Announcement No. 1264 of the Ministry of Agriculture -- Approvement of the Appraisal Guidance of the 13 Farm Machinery (the Third Group)
Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture | | 农业部公告 |
(No. 1264) | | (第1264号) |
According to the Measures for the Testing and Appraisal of Farm Machinery, the specialists from the Ministry of Agriculture have approved and released the Appraisal Guidance of Farm Machinery for milking machine and other 12 types of machines. The guidance shall come into effect as of the date of promulgation. ...... | | 根据《农业机械试验鉴定办法》的规定,挤奶机械等13项农业机械推广鉴定大纲业经专家审定通过,现予发布。本大纲自发布之日起实施。 ...... |
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