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Notice of Hebei Local Taxation Bureau on Clarifying the Taxable Income Rate of Construction and Installation Enterprises [Expired]
河北省地方税务局关于明确建筑安装企业应税所得率的通知 [失效]
Notice of Hebei Local Taxation Bureau on Clarifying the Taxable Income Rate of Construction and Installation Enterprises  


(No.12 [2012] of Hebei Local Taxation Bureau (冀地税函〔2012〕12号)

Local taxation bureaus of all cities and tax levy & collection bureaus directly under Hebei Province: 各市地方税务局、省直属征收局:
In accordance with the requirements of the "Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Relevant Issues Concerning the Work of Sorting Out Tax Regulatory Documents at the Provincial Levels of Tax Administration" (Guo Shui Han [2011] No.60), the clause "for construction and installation enterprises, the taxable income rate of 5% to20%" in Article 39 of the "Notice of Hebei Local Taxation Bureau on Printing and Distributing the 'Measures for the Administration of Enterprise Income Tax Levy and Collection on Construction and Installation Enterprises in Hebei Province' (revised edition)" (Ji Di Shui Fa [2010] No.29), and the clause "(5) building industry: 5-15%" relating to the standard of taxable income rate applicable to enterprise sub-sectors inArticle 20 of the "Notice of Hebei Local Taxation Bureau on Printing and Distributing the 'Measures for the Administration of Income Tax on Loss-making Enterprises (for trial implementation)" (Ji Di Shui Fa [2009] No.31) shall be abolished. Enterprises taxed on a deemed basis of relevant industries shall be subject to the related provisions of the "Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Printing and Distributing the 'Measures for the Levy & Collection of Enterprise Income Tax Upon Verification' (for Trial Implementation)" (Guo Shui Fa [2008] No.30).
 根据《国家税务总局关于开展省税务机关税收规范性清理工作有关问题的通知》(国税函)〔2011〕60号)的要求,现将《河北省地方税务局关于印发<河北省建筑安装企业所得税征收管理办法>(修订稿)的通知》(冀地税发〔2010〕29号)中第三十九条 “建筑安装企业的应税所得率为5%至20%”条款及《河北省地方税务局关于印发<亏损企业所得税管理办法(试行)>的通知》(冀地税发〔2009〕31号)中第二十条企业分行业适用的应税所得率标准为“(五)建筑业:5-15%”条款予以废止。相关行业中核定征收企业一律按《国家税务总局关于印发<企业所得税核定征收办法>(试行)的通知》(国税发〔2008〕30号)有关规定执行。

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