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Law of the People's Republic of China on Combating Telecom and Online Fraud [Effective]
中华人民共和国反电信网络诈骗法 [现行有效]
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 119) (第一一九号)

The Law of the People's Republic of China on Combating Telecom and Online Fraud, as adopted at the 36th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on September 2, 2022, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on December 1, 2022. 《中华人民共和国反电信网络诈骗法》已由中华人民共和国第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十六次会议于2022年9月2日通过,现予公布,自2022年12月1日起施行。
Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国主席 习近平
September 2, 2022 2022年9月2日
Law of the People's Republic of China on Combating Telecom and Online Fraud 中华人民共和国反电信网络诈骗法
(Adopted at the 36th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress on September 2, 2022) (2022年9月2日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十六次会议通过)
Table of Contents 目  录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Telecommunications Governance 第二章 电信治理
Chapter III Financial Governance 第三章 金融治理
Chapter IV Internet Governance 第四章 互联网治理
Chapter V Comprehensive Measures 第五章 综合措施
Chapter VI Legal Liability 第六章 法律责任
Chapter VII Supplemental Provisions 第七章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution for the purposes of preventing, curbing, and punishing telecom and online fraud, strengthening the combat against telecom and online fraud, protecting the lawful rights and interests of citizens and organizations, and maintaining social stability and national security.   第一条 为了预防、遏制和惩治电信网络诈骗活动,加强反电信网络诈骗工作,保护公民和组织的合法权益,维护社会稳定和国家安全,根据宪法,制定本法。
Article 2 For the purposes of this Law, “telecom and online fraud” means the act of fraudulently obtaining public or private property by telecommunications network technologies through remote, non-contact, and other methods for the purpose of illegal possession.   第二条 本法所称电信网络诈骗,是指以非法占有为目的,利用电信网络技术手段,通过远程、非接触等方式,诈骗公私财物的行为。
Article 3 This Law shall apply to the crackdown and governance of telecom and online fraud committed within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or telecom and online fraud committed by citizens of the People's Republic of China outside the territory of China.   第三条 打击治理在中华人民共和国境内实施的电信网络诈骗活动或者中华人民共和国公民在境外实施的电信网络诈骗活动,适用本法。
Any overseas organization or individual that commits telecom and online fraud within the territory of the People's Republic of China or provides any product, service, or other assistance for others' commission of telecom and online fraud within China shall be punished and held liable in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Law. 境外的组织、个人针对中华人民共和国境内实施电信网络诈骗活动的,或者为他人针对境内实施电信网络诈骗活动提供产品、服务等帮助的,依照本法有关规定处理和追究责任。
Article 4 The combat against telecom and online fraud shall adhere to a people-centered approach and the overall coordination of development and security; adhere to systematic concepts and the thinking of the rule of law, pay attention to governance at the source and comprehensive governance; adhere to joint action and mass prevention and governance, fully implement all measures for crackdown, prevention, management and control, and strengthen social publicity, education, and prevention; adhere to precise prevention and control, and guarantee normal production and operation activities and convenience for the people.   第四条 反电信网络诈骗工作坚持以人民为中心,统筹发展和安全;坚持系统观念、法治思维,注重源头治理、综合治理;坚持齐抓共管、群防群治,全面落实打防管控各项措施,加强社会宣传教育防范;坚持精准防治,保障正常生产经营活动和群众生活便利。
Article 5 The combat against telecom and online fraud shall be conducted in accordance with the law and the lawful rights and interests of citizens and organizations shall be safeguarded.   第五条 反电信网络诈骗工作应当依法进行,维护公民和组织的合法权益。
The relevant departments and entities and individuals shall keep confidential state secrets, trade secrets, individual privacy, and personal information to which they have access in combating telecom and online fraud. 有关部门和单位、个人应当对在反电信网络诈骗工作过程中知悉的国家秘密、商业秘密和个人隐私、个人信息予以保密。
