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Announcement of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China The Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court of Several Issues on the Specific Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases about Illegal Fund-raising, which was adopted at the 1,502nd session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on November 22, 2010, is hereby promulgated and shall come into force on January 4, 2011. December 13, 2010 Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court of Several Issues on the Specific Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases about Illegal Fund-raising (Interpretation No.18 [2010] of the Supreme People's Court) To legally punish such criminal activities of illegal fund-raising as illegally absorption of public savings and fraudulent fund-raising, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law, several issues on the specific application of law in the handling of such criminal cases are hereby interpreted as follows:
| | 中华人民共和国最高人民法院公告 最高人民法院《关于审理非法集资刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》已于2010年11月22日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1502次会议通过,现予公布,自2011年1月4日起施行。 二○一○年十二月十三日 最高人民法院关于审理非法集资刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释 (法释〔2010〕18号) 为依法惩治非法吸收公众存款、集资诈骗等非法集资犯罪活动,根据刑法有关规定,现就审理此类刑事案件具体应用法律的若干问题解释如下:
Article 1 Whoever absorbs funds from the general public (including entities and individuals) in violation of the provisions of the state laws on financial management, which concurrently meets the following four conditions, shall be deemed to have met the condition of “absorbing public savings illegally or in disguised form” as prescribed in Article 176 of the Criminal Law, except as otherwise provided for by the Criminal Law.
| | 第一条 违反国家金融管理法律规定,向社会公众(包括单位和个人)吸收资金的行为,同时具备下列四个条件的,除刑法另有规定的以外,应当认定为刑法第一百七十六条规定的“非法吸收公众存款或者变相吸收公众存款”:
1. absorbing funds without the legal approval of the relevant department or under the disguise of lawful business operations;
| | (一)未经有关部门依法批准或者借用合法经营的形式吸收资金;
2. publicizing by means of media, recommendation fairs, leaflets or mobile phone text messages, etc.;
| | (二)通过媒体、推介会、传单、手机短信等途径向社会公开宣传;
3. promising to repay the principal and interests or make payments in the form of currency, real objects, equities, etc. within a certain time limit; and
| | (三)承诺在一定期限内以货币、实物、股权等方式还本付息或者给付回报;
4. absorbing funds from the general public, i.e. unspecified people. Whoever absorbs funds from his relatives, friends or specific person within an entity without publicity in the society shall not be deemed to have met the condition of absorbing public savings illegally or in disguised form.
| | (四)向社会公众即社会不特定对象吸收资金。 未向社会公开宣传,在亲友或者单位内部针对特定对象吸收资金的,不属于非法吸收或者变相吸收公众存款。
Article 2 Whoever commits any of the following conducts, which meets the conditions as prescribed in paragraph 1 of Article 1 of this Interpretation, shall be convicted of and punished for the crime of illegal absorption of public savings in accordance with Article 176 of the Criminal Law.
| | 第二条 实施下列行为之一,符合本解释第一条第一款规定的条件的,应当依照刑法第一百七十六条的规定,以非法吸收公众存款罪定罪处罚:
1. illegally absorbing funds in the form of cost-refundable sale, after-sale lease guarantee, repurchase agreement, sales of co-op properties, etc. without really selling residential property or not for the primary purpose of selling residential property;
| | (一)不具有房产销售的真实内容或者不以房产销售为主要目的,以返本销售、售后包租、约定回购、销售房产份额等方式非法吸收资金的;
2. illegally absorbing funds in the form of transferring forest ownership and managing and protecting them on the transferee's behalf, etc.;
| | (二)以转让林权并代为管护等方式非法吸收资金的;
3. illegally absorbing funds in the form of planting (breeding) on one's behalf, planting (breeding) under lease, joint planting (breeding), etc.
| | (三)以代种植(养殖)、租种植(养殖)、联合种植(养殖)等方式非法吸收资金的;
4. illegally absorbing funds in the form of commodity repurchase, commissioned sale of commodities, etc. without really selling commodities or providing services, or not for the primary purpose of selling commodities or providing services;
| | (四)不具有销售商品、提供服务的真实内容或者不以销售商品、提供服务为主要目的,以商品回购、寄存代售等方式非法吸收资金的;
5. illegally absorbing funds in the form of falsely transferring equities, selling fabricated bonds, etc. without really issuing shares or bonds;
| | (五)不具有发行股票、债券的真实内容,以虚假转让股权、发售虚构债券等方式非法吸收资金的;
6. illegally absorbing funds in the form of making use of offshore funds, selling fabricated funds, etc. without really raising funds;
| | (六)不具有募集基金的真实内容,以假借境外基金、发售虚构基金等方式非法吸收资金的;
7. illegally absorbing funds in the form of passing as an insurance company, forging insurance documents, etc. without really selling insurance products;
| | (七)不具有销售保险的真实内容,以假冒保险公司、伪造保险单据等方式非法吸收资金的;
8. illegally absorbing funds in the form of equity investment;
| | (八)以投资入股的方式非法吸收资金的;
9. illegally absorbing funds in the form of wealth management entrustment;
| | (九)以委托理财的方式非法吸收资金的;
10. illegally absorbing funds by taking advantage of civil associations or other organizations; or ...... | | (十)利用民间“会”、“社”等组织非法吸收资金的; ...... |
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