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Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreign Nationals [Effective]
中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理条例 [现行有效]


Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
(No. 637)
The Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreign Nationals, as adopted at the 15th executive meeting of the State Council on July 3, 2013, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on September 1, 2013.
Premier Li Keqiang
July 12, 2013
Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreign Nationals


总 理  李克强

Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 To regulate the issuance of visas and the service for and management of foreign nationals' stay or residence in China, this Regulation is made pursuant to the Exit-Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “the Exit-Entry Administration Law”).
   第一条 为了规范签证的签发和外国人在中国境内停留居留的服务和管理,根据《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》(以下简称出境入境管理法)制定本条例。
Article 2 The state shall establish a coordination mechanism for the service for and administration of the exit and entry of foreign nationals to strengthen overall planning, coordination and cooperation in the service for and administration of the exit and entry of foreign nationals.
The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish coordination mechanisms for the service for and administration of the exit and entry of foreign nationals in light of their needs to strengthen information exchange, coordination and cooperation and conduct well the service for and administration of the exit and entry of foreign nationals within their respective administrative regions.
   第二条 国家建立外国人入境出境服务和管理工作协调机制,加强外国人入境出境服务和管理工作的统筹、协调与配合。
Article 3 The Ministry of Public Security shall, together with the relevant departments of the State Council, establish an information platform for the service for and administration of the exit and entry of foreign nationals to realize the sharing of the relevant information.
   第三条 公安部应当会同国务院有关部门建立外国人入境出境服务和管理信息平台,实现有关信息的共享。
Article 4 In the administration of the issuance of visas and the administration of foreign nationals' stay and residence in China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security and other relevant departments of the State Council shall, at their portal websites, places where they accept applications for exit-entry permits and other relevant sites, provide laws and regulations governing the exit and entry of foreign nationals and other information foreign nationals need to know.
   第四条 在签证签发管理和外国人在中国境内停留居留管理工作中,外交部、公安部等国务院部门应当在部门门户网站、受理出境入境证件申请的地点等场所,提供外国人入境出境管理法律法规和其他需要外国人知悉的信息。