Article 6 The State Council shall establish a working mechanism for combating telecom and online fraud and conduct the overall coordination of crackdown and governance.   第六条 国务院建立反电信网络诈骗工作机制,统筹协调打击治理工作。
The local people's governments at all levels shall organize and lead the combat against telecom and online fraud within their administrative regions, determine the goals and tasks and working mechanisms for combating telecom and online fraud, and conduct comprehensive governance. 地方各级人民政府组织领导本行政区域内反电信网络诈骗工作,确定反电信网络诈骗目标任务和工作机制,开展综合治理。
Public security authorities shall be the leading authorities responsible for combating telecom and online fraud, and finance, telecommunications, cyberspace, market regulatory, and other relevant departments shall undertake the primary responsibility for regulation according to their respective duties and be responsible for combating telecom and online fraud in their respective industry fields. 公安机关牵头负责反电信网络诈骗工作,金融、电信、网信、市场监管等有关部门依照职责履行监管主体责任,负责本行业领域反电信网络诈骗工作。
The people's courts and people's procuratorates shall play their judicial and procuratorial functions and prevent and punish telecom and online fraud in accordance with the law. 人民法院、人民检察院发挥审判、检察职能作用,依法防范、惩治电信网络诈骗活动。
Telecommunications businesses, banking financial institutions, non-banking payment institutions, and Internet service providers shall assume the responsibility for risk prevention and control, establish internal risk control mechanisms and security responsibility systems for combating telecom and online fraud, and strengthen the security assessment of fraud risks of new businesses. 电信业务经营者、银行业金融机构、非银行支付机构、互联网服务提供者承担风险防控责任,建立反电信网络诈骗内部控制机制和安全责任制度,加强新业务涉诈风险安全评估。
Article 7 Relevant departments and entities shall closely cooperate in combating telecom and online fraud, realize cross-sector and inter-regional coordination and rapid linkage, and strengthen the building of professional teams, so as to effectively conduct the crackdown and governance of telecom and online fraud.   第七条 有关部门、单位在反电信网络诈骗工作中应当密切协作,实现跨行业、跨地域协同配合、快速联动,加强专业队伍建设,有效打击治理电信网络诈骗活动。
Article 8 The people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments shall strengthen the publicity on combating telecom and online fraud, popularize the relevant laws and knowledge, and enhance the awareness of the public to prevent and improve their ability to identify various types of telecom and online fraud.   第八条 各级人民政府和有关部门应当加强反电信网络诈骗宣传,普及相关法律和知识,提高公众对各类电信网络诈骗方式的防骗意识和识骗能力。
Education administrative, market regulatory, civil affairs, and other relevant departments, villagers' committees, and urban residents' committees shall, in combination with the characteristics such as the distribution of victims of telecom and online fraud, strengthen the publicity and education for seniors, juveniles, and other groups, enhance pertinent and precise publicity and education on combating telecom and online fraud, and conduct publicity and education on combating telecom and online fraud at schools, enterprises, communities, rural areas, and families. 教育行政、市场监管、民政等有关部门和村民委员会、居民委员会,应当结合电信网络诈骗受害群体的分布等特征,加强对老年人、青少年等群体的宣传教育,增强反电信网络诈骗宣传教育的针对性、精准性,开展反电信网络诈骗宣传教育进学校、进企业、进社区、进农村、进家庭等活动。
All entities shall strengthen their internal prevention of telecom and online fraud and provide their staff members with education on the prevention of telecom and online fraud. Individuals shall enhance their awareness to prevent telecom and online fraud. Entities and individuals shall assist and cooperate with the relevant departments in combating telecom and online fraud in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Law. 各单位应当加强内部防范电信网络诈骗工作,对工作人员开展防范电信网络诈骗教育;个人应当加强电信网络诈骗防范意识。单位、个人应当协助、配合有关部门依照本法规定开展反电信网络诈骗工作。
Chapter II Telecommunications Governance 

第二章 电信治理

