Guiding Case No. 170 of the Supreme People's Procuratorate: Procuratorial supervision case in which the People's Procuratorate of [REDACTED] City, Guangdong Province urged a housing and urban-rural development department to perform its regulatory duties in accordance with the law
Guiding Case No. 170 of the Supreme People's Procuratorate: Procuratorial supervision case in which the People's Procuratorate of [REDACTED] City, Guangdong Province urged a housing and urban-rural development department to perform its regulatory duties in accordance with the law | | 检例第170号:广东省某市人民检察院督促住房和城乡建设行政主管部门依法履行监管职责检察监督案 |
(Guiding Case No. 170 of the Supreme People's Procuratorate) | | 检例第170号 |
[Keywords] | | 【关键词】 |
administrative procuratorial, construction project quality, recordation of acceptance inspection upon completion, procuratorial recommendations, supervision of similar cases, special analysis | | 行政检察 建设工程质量 竣工验收备案 检察建议 类案监督 专题分析 |
[Key Points] | | 【要旨】 |
If a people's procuratorate discovers that an administrative authority fails to perform the duty to record and examine the recordation of acceptance inspection upon completion of a project in accordance with the law when it handles an administrative litigation supervision case in the field of housing and urban-rural development, the people's procuratorate may issue procuratorial recommendations to the administrative authority. If the investigation and analysis indicate that there is a common failure to strictly perform duties in accordance with the law, the people's procuratorate may prepare a thematic report, submit it to the CPC committee and the people's congress, and notify the administrative authority and the people's court, among others, to urge the relevant departments to improve the long-term regulatory and law enforcement mechanisms to ensure the quality of construction projects and maximize the functional role of administrative procuratorial supervision in promoting social governance. | | 人民检察院办理住建领域行政诉讼监督案件,发现相关行政机关未依法履行工程竣工验收备案审查职责的,可以向相关行政机关提出检察建议。经调查分析,不严格依法履职情形具有一定普遍性的,可以形成专题报告,向党委、人大报告,向行政机关及人民法院等通报,推动相关部门完善保障建设工程质量的长效监管和规范执法机制,发挥行政检察监督在促进社会治理方面的职能作用。 |
[Basic Facts] | | 【基本案情】 |
On October 22, 2015, Wang [REDACTED]xia signed a Commodity Property Subscription Agreement with [REDACTED] Development Co., Ltd. to buy the property involved in the case for more than 3.42 million yuan. On May 5, 2016, the two parties signed the Remodeling and Decoration Agreement, agreeing that [REDACTED] Development Co., Ltd. would add mezzanines and bathrooms to the property. After the addition to the property, Wang [REDACTED]xia refused to accept the property on the grounds that the fire protection inspection and recordation had not been completed. On November 7, 2019, Wang [REDACTED]xia requested the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of [REDACTED] City (Bureau) to conduct a fire protection evaluation and record the acceptance inspection upon completion of the public area of the buildings in the residential complex and the property she bought. On November 15, the Bureau made a written reply to Wang [REDACTED]xia's request; Wang [REDACTED]xia was dissatisfied with the reply. On May 14, 2020, she initiated administrative litigation, claiming that the Bureau should revoke the reply and make a new one, seeking a court order that the Bureau perform its statutory duty to conduct an acceptance inspection upon completion of and record the additions to the property involved in the case. After a trial, the court ruled to dismiss the litigation on the grounds that as the claim included the public area, Wang [REDACTED]xia's initiation of the litigation in her name did not meet the statutory condition for initiation of litigation. In order to resolve the dispute, Wang [REDACTED]xia then sued [REDACTED] Development Co., Ltd. in the Primary People's Court of [REDACTED] District of [REDACTED] City, seeking a court order that [REDACTED] Development Co., Ltd. be held liable for breach of contract for the failure to complete the recordation of acceptance inspection upon completion of the property. Neither the court of first instance nor the court of second instance upheld her claim. After a retrial petition was dismissed by a ruling, Wang [REDACTED]xia applied to the People's Procuratorate of [REDACTED] City for supervision on August 26, 2021. | | 2015年10月22日,王某霞与某发展有限公司签订《商品房认购协议》,以342万余元购买案涉房屋。2016年5月5日,双方又签订《改造及装饰装修协议书》,约定由某发展有限公司对该房屋加建夹层、卫生间等。因该房屋加建后王某霞认为未完成消防验收、备案,拒绝收房。2019年11月7日,王某霞要求某市住建局对小区大楼公共区域及其所购买的房屋进行消防评审及竣工验收备案。同年11月15日,某市住建局就王某霞所提要求作出书面回复,王某霞对该回复不服,2020年5月14日,以某市住建局应当撤销回复、重新作出答复为由提起行政诉讼,请求法院判令某市住建局履行对案涉房屋改建部分进行竣工验收并依法备案的法定职责。法院审理后,以诉讼请求包含公共区域,王某霞以自己的名义提起诉讼不符合法定起诉条件为由,裁定驳回起诉。为解决纠纷,王某霞随后以某发展有限公司为被告诉至某市某区人民法院,请求法院判令某发展有限公司承担未完成房屋竣工验收备案的违约责任。一审、二审均未支持其请求,再审裁定驳回后,王某霞于2021年8月26日向某市人民检察院申请监督。 |
