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Notice by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate of Issuing the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing for Common Crimes (II) (for Trial Implementation) [Effective]
最高人民法院 最高人民检察院印发《关于常见犯罪的量刑指导意见(二)(试行)》的通知 [现行有效]
Notice by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate of Issuing the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing for Common Crimes (II) (for Trial Implementation) 

最高人民法院 最高人民检察院印发《关于常见犯罪的量刑指导意见(二)(试行)》的通知

(No. 132 [2024] of the Supreme People's Court) (法〔2024〕132号)

The high people's courts and people's procuratorates of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Military Court and Military Procuratorate of the People's Liberation Army; the Production and Construction Corps Branch of the High People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; and the People's Procuratorate of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市高级人民法院、人民检察院,解放军军事法院、军事检察院,新疆维吾尔自治区高级人民法院生产建设兵团分院,新疆生产建设兵团人民检察院:
In June 2021, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing for Common Crimes (for Trial Implementation) ("Guiding Opinions on Sentencing") and fully implemented them in courts and procuratorates across the country. For the purposes of further promoting the standardization of and proposals for sentencing and expanding the scope of cases for guiding opinions on sentencing for common crimes, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate have researched and developed the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing for Common Crimes (II) (for Trial Implementation) ("Guiding Opinions on Sentencing (II)"). The Guiding Opinions on Sentencing (II) are hereby issued for trial implementation in the courts and procuratorates across the country for a period of one year from July 1, 2024. You are hereby notified of the relevant matters as follows: 最高人民法院、最高人民检察院于2021年6月印发了《关于常见犯罪的量刑指导意见(试行)》(以下简称《量刑指导意见》),并在全国法院、检察院全面实施。为深入推进量刑规范化工作和量刑建议工作,进一步扩大常见罪名量刑指导意见的案件范围,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院研究制定了《关于常见犯罪的量刑指导意见(二)(试行)》(以下简称《量刑指导意见(二)》)。现印发《量刑指导意见(二)》,并从2024年7月1日起在全国法院、检察院试行,为期一年。现将有关事项通知如下:
I. Further promoting the standardization of and proposals for sentencing. Based on the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing, the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing (II) further expand the scope of charges and specify sentencing for seven common crimes: illegal business, child molestation, breach of citizens' personal information, assisting in criminal activities on an information network, running a gambling house, refusal to satisfy a judgment or ruling, and organizing prostitution. People's courts and people's procuratorates at all levels shall take this opportunity to further promote the high-quality development of the standardization of and proposals for sentencing, better implement the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy and the system of leniency for admission of guilt and acceptance of punishment, promote open, fair, and equitable sentencing, and ensure that the people can see in every judicial case that justice is served.   一、进一步推动量刑规范化和量刑建议工作。根据司法实践和工作需要,在《量刑指导意见》的基础上,《量刑指导意见(二)》进一步扩大罪名范围,明确了非法经营、猥亵儿童、侵犯公民个人信息、帮助信息网络犯罪活动、开设赌场、拒不执行判决、裁定、组织卖淫等7种常见犯罪的量刑。各级人民法院、人民检察院要以此为契机,进一步推动量刑规范化工作和量刑建议工作高质量发展,更好落实宽严相济刑事政策和认罪认罚从宽制度,促进量刑公开公平公正,努力让人民群众在每一个司法案件中感受到公平正义。
II. Conscientiously studying and developing detailed implementing rules. High people's courts and provincial people's procuratorates shall strengthen experience reviews, communication, and consultation, jointly study and develop implementing rules for the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing (II) under the principles of standardization, practicality, and compliance with judicial conditions, ensure that the implementing rules comply with relevant provisions, are aligned with sentencing conditions, and conform to the principle of proportionality between crime, liability, and punishment, and complete the development of the implementing rules before the end of July this year. After being discussed and approved by adjudication committees and procuratorial committees, the implementing rules shall be respectively submitted for recordation and examination by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and implemented on a trial basis together with the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing (II).   二、认真研究制定实施细则。各高级人民法院、省级人民检察院要加强经验总结、沟通协商,按照规范、实用、符合司法实际的原则要求,共同研究制定《量刑指导意见(二)》实施细则,确保实施细则符合相关规定,符合量刑实际,符合罪责刑相适应原则,并于今年7月底前完成实施细则制定工作。实施细则经审判委员会、检察委员会讨论通过后,分别报最高人民法院、最高人民检察院备案审查,并与《量刑指导意见(二)》共同试行。
III. Carefully organizing the trial implementation. High people's courts and provincial people's procuratorates shall attach great importance, strengthen organizational leadership, carefully organize the trial implementation, and ensure that the trial implementation produces practical results. By handling specific cases, they shall comprehensively test the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing (II) and their implementing rules, with a focus on the range of starting points for sentencing for individual crimes, the sentencing range for increasing penalties to determine benchmark penalties, the range of adjustment for sentencing circumstances, and the application of fines and suspended sentences, among others. When determining sentences, they shall prioritize qualitative analysis supplemented by quantitative analysis, determine starting points, benchmark penalties, and pronounced penalties in accordance with the law, and ensure the fairness of sentencing in cases for trial implementation.   三、精心组织开展试行工作。各高级人民法院、省级人民检察院要高度重视,加强组织领导,精心组织试行,确保试行工作取得实效。要通过具体案件的办理,全面检验《量刑指导意见(二)》及实施细则,重点检验个罪的量刑起点幅度、增加刑罚量确定基准刑的刑罚幅度、量刑情节的调节幅度以及罚金刑、缓刑的适用等,量刑时应当以定性分析为主、定量分析为辅,依法确定量刑起点、基准刑和宣告刑,确保试行案件的量刑公正。
IV. Effectively strengthening research, reviews, training, and guidance. People's courts and people's procuratorates shall implement the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing and the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing (II) on a trial basis in an integrated manner and concurrently promote their implementation. Higher people's courts and people's procuratorates shall effectively strengthen research and guidance, promptly study and resolve problems and difficulties encountered in their work, and ensure the correct trial implementation of the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing and the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing (II). People's courts and people's procuratorates shall organize study and training in light of their work, especially strengthening joint training for judges and prosecutors, so as to effectively improve their ability to standardize sentencing proposals and sentencing. High people's courts and provincial people's procuratorates shall comprehensively review the trial implementation of the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing and the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing (II) before the end of June 2025, and submit a written report to the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate. The Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate will revise and improve the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing and the Guiding Opinions on Sentencing (II) together.   四、切实加强调研总结和培训指导。各级人民法院、人民检察院要将《量刑指导意见》和《量刑指导意见(二)》一体实施、试行,同步推进。上级人民法院、人民检察院要切实加强调研指导,及时研究解决工作中遇到的问题和困难,确保《量刑指导意见》和《量刑指导意见(二)》正确实施、试行。各级人民法院、人民检察院要结合工作实际,认真组织学习培训,特别是加强对法官、检察官的同堂培训,切实提高规范量刑建议、规范量刑的能力水平。各高级人民法院、省级人民检察院于2025年6月底前对《量刑指导意见》《量刑指导意见(二)》实施、试行工作进行全面总结,并书面报告最高人民法院、最高人民检察院。最高人民法院、最高人民检察院将对《量刑指导意见》和《量刑指导意见(二)》一并进行修改完善。
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