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Notice of the General Office of Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Distributing and Printing the Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Quality Awards (SMPG GO G [2012] No. 8) all District and County People's Governments, and all relevant Commissions, Offices and Bureaus (Administrations) of the Municipal People's Government: The Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Quality Awards have been approved by the Municipal People's Government. We hereby print and distribute them to you, and request you to implement them conscientiously. the General Office of Shanghai Municipal People's Government February 27, 2012 Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Quality Awards
| | 上海市人民政府办公厅关于印发上海市政府质量奖管理办法的通知 (沪府办发〔2012〕8号) 各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局: 《上海市政府质量奖管理办法》已经市政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真按照执行。 上海市人民政府办公厅 二○一二年二月二十七日 上海市政府质量奖管理办法
Chapter I General Principles
| | 第一章 总则
Article 1(Purposes and Objectives) These Procedures are formulated to carry out the Law of the People's Republic of China on Quality of Products, to praise an enterprise and a public institution (hereinafter referred to as a unit) and/or an individual for making outstanding achievements in quality control and business performance; and to guide and encourage all classes of units and individuals to strengthen quality control for excellent performance so that the quality level and the competitive capacity, especially the urban comprehensive competitive power could be enhanced.
| | 第一条 (目的和宗旨) 为贯彻《中华人民共和国产品质量法》,表彰在质量管理和经营绩效方面取得突出成效的企事业单位(以下简称“组织”)和个人,引导和激励本市各类单位和个人加强质量管理,追求卓越绩效,提高质量水平和竞争能力,增强本市城市综合竞争力,制定本办法。
Article 2(Award Establishment) The Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality is a quality award granted to a unit and/or an individual by the Municipal People's Government for making outstanding performance in quality, which is composed of such two categories as the Quality Award of Shanghai Mayor and the Golden Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality, both of which consist of the unit award and the individual award, specifically as follows:
| | 第二条 (奖项设置) 上海市政府质量奖包括“上海市市长质量奖”和“上海市质量金奖”两个类别,均分“组织”和“个人”奖,是市政府对质量工作成绩突出的组织和个人授予的质量奖励。其中:
1. The Quality Award of Shanghai Mayor is the highest honor bestowed by the Municipal People's Government in recognition of quality excellence to the unit or the individual who is exemplary in this Municipality by having achieved remarkable outcomes in quality control and made outstanding contributions to the economic and social development of Shanghai with their leading economic and social benefits; and
| | (一)上海市市长质量奖是市政府设立的质量工作最高荣誉,主要授予质量管理成效显著,经济效益和社会效益在本市处于领先地位,对上海经济社会发展做出卓越贡献,在本市具有标杆示范作用的组织和个人;
2. The Golden Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality is mainly granted to the unit or individual who is exemplary in the trade in this Municipality, who has done comprehensively well in quality control and taken a leading position in the trade in this Municipality in terms of economic benefits and social benefits.
| | (二)上海市质量金奖主要授予质量管理水平较高,经济效益和社会效益在本市同行业内处于领先地位,在本市同行业内具有标杆示范作用的组织和个人。
Article 3(Award Number) The Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality is annual. The total number of the Quality Award of Shanghai Mayor for a unit or an individual shall not exceed two respectively; The total number of the unit that receives the Golden Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality shall not exceed ten and the assessment shall be conducted separately in accordance with the manufacturing industry, minor enterprises as well as other units including education and medical treatment; the total number of the individual who receives the award shall not exceed five. The above-mentioned award numbers may either be less or in vacancy.
| | 第三条 (奖励数量) 上海市政府质量奖为年度奖。 上海市市长质量奖获奖组织和个人总数各不超过2个; 上海市质量金奖获奖组织总数不超过10个,按照制造业、服务业、小企业及其他组织(包括教育、医疗等)等,分别进行评定,获奖个人总数不超过5个。 上述获奖数可少额或空缺。
Article 4(Assessment Principles) The application, evaluation and commendation of the Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality shall observe the following principles:
| | 第四条 (评定原则) 上海市政府质量奖的申报、评审和授予遵循以下原则:
1. voluntary application;
| | (一)自愿申请;
2. being scientific, objective and impartial; and
| | (二)科学、客观、公正;
3. strictly observing standards and selecting the excellent from the good.
| | (三)严格标准、好中选优。
Article 5(Evaluation Criteria) The evaluation standard of the Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality for a unit shall adopt the state standard GB/T 19580, the Outstanding Performance Evaluation Criteria; and the evaluation standard for an individual shall adopt the Personal Evaluation Criteria for the Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality. The evaluation standard shall be modified at an appropriate time in accordance with the development of quality control theory and practice.
