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Notice of the General Office of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Implementing Case Prevention and Control Requirements [Expired]
中国银行业监督管理委员会办公厅关于落实案件防控工作有关要求的通知 [失效]
Notice of the General Office of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Implementing Case Prevention and Control Requirements
(No. 127 [2012] of the General Office of the China Banking Regulatory Commission)
All local offices of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (“CBRC”); all policy banks, state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, and financial asset management companies; Postal Savings Bank of China; and trust companies, enterprise group finance companies, and financial leasing companies under the direct supervision of the CBRC:
Since the second half of 2011, major or significant cases involving teller operations of banking financial institutions have frequently occurred. These cases arose directly out of risk exposures in teller services, account reconciliation and other processes. Certain bank tellers conducted operations seriously in violation of rules and procedures, and some offenses were committed under the direct instruction or authorization of the heads of basic-level business institutions. These offenses were committed in simple manners, but were hard to detect, with a high success rate, a long duration, and large amounts. Offenses committed by individual offenders have gradually been outnumbered by organized offenses, with the use of high technology and assistance on the inside. The occurrence of such offences shows that the constraint, control, management and other fundamental work of banking financial institutions for their teller services and basic-level business institutions remains rather inadequate. Once the tellers of banking financial institutions premeditate any offenses, it would be difficult to detect them in a timely manner through the accounting oversight, back-office review, internal audit and other internal controls. Consequently, the offenders repeatedly commit offenses with increasingly large amounts, which eventually results in major or significant cases.
In order to strengthen the fundamental work on case prevention and control of banking financial institutions, impose strict standards on teller service operations, maximize the role of their internal oversight and constraints regarding case prevention and control, eliminate bank employees' inertia and negative work habits, improve sensitivity in case prevention and control, and effectively contain case risks, the CBRC issued case prevention and control work requirements for 2012 focusing on post rotation, account reconciliation, internal audit and prohibited teller conduct, in hope of combining the efforts of regulatory authorities in case prevention with the implementation of internal prevention and control measures by banking financial institutions to promptly stop cases from occurring or escalating through the strategy of striking early and beginning with small offenses and effectively prevent major and significant cases.
To this end, the CBRC has developed the Opinions on Work to Strengthen Case Prevention and Control and Implement Requirements for Post Rotation, Account Reconciliation and Internal Audit and the Opinions on Work to Prohibit Teller Service Violations and Prevent Case Risks, which are hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation.
All local CBRC offices shall forward this Notice to CBRC sub-offices and relevant banking financial institutions within their respective jurisdictions.


1. Opinions on Work to Strengthen Case Prevention and Control and Implement Requirements for Post Rotation, Account Reconciliation and Internal Audit
2. Opinions on Work to Prohibit Teller Service Violations and Prevent Case Risks
April 13, 2012
Annex 1:
Opinions on Work to Strengthen Case Prevention and Control and Implement Requirements for Post Rotation, Account Reconciliation and Internal Audit
In order to effectively prevent case risks arising out of teller operations and prevent and control such cases, based on the case prevention and control work arrangements for 2012 of the CBRC, in consideration of the characteristics of cases occurring in the banking sector, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Internal Control Guidelines for Commercial Banks, the Operational Risk Management Guidelines for Commercial Banks, and the Internal Audit Guidelines for Banking Financial Institutions, the following requirements regarding the rotation of employees at important posts, account reconciliation and internal audit in the case prevention and control work in 2012 of banking financial institutions (hereinafter referred to as the “institutions”) are hereby issued, which shall be strictly implemented by all institutions along with existing regulatory requirements:
I. Rotation of Employees at Important Posts
All institutions shall fully understand the significant role of the rotation of employees at important posts in strengthening internal controls and preventing operational and moral risks, diligently organize and implement the rotation of employees at important posts, and incorporate rotation implementation into their business performance evaluation.
1. All institutions must establish a rotation system of employees at important posts, which shall be reported to the regulatory authorities as a fundamental internal control component of banks. Each institution shall independently determine the important posts based on the concentration of operational risks and case risks as well as the principle that the rotation of such posts plays an important role in business operation, internal control management and risk prevention. In its rotation rules for employees at important posts, each institution shall clearly define the important posts, term of rotation, and manner of rotation.
2. Rotation rules for employees at important posts shall be strictly implemented. The term of rotation shall generally be based on year(s), and the rate of rotation shall be 100%. It shall be strictly prohibited to replace post rotation with off-post vacations, inspections by leaders, and exit audits, among others. It shall be prohibited to delay the implementation of or superficially implement the rotation system on any excuse.
3. Rotation requirements for assigned accountants (authorized managers) to business institutions shall be enhanced, and their independence and authority shall be strengthened. The frequency of rotation for assigned accountants (authorized managers) shall be increased, with the term of rotation not exceeding two years and the rate of rotation being 100%. Business guidance, oversight, business authorization and review, and other functions of assigned accountants (authorized managers) in business institutions shall be fully utilized. Their authority and independent role, key to internal control and prevention of case risks, shall be effectively strengthened, and their role in checking the business powers of basic-level banks shall be maximized. The independence of them in duly fulfilling their functions shall be guaranteed, and it shall be ensured that their routine work is free from interferences and restrictions by the heads of basic-level banks.
4. Rotation requirements for the management of a basic-level business institution shall be enhanced to strengthen supervision and constraint of the management. If the management of the basic-level bank of an institution have held their positions for too long a period, an environment with declining effectiveness of check and balance in positions and supervision tends to arise, and the management may coerce, instigate, or instruct implicitly or explicitly subordinates to handle business beyond their powers or in violation of regulations and rules, and directly interfere with the independent performance of duties by assigned accountants, among others. In order to reduce the possibility of environmental factors leading to case risks, the term of rotation for heads of basic-level business institutions shall not exceed three years, and exit audit must be conducted concurrently with rotation. In formulating rotation plans and schemes, institutions shall note that the rotation of the assigned accountant (authorized manager) and the outlet heads of the same business institution shall not be conducted concurrently in the same direction.
5. Rotation requirements for tellers shall be strengthened to eliminate sources of risks. Employees providing teller services form the first and the most direct line of defense for prevention of teller cases. They are also the main targets for criminals. Therefore, all banks are required to incorporate tellers into the scope of rotation and clarify the term and manner of rotation of tellers. Because the staffing and management of tellers vary from one institution to another, generally, the term of rotation of them shall not exceed one year. All institutions must undertake to adopt a series of measures, including but not limited to rotation, compulsory vacation, tightened authorization management and authority, and enhanced back-office or accounting system supervision, to effectively resolve case risks arising from the lack of process oversight of teller operations.

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