Article 9 Telecommunications businesses shall comprehensively carry out the rules for the registration of phone users' true identity information in accordance with the law.   第九条 电信业务经营者应当依法全面落实电话用户真实身份信息登记制度。
Basic telecommunications enterprises and mobile communications resale enterprises shall assume the responsibility for administering the agents' implementation of the legal name registration system for phone users and specify in the agreement the responsibility of the agents for legal name registration and the relevant measures for handling the breach of contract. 基础电信企业和移动通信转售企业应当承担对代理商落实电话用户实名制管理责任,在协议中明确代理商实名制登记的责任和有关违约处置措施。
Article 10 The number of phone cards applied for shall not exceed the number restricted by the applicable provisions issued by the state.   第十条 办理电话卡不得超出国家有关规定限制的数量。
If any abnormal registration for a phone card is identified, the telecommunications business has the right to strengthen inspection or refuse to open the phone card. The specific identification methods shall be developed by the telecommunications department of the State Council. 对经识别存在异常办卡情形的,电信业务经营者有权加强核查或者拒绝办卡。具体识别办法由国务院电信主管部门制定。
The telecommunications department of the State Council shall organize the establishment of the mechanism for verifying the number of phone cards opened by phone users and the risk information sharing mechanism, and provide convenient channels for users to search the information on phone cards under their names. 国务院电信主管部门组织建立电话用户开卡数量核验机制和风险信息共享机制,并为用户查询名下电话卡信息提供便捷渠道。
Article 11 A telecommunications business shall conduct legal name verification anew on the users of abnormal phone cards involved in fraud which are identified through monitoring and take corresponding differentiated verification measures according to the risk degree. If phone cards are not verified according to the applicable provisions or fail the verification, the telecommunications business may restrict or suspend the functions of relevant phone cards.   第十一条 电信业务经营者对监测识别的涉诈异常电话卡用户应当重新进行实名核验,根据风险等级采取有区别的、相应的核验措施。对未按规定核验或者核验未通过的,电信业务经营者可以限制、暂停有关电话卡功能。
Article 12 A telecommunications business shall establish risk assessment rules for the users of IoT cards and may not sell IoT cards to anyone that fails the assessment; and shall strictly register the identity information of users of IoT cards and take effective technical measures to restrict the opened functions, application scenarios, and applicable equipment of IoT cards.   第十二条 电信业务经营者建立物联网卡用户风险评估制度,评估未通过的,不得向其销售物联网卡;严格登记物联网卡用户身份信息;采取有效技术措施限定物联网卡开通功能、使用场景和适用设备。
Where an entity user purchases IoT cards from a telecommunications business and resells the equipment with IoT cards to other users, it shall verify and register the identity information of users, and transmit the sales volume, stock, and legal name of users to the telecommunications business to which the numbers belong. 单位用户从电信业务经营者购买物联网卡再将载有物联网卡的设备销售给其他用户的,应当核验和登记用户身份信息,并将销量、存量及用户实名信息传送给号码归属的电信业务经营者。
The telecommunications business shall establish a monitoring and early warning mechanism for the use of IoT cards. In the case of abnormal use, it shall suspend the provision of services, re-verify identity and use scenarios, or take other disposition measures as agreed upon in the contract. 电信业务经营者对物联网卡的使用建立监测预警机制。对存在异常使用情形的,应当采取暂停服务、重新核验身份和使用场景或者其他合同约定的处置措施。
Article 13 A telecommunications business shall regulate the transmission of true calling numbers and lease of telecommunications lines, block and intercept phone calls with changed phone numbers, and trace the source thereof for inspection.   第十三条 电信业务经营者应当规范真实主叫号码传送和电信线路出租,对改号电话进行封堵拦截和溯源核查。
The telecommunications business shall strictly standardize the transmission of calling numbers of international communication gateway exchanges, remind users to pay attention to the countries or regions to which the calling numbers belong in a truthful and accurate manner, and identify and intercept intra-network and inter-network false calling and non-standard calling. 电信业务经营者应当严格规范国际通信业务出入口局主叫号码传送,真实、准确向用户提示来电号码所属国家或者地区,对网内和网间虚假主叫、不规范主叫进行识别、拦截。