| | 第五条 (评审标准) 上海市政府质量奖组织评审标准采用国家标准GB/T19580《卓越绩效评价准则》,个人评审标准采用《上海市政府质量奖个人评价准则》。评审标准根据质量管理理论与实践的发展,适时进行修订。
Article 6(Reward and Appropriation) The assessment of the Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality shall not charge any expense from the application unit or individual. The appropriation for the reward and the work shall be listed in the municipal financial budget of the current year. The reward money shall be mainly used for the sustainable quality improvement, tackling key problems on quality as well as personnel training and shall not be misappropriated.
| | 第六条 (奖励及经费) 上海市政府质量奖的评定,不向申报组织或个人收取任何费用。奖励经费和工作经费列入当年度市财政预算。奖励经费主要用于获奖组织或个人的质量持续改进、质量攻关和人员培训等,不得挪作他用。
Chapter II Organizational Administration
| | 第二章 组织管理
Article 7(Administrative Agency and Functions) The Municipal Quality and Technological Supervision Bureau shall, under the leadership of the Municipal People's Government, organize and set up an Examination and Approval Committee of the Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality (hereinafter referred to as the Examination and Approval Committee). The Examination and Approval Committee, made up of the related departments of the Municipal People's Government, shall perform the following functions:
| | 第七条 (管理机构及职能) 市质量技监局在市政府的领导下,组织成立上海市政府质量奖审定委员会(以下简称“审定委”)。审定委由市政府有关部门组成,履行以下职能:
1. to guide, facilitate and supervise the activities lunched by the Quality Award Evaluation of Shanghai Municipality;
| | (一)指导、推动、监督上海市政府质量奖评定活动的开展;
2. to deliberate and approve the evaluation rules for the Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Quality Award;
| | (二)审议、通过上海市政府质量奖管理办法及评审规则;
3. to deliberate and make public the evaluation results; and
| | (三)审议、公示评审结果;
4. to finalize the name list of the Golden Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality, and submit it to the Municipal People's Government for approving the suggested reward name list of the Quality Award of Shanghai Mayor.
| | (四)确定上海市质量金奖获奖名单,提请市政府批准上海市市长质量奖拟奖励名单。
Article 8(The General Office and Its Functions) An office, set up under the Examination and Approval Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Examination and Approval Office, which is located in the Municipal Quality and Technological Supervision Bureau, is responsible for the routine supervision and administration of the evaluation work of the Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality by performing the following tasks:
| | 第八条 (办事机构及职能) 审定委下设办公室(以下简称“审定办”,设在市质量技监局),负责上海市政府质量奖评定工作的日常监督和管理,履行以下职能:
1. to organize the formulation and modification of the procedures and evaluation rules for the administration of the Quality Award of Shanghai Municipal People's Government;
| | (一)组织制修订上海市政府质量奖管理办法及评审规则;
2. to establish a pool of evaluation experts and an evaluation group for the Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality;
| | (二)建立上海市政府质量奖评审专家库和评审组;
3. to formulate the annual working plan and scheme of the evaluation of the Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality;
| | (三)制定上海市政府质量奖评审年度工作计划和方案;
4. to organize to launch the evaluation work on the Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality; and
| | (四)组织开展上海市政府质量奖评审工作;
5. to undertake the routine work entrusted by the Examination and Approval Committee.
| | (五)承担审定委赋予的日常工作。
Article 9(The Evaluation Agency and Its Functions) The Examination and Approval Office shall, in accordance with the evaluation requirement, invite the experts in the concerned field within the range of the pool of experts for the evaluation of the Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality to form several evaluation groups for annual evaluation. The evaluation group shall voluntarily dismiss after the completion of the annual evaluation work. The evaluation group is expected to:
| | 第九条 (评审机构及职能) 审定办根据评审需要,在上海市政府质量奖评审专家库范围内,聘请有关方面的专家,组成若干评审组,开展年度评审工作。年度评审工作结束后,评审组自动解散。 评审组的职责是:
1. to take responsibility for the document evaluation, on-the-spot evaluation as well as the comprehensive evaluation of the Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality;
| | (一)负责上海市政府质量奖的资料评审、现场评审及综合评价;
2. to write the evaluation report;
| | (二)撰写评审报告;
3. to put forward a suggested name list; and
| | (三)提出获奖建议名单;
4. other related matters.
| | (四)其他有关事项。
Article 10(Education and Publicity) The related municipal trade competent administrative departments, proprietary group companies and trade associations as well as all district/county quality and technical supervision bureaus shall be respectively responsible for initiating, encouraging and recommending the application for the Quality Award of Shanghai Municipality in their own systems, trades and administrative areas, and the publicity and popularization of the advanced experience and achievements of the reward unit or individual. ...... | | 第十条 (培育和宣传) 市有关行业主管部门、控股集团公司、行业协会及各区县质量技监局分别负责本系统、本行业和本辖区申报上海市政府质量奖的培育、发动和推荐,以及获奖组织和个人的先进经验和成果的宣传、推广。 ...... |
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