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Notice of the Price Bureau of Guangdong Province and the Department of Justice of Guangdong Province on Issuing the Implementation Rules of the Price Bureau of Guangdong Province and the Department of Justice of Guangdong Province on the Administration of Lawyer's Fee Charges [Expired]
广东省物价局、广东省司法厅关于印发《广东省物价局、司法厅律师服务收费管理实施办法》的通知 [失效]
Notice of the Price Bureau of Guangdong Province and the Department of Justice of Guangdong Province on Issuing the Implementation Rules of the Price Bureau of Guangdong Province and the Department of Justice of Guangdong Province on the Administration of Lawyer's Fee Charges
(No.298 [2006] of the Price Bureau of Guangdong Province)
The price bureaus and justice bureaus of all cities and counties (districts):
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Justice on Issuing the Rules on the Administration of Lawyer's Fee Charges (No.611 [2006] of the NDRC) and the Notice on Issuing the Rules on the Administration of Intermediary Service Fee Charges of six ministries and commissions including the former State Planning Commission (No.2255 [1999] of the SPC), these Implementation Rules of the Price Bureau of Guangdong Province and the Department of Justice of Guangdong Province on the Administration of Lawyer's Fee Charges have been made, which are now available in print and issued to you for your compliance and implementation.
Price Bureau of Guangdong Province
Department of Justice of Guangdong Province
December 25, 2006
Implementation Rules of the Price Bureau of Guangdong Province and the Department of Justice of Guangdong Province on the Administration of Lawyer's Fee Charges


广东省物价局 广东省司法厅
Article 1 In order to regulate the lawyer's fee charges, protect the rights and interests of clients and law firms, and promote the sound development of the legal service sector in Guangdong Province, these Rules have been made in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Price Law of the People's Republic of China, the Lawyers Law of the People's Republic of China, the Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Justice on Issuing the Rules on the Administration of Lawyer's Fee Charges (No.611 [2006] of the NDRC) and the Notice on Issuing the Rules on the Administration of Intermediary Service Fee Charges of six ministries and commissions including the former State Planning Commission (No.2255 [1999] of the SPC) and in consideration of the specific conditions of the legal service sector in Guangdong Province.
   第一条 为规范律师服务收费行为,维护委托人和律师事务所的权益,促进我省律师服务业的健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国价格法》、《中华人民共和国律师法》和《国家发展改革委、司法部关于印发<律师服务收费管理办法>的通知》(发改价格〔2006〕611号)以及原国家计委等六部委《关于印发<中介服务收费管理办法>的通知》(计价格〔1999〕2255号)的有关规定,结合广东省律师服务业的具体情况,制定本实施办法。
Article 2 These Rules shall apply to the fees charged for the legal services provided to the clients by a law firm having undergone the formation registration with the Department of Justice of Guangdong Province in accordance with the Lawyers Law of the People's Republic of China.
   第二条 本办法适用于依照《中华人民共和国律师法》在广东省司法厅登记设立的律师事务所为委托人提供法律服务的收费行为。
Article 3 The lawyer's fees shall adhere to the principles of openness and fairness, freewill and payment, good faith and fair competition.
A law firm shall provide conveniences and benefits for the people, strengthen its internal management, reduce service costs, and provide convenient and quality legal services for the clients.
   第三条 律师服务收费遵循公开公平、自愿有偿、诚实信用、公平竞争的原则。
Article 4 The lawyer's fees shall refer to the service remunerations charged to a client by a law firm that accepts representation of the client in handling legal affairs.
The lawyer's fees shall fall within the intermediary service fees, subject to the categorized management of the government-guided prices and the market-adjusted prices. The base rates and floating ranges for lawyer's fees subject to the government-guided price in this province shall be jointly determined by the Price Bureau and the Department of Justice of Guangdong Province (See Annex). A law firm shall negotiate with a client over the specific standards of fee charges within the prescribed base rates and floating ranges.
   第四条 律师服务收费是律师事务所接受委托办理法律事务,向委托人收取的服务报酬。
Article 5 The government-guided prices shall apply to the fees charged for the following legal services provided by a law firm according to law:
   第五条 律师事务所依法提供下列法律服务的收费实行政府指导价:
(a) Representation in a civil litigation case;
(b) Representation in an administrative litigation case;
(c) Representation in a state compensation case;
(d) Legal counseling, representation in petition and accusation, and bail application for a criminal suspect in a criminal case, and criminal defense for the accused or representation of a plaintiff in a private prosecution case or a victim; and
(e) Representation in petitions in various litigation cases.
The market-adjusted prices shall apply to the fees charged for other legal services provided by a law firm.
Article 6 The lawyer's fees subject to the market-adjusted prices shall be determined through negotiation between a law firm and its client. The Lawyers Association of Guangdong Province may make the price guidance for fee charges to be referred to by law firms and their clients, which shall be submitted to the Price Bureau and the Department of Justice of Guangdong Province for archival purposes.
A law firm and its client during negotiation over lawyer's fees shall consider the following major factors:
   第六条 实行市场调节价的律师服务收费,由律师事务所与委托人协商确定。省律师协会可以制定收费的计价指引供律师事务所与委托人参照执行,并报省物价局、司法厅备案。
(a) The working hours to be consumed;
(b) The difficulty of legal affairs;
(c) The number of lawyers needed for handling the legal affairs and the practice capabilities of handling lawyers;
(d) The sustainability of the client and the local social and economic development of the client;
(e) The risks and liabilities likely to be assumed by a lawyer;
(f) The social reputation and working level of a lawyer; and
(g) Other necessary cost expenditures for handling the case.
Article 7 The lawyer's fees may be charged by tally, in proportion to the value of subject matter or by time, according to the different services.
The charge by tally shall usually apply to the legal affairs not involving a property relationship; the charge in proportion to the value of subject matter shall apply to the legal affairs involving a property relationship; and the charge by time may apply to all legal affairs.
   第七条 律师服务收费可以根据不同的服务内容,采取计件收费、按标的额比例收费和计时收费等方式。
Article 8 The charge by time shall refer to the manner of fee charges in which a law firm charges the lawyer's fees to a client as per an established hourly standard of fee charges within the prescribed extent of standards according to the effective working hours consumed in providing the legal services.
   第八条 计时收费是指律师事务所根据其提供法律服务耗费的有效工作时间,在规定的标准范围内,按确定的每小时收费标准向委托人收取律师服务费的计价方式。

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