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Report of the State Council on Environmental Protection Work [Effective]
国务院关于环境保护工作情况的报告 [现行有效]
Report of the State Council on Environmental Protection Work
Address to the 23rd Session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on October 25, 2011
By Zhou Shengxian, Minister of Environmental Protection
To the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress:
Upon authorization of the State Council, this report on environmental protection work is made to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation.

环境保护部部长 周生贤

I. Positive progress made in national environmental protection
The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have always attached great importance to environmental protection and regarded environmental protection as a basic state policy for the implementation of the sustainable development strategy. During the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period, the State Council held the 6th National Environmental Protection Conference, which has placed environmental protection on a more prominent level, and with the approval of the National People's Congress, formed the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Using the emission reduction of major pollutants as a restricting indicator for social and economic development, the State Council has strategically called for building ecological civilization, rehabilitating rivers and lakes, promoting a historical transformation in environmental protection, and actively exploring new ways for environmental protection, in order to effect a series of major changes in China's environmental protection from recognition to practice. Positive progress has been made in environmental protection work.
1. More-than-expected reduction of pollutant emissions. In 2010, the total volumes of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and sulfur dioxide discharge dropped by 12.45% and 14.29%, respectively, in comparison to 2005, which exceeds expectations. The State Council set up a Leading Group for Responding to Climate Changes, Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction and issued a comprehensive plan for energy conservation and emission reduction. Local governments at various levels and relevant departments divided up and executed emission reduction tasks, strengthened responsibility appraisal, and enhanced structural, engineering, and administrative emission reduction work. During the “Eleventh Five-year Plan” period, small thermal power plants with a total of electricity generating capacity of 76.83 million kilowatts were shut down; some outdated production capabilities were eliminated, including 120 million tons of iron, 72 million tons of steel, 370 million tons of cement, 45 million weight cases of sheet glass, and 11.3 million tons of paper; a total of 2,832 urban sewage disposal plants were built, with a total daily sewage disposal capability of 125 million tons; the sewage pipeline network increased by 60,000 km, and the sewage disposal ratio in urban areas of China was up from 52% to 77%; coal-fired desulfuration units with a total capacity of 578 million kilowatts were built, and their ratio rose from 14% to 86%. As shown in the surface water sections under the key state monitoring in 2010, the I-III Standard water sections accounted for 51.9%, and the V Standard water sections accounted for 20.8%, an increase of 14.4% and decrease of 6.6%, respectively, as against 2005; and the annual average densities of sulfur dioxide and inhalable particles in urban air dropped by 26.3% and 12%, respectively.
2. Progress in promoting economic development model transformation. The State Council has issued the Decision on Implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development and Strengthening Environmental Protection, the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” for the National Environmental Protection, the National Major Functional Zones Plan, and other documents, crystallizing that economic development must adhere to the environmental protection requirements. The catalogue of prohibited products for processing trade has been improved, export tax refunds for more than 200 types of products with high pollution or environmental risks were cancelled, and no new loans were provided for projects failing the requirements for energy conservation and environmental protection. The environmental impact assessments of major industry development strategies in five regions such as Bohai Rim and Chengdu-Chongqing region were completed. Strict environment impact assessment of construction projects was implemented by the adoption of such measures as “regional restriction” and “industry restriction,” and construction projects with “high pollution, high energy consumption, and resource-dependent” in a total amount of investment up to 3.2 trillion yuan were not granted approval. Pollution prevention and control in major industries went further, the environmental protection inspection and follow-up oversight of listed companies were reinforced, clean production was actively promoted, and circular economy was vigorously developed. In 2010, the national discharge intensities of the COD in the papermaking, chemical, and textile industries went down by 73.9%, 66.7%, and 50%, respectively, as compared to 2005; and the discharge intensities of sulfur dioxide in the electric power industry, manufacturing of non-metal mineral products, and ferrous metal smelting industry went down by 72.5%, 58.1%, and 50%, respectively, as compared to 2005.
