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Interim Measures for the Administration of Internet Loans of Commercial Banks [Revised]
商业银行互联网贷款管理暂行办法 [已被修订]

Order of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission 


(No. 9 [2020]) (2020年第9号)

The Interim Measures for the Administration of Internet Loans of Commercial Banks, as adopted at the 4th executive meeting of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on April 22, 2020, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 《商业银行互联网贷款管理暂行办法》已于2020年4月22日经中国银保监会2020年第4次委务会议通过。现予公布,自公布之日起施行。
Chairman Guo Shuqing 主席 郭树清
July 12, 2020 2020年7月12日
Interim Measures for the Administration of Internet Loans of Commercial Banks 商业银行互联网贷款管理暂行办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Measures are developed in accordance with the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks and other relevant laws and regulations, for the purposes of regulating the Internet loan business of commercial banks and promoting the sound development of the Internet loan business.   第一条 为规范商业银行互联网贷款业务经营行为,促进互联网贷款业务健康发展,依据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》、《中华人民共和国商业银行法》等法律法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 Commercial banks legally formed within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall engage in the Internet loan business in compliance with these Measures.   第二条 中华人民共和国境内依法设立的商业银行经营互联网贷款业务,应遵守本办法。
Article 3 For the purposes of these Measures, “Internet loans” means personal loans and working capital loans provided to eligible borrowers for consumption or regular production and operation turnover, among others, by a commercial bank using information and communication technologies such as Internet and mobile communication to conduct cross validation and risk management based on risk data and risk models, online automatic acceptance of loan applications, and risk assessment, and complete operations in core business links such as credit approval, contract conclusion, loan payment, and post-loan management.   第三条 本办法所称互联网贷款,是指商业银行运用互联网和移动通信等信息通信技术,基于风险数据和风险模型进行交叉验证和风险管理,线上自动受理贷款申请及开展风险评估,并完成授信审批、合同签订、贷款支付、贷后管理等核心业务环节操作,为符合条件的借款人提供的用于消费、日常生产经营周转等的个人贷款和流动资金贷款。
Article 4 For the purposes of these Measures, “risk data” means various internal and external data collected and used by a commercial bank in such links as the verification of borrowers' identity and identification, analysis, evaluation, monitoring, early warning and disposal of loan risks.   第四条 本办法所称风险数据,是指商业银行在对借款人进行身份确认,以及贷款风险识别、分析、评价、监测、预警和处置等环节收集、使用的各类内外部数据。
For the purposes of these Measures, “risk models” means various models applied to the entire process of the Internet loan business, including but not limited to identity authentication model, anti-fraud model, anti-money laundering model, compliance model, risk evaluation model, risk pricing model, credit approval model, risk early warning model and loan clearance model. 本办法所称风险模型,是指应用于互联网贷款业务全流程的各类模型,包括但不限于身份认证模型、反欺诈模型、反洗钱模型、合规模型、风险评价模型、风险定价模型、授信审批模型、风险预警模型、贷款清收模型等。
For the purposes of these Measures, “cooperators” means various institutions that cooperate with commercial banks in such aspects as marketing and client acquisition, co-financing for loan issuance, payment and settlement, risk sharing, information technology, and overdue clearance in the Internet loan business, including but not limited to financial institutions such as banking financial institutions and insurance companies, as well as non-financial institutions such as petty loan companies, financing guarantee companies, e-commerce companies, non-banking payment institutions and information technology companies. 本办法所称合作机构,是指在互联网贷款业务中,与商业银行在营销获客、共同出资发放贷款、支付结算、风险分担、信息科技、逾期清收等方面开展合作的各类机构,包括但不限于银行业金融机构、保险公司等金融机构和小额贷款公司、融资担保公司、电子商务公司、非银行支付机构、信息科技公司等非金融机构。
Article 5 These Measures shall not apply to the following loans:   第五条 下列贷款不适用本办法:
(1) Loans for which applications are made by borrowers online, but pre-loan investigation, risk assessment and credit approval are conducted or mainly conducted by commercial banks offline or the core judgments on lending and credit granting arise from offline. (一)借款人虽在线上进行贷款申请等操作,商业银行线下或主要通过线下进行贷前调查、风险评估和授信审批,贷款授信核心判断来源于线下的贷款;
(2) Collateralized loans provided by commercial banks, the collateral of which shall be subject to or mainly subject to offline appraisal, registration, and delivery for custody. (二)商业银行发放的抵质押贷款,且押品需进行线下或主要经过线下评估登记和交付保管;
