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Notice by the China Foreign Exchange Trade System of Issuing the Supplementary Explanation of the Guidelines for Trial Market Makers in the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market [Effective]
中国外汇交易中心关于发布《关于银行间外汇市场尝试做市机构指引补充说明》的通知 [现行有效]
Notice by the China Foreign Exchange Trade System of Issuing the Supplementary Explanation of the Guidelines for Trial Market Makers in the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market 


(No. 277 [2023] of the China Foreign Exchange Trade System) (中汇交发〔2023〕277号)

Members of the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market: 银行间外汇市场会员:
The Supplementary Explanation of the Guidelines for Trial Market Makers in the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market (see the Annex) is developed and issued in accordance with the Guidelines for Trial Market Makers in the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market (No. 3 [2021], CFETS) to further develop the interbank foreign exchange market and specify the rules for the selection of trial market makers. This Explanation shall officially come into force on the date of issuance. 为进一步发展银行间外汇市场,细化尝试做市机构评选规则,现根据《银行间外汇市场尝试做市机构指引》(中汇交发〔2021〕3号),制定并发布《关于<银行间外汇市场尝试做市机构指引>补充说明》(见附件)。本说明自发布之日起正式生效。

Annex: Supplementary Explanation of the Guidelines for Trial Market Makers in the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market 附件:关于《银行间外汇市场尝试做市机构指引》补充说明
China Foreign Exchange Trade System 中国外汇交易中心
October 10, 2023 2023年10月10日
Annex 附件
Supplementary Explanation of the Guidelines for Trial Market Makers in the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market 关于《银行间外汇市场尝试做市机构指引》补充说明
On January 4, 2021, the China Foreign Exchange Trade System (hereinafter referred to as the “CFETS”) issued the Guidelines for Trial Market Makers in the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market (hereinafter referred to as the “Guidelines”). It is indicated in Article 9 of the Guidelines that “During a single selection cycle, a market member which has excellent performance in the corresponding instruments according to the Measures for the Selection of Top Performers in the Interbank RMB Foreign Exchange Market may become a trial market maker in the instruments.” To specify the criteria for the selection of top performers, a supplementary explanation of Article 9 of the Guidelines is hereby made as follows: 2021年1月4日,中国外汇交易中心(以下简称“外汇交易中心”)发布了《银行间外汇市场尝试做市机构指引》(以下简称“指引”)。指引第九条指出“单个评选周期内,依据《银行间人民币外汇市场评优办法》在相应品种上表现优异的市场会员可成为该品种的尝试做市机构”。为明确表现优异评选标准,现对指引第九条补充说明如下:
I. Criteria for the selection of spot trial market makers   一、即期尝试做市机构评选标准
The assessment indicators for the selection of spot trial market makers include trading volume, market making volume, OTC trading ratio, trading concentration, the number of bilateral credit counterparties to market makers, and trading standardization. The CFETS shall select top performers based on institutions' total scores and rankings in terms of assessment indicators. The meanings and scores of each indicator are as follows: 即期尝试做市机构评选考核指标包括交易量、做市量、询价成交率、交易集中度、对做市机构双边授信对手方数与交易规范性,外汇交易中心根据评选机构考核指标总得分和排名进行择优。各指标含义与分值如下:
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