[Performance of Duty by Procuratorial Authority] | | 【检察机关履职过程】 |
Source of the case: The People's Procuratorate of [REDACTED] City, Guangdong Province (Municipal Procuratorate) accepted the supervision case in accordance with the law on Wang [REDACTED]xia's application and upon examination, found that the case involved an overlap of civil and administrative matters, that the administrative ruling of the court was clear in facts, applied the law correctly, and appropriately dismissed the litigation, that the civil ruling of the court was appropriate, that under orders given by the Bureau in November 2019 after it received the complaint from Wang [REDACTED]xia, [REDACTED] Development Co., Ltd. had followed the fire protection examination and acceptance inspection procedures, but it failed to file for recordation of acceptance inspection upon completion, and that the Bureau committed the administrative inaction of failing to performing its duties regarding the failure to file for acceptance recordation in accordance with the law. The Municipal Procuratorate also learned that the city's citizen hotline received a total of more than 7,000 complaints, reports, and requests for advice in the field of housing and urban-rural development and the field of urban-rural planning from 2017 to 2020, that the two levels of people's courts in the city accepted a total of 422 cases involving disputes over recordation of acceptance inspection upon completion from January 2018 to June 2021, and that the ineffective implementation of the system for recordation of acceptance inspection upon completion of construction projects was not only a common problem in administrative law enforcement in the local field of housing and urban-rural development, but also an important cause of commodity property sales disputes and an issue frequently complained about by the public to the citizen hotline. In order to promote the governance of litigation at source, the Municipal Procuratorate decided to launch special administrative procuratorial supervision of the recordation of acceptance inspection upon completion in the field of housing and urban-rural development after requesting instructions from the provincial procuratorate. | | 案件来源。广东省某市人民检察院依法受理王某霞申请监督案,经审查发现该案系“民行交叉”案件,法院作出的行政裁定事实清楚,适用法律正确,裁定驳回起诉并无不当,法院作出的民事裁判也并无不当。市住建局在接到王某霞投诉后,已于2019年11月责令某发展有限公司补办消防审核和验收手续,某发展有限公司已补办上述手续,但并未依法进行竣工验收备案。经进一步了解,该市市民热线2017年至2020年间接到的关于住建、城乡规划领域的投诉、举报、咨询共7000余条;该市两级人民法院2018年1月至2021年6月受理的竣工验收备案类纠纷案件总计422件。建设工程竣工验收备案制度落实不到位既是当地住建领域行政执法中存在的带有普遍性的问题,也是引发商品房买卖纠纷的重要诱因,还是人民群众向市民热线投诉的热点问题。为促进诉源治理,某市人民检察院经请示省检察院后,决定启动涉住建领域竣工验收备案专项行政检察监督。 |
Investigation and verification: The Municipal Procuratorate visited district and municipal housing and urban-rural development departments several times to understand the situation and found that the housing and urban-rural development departments had the following problems in the process of law enforcement: First, project owners which failed to file for recordation of the acceptance inspections of projects upon completion in a timely manner after the projects passed acceptance inspections were neither ordered to take corrective action within a given period nor fined. Second, when the materials for recordation of acceptance inspection upon completion submitted by a project owner were not complete, the recordation was made without strict examination. A commodity property sales contract usually provided that the property was delivered conditional on the obtainment of a document of recordation of construction project acceptance; however, the local administrative departments omitted to record the acceptance inspection of projects upon completion, and some commodity properties that passed acceptance inspections did not meet the delivery condition provided in contracts, resulting in a series of civil disputes. | | 调查核实。某市人民检察院多次走访市区两级住建部门了解情况,发现住建部门在执法过程中存在以下问题:一是对建设单位在工程竣工验收合格后未依法及时办理工程竣工验收备案的,未依法责令限期改正、处以罚款;二是建设单位提交的竣工验收备案材料不齐全的,未严格审查便予以竣工验收备案。商品房买卖合同通常约定,交付房屋的条件为取得建设工程竣工验收备案证明文件,但当地行政主管部门对建设工程竣工验收备案监管缺位,部分商品房验收合格后仍然不符合合同约定的交付条件,导致一系列民事纠纷。 |
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