, the actual cost shall be the actually paid purchase price.
2. For an intangible asset received which is contributed by an investor as capital, the actual cost shall be the value recognized by all parties to the investment. If an intangible asset received is contributed by an investor for an IPO, the actual cost shall be the book value of the asset recorded in the investor's accounts.
   第三十九条 金融企业自行开发并按法律程序申请取得的无形资产,按依法取得时发生的注册费、聘请律师费等费用,作为无形资产的实际成本。在研究与开发过程中发生的材料费用、直接参与开发人员的工资及福利费、开发过程中发生的租金、借款费用等,直接计入当期损益。
3. For an intangible asset received by donation, the actual cost shall be determined according to the following provisions:
   第四十条 金融企业的无形资产应当自取得当月起在预计使用年限内分期平均摊销,计入损益。如预计使用年限超过了相关合同规定的受益年限或法律规定的有效年限,该无形资产的摊销年限按如下原则确定:
(1) If the donator has provided a relevant certificate, the actual cost shall be the amount indicated in the certificate plus the relevant taxed and fees payable.
(2) If the donator has not provided any relevant certificate, the actual cost shall be determined in the following order:
(a) If there is an active market for the intangible assets of the same or similar kind, the actual cost shall be the value estimated according to the market value of an intangible asset of the same or similar kind plus the relevant taxes and fees payable; or
(b) If there is no active market for the intangible assets of the same or similar kind, the actual cost shall be the present value of the estimated future cash flow of the intangible asset received by donation.
   第四十一条 金融企业购入或以支付土地出让金方式取得的土地使用权,在尚未开发或建造自用项目前,作为无形资产核算,并按本制度规定的期限分期摊销。金融企业因利用土地建造自用项目时,将土地使用权的账面价值全部转入该在建工程。
Article 39 For an intangible asset developed independently and acquired under legal procedures by a financial enterprise, its actual cost shall be the registration fee, attorney fee and other fees incurred at the time of lawful acquisition thereof. The material expenses incurred in the research and development process, salaries and welfare fees for persons directly involved in the development of the asset, and rents, borrowing costs, etc. in the process of development shall be directly included in the current gain or loss.
Research and development expenses which have already been included in the expenses of different periods shall not be capitalized after the intangible asset is successfully developed and the right in it is legally acquired upon application.
   第四十二条 金融企业出售无形资产,应将所得价款与该项无形资产的账面价值之间的差额,计入当期损益。
Article 40 A financial enterprise's intangible asset shall be evenly amortized and included in the gain or loss in the expected useful life from the month of acquisition. If the expected useful life exceeds the beneficial life stipulated in the relevant contract or the statutory valid period, the amortization period of the intangible asset shall be determined under the following principles:
   第四十三条 金融企业的无形资产应当按照账面价值与可收回金额孰低计量,可收回金额低于账面价值的差额,计提无形资产减值准备。
1. If the contract has stipulated the beneficial life but the law has not set the valid period, the amortization period shall not exceed the beneficial period stipulated in the contract;
   第四十四条 金融企业的其他资产,是指除上述资产以外的其他资产,如长期待摊费用、存出资本保证金、抵债资产、应收席位费等。
2. If the contract has not stipulated the beneficial life but the law has set the valid period, the amortization period shall not exceed the valid period set by the law; or
3. If the contract has stipulated the beneficial life and the law has also set the valid period, the amortization period shall not exceed the shorter of the beneficial period and the valid period.
If neither the contract has stipulated the beneficial life nor the law has set he valid period, the amortization period shall not exceed 10 years.
Article 41 The land use right acquired by a financial enterprise by purchase or by paying the land assignment fund shall be treated as an intangible asset and be amortized over the period prescribed by these Rules before it is developed or is used for the construction of any self-use project. When the financial enterprise uses the land for the construction of a self-use project, the book value of the land use right shall be entirely transferred to the construction in progress.
Artic, le 42 A financial enterprise which sells an intangible asset shall include the difference between the sale price and the book value of the intangible asset in the current gain or loss.
A financial enterprise which leases out an intangible asset shall recognize the rental income according to the relevant income recognition principles in these Rules, and at the same time, recognize the related expenses for leasing out the intangible asset.
Article 43 A financial enterprise's intangible asset shall be measured at the lower of the book value and the recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is less than the book value, an intangible asset impairment provision shall be made according to the difference thereof.

第六节 资产减值

Article 44 A financial enterprise's other assets refer to the assets other than the above ones, such as long-term deferred expenses, deposits for capital recognizance, foreclosed assets, receivable seat fees, etc.