(3) Other loans prescribed by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CBIRC”). (三)中国银行保险监督管理委员会规定的其他贷款。
Other relevant regulatory provisions shall apply to the aforesaid loans. 上述贷款适用其他相关监管规定。
Article 6 Internet loans shall observe the principles of small amount, short term, high efficiency and controllable risks.   第六条 互联网贷款应当遵循小额、短期、高效和风险可控的原则。
The credit line for personal credit loans for consumption to a single client shall not exceed 200,000 yuan; if the loan is to be repaid in a lump sum upon maturity, the credit period shall not exceed one year. The CBIRC may adjust the aforesaid credit line according to commercial banks' business management, risk level, and development of the Internet loan business, among others. A commercial bank shall, within the credit line prescribed above, determine different credit lines based on the characteristics and consumption scenarios of its client group, among others. 单户用于消费的个人信用贷款授信额度应当不超过人民币20万元,到期一次性还本的,授信期限不超过一年。中国银行保险监督管理委员会可以根据商业银行的经营管理情况、风险水平和互联网贷款业务开展情况等对上述额度进行调整。商业银行应在上述规定额度内,根据本行客群特征、客群消费场景等,制定差异化授信额度。
A commercial bank shall, based on its own risk management capability, and in light of the region, industry and category, among others, of Internet loans, determine the ceiling of credit line for personal loans for production or operation or working capital loans to a single client. For any of the aforesaid loans with a term of more than one year, the corresponding credit for the loan shall be reassessed and re-approved at least on an annual basis. 商业银行应根据自身风险管理能力,按照互联网贷款的区域、行业、品种等,确定单户用于生产经营的个人贷款和流动资金贷款授信额度上限。对期限超过一年的上述贷款,至少每年对该笔贷款对应的授信进行重新评估和审批。
Article 7 A commercial bank shall, based on its market positioning and development strategies, develop Internet loan business plans in line with its own characteristics, and specify the cooperation mode if any cooperator is involved.   第七条 商业银行应当根据其市场定位和发展战略,制定符合自身特点的互联网贷款业务规划。涉及合作机构的,应当明确合作方式。
Article 8 A commercial bank shall conduct the unified management of its Internet loan business, include its Internet loan business in the comprehensive risk management system, establish and improve the risk governance structure, risk management policies and procedures, and the internal control and audit system in line with the characteristics of the Internet loan business, effectively identify, assess, monitor and control Internet loan business risk, and guarantee that the development of its Internet loan business is commensurate with its own risk appetite and risk management capability.   第八条 商业银行应当对互联网贷款业务实行统一管理,将互联网贷款业务纳入全面风险管理体系,建立健全适应互联网贷款业务特点的风险治理架构、风险管理政策和程序、内部控制和审计体系,有效识别、评估、监测和控制互联网贷款业务风险,确保互联网贷款业务发展与自身风险偏好、风险管理能力相适应。
Where the Internet loan business involves any cooperator, the core links of risk control such as credit approval and contract conclusion shall be conducted by the commercial bank in an independent and effective manner. 互联网贷款业务涉及合作机构的,授信审批、合同签订等核心风控环节应当由商业银行独立有效开展。
Article 9 A local corporate bank engaging in the Internet loan business shall mainly serve local clients, prudently provide services in regions beyond the jurisdiction of its place of registration, and effectively identify and monitor the development of services in regions beyond the jurisdiction of its place of registration, except those that have no physical business outlets, mainly provide services online, and meet other conditions prescribed by the CBIRC.   第九条 地方法人银行开展互联网贷款业务,应主要服务于当地客户,审慎开展跨注册地辖区业务,有效识别和监测跨注册地辖区业务开展情况。无实体经营网点,业务主要在线上开展,且符合中国银行保险监督管理委员会其他规定条件的除外。
Where a branch is established in another province (autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government), the services provided to clients within the administrative region at the place where the branch is located are not services in regions beyond the jurisdiction of the place of registration as mentioned in the preceding paragraph. 在外省(自治区、直辖市)设立分支机构的,对分支机构所在地行政区域内客户开展的业务,不属于前款所称跨注册地辖区业务。
