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Order No.46 of the Ministry of Justice
(No.46) Measures for the Administration of the Lawyer's Practice License, as adpoted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Justice on October 30, 1996, is hereby issued and implemented. Minister Xiaoyang November 25, 1996
| | 中华人民共和国司法部令 (第46号) 《律师执业证管理办法》已经一九九六年十月三十日司法部部务会议通过,现予发布施行。
部长 肖扬 一九九六年十一月二十五日
Measures for the Administration of the Lawyer's Practice License
| | 律师执业证管理办法
Article 1 For the purpose of regulating the application for and issuance and registration of the lawyer's practice license, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Lawyers Law of the People's Republic of China.
| | 第一条 为了规范律师执业证的申领、发放、注册活动,根据《中华人民共和国律师法》,制定本办法。
Article 2 The lawyer's practice license is the valid certificate for lawyers to practice law. To practice law as lawyers, one shall obtain the lawyer's practice license in accordance with these Measures. No one without the lawyer's practice license may practice in the name of a lawyer.
| | 第二条 律师执业证是律师执业的有效证件。 律师执业,应当依照本办法领取律师执业证。未持有律师执业证的人员,不得以律师名义从事活动。
Article 3 Persons satisfying the conditions provided in Article 8 of the Lawyers Law of the People's Republic of China may apply for a lawyer's practice license.
| | 第三条 符合《中华人民共和国律师法》第八条规定条件的人员,可以申请领取律师执业证。
Article 4 A person applying for a lawyer's practice license shall have worked as an intern in a law firm for one consecutive year. When a person starts internship in a law firm, he shall be registered with the judicial administrative organ of the place of residence for archival purposes.
| | 第四条 申请领取律师执业证的人员,应在一个律师事务所连续实习一年。律师事务所接受实习的,应向住所地司法行政机关备案。
Article 5 Law firms shall assign lawyers who have been practicing law for three years or more, have good political consciousness and high professional quality to guide interns.
| | 第五条 律师事务所应指派具有三年以上执业经历、政治思想好、业务素质较高的律师指导实习人员。
Article 6 Interns shall assist lawyers to handle cases, and may not practice independently. Interns shall accept trainings on professional ethics and practice disciplines, accept guidance and practices on how to make criminal defense, act as an attorney in civil and administrative litigation cases, act as a transaction attorney, offering legal advice and write legal documents on behalf of others, and accomplish the amount of business as determined by the judicial administrative organ. The judicial administrative organ shall examine the internship of the interns.
| | 第六条 实习人员辅助律师办理业务,不得单独执业。 实习人员应当接受职业道德和执业纪律的培训;接受刑事辩护,民事、行政案件代理,非诉讼代理,法律咨询以及代书等业务方面的指导训练,并完成司法行政机关规定的业务量。 司法行政机关应当对实习人员的实习活动进行检查。
Article 7 Upon the expiration of the internship period of an intern, the law firm concerned shall make appraisal on the ethics, professional ability and work attitude of the intern.
| | 第七条 实习期满,律师事务所应对实习人员的思想道德、业务能力和工作态度作出鉴定。
Article 8 An intern may apply for a lawyer's practice license upon completion of the internship, to this end, the law firm where he works or will work shall file the Registration Form for Applying for the Lawyer's Practice License filled out by the applicant, his lawyer's qualifications certificate, a photocopy of his identity certificate and other required materials with the judicial administrative organ of the place of residence. ...... | | 第八条 实习人员在实习期满后申请领取律师执业证的,由所在的或拟调入的律师事务所将本人填写的《律师执业证申请登记表》、申请人的律师资格证书、身份证复印件等材料报送住所地司法行政机关。 ...... |
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