   第四十五条 金融企业应当定期或者至少于每年年度终了时对各项资产进行检查,根据谨慎性原则,合理地预计各项资产可能发生的损失,对可能发生的各项资产损失计提资产减值准备。
1. Long-term deferred expenses refer to expenses that have already been disbursed by a financial enterprise but are to be amortized over a period of more than one year, including expenses for improvement of leased fixed assets. Interest on borrowing, rents, etc. payable in the current period shall not be treated as long-term deferred expenses.
The accounting of long-term deferred expenses shall be made separately, and such expenses shall be evenly amortized in the beneficial period of the expense item. Expenses for improvement of leased fixed assets shall be evenly amortized in the lower of the lease term and the remaining useful life of the leased asset. Other long-term deferred expenses shall be evenly amortized in the beneficial period.
Where the relevant expenses such as handling charges or commissions paid by a joint-stock limited company to another entity authorized by it to issue stocks for it minus the interest income in the freezing period of stock issue cannot be covered by the premium of stock issue or there is no premium at all for this purpose, the balance shall be directly included in the current gain or loss if the amount is relatively small, or if the amount is relatively large, be treated as long-term deferred expenses which are evenly amortized in not more than 2 years and included in the gain or loss.
All expenses incurred during the formation preparation period but those for purchasing or building fixed assets shall be firstly included in the long-term deferred expenses, and in the month when the financial enterprise starts business, be included in the gain or loss of the month once and for all.
If a long-term deferred expense item cannot bring benefits to the future accounting periods, the amortized value of the unamortized expense item shall be entirely transferred to the current gain or loss.
   第四十六条 金融企业的短期投资应按成本与市价孰低计量,市价低于成本的部分,应当计提短期投资跌价准备。
2. Deposit for capital recognizance is a deposit placed by a financial enterprise engaged in the insurance business at the prescribed percentage for paying off debts at the time of liquidation. A financial enterprise shall provide 20% of its registered capital as the deposit for capital recognizance after it is formed, and when it is actually provided, record it at per the actually amount provided.
   第四十七条 金融企业应当在期末分析各项应收款项(含拆出资金、应收保费等,但不包括贷款的应收利息)的可收回性,并预计可能产生的坏账损失。对预计可能发生的坏账损失,计提坏账准备。计提坏账准备的方法由金融企业自行确定。金融企业应当制定计提坏账准备的政策,明确计提坏账准备的范围、提取方法、账龄的划分和提取比例,按照法律、行政法规的规定报有关各方备案,并备置于金融企业所在地。坏账准备提取方法一经确定,不得随意变更。如需变更,应当在会计报表附注中予以说明。
3. The entry value of a foreclosed asset shall be the loan principal and the recognized interest thereon corresponding to the actual repayment with the foreclosed asset. The accounting of a foreclosed asset to be disposed of shall be made separately.
In the disposal of a foreclosed asset, if the disposal income is larger than the book value of the foreclosed asset, the difference shall be included in the non-operating income; or if smaller, shall be included in the non-operating expenditures. Expenses incurred in the process of safekeeping shall be directly included in the non-operating expenditures. Disposal expenses shall decrease the disposal income.
A foreclosed asset shall be measured at the lower of the book value and the recoverable amount at the end of a period.
4. Receivable seat fee is a transaction seat fee paid by a financial enterprise to a statutory exchange. The transaction seat fee shall be recorded as per the actually paid amount and evenly amortized over 10 years.
Section 6 Impairment of Assets
Article 45 A financial enterprise shall review its assets on a regular basis or at least once at the end of each year, reasonably estimate the possible losses to each asset under the conservatism principle and make asset impairment provisions for possible asset losses.
The asset impairment provisions shall be reasonably made, but no secret provision is allowed. If there is conclusive evidence that a financial enterprise has made any secret provision by inappropriately applying the conservatism principle, it shall be corrected as a fundamental accounting error, and its nature, amount of adjustment and effect on the enterprise's financial condition or business performance shall be stated in the explanatory notes of accounting statements.
Article 46 A financial enterprise's short-term investment shall be measured in the LCM method. If the market price is lower than the cost, a short-term investment falling price provision shall be made for the difference.
When the LCM method is adopted, a financial enterprise may, as the case may be, make the falling price provision by investor, investment type or single investment. If a single short-term investment is relatively significant (e.g. accounting for 10% or more of the entire short-term investments), the falling price provision shall be calculated and made by single investment.
For a financial enterprise engaged in the securities business, the falling price provision for its proprietary securities shall also be made under the above principle.