Chapter II Type and Issuance of Visa

第二章 签证的类别和签发

Article 5 The scope and measures for issuing of diplomatic, courtesy and service visas shall be determined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
   第五条 外交签证、礼遇签证、公务签证的签发范围和签发办法由外交部规定。
Article 6 Ordinary visas include the following types, and are marked with corresponding Chinese phonetic letters:
   第六条 普通签证分为以下类别,并在签证上标明相应的汉语拼音字母:
(1) C visa is issued to crewmembers performing duties on board of international trains, airliners or vessels, accompanying family members of vessel crews, and drivers of international road transport vehicles.
(2) D visa is issued to foreign nationals who come to reside permanently in China.
(3) F visa is issued to foreign nationals who are invited to China for exchange activities, visits or investigations.
(4) G visa is issued to foreign nationals transiting China.
(5) J1 visa is issued to foreign nationals who come to China as resident correspondents of foreign countries' resident news agencies in China, while J2 visa is issued to foreign correspondents who come to China for covering special events in a short term.
(6) L visa is issued to foreign nationals who come to China for sightseeing; a group visa may be issued to a group of foreign nationals on a sightseeing trip to China.
(7) M visa is issued to foreign nationals who come to China for business or trading activities.
(8) Q1 visa is issued on the ground of family reunion to family members of Chinese citizens residing in China and family members of foreign nationals with permanent resident status in China, as well as to people who need to stay in China for reasons such as foster care, while Q2 visa is issued to people who intend to pay a short visit to their relatives in China who are Chinese citizens residing in China or foreign nationals with permanent resident status in China.
(9) R visa is issued to foreign professionals who are highly skilled or whose skills are imperatively needed by China.
(10) S1 visa is issued to spouses, parents, underage children and parents-in-law of foreign nationals who reside in China for reasons such as work and study, who come to China for long-term visits to relatives, as well as people who need to reside in China for other private affairs, while S2 visa is issued to family members of foreign nationals who stay or reside in China for reasons such as work and study, who come to China for short-term visits to relatives, as well as people who need to stay in China for other private affairs.
(11) X1 visa is issued to foreign nationals who come to China for long-term study, while X2 visa is issued to foreign nationals who come to China for short-term study.
(12) Z visa is issued to foreign nationals who come to China for employment.
Article 7 To apply for a visa, a foreign national shall fill out an application form and submit his/her passport or any other international travel document, a photo that meets the prescribed requirements, and materials about the purpose of application:
   第七条 外国人申请办理签证,应当填写申请表,提交本人的护照或者其他国际旅行证件以及符合规定的照片和申请事由的相关材料。
(1) To apply for a C visa, a guarantee letter issued by a foreign transport company or an invitation letter issued by a relevant entity inside China shall be submitted.
(2) To apply for a D visa, a confirmation form on the permanent resident status of foreign nationals as issued by the Ministry of Public Security shall be submitted.
(3) To apply for an F visa, an invitation letter issued by the host institution in China shall be submitted.
(4) To apply for a G visa, connecting airline (bus or train) tickets with fixed dates and seats to the destination country (region) shall be submitted.
(5) To apply for a J1 or J2 visa, it is required to handle approval formalities and submit application materials according to the relevant provisions of China governing the reporting activities of foreign countries' resident news agencies and foreign correspondents.
(6) To apply for an L visa, a travel itinerary shall be submitted as required; to enter China in a sightseeing group, an invitation letter issued by a travel agency shall also be submitted.
(7) To apply for an M visa, an invitation letter issued by a Chinese business or trading partner shall be submitted.
(8) To apply for a Q1 visa, if the applicant intends to reside in China for family reunion, an invitation letter issued by a Chinese citizen who resides in China or a foreign national with permanent resident status in China and a family relationship certificate shall be submitted; if the applicant intends to enter China for reasons such as foster care, a power of attorney and other relevant certificates shall be submitted; to apply for a Q2 visa, an invitation letter issued by a Chinese citizen who resides in China or a foreign national with permanent resident status in China and other relevant certificates shall be submitted.
(9) To apply for an R visa, it is required to satisfy the conditions or requirements as set forth by the competent authority of the Chinese Government for the introduction of foreign professionals who are highly skilled or whose skills are imperatively needed, and the relevant certificates shall be submitted as required.
(10) To apply for an S1 or S2 visa, an invitation letter issued by a foreign national who stays or resides in China for reasons such as work or study and a family relationship certificate, or a certificate proving the necessity to reside in China to handle private affairs shall be submitted.
(11) To apply for an X1 visa, an admission offer issued by the host institution and other relevant certificates issued by the competent authorities shall be submitted as required; to apply for an X2 visa, an admission offer issued by the host institution shall be submitted as required.
(12) To apply for a Z visa, a work permit and other relevant certificates shall be submitted as required.
Visa-issuing authorities may require foreign nationals to submit other application materials in light of the actual situations.
Article 8 Under any of the following circumstances, a foreign national shall accept an interview as requested by the relevant visa-issuing authority stationed abroad:
   第八条 外国人有下列情形之一的,应当按照驻外签证机关要求接受面谈:
(1) The foreign national applies for residence in China;
(2) The foreign national's personal identity information or purpose of entry needs to be further verified;
(3) The foreign national has a record of being refused for entry or being ordered to exit within a certain time limit; or
(4) Any other circumstance under which an interview is required.
Where a visa-issuing authority stationed abroad needs to verify the relevant information with the relevant departments or entities inside China in the course of issuing visas, the said departments or entities shall be cooperative.
Article 9 Where a visa-issuing authority decides upon examination that a visa application satisfies the issuing conditions, it shall issue a visa of the corresponding category. If the applicant needs to get a residence permit after entry, the visa-issuing authority shall indicate in the visa the time limit for applying for a residence permit after entry.
   第九条 签证机关经审查认为符合签发条件的,签发相应类别签证。对入境后需要办理居留证件的,签证机关应当在签证上注明入境后办理居留证件的时限。

Chapter III Stay and Residence Administration

第三章 停留居留管理

Article 10 After entering China with visa, a foreign national may apply to the exit-entry administrative division of the people's government at or above the county level at his/her place of stay for issuing a new visa to replace the old one if he/she changes the purpose of stay or is given the ease of entry according to the relevant state provisions, if he/she uses a new passport, or if he/she needs to leave the group to continue staying in China due to objective causes after entry on the basis of a group visa.
   第十条 外国人持签证入境后,按照国家规定可以变更停留事由、给予入境便利的,或者因使用新护照、持团体签证入境后由于客观原因需要分团停留的,可以向停留地县级以上地方人民政府公安机关出入境管理机构申请换发签证。
Article 11 Where a foreign national's visa is lost, damaged, stolen or robbed in China, he/she shall apply to the exit-entry administrative division of the people's government at or above the county level at his/her place of stay for reissuance in a timely manner.
   第十一条 在中国境内的外国人所持签证遗失、损毁、被盗抢的,应当及时向停留地县级以上地方人民政府公安机关出入境管理机构申请补发签证。

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