Article 14 No entity or individual may illegally manufacture, buy or sell, provide, or use the following equipment and software:   第十四条 任何单位和个人不得非法制造、买卖、提供或者使用下列设备、软件:
(1) Phone card bulk insert device. (一)电话卡批量插入设备;
(2) Equipment or software used to change such functions as calling number, virtual dialing, and illegal access of Internet phone to the public telecommunications network. (二)具有改变主叫号码、虚拟拨号、互联网电话违规接入公用电信网络等功能的设备、软件;
(3) Automatic switch system for batch accounts and network address, and platforms for the batch receipt of SMS verification and voice verification. (三)批量账号、网络地址自动切换系统,批量接收提供短信验证、语音验证的平台;
(4) Other equipment or software used for committing telecom and online fraud and other illegal and criminal activities. (四)其他用于实施电信网络诈骗等违法犯罪的设备、软件。
The telecommunications business and Internet service provider shall take technical measures to promptly identify and block the network access of illegal equipment and software as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, and file a report with the public security authority and the competent industry department. 电信业务经营者、互联网服务提供者应当采取技术措施,及时识别、阻断前款规定的非法设备、软件接入网络,并向公安机关和相关行业主管部门报告。
Chapter III Financial Governance 

第三章 金融治理

Article 15 Banking financial institutions and non-banking payment institutions shall, in the course of opening bank accounts and payment accounts and providing payment and settlement services for clients, and during the existence of business relations with clients, establish client due diligence rules, identify beneficial owners in accordance with the law, and take the corresponding risk management measures to prevent the use of bank accounts and payment accounts, among others, for committing telecom and online fraud.   第十五条 银行业金融机构、非银行支付机构为客户开立银行账户、支付账户及提供支付结算服务,和与客户业务关系存续期间,应当建立客户尽职调查制度,依法识别受益所有人,采取相应风险管理措施,防范银行账户、支付账户等被用于电信网络诈骗活动。
Article 16 The number of bank accounts and payment accounts opened shall generally not exceed the number prescribed by the applicable provisions issued by the state.   第十六条 开立银行账户、支付账户不得超出国家有关规定限制的数量。
If any abnormal account opening is identified, a banking financial institution or non-banking payment institution has the right to strengthen inspection or refuse to open an account. 对经识别存在异常开户情形的,银行业金融机构、非银行支付机构有权加强核查或者拒绝开户。
The People's Bank of China and the banking regulatory authority of the State Council shall organize the relevant clearing institutions to establish a cross-institution account opening amount verification mechanism and a risk information sharing mechanism, and provide clients with convenient channels for inquiring about bank accounts and payment accounts under their names. Banking financial institutions and non-banking payment institutions shall provide account opening information and the relevant risk information in accordance with the applicable provisions issued by the state. The relevant information shall not be used for purposes other than combating telecom and online fraud. 中国人民银行、国务院银行业监督管理机构组织有关清算机构建立跨机构开户数量核验机制和风险信息共享机制,并为客户提供查询名下银行账户、支付账户的便捷渠道。银行业金融机构、非银行支付机构应当按照国家有关规定提供开户情况和有关风险信息。相关信息不得用于反电信网络诈骗以外的其他用途。
Article 17 Banking financial institutions and non-banking payment institutions shall establish a risk prevention and control mechanism for abnormal circumstances in the opening of corporate accounts. Finance, telecommunications, market regulatory, tax, and other relevant departments shall establish a system for the sharing and inquiry of information related to the opening of corporate accounts to provide online inspection services.   第十七条 银行业金融机构、非银行支付机构应当建立开立企业账户异常情形的风险防控机制。金融、电信、市场监管、税务等有关部门建立开立企业账户相关信息共享查询系统,提供联网核查服务。
...... 市场主体登记机关应当依法对企业实名登记履行身份信息核验职责;依照规定对登记事项进行监督检查,对可能存在虚假登记、涉诈异常的企业重点监督检查,依法撤销登记的,依照前款的规定及时共享信息;为银行业金融机构、非银行支付机构进行客户尽职调查和依法识别受益所有人提供便利。

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