Article 10 A commercial bank shall establish and improve the mechanism for the protection of borrowers' rights and interests, improve its internal appraisal system for the protection of consumers' rights and interests, effectively assume the primary responsibility for the protection of borrowers' data, strengthen the protection of borrowers' privacy data, and build safe and effective business consultation and complaint handling channels so as to ensure that borrowers enjoy corresponding services not inferior to those for offline lending, and embed the requirements for consumer protection into the system for the entire process management of the Internet loan business.   第十条 商业银行应当建立健全借款人权益保护机制,完善消费者权益保护内部考核体系,切实承担借款人数据保护的主体责任,加强借款人隐私数据保护,构建安全有效的业务咨询和投诉处理渠道,确保借款人享有不低于线下贷款业务的相应服务,将消费者保护要求嵌入互联网贷款业务全流程管理体系。
Article 11 The CBIRC and its local offices (hereinafter referred to as “banking regulatory authorities”) shall supervise and administer the Internet loan business of commercial banks in accordance with these Measures.   第十一条 中国银行保险监督管理委员会及其派出机构(以下简称银行业监督管理机构)依照本办法对商业银行互联网贷款业务实施监督管理。
Chapter II Risk Management System 

第二章 风险管理体系

Article 12 A commercial bank shall establish and improve the Internet loan risk governance structure, specify the duties of the board of directors and the senior management for Internet loan risk management, and establish appraisal and accountability mechanisms.   第十二条 商业银行应当建立健全互联网贷款风险治理架构,明确董事会和高级管理层对互联网贷款风险管理的职责,建立考核和问责机制。
Article 13 The board of directors of a commercial bank shall assume the ultimate responsibility for Internet loan risk management, and perform the following duties:   第十三条 商业银行董事会承担互联网贷款风险管理的最终责任,应当履行以下职责:
(1) Deliberating and approving Internet loan business plans, cooperator management policies and cross-regional business management policies. (一)审议批准互联网贷款业务规划、合作机构管理政策以及跨区域经营管理政策;
(2) Deliberating and approving Internet loan risk management rules. (二)审议批准互联网贷款风险管理制度;
(3) Supervising the senior management's management and control of Internet loan risk. (三)监督高级管理层对互联网贷款风险实施管理和控制;
(4) Obtaining Internet loan business assessment reports on a periodical basis, and obtaining the information on the business management and risk level of the Internet loan business and consumer protection, among others, in a timely manner. (四)定期获取互联网贷款业务评估报告,及时了解互联网贷款业务经营管理、风险水平、消费者保护等情况;
(5) Other relevant duties. (五)其他有关职责。
Article 14 The senior management of a commercial bank shall perform the following duties:   第十四条 商业银行高级管理层应当履行以下职责:
(1) Determining Internet loan business management structure, and specifying the division of duties among all departments. (一)确定互联网贷款经营管理架构,明确各部门职责分工;
(2) Developing, assessing and overseeing the implementation of Internet loan business plans, risk management policies and procedures, cooperator management policies and procedures, as well as cross-regional business management policies. (二)制定、评估和监督执行互联网贷款业务规划、风险管理政策和程序,合作机构管理政策和程序以及跨区域经营管理政策;
(3) Developing risk management and control indicators for the Internet loan business, including but not limited to the quota of Internet loans, quota of loans co-financed with cooperators and the proportion of capital contribution, concentration of cooperators, and ratio of non-performing loans. (三)制定互联网贷款业务的风险管控指标,包括但不限于互联网贷款限额、与合作机构共同出资发放贷款的限额及出资比例、合作机构集中度、不良贷款率等;
(4) Establishing a risk management mechanism of the Internet loan business, continuously monitoring, controlling and reporting various risks in an effective manner, and responding to risk events in a timely manner. (四)建立互联网贷款业务的风险管理机制,持续有效监测、控制和报告各类风险,及时应对风险事件;
(5) Obtaining sufficient information on and assessing on a periodical basis the development, risk level and management status of the Internet loan business, as well as consumer protection, obtaining the information on their major changes in a timely manner, and filing reports with the board of directors on a periodical basis. (五)充分了解并定期评估互联网贷款业务发展情况、风险水平及管理状况、消费者保护情况,及时了解其重大变化,并向董事会定期报告;
(6) Other relevant duties. (六)其他有关职责。
Article 15 A commercial bank shall ensure that it has sufficient resources to manage Internet loan risk in an independent and effective manner, ensure that the board of directors and the senior management are aware of the risk status in a timely manner, and accurately understand the role and limitations of risk data and risk models.   第十五条 商业银行应当确保具有足够的资源,独立、有效开展互联网贷款风险管理,确保董事会和高级管理层能及时知悉风险状况,准确理解风险数据和风险模型的作用与局限。
Article 16 A commercial bank's rules for the management of Internet loan risk shall cover the entire lending process including marketing, investigation, credit granting, contract conclusion, loan release, payment, tracking and recovery, among others.   第十六条 商业银行互联网贷款风险管理制度应当涵盖营销、调查、授信、签约、放款、支付、跟踪、收回等贷款业务全流程。