3. Extensive implementation of rehabilitation of rivers and lakes. The General Office of the State Council published the Interim Measures for Assessing the Implementation of Special Plans for Water Pollution Prevention and Control in Key Drainage Basins and established a water quality evaluation system for trans-provincial water sections. The completion rate of special plans for water pollution prevention and control projects in key drainage basins was 87%, an increase of 22.8% from the “Tenth Five-year Plan” period, with a total of 138.9 billion yuan in cumulative investments. Increased protection was provided for drinking water sources, the rate of water meeting quality standards supplied in key cities went up to 84.8%, and the problem of unsafe drinking water for a rural population of 215 million has been solved. Marine environmental protection has been strengthened, and the Overall Plan for Protecting the Environment of Bohai Sea has been systematically promoted.
4. Exploration on establishing a joint prevention and control mechanism for air pollution. The General Office of the State Council published the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Joint Prevention and Control of Air Pollution and Improving Regional Air Quality, as a result of which the quality of the environment during the Beijing Olympic Games, the Shanghai Expo, and the Guangzhou Asian Games was effectively guaranteed. Major clean energy projects, such as the “West-to-East” natural gas transmission project and “West-to-East” electricity transmission project, have been implemented. Compared to 2005, the increase of clean energy replaced over 110 million tons of standard coal. The switch of coal-fired boilers to clean energy has been extensively implemented, and the development of co-generation of thermoelectricity and central heating is encouraged. The total area under central heating across the nation reached approximately 3 billion m2. Strict control in environmental protection standards has been exercised over new types of vehicles, and subsidies have been provided to accelerate elimination of outdated vehicles. In 2010, the pollutant discharge of a single new vehicle in China was reduced by over 90% compared to that in 2000.
5. Intensively addressing prominent environmental issues related to people's livelihood such as heavy metal pollution. The State Council approved the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” for the Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Heavy Metal Pollution and the Implementation Plan for the Heavy Metal Pollution Control in Xiangjiang Drainage Area. The General Office of the State Council published the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Heavy Metal Pollution Prevention and Control and determined five major industries and 138 major regions for prevention and control. Special funds for the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution in a total amount of 1.5 billion yuan were added by the Central Treasury to support the comprehensive prevention and control and the demonstration and promotion of new technologies in major regions for prevention and control. Within the central budget, 52.5 billion yuan was invested to support the construction of facilities for handling sewage and garbage in urban areas, which then brought along local investment of more than 300 billion yuan. The harmlessness treatment rate of urban garbage reached 72.4%, an increase of 20% against that at the end of the “Tenth Five-year Plan” period. The environmental administration over urban noise has been strengthened. The business licensing, multi-document transfer and other systems for hazardous wastes have been practiced. A nationwide survey on persistent organic pollutants was conducted.
6. Continuously strengthened ecological protection and rural environmental protection. The State Council established the National Committee for Biodiversity Protection and approved the China Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2030). The General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Strengthening Rural Environmental Protection and the Notice on the Effective Administration of Natural Reserves. The total area of comprehensive control of soil and water loss across the nation reached 230,000 square km2, forestation in a total of 25.29 million km2 was completed, and the forest coverage rate rose to 20.36%. A total of 2,588 natural reserves have been established across China, accounting for 14.9% of the territory of China. A marine ecological recovery project in coastal areas has been implemented. The Central Treasury arranged 4 billion yuan for implementing the policies of “using rewards to promote treatment and replace subsidies” for rural environmental protection, and over 6,600 towns and villages were therefore supported in their comprehensive control of rural environmental pollution and model ecological construction. It also helped generate local investments of over 8 billion yuan, allowing a rural population of 24 million to benefit directly from this program. The construction of ecological and organic agriculture has been boosted, the clean agricultural production technologies have been popularized, and the implementation of a pilot program of soil measurement, formula preparation and fertilization has led to the reduction of 5.8 million tons of unreasonable fertilization. A national survey on the status quo of soil pollution has been preliminarily completed.

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