   第四十八条 金融企业应当在期末分析各项贷款(不包括保户质押贷款和委托贷款,下同)的可收回性,并预计可能产生的贷款损失。对预计可能产生的贷款损失,计提贷款损失准备。贷款损失准备应根据借款人的还款能力、贷款本息的偿还情况、抵押品的市价、担保人的支持力度和金融企业内部信贷管理等因素,分析其风险程度和回收的可能性,合理计提。
Article 47 At the end of a period, a financial enterprise shall analyze the recoverability of its accounts receivable (including lending capital, receivable premium, etc., but not including receivable interest on loans), and estimate the possible bad debt losses. A bad debt provision shall be made if bad debt losses are likely to occur. The measures for making the bad debt provision shall be determined by a financial enterprise at its own discretion. A financial enterprise shall make policies governing bad debt provisions to clarify the coverage of bad debt provisions, the method for making bad debt provisions, the division of ages of receivables and the provisioning percentage, file them with the parties concerned according to laws and administrative regulations, and place them at the place of the enterprise for information. The method for making bad debt provisions may not be changed at will once it is determined. If it is necessary to change it, an explanation shall be made in the explanatory notes of accounting statements.
The provisioning percentage of bad debt provisions shall be reasonably determined based on past experience, the actual financial condition and cash flow of the debtor and other relevant information. Unless there is conclusive evidence that an account receivable cannot or is unlikely to be recovered (e.g. the debtor has stopped production and is unable to repay the debt within a short period of time because it is cancelled, bankrupt or insolvent, its cash flow is seriously insufficient, a serious natural disaster occurs to it, etc.; or the account receivable has not been collected for three years or more), the bad debt allowance shall not be made in full amount under any of the following circumstances:
   第四十九条 金融企业应当在期末对长期投资、固定资产、无形资产逐项进行检查。
1. Receivables occurring in the current year;
   第五十条 对有市价的长期投资可以根据下列迹象判断是否应当计提减值准备:
2. Receivables to be reorganized as planned;
3. Receivables with affiliates; or
4. Overdue receivables on which there is no conclusive evidence that they cannot be recovered.
Article 48 At the end of a period, a financial enterprise shall analyze the recoverability of loans (not including policyholder hypothecated loans and entrusted loans), and estimate the possible loan losses. Loan loss provisions shall be made if loan losses are likely to occur. Loan loss provisions shall be reasonably made after an analysis of the risk level and recoverability of loans according to the borrower's ability to repay, the repayment of loan principal and interest, the market price of collaterals, the amount of guarantee provided by the guarantor, the internal credit management of the financial enterprise and other factors.
Loan loss provisions include special-purpose provisions and specialized provisions. Special-purpose provisions shall be made in time and in full amount according to the five-category classification results of loans, and the specific provisioning percentage shall be reasonably determined by the financial enterprise based on the risk level and recoverability of the loan assets. Specialized provisions are made by a financial enterprise for loans granted to particular countries, and the specific provisioning percentage shall be reasonably determined by the financial enterprise based on the risk level and recoverability of the loan assets.
The loan loss provisions made shall be included in the current gain or loss. Loan losses incurred shall be set against the loan loss provisions made. If the loan losses which have been set against the loan loss provisions are recovered, the loan loss provisions that have been set against shall be reversed.
Assets for which loan loss provisions are made include loans (including mortgage loans, hypothecated loans, guarantee loans and unsecured loans), bank card overdrafts, discounts, advance payments of credit (including bank advances under draft acceptance, guaranties, L/C, etc.), import and export finance, etc., for which a financial enterprise bears risks and losses.
Loan loss provisions shall also be made for the on-lent foreign loans, including loans from international financial organizations, foreign buyer credits, foreign government loans, unconditional loans of Japanese Bank for International Cooperation, mixed loans of foreign governments, etc. for which the financial enterprise bears the repayment liability.
A financial enterprise shall not make loan loss provisions for entrusted loans, etc., for which it does not bear risks.
Article 49 A financial enterprise shall review its long-term investments, fixed assets and intangible assets one by one at the end of a period.
If the market price keeps falling or the operating status of the investee keeps deteriorating, as a result of which the recoverable amount is less than the book value, a long-term investment impairment provision shall be made; if the fact that the recoverable amount is less than the book value results from technical obsolescence, damage, longtime idleness, etc., a fixed asset impairment provision shall be made; if the said fact results from the generation of a new technology, an intangible asset impairment provision shall be made.
The term “recoverable amount” as mentioned in these Rules refers to the higher of the net selling price of an asset and the present value of expected future cash flows from the continual use of the asset and the disposal of the asset at the end of its useful life. Net selling price refers to the selling price of the asset less the accrued disposal expenses.
The impairment provisions for long-term investments, fixed assets and intangible assets shall be made by single item.
Article 50 Whether an impairment provision shall be made for a long-term investment with a market value shall be judged based on the following signs:
   第五十一条 对无市价的长期投资可以根据下列迹象判断是否应当计提减值准备:
1. The market value has been less than the book value for two consecutive years;
2. This investment has been suspended from trading for one year or more;

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