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No. 3 of Three Model Cases on "Strengthening Criminal Procuratorial Supervision and Promoting Criminal Judicial Impartiality" Published by the Supreme People's Procuratorate: Supervising and Correcting Omitted Management of Wang [REDACTED], an Offender for Community Correction, by the Procuratorial Organs in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
  • Legal document: Judgment
No. 3 of Three Model Cases on "Strengthening Criminal Procuratorial Supervision and Promoting Criminal Judicial Impartiality" Published by the Supreme People's Procuratorate: Supervising and Correcting Omitted Management of Wang [REDACTED], an Offender for Community Correction, by the Procuratorial Organs in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province 最高人民检察院发布三起“加强刑事检察监督促进刑事司法公正”典型案例之三:王某某参加黑社会性质组织、聚众斗殴、寻衅滋事、强迫交易、开设赌场、敲诈勒索、非法拘禁案——河南省郑州市检察机关监督纠正社区矫正对象王某某漏管案
[Basic Facts] 基本案情
On October 18, 2013, Wang [REDACTED], an offender for community correction, was sentenced to imprisonment of three years, suspended for five years, by the Primary People's Court of Zhongmu County, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province for committing a crime of assembling a crowd for a brawl. After he was granted the suspended sentence, Wang [REDACTED] should accept community correction in a community correction institution in Zhongmu County. In August 2020, when reviewing a criminal case involving crimes committed by an organization of a gangland nature, the People's Procuratorate of Xinmi City, Henan Province found that during the probation period, Wang [REDACTED] had participated in crimes committed by an organization of a gangland nature several times from July 2014 to July 2018 and he was involved in eight crimes of picking fights, six crimes of forcing transactions, and other criminal activities of running a gambling house, extortion, assembling a crowd for a brawl, and false imprisonment. On November 30, the People's Procuratorate of Xinmi City instituted a public prosecution against an organization of a gangland nature including Wang [REDACTED] and 12 other persons and proposed that Wang [REDACTED]'s suspended sentence should be revoked and he should be given a combined punishment for several crimes. On December 29, the Primary People's Court of Xinmi City ruled to revoke suspended sentence granted to Wang [REDACTED, gave him a combined punishment for several crimes including participating in crimes committed by an organization of a gangland nature, assembling a crowd for a brawl, forcing transactions, running a gambling house, extortion, and false imprisonment, and decided to execute a combined punishment of imprisonment of 21 years with confiscation of all personal property, a fine of 466,000 yuan, and deprival of political rights for four years. On March 31, 2021, since the offender in the same case appealed, the Intermediate People's Court of Zhengzhou City made a ruling of second instance to dismiss the appeal and affirm the original judgment. 社区矫正对象王某某,2013年10月18日因犯聚众斗殴罪被河南省郑州市中牟县法院判处有期徒刑三年,宣告缓刑五年。王某某被法院判处缓刑后,应在中牟县社区矫正机构接受社区矫正。2020年8月,河南省新密市检察院在审查一起黑社会性质组织犯罪案件时,发现王某某在缓刑考验期间,自2014年7月至2018年7月多次参加黑社会性质组织犯罪,参加寻衅滋事8起、强迫交易6起以及开设赌场、敲诈勒索、聚众斗殴、非法拘禁等犯罪活动。11月30日,新密市检察院对王某某等13人黑社会性质组织犯罪案提起公诉,同时提出对王某某撤销缓刑、数罪并罚的量刑建议。12月29日,新密市法院判决撤销王某某缓刑,并对其参加黑社会性质组织罪、聚众斗殴罪、寻衅滋事罪、强迫交易罪、开设赌场罪、敲诈勒索罪、非法拘禁罪等罪名数罪并罚,决定合并执行有期徒刑二十一年,并处没收个人全部财产,罚金人民币四十六万六千元,剥夺政治权利四年。2021年3月31日,因同案犯上诉,郑州市中级法院二审裁定驳回上诉,维持原判。
...... 2021年3月,郑州市检察机关进一步调查核实,发现王某某由于相关司法工作人员在社区矫正交付执行过程中存在严重渎职行为,在缓刑考验期内,并未依法接受社区矫正。郑州市两级检察机关向有关部门提出监督意见,并协同司法行政机关,共同完善社区矫正交付执行衔接机制。2023年3月,原案审判人员因未按照法律规定履行社区矫正交付执行职责,构成玩忽职守罪,被依法追究刑事责任。

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