No. 4 of Four Model Cases regarding Succession Disputes Published by the Supreme People's Court (Second Group): Gao [REDACTED]B v. Gao Xiao[REDACTED]—If a successor fails to perform his obligation of supporting the decedent or abandons the decedent, the successor shall be disinherited (Case of dispute over statutory succession)
No. 4 of Four Model Cases regarding Succession Disputes Published by the Supreme People's Court (Second Group): Gao [REDACTED]B v. Gao Xiao[REDACTED] (Case of dispute over statutory succession)—If a successor fails to perform his obligation of supporting the decedent or abandons the decedent, the successor shall be disinherited | | 最高人民法院发布四个继承纠纷典型案例(第二批)之四:高某乙诉高小某法定继承纠纷案——继承人不履行赡养义务,遗弃被继承人的,丧失继承权 |
Basic Facts | | 基本案情 |
Gao [REDACTED]A and Gao Xiao[REDACTED] were father and son and Gao Xiao[REDACTED] was the only child. In 1992, Gao Xiao[REDACTED] (20 years old at that time) ran away from home after having a conflict with his parents and since then was indifferent to his parents. When his mother was sick, he did not take care of her. When she passed away, he did not attend the funeral. During the period when Gao [REDACTED]A suffered from a critical disease and had a major surgery, he needed someone who took him to and from the hospital, nursed him, and took care of him, but Gao Xiao[REDACTED] did not appear. Gao [REDACTED]A had four siblings: Gao [REDACTED]B, Gao [REDACTED]C, Gao [REDACTED]D, and Gao [REDACTED]E. Gao [REDACTED]B was largely responsible for supporting Gao [REDACTED]A and his wife. | | 高某甲与高小某系父子关系,高小某为独生子女。1992年,高小某(时年20周岁)在与父母的一次争执之后离家出走,从此对父母不闻不问。母亲患病时其未照顾,去世时未奔丧。高某甲身患重病期间,做大手术,需要接送、看护和照顾,但高小某也未出现。高某甲有四个兄弟姐妹,分别为高某乙、高某丙、高某丁和高某戊。高某乙对高某甲夫妻照顾较多。 |
After Gao [REDACTED]A passed away, Gao [REDACTED]B contacted Gao Xiao[REDACTED] to deal with Gao [REDACTED]A's funeral matters, but was ignored by Gao Xiao[REDACTED]. As the sole statutory successor, Gao Xiao[REDACTED] received some bank deposit receipts under the name of Gao [REDACTED]A. | | 高某甲去世后,高某乙联系高小某处理高某甲的骨灰落葬事宜,高小某不予理睬,却以唯一法定继承人的身份,领取了高某甲名下部分银行存单。 |
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