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Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of the Quality and Safety of Dairy Products [Effective]
乳品质量安全监督管理条例 [现行有效]
Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
(No. 536)
The Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of the Quality and Safety of Dairy Products, which was adopted at the 28th executive meeting the State Council on October 6, 2008, is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.
Premier Wen Jiabao
October 9, 2008
Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of the Quality and Safety of Dairy Products


总理 温家宝
Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 This Regulation is formulated to strengthen the supervision and administration of the quality and safety of dairy products, ensure the quality and safety of dairy products, ensure the health and life safety of the general public and promote the sound development of the dairy industry.
   第一条 为了加强乳品质量安全监督管理,保证乳品质量安全,保障公众身体健康和生命安全,促进奶业健康发展,制定本条例。
Article 2 The term “dairy products” as mentioned in this Regulation refers to fresh milk and dairy products.
This Regulation shall apply to the supervision and administration of the quality and safety of dairy products. If any law provides otherwise for the supervision and administration of the quality and safety of dairy products, such provision shall prevail.
   第二条 本条例所称乳品,是指生鲜乳和乳制品。
Article 3 The dairy animal raisers, fresh milk purchasers, dairy product production enterprises and sellers shall be responsible for the quality and safety of the dairy products that they produce, purchase, transport or sell. They are the first responsible persons for the quality and safety of dairy products.
   第三条 奶畜养殖者、生鲜乳收购者、乳制品生产企业和销售者对其生产、收购、运输、销售的乳品质量安全负责,是乳品质量安全的第一责任者。
Article 4 The local people's governments at and above the county level shall be responsible for the quality and safety of the dairy products within their respective administrative area.
The stockbreeding and veterinary administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration over the raising of dairy animals and the production and purchase of fresh milk. The quality supervision, inspection and quarantine departments at and above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration over the production, import and export of dairy products. The industry and commerce administrative departments at and above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration over the sale of dairy products. The food and drug administrative departments at and above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration over the catering services relating to dairy products. The health administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall, according to their functions, be responsible for the comprehensive coordination of supervision and administration of the quality and safety of dairy products, investigate into and deal with major food safety accidents. Other relevant departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall, within their respective functions, be responsible for other tasks relevant to the supervision and administration over the quality and safety of dairy products.
   第四条 县级以上地方人民政府对本行政区域内的乳品质量安全监督管理负总责。
Article 5 Any accident of quality and safety of dairy products shall be timely reported and handled in accordance with relevant laws and administrative provisions. Where severe or bad consequences are caused by such an accident, the persons-in-charge of the relevant people's governments and those of the relevant departments who shoulder the leader's responsibilities shall be subjected to liabilities.
   第五条 发生乳品质量安全事故,应当依照有关法律、行政法规的规定及时报告、处理;造成严重后果或者恶劣影响的,对有关人民政府、有关部门负有领导责任的负责人依法追究责任。
Article 6 The fresh milk and dairy products shall conform to the national standards for the quality and safety of dairy products. The national standards for the quality and safety of dairy products shall be formulated by the health administrative department of the State Council and be timely amended on the basis of the risk monitoring and assessment results.
The national standards for the quality and safety of dairy products shall include limits on pathogenic microorganisms, pesticide residues, veterinary drug residues, heavy metals and other substances hazardous to human health, the sanitation requirements during the production and business operation of dairy products, the general methods and operating procedures for the inspection of dairy products, quality requirements relevant to the safety of dairy products and other contents which are necessary to be a component part of the national standards for the quality and safety of dairy products.
The physical characteristics and growth needs of infants shall be taken into full consideration during the formulation of national standards for the quality and safety of infant milk powder so as to ensure the indispensable nutritional ingredients for the growth of infants.
Where a health administrative department of the State Council finds, from the disease information and supervision information of the supervisory departments, etc., that a non-edible chemical substance or any other substance that may be hazardous to the human health is added or may have been added to a dairy product, it shall immediately organize a risk assessment and take corresponding monitoring, testing and supervisory measures. .
   第六条 生鲜乳和乳制品应当符合乳品质量安全国家标准。乳品质量安全国家标准由国务院卫生主管部门组织制定,并根据风险监测和风险评估的结果及时组织修订。
Article 7 It is forbidden to add any substance during the production, purchase, storage, transport and sale of fresh milk.
It is forbidden to add any a non-edible chemical substance or any other substance that may be hazardous to the human health during the production of dairy products.
   第七条 禁止在生鲜乳生产、收购、贮存、运输、销售过程中添加任何物质。
Article 8 The stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the State Council shall, jointly with the development and reform department, the industry and information department and the commerce department of the State Council, formulate a national dairy industry development plan, strengthen the construction of dairy resource bases, improve the service system and promote the sound development of the dairy industry.
The local people's governments at and above the county level shall, under the national dairy industry development plan, reasonably determine the dairy animal raising scale within their respective administrative area, scientifically arrange the production and purchase of fresh milk.
   第八条 国务院畜牧兽医主管部门会同国务院发展改革部门、工业和信息化部门、商务部门,制定全国奶业发展规划,加强奶源基地建设,完善服务体系,促进奶业健康发展。
Article 9 The relevant industrial associations shall intensify industrial self-discipline, advocate good faith in the industry, direct and standardize the production and business operations of dairy animal raisers, fresh milk purchasers, dairy product production enterprises and sellers.
   第九条 有关行业协会应当加强行业自律,推动行业诚信建设,引导、规范奶畜养殖者、生鲜乳收购者、乳制品生产企业和销售者依法生产经营。
Chapter II Dairy Animal Raising