Article 17 A commercial bank shall obtain the data on target clients through legal channels and methods, conduct loan marketing, and fully assess target clients' capital needs, repayment willingness and capability. The commercial bank shall, in the loan application process, increase the link of compulsorily reading the loan contract and set a reasonable time limit for reading.   第十七条 商业银行应当通过合法渠道和方式获取目标客户数据,开展贷款营销,并充分评估目标客户的资金需求、还款意愿和还款能力。商业银行应当在贷款申请流程中,加入强制阅读贷款合同环节,并设置合理的阅读时间限制。
A commercial bank shall, when introducing Internet loan products to target clients by itself or through any cooperator, fully disclose such basic information as the borrower, loan conditions, actual annual interest rate, annualized synthetic fund cost, arrangements on the repayment of principal with interest, overdue clearance, consulting and complaint channels, as well as the liability for the breach of contract in conspicuous positions to guarantee clients' right to know and to make their own choices, and shall not deprive clients of their rights to declare their intention by such means as check by default and forced tie-in sales. 商业银行自身或通过合作机构向目标客户推介互联网贷款产品时,应当在醒目位置充分披露贷款主体、贷款条件、实际年利率、年化综合资金成本、还本付息安排、逾期清收、咨询投诉渠道和违约责任等基本信息,保障客户的知情权和自主选择权,不得采取默认勾选、强制捆绑销售等方式剥夺消费者意愿表达的权利。
Article 18 As required for combating money laundering and financing of terrorism, among others, a commercial bank shall, through constructing an identity authentication model, take such effective measures as online verification and biometrics to identify clients, verify and retain online borrowers' identity data and willingness to borrow so as to ensure true and valid identity data of borrowers, and borrowers' true declaration of will. The commercial bank shall not entrust the verification of borrowers' identities to any cooperator without restrictions.   第十八条 商业银行应当按照反洗钱和反恐怖融资等要求,通过构建身份认证模型,采取联网核查、生物识别等有效措施识别客户,线上对借款人的身份数据、借款意愿进行核验并留存,确保借款人的身份数据真实有效,借款人的意思表示真实。商业银行对借款人的身份核验不得全权委托合作机构办理。
Article 19 A commercial bank shall establish an effective anti-fraud mechanism, monitor frauds on real time, analyze changes of fraud risks on a periodical basis, constantly improve anti-fraud model review rules and relevant technical means to prevent the acts of posing as others to maliciously obtain bank loans in a fraudulent manner, and guarantee the safety of credit funds.   第十九条 商业银行应当建立有效的反欺诈机制,实时监测欺诈行为,定期分析欺诈风险变化情况,不断完善反欺诈的模型审核规则和相关技术手段,防范冒充他人身份、恶意骗取银行贷款的行为,保障信贷资金安全。
Article 20 A commercial bank shall, after obtaining authorization, inquire about a borrower's credit information, and collect, inquire about and validate, through legal channels and means, relevant qualitative and quantitative information of the borrower online, which may include, but not be limited to, the information on taxation, social insurance funds, and housing provident funds, so as to obtain the information on the borrower's credit status in a comprehensive manner.   第二十条 商业银行应当在获得授权后查询借款人的征信信息,通过合法渠道和手段线上收集、查询和验证借款人相关定性和定量信息,可以包括但不限于税务、社会保险基金、住房公积金等信息,全面了解借款人信用状况。
Article 21 A commercial bank shall build effective risk assessment, credit approval and risk pricing models, strengthen unified credit management, use risk data, and based on a borrower's existing debts, prudently assess the borrower's repayment capability, and determine the credit rating of and credit plan for the borrower.   第二十一条 商业银行应当构建有效的风险评估、授信审批和风险定价模型,加强统一授信管理,运用风险数据,结合借款人已有债务情况,审慎评估借款人还款能力,确定借款人信用等级和授信方案。
Article 22 A commercial bank shall establish a manual recheck and validation mechanism as a necessary supplement to the automatic approval of risk models. The commercial bank shall specify the conditions for triggering manual recheck and validation, and reasonably set the operating procedures for manual recheck and validation.   第二十二条 商业银行应当建立人工复核验证机制,作为对风险模型自动审批的必要补充。商业银行应当明确人工复核验证的触发条件,合理设置人工复核验证的操作规程。
Article 23 A commercial bank shall enter into a loan contract and other documents with a borrower and other parties in the form of data messages. The loan contract and other documents shall comply with the provisions of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the Electronic Signature Law of the People's Republic of China, and other laws and regulations.   第二十三条 商业银行应当与借款人及其他当事人采用数据电文形式签订借款合同及其他文书。借款合同及其他文书应当符合《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国电子签名法》等法律法规的规定。
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