第二章 奶畜养殖

Article 10 The state shall take effective measures to encourage, direct and support dairy raisers to improve the quality and safety of fresh milk. The people's governments at and above the province level shall arrange funds from the fiscal budget at the same level to support the dairy industry and encourage credit support to be given to dairy animal raisers and professional production cooperatives of dairy farmers.
The state shall establish a dairy animal policy insurance system and offer premium subsidies to dairy animal raisers who buy relevant insurances.
   第十条 国家采取有效措施,鼓励、引导、扶持奶畜养殖者提高生鲜乳质量安全水平。省级以上人民政府应当在本级财政预算内安排支持奶业发展资金,并鼓励对奶畜养殖者、奶农专业生产合作社等给予信贷支持。
Article 11 Stockbreeding and veterinary technology popularization institutions shall provide the dairy animal raisers with such services as raising technology training, popularization of good breeds, prevention and control of diseases, etc.
The state shall encourage dairy product production enterprises and other relevant producers and business operators to offer dairy animal raisers services they need.
   第十一条 畜牧兽医技术推广机构应当向奶畜养殖者提供养殖技术培训、良种推广、疫病防治等服务。
Article 12 To set up a dairy animal farm or community, the following requirements shall be satisfied:
   第十二条 设立奶畜养殖场、养殖小区应当具备下列条件:
1. conforming to the dairy animal raising scale determined by the local people's government for the administrative area;
2. having a business site and relevant facilities commensurate with its raising scale;
3. having its own stockbreeding and veterinary technicians;
4. having the epidemic prevention conditions as prescribed by laws, administrative regulations, and provisions of the stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the State Council;
5. having facilities such as firedamp pool for the comprehensive utilization of the dairy animal dung, waste water and other solid wastes, or having other innocuous disposal facilities;
6. having bylaws on the management of production, sale and transport of fresh milk; and
7. meeting other requirements as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.
The owner of a dairy animal farm or raising community shall report the name and address of the farm or raising community, breeds of the dairy animals as well as the raising scale to the stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the people's government at the county level where the farm or raising community is located for archival purposes.
Article 13 A dairy animal farm shall establish raising archives, which shall contain:
   第十三条 奶畜养殖场应当建立养殖档案,载明以下内容:
1. the breeds, number, breeding records, labeling, sources, and dates of entering and exiting the farm;
2. the source, name, object, time, and quantity of the feed, feed additives, veterinary drugs, etc.;
3. the information about the quarantine, disease immunity and sanitization;
4. the information about the diseases that attacked the dairy animals, the death and innocuous disposal of the dairy animals after the attack of the diseases;
5. the information about the production, testing and sale of fresh milk;
6. other contents as required by the stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the State Council.
The owner of a dairy animal raising community shall gradually establish raising archives.
Article 14 When raising dairy animals, it is forbidden to use the feed, feed additives, veterinary drugs and other substances which are banned by the state and which have direct or potential harm to animals and humans.
It is forbidden to sell fresh milk produced by dairy animals during the prescribed drug-using period and withdrawal period.
   第十四条 从事奶畜养殖,不得使用国家禁用的饲料、饲料添加剂、兽药以及其他对动物和人体具有直接或者潜在危害的物质。
Article 15 A dairy animal raiser shall ensure that the dairy animals meet the health standards as prescribed by the stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the State Council and that the dairy animals receive compulsory immunity.
An animal epidemic prevention and control institution shall regularly test the health of dairy animals. Where any dairy animal does not conform to the health standards upon test, it shall immediately segregate it, give medical treatment to it or dispose of it innocuously.
   第十五条 奶畜养殖者应当确保奶畜符合国务院畜牧兽医主管部门规定的健康标准,并确保奶畜接受强制免疫。
Article 16 A dairy animal raiser shall do a good job in the animal epidemic prevention for the dairy animals and the raising sites. When finding any dairy animals which are attacked or may be attacked by an epidemic disease, he shall immediately report it, stop the production of fresh milk and take such control measures as segregation so as to prevent the spread of the epidemic disease.
A dairy animal raiser shall timely clear, transport and dispose of the egesta and waste produced in raising dairy animals.
   第十六条 奶畜养殖者应当做好奶畜和养殖场所的动物防疫工作,发现奶畜染疫或者疑似染疫的,应当立即报告,停止生鲜乳生产,并采取隔离等控制措施,防止疫病扩散。
Article 17 A dairy animal raiser shall abide by the fresh milk production technical procedures formulated by the stock-breeding veterinary administrative department of the State Council. A person directly engaging in milking shall have a valid health certificate.
A dairy animal raiser shall timely wash and disinfect the milking facilities and fresh milk storing facilities so as to avoid pollution to the fresh milk.
   第十七条 奶畜养殖者应当遵守国务院畜牧兽医主管部门制定的生鲜乳生产技术规程。直接从事挤奶工作的人员应当持有有效的健康证明。
Article 18 The fresh milk shall be refrigerated. Any fresh milk which has not been refrigerated after the lapse of more than 2 hours shall not be sold.
   第十八条 生鲜乳应当冷藏。超过2小时未冷藏的生鲜乳,不得销售。
Chapter III Purchase of Fresh Milk

第三章 生鲜乳收购

Article 19 The stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, in light of the distribution of local dairy sources and under the principle of facilitating dairy animal raisers and promoting the dairy animal raising on a large scale, scientifically plan and reasonably arrange the construction of fresh milk purchase stations. Where necessary, the fresh milk may be purchased at a fixed place in a centralized manner.
The state shall encourage dairy product production enterprises to set up fresh milk purchase stations on their own initiative or purchase existing fresh milk purchase stations under the plan and arrangements.
   第十九条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府畜牧兽医主管部门应当根据当地奶源分布情况,按照方便奶畜养殖者、促进规模化养殖的原则,对生鲜乳收购站的建设进行科学规划和合理布局。必要时,可以实行生鲜乳集中定点收购。
Article 20 A fresh milk purchase station shall be set up by a dairy product production enterprise, dairy animal farm or professional production cooperative of dairy farmers that has made industrial and commercial registration, shall meet the following conditions and shall obtain a fresh milk purchase license issued by the stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the local people's government at the county level:
   第二十条 生鲜乳收购站应当由取得工商登记的乳制品生产企业、奶畜养殖场、奶农专业生产合作社开办,并具备下列条件,取得所在地县级人民政府畜牧兽医主管部门颁发的生鲜乳收购许可证:
1. conforming to the plan and arrangements for the construction of fresh milk purchase stations;
2. having a purchase site that meets the environmental protection and sanitation requirements;
3. having the cooling, refrigeration and fresh-keeping facilities and low temperature transport equipment which are commensurate with its purchased milk volume;
4. having the experiment, measurement and testing instruments and equipment which are commensurate with the test items;
5. having practitioners who have passed the training and who hold valid health certificates; and
6. having rules on the sanitation management and on ensuring milk quality and safety.
A fresh milk purchase license shall be valid for 2 years. No fresh milk purchase station is required to go through the industrial and commercial registration.
It is forbidden for any other entity or individual to set up any fresh milk purchase station. It is forbidden for any other entity or individual to purchase fresh milk.
The state shall support and subsidize fresh milk purchase stations so as to improve their mechanical milking and fresh milk refrigeration transport capacities.
Article 21 A fresh milk purchase station shall timely wash and disinfect the milking facilities and fresh milk storage and transport facilities so as to avoid contaminating the fresh milk.
A fresh milk purchase station shall, under the national standards for the quality and safety of dairy products, regularly test the fresh milk it purchases. No test fee shall be collected from dairy animal raisers.
A fresh milk purchase station shall keep the quality of fresh milk.
   第二十一条 生鲜乳收购站应当及时对挤奶设施、生鲜乳贮存运输设施等进行清洗、消毒,避免对生鲜乳造成污染。
Article 22 A fresh milk purchase station shall establish fresh milk purchase, sale and test records. The fresh milk purchase, sale and test records shall contain the animal owner's name, quantity of a single purchase, test result of fresh milk, where it is sold to, etc., and preserve such records for 2 years.
   第二十二条 生鲜乳收购站应当建立生鲜乳收购、销售和检测记录。生鲜乳收购、销售和检测记录应当包括畜主姓名、单次收购量、生鲜乳检测结果、销售去向等内容,并